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whoah d00d

(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 16:53, 44 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Syria thread went innit.
Going home time probably.
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 16:53, Reply)
It would seem Gonz has got a job cooking for the NHS
www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-23861940 (apart from the last dish).

Tell me your cooking woes.
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 15:41, 116 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
The little scamps.
Who else is a little scamp? Pissing on a wicket was a tried and tested way of giving it more grip, apparently
Alt, lunch?
Alt alt, holiday snaps, does anyone bother printing them out to bore others with, or just stick 'em online?
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 13:49, 209 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Best Fancy Dress Ever.

Has this been posted yet?
Tough shit if so, I don't live on here YKNOWW

Fancy Dress woes?
I've been a few Superhero's, school kid, various Halloween monsters and even a woman (twice)
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 12:20, 170 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
We done Jamie Oliver yet?
He's come out and said people shouldn't have big tellies and eat ready meals claiming poverty, and today he's said the english are lazy and his resturants would close if it wasn't for europeens.

I reckon he's got a point.

What do YOU reckon?
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 11:12, 119 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
On the anniversary of Dr King's speech too.
When were you last discriminated against? Do you discriminate, on grounds of race, gender or fattiness?
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 10:03, 82 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I've called in sick today
Real Life tm has got on top of me. I've fucking had enough. How are you?

When was the last time you were a whining bitch?
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 7:13, 140 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Can't those American tosspots just keep their fucking gobs shut, and let them kill each other in whatever manner they want?
We're going to be dragged into a horrifically expensive shitstorm we can't afford, and for what?
Something most don't want to be involved in, and don't really care about? Cameron's fucked it on this one.
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 19:40, 38 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Generic Evening Thread
Chinese I reckon tonight. That and a bit of TopBoy.
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 18:26, 28 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Fucking hell you're all even more shit than usual today.
I didn't think that was possible.

It's micro's 2nd birthday today. I'm not sure she'll remember it when she's older.

What's your earliest memory?
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 16:17, 92 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
No to that.
Looks like another war looms, with Syria no less.
If it all goes tits up, how would you spend your last days before chemical annihilation?

Alt. What would your last lunch be?

I reckon I'd get blazed and spend it at the beach, weather permitting, with some M&S scran.
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 14:41, 69 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Social attitude test.
Come on then you nasty little right-wingers, let's see how truly abhorrent your views really are:
It won't surprise any of you to learn that my results were somewhat to the left.

Alt: I've returned from my holiday with my hair and beard slightly blonder and my skin is browner*. This gives the effect of making me look like a negative of myself.
How has your appearance changed? Is it for the better or worse?

*Plus, smelly food.
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 13:04, 138 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
So I was watching this show about weed, and how it's becoming legal to buy, even just to get high, in Colorado and Washington.
And I was looking at the pros and cons of it and all that, and I'm 50/50. I'd quite like to try it as a painkiller, see if it helps the old wobbly-guts.

I was completely against it not long ago, but now i'm on the fence.

What do you reckon about a bit of weed?
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 11:42, 194 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Summer Holidays
The end of the summer holidays is almost upon us. Tell me your tales of childhood adventures - trains, ghosts, dens, fires, swings, rape....
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 9:57, 148 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
hahahahaha yeah morning

(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 9:35, 7 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
alright gaylords
I'm exhausted today. Terrible night's sleep, weird dreams and was woken up by spastics bellowing in my street a couple of times. How are you? Happy birthday to Battered jr.

Syria: I can't help but think if my home was flattened by rockets or my kid had her legs blown off by machine gun fire I wouldn't be all that keen. Why is killing and maiming with metal or explosives 'ok' but not poison gas? It seems to me that as soon as you have what you consider 'acceptable' methods of mass slaughter you have a problem.
(, Tue 27 Aug 2013, 7:44, 85 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
So. Had good weekends? I have.
It's micro's birthday tomorrow. 2. I've made the cake, will ice it & decorate it first thing in the morning.

Are you a baker as well as a wanker?
(, Mon 26 Aug 2013, 19:37, 42 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
hey what's the best cheese, I like edam

(, Mon 26 Aug 2013, 15:41, 4 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
hey tell you what's cool is when magicians saw ladies in half then put them back together and while they're in two halves they can still wiggle their toes, shit's unbelievable
alt: Walt's video frames Hank for the whole meth lab, oops spoilers yo
(, Mon 26 Aug 2013, 12:26, 2 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Is there anyone about who doesn't live under a bridge?
Tell us of your wild and exciting weekend. Did you go 'outside'? Why are you not 'outside' today?
(, Mon 26 Aug 2013, 10:54, 37 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
hey hi there

(, Mon 26 Aug 2013, 8:56, 7 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective's on telly

(, Sun 25 Aug 2013, 18:24, 15 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Hells bells

(, Sun 25 Aug 2013, 17:27, 3 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
coffee or tea which one's best
edit: alt: woah, Hank killed Skyler, Walt's gonna be so pissed, anyone else watch Breaking Bad, if so then disregard major plot spoiler
(, Sun 25 Aug 2013, 14:14, 10 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
hey what's the best sandwich

(, Sun 25 Aug 2013, 11:27, 10 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
This thread will make it to 30 replies
no matter how much i need to pee
(, Sun 25 Aug 2013, 0:43, 33 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
so what else is news

(, Sat 24 Aug 2013, 16:21, 9 replies, latest was 12 years ago)

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