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So then...
Dwain Chambers: should he represent team GB in Beijing?

Lets sort this out once and for all.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 11:45, 23 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Listen hard
All of you sick twisted web-bastards.
The End Of Days in here, the final Sign has been shown.
The Beast approaches, with his Horsemen.

I, your Lord and Saviour, Kaol the Magnificent, have seen the Sign, and I know the Truth.

That sign is an Unholy Union: The Sacred Question, and the Holy Image Challenge are both on the same subject.

The End is nigh, so repent, before it's too late.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 10:45, 15 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Morning all
Anyone around? Deviltanians or otherwise?

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 8:29, 232 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
@Chickenlady - 'twas rejected by the Beeb, so I guess I should get my backside in gear and send it somewhere else!

@BGB - My dear, you make me blush ;)
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 7:39, 1 reply, 17 years ago)
Found on Jerry Pournelle's site

My five-year old students, are learning to read.

Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said,

"Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!"

I took a deep breath, then asked..."What did you call it?"

"It's a frickin' elephant! It says so on the picture!"

And so it does...

" A f r i c a n Elephant "

Hooked on phonics! Ain't it wonderful

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 19:34, 2 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Shall we in here then?
It's the evening! What fun.

(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 18:41, 291 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
I love cover songs
my favourite is probably The Lemonheads version of Mrs Robinson

let me know yours. the more distance, musically speaking, between the two artists the better.
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 18:37, 26 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
There are builders upstairs from the office and they are making an unholy racket
so I wrote this to amuse myself (see inside reply as is tradition)
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 17:11, 1 reply, 17 years ago)
Once again...
Once again I am sitting (hiding) in the local Costa coffee shop, avoiding work.

I had a day off yesterday and rather than do anything productive like look for a new job, decided to sleep for the day, getting up at 11am and going back to bed at 5pm.

Boredom rules my life, which is why I'm sharing this with you all.

Any suggestions as to how I can become less bored?

And to pre-empt the calls for wanking, I do that already, plenty. Or for a funny answer, why do you think I'm not allowed to drink in the local Starbucks any more? :)
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:39, 7 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Suicide Girls
Does anyone know any suicide girls personally? I'm considering sending a photoset as it's on my list of things to do before I'm 30, but I'm a bit scared as I'd obviously be nekked on teh interwebs. Just wondered if anyone knew any suicide girls to talk to?
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 16:34, 4 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
is there a suggestions board for QOTW?

"I know what would make for some great anecdotes, people making a list of films they like!"

I propose a hijack.
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 15:05, 10 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
b3ta on Uncyclopedia
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:42, 1 reply, 17 years ago)
pope visit to Australia
They just announced on National Nine News that

"The papal root has been extended so that more people can experience it."

I hope you find that as amusing as I do.
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 8:13, 9 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Is anyone else about yet this morning?
(, Thu 17 Jul 2008, 7:30, 186 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
b3ta wiki
Don't know if you've seen it yet, but there's a b3ta wiki at http://b3ta.wik.is/
(, Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:29, 3 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
B3ta - reflecting world religions?
We’ve got an Anglican church that is split between liberal minded folks open to the idea of gay vicars and female bishops, and the ultra-right wing bigots that are still stuck in the middle ages and wondering why church attendance is dropping off. You’ve got the Jewish faith which is split into so many different denominations of Jew that it’s hard to keep track, and they don’t mix. Catholics and Protestants, two faiths separated by a common God… etcetera. Whatever the denomination, their religious beliefs are right and everyone with a differing viewpoint will burn in hell.

And on B3ta we’ve got a number of forums, including /talk, and /board, and /QOTW… featuring members who have all (presumably) been attracted to B3ta by a love of creative and non-PC humour, whether written or graphic, but who are mostly comfortable in their own particular sphere.

I suppose what I’m saying is accept the fact that there are probably thousands of people that use B3ta and you’re not going to agree with all of them. But have enough respect to realise that people are free to post what they like, within certain parameters. Don’t hurl abuse at someone just because they have a different viewpoint to you. You don’t like that QOTW has become quite an interactive forum? Fine, don’t join in. Post something if you have something to contribute, otherwise leave them to their own devices. /Talk a bit quickfire and too full of abuse for your tastes? Leave it, it ain’t worth it. Can’t use photoshop? Not a problem, just look at the image challenge stuff. Find your niche, have a venture into other boards – if you don’t like what you see, you don’t have to go back.

But suggesting the removal of an entire board just because you perceive it to be of absolutely no relevance to you anymore? That’s just childish.

B3ta. It’s the new religion, I tells ya.
(, Wed 16 Jul 2008, 14:01, 32 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Just curious...
I detect some sniping between a number of contributors and Woodside Industries. Where did it begin?
(, Wed 16 Jul 2008, 10:15, 21 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Welcome to Wednesday
Breakfast, anyone?

(, Wed 16 Jul 2008, 8:36, 166 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Evening all
Shall we congregate in here tonight?

(, Tue 15 Jul 2008, 18:35, 229 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
so so bored. anyone got any good jokes?? share the love...
(, Tue 15 Jul 2008, 15:57, 37 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
I've just checked the b3ta entry on Wikipedia
I'm no longer mentioned. Nor is Bert or CHCB or Chickenlady or Frank or anyone.

Somebody must dislike us.
(, Tue 15 Jul 2008, 15:17, 15 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Evening Folks
I'm new to everything but QOTW here so I may have missed what I'm looking for, but is there a diasporic drinks night for the Australian members?
(, Tue 15 Jul 2008, 15:09, 5 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Morning all
I'm on a half day today as I have a hospital appointment today - nothing serious, just dermatology to fix my rubbish skin. What are you all up to today?

(, Tue 15 Jul 2008, 8:39, 145 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
So another day of work.
I'm struggling at the moment. I'm in a job that I like, with people that I like, yet I'm finding it very difficult to get the motivation to do anything other than call in sick and sit around in my pants all day. I'm not sleeping properly and due to the nature of my commute, I rarely have enough time to do any clearing up in the house I've just moved into so I'm surrounded by mess, which is kind of depressing.

It's weird, I'm not actually down or anything, I just seem to be suffering from a bout of apathy. Anyone else just finding it all so insufferably dull?

I think I need a holiday.
(, Tue 15 Jul 2008, 8:06, 12 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Anybody there?

Don't let me listen to the blues all alone.
(, Mon 14 Jul 2008, 19:26, 177 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

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