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Newslink- Christmas adverts, are they all shit ?

alt: lunch.

altalt: Storing moths in the fridge. Foodwrong?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:01, 253 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I've not seen any, in fact the first christmas song I've heard this year was on Saturday on oxford street.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:02, Reply)
The only place I've really been aware of Christmas references has been on here.
I'm also regretting my Christmas name as I now have that song permanently lodged in my head.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:06, Reply)
It's amazing how little advertising you notice if you stop watching TV.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:10, Reply)
Not if you live where I do.
They turned Shoreditch into a fucking giant advert for the Olympics and it's still like it now. On the outside of The Foundry is a advert that must be 50 foot high.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:40, Reply)
I like the racist Tesco one
where the fat black man with his watermelon smile does fuck all to help around the house and then thinks alcohol makes everything alright. To the sounds of Adam and the Ants.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:05, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:13, Reply)
I think you may be opening yourself to ridicule here.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:19, Reply)
*isn't scared*

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:24, Reply)
What, ever?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:32, Reply)
*breaks window with car part*

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:33, Reply)
*offers Fruit Pastille*

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:37, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:38, Reply)
Adam Ant's favourite rave outfit: 'Altern-8'

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:38, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:13, Reply)
All shit
Chicken and Ham sarnie - eaten at 10:30

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:15, Reply)
Anyone seen Argo or The Master?
ARe they worth watching or are they self involved hollywood wank fests?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:15, Reply)
scarpe had some kind of Batman/Argo meltdown on facebook a week ago
Ask him
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:16, Reply)
I don't want to push him back to the bottle.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:18, Reply)
I did.
I went for a walk in Shoreditch instead.

Did you know they've turned it into a giant advert for the Olympics? There must be an ad 50ft tall on the side of the...

you know what, I didn't even notice.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:21, Reply)
I've seen them both and they are fucking rubbish.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:23, Reply)
I haven't really.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:23, Reply)
You calling them shit would encourage me to go.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:38, Reply)
You should go right now.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:51, Reply)
oh no, he'll probably hate them now

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:15, Reply)
He's so easily manipulated!

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:17, Reply)
I don't really like Xmas.
I'm putting two things on this year's list: Glenfarclas 10 yr old and Doris Lessing books.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:16, Reply)

farclas +Medeiros' Greatest Hits and a
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:18, Reply)
oh lol

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:20, Reply)
Nothings gonna change that

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:24, Reply)

farclas 10 yr old Close's 60 yr old fishmitten
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:20, Reply)
not lol

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:20, Reply)

Dori Cros
L dr
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:26, Reply)
an alarming insight into your mind here

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:29, Reply)
You really dont want an insight into my mind

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:31, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:33, Reply)

Glenfarclas 10 yr old and Doris Lessing books.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:16, Reply)
I like Christmas.
Since I barely watch any television, I don't really mind Christmas adverts, either. Except the Iceland ones. Awful food advertised by awful people for awful people.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:16, Reply)
Is this as you keep your TV in the freezer?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:28, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:35, Reply)
oh my god sears makes the best commercials
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:17, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:43, Reply)
I don't get it.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:47, Reply)
it's a parody of romantic ads and movies

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:48, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:54, Reply)
afternoon fuckos

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:49, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:50, Reply)
word up bezzie

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:51, Reply)
Afternoon, Moustachio Nut.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:23, Reply)
I saw Skyfall on Friday. It's pretty good. Much better than the shockingly bad Dark Knight Rises
Anyone else enjoy Peep Show last night?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:50, Reply)
I didn't see it.
I find it quite uncomfortable viewing sometimes, funny though it is.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:50, Reply)
I'm going to Torrent that tonight.
I know it's available on 4OD but they're putting more adverts on that than they put on normal TV now so fuck them.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:52, Reply)
I strenuously object to the ads in 4od on Xboxlive
I pay for the service already.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:54, Reply)
also see Sky televsion

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:55, Reply)
The thing about Sky is that you pay to watch it, the channels pay to be on the service.
You're not giving your subscription money to E4, you know.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:57, Reply)
but you are giving it to sky 1, sky sports etc

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:00, Reply)
The thing about sky sports
is that the people who watch it are all gaylords.

The second thing about sky sports is that you pay a second subscription for it.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:02, Reply)
The third thing about it is the same as the first thing about it.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:19, Reply)
Since Sky Sports owns the right to cover pretty much every single sport in the country
there's a lot of us gaylords about. Also, I fucking refuse to be called gay by a man who refrigerates bread.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:34, Reply)
I don't have Sky and don't plan on bankrolling News Corp.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:57, Reply)
I watched it, it wasn't totes lol but it was alright
Mark seemed much more of a cunt than I remembered
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:18, Reply)
I don't know why people think it's weird to store food in the fridge.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:56, Reply)
I store my rice in the fridge.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:57, Reply)
That's fucked.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:57, Reply)
It's the best way to stop your salt going off as well.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:59, Reply)
I store my salt in vinegar.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 12:59, Reply)
I hear it's the best way to prolong the life of your canned goods, too.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:00, Reply)
Salt, well known for going off.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:41, Reply)
You know what they should do with salt?
They should put a preservative in it. Like salt.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:48, Reply)
I keep my eggs on a radiator. anyone who keeps them anywhere else is a freak

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:19, Reply)
Lusty thinks I'm odd for keeping squash (I mean drink here, not butternut) in the fridge.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:21, Reply)

or keeping squash (I mean drink here, not butternut) in the fridge.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:22, Reply)
The more I discover, the more I'm outraged that you freaks thought I was odd
for keeping something that can actually go bad in the fridge.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:23, Reply)
the point would be that keeping bread in the fridge doesn't stop it going "bad"
Also, you're clearly some kind of wrongfreak.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:29, Reply)
You tell 'im!
Plus, bread shouldn't be kept in the fridge. I read about it a couple of weeks ago. It's something to do with all the moisture evaporating and it going mouldy quicker.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:30, Reply)
If you keep bread in the fridge that means you have AIDS.
That's what I read.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:31, Reply)
Are you saying Kroney has AIDS?
You libelling CUNT.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:32, Reply)
It's only libel if it's not true.
I do hope he's told his fiancee.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:36, Reply)
It makes it go stale faster if you keep it in the fridge.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:31, Reply)
Plus, you get AIDS.
It's a bad idea on several levels.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:37, Reply)
Bread AIDS is the worst type of AIDS too.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:38, Reply)
Don't fall into his trap, Scarpe.
He'll get you top repeat the libellous rumour that Kroney has AIDS, then tell everyone you started it. Then when Kroney gets his poncey French lawyers involved, you'll be the one on the block.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:41, Reply)
I thought you were the one who was up on blocks?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
51 weeks out of the year.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:45, Reply)
He'll be up before 'madame guillotine' before he can say 'Vichy capitulation'

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:43, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:08, Reply)
If you've made up a batch that's fine
I used to keep the previous bottle and make a litre at a time. But keeping the concentrate in the fridge is nutsoid.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:24, Reply)
I want my drink to be as cold as possible, and if the syrup is also cold that will help with that. People who keep ketchup in the fridge are the ones you really have to watch out for: when is there a time when you want ice cold ketchup? Never, that's when.

Even you with your hideous Rustlers habit must agree?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:30, Reply)
To a tiny, tiny degree.
Pointless if you are going to put ice in it anyway though.

And if you're not going to put ice in it, then you're a fool.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:32, Reply)
You're a fool, or it's 4am and you are dehydrated from a big night out
and want to be asleep again as quickly as possible so fannyinhg about with ice cubes isn't going to happen.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:33, Reply)
Never happened.
If I was awake and drinking at 4AM I was 'drinking'. And i haven't actually seen 4AM in nearly 3 years now. I forgot such a time exists.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:37, Reply)
The storage instructions on ketchup advise keeping it in the fridge.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:33, Reply)
The devious cunts do that to make you think it's somehow natural
see also: Sunny Delight
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:37, Reply)
Where do you stand on Salad Cream?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:39, Reply)
If anyone soiled my fridge or kitchen with that shite
they'd be at the bottom of the Forth with a concrete jacket on in seconds.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:41, Reply)
I like it with chips.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:41, Reply)
Ah but you are a scotch.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:47, Reply)
Yeah, we like EVERYTHING with chips.

Also, you're a fucking scotch too, you big gaylord.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:50, Reply)
Oh yeah. Shit.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:51, Reply)
I wouldn't even stand on it.
Although a small blob of it in potato salad (say 80/20 with mayo) I have to confess to liking, simply because it takes me back to my childhood when such shit was the norm, even for middle class people.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
I, unlike you, refuse to be controlled by the FASCISTS at Heinz.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:40, Reply)
have you never wanted an ice cold bloody mary straight from the concentrate kept in the fridge?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:33, Reply)
Even I, with my repulsive drinking habits, draw the line at ketchup in a bloody mary.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:35, Reply)
Answers to pressing issues from today's thread
I had an excellent weekend, my team won and I got hammered with mates.

I keep my bread in the fridge, takes longer to go mouldy. I know someone who makes her work sandwiches with bread from the freezer - easier to spread butter without tearing the bread, and keeps them fresh until lunch. That's taking it a bit far, in my opinion.

I don't see many ads as any telly I watch is either Aunty Beeb or off the internet.

Alt: BBQ Pork Banh Mi Baguette - a Banhguette if you will.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:12, Reply)
I refuse to acknowledge the existence of Christmas advertising in any shape or form until December 1st
This includes decorations in town centres and anyone singing Christmas carols. Just the other day we had carollers at the door, I pissed through the letterbox at them. They were quite upset until I explained that our bog is knackered and they didn't exist until they stopped singing, at which point it was impossible to stop the flow. They agreed to go away and think about what they were doing with their lives, in exchange for some kitchen roll and a thermos of hot coffee.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:20, Reply)
Those pills you're ON seem to be incredibly strong.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:23, Reply)
It appears a is missing in your post

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:32, Reply)
How fare ye?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:33, Reply)
Not too shabby, DF, Not to shabby.
How's the east anglian wastelands?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:35, Reply)
Is "to shabby" a verb now? How does one not do it?
Sorry. Norwich is lovely, especially in comparison to Ipswich, where I was yesterday. When most of Britain looks down (erroneously) upon your city of residence, it's nice to have somewhere nearby to point at and do a Nelson Muntz.

As for myself, I'm off the sauce and on the happy pills. Although given that the former is a direct result of the latter I believe they should be renamed nominally OK but let's not overstate matters pills.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:38, Reply)
Sad times.
Kick your doc in the happy sack and get a transfer to happy pills that allow saucing.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:40, Reply)
Do such pills exist?
And can I really go to my doctor and say "You know those antidepressants you gave me? Can I have some that work whilst combating the gallons of depressant I want to pour into myself?"
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
Like antibiotics, there's only really one type you can't drink on. I think.
Certainly I know plenty of people who drink on them and seem fine with it. I'd advise against getting cunted on any, but I don't see why you shouldn't have a few ales. Unless you're taking an MAOI the worst that'll happen is you fall asleep

And something that is a "depressant" isn't actually to do with depression, mate. otherwise the cure would be to cane a fuckton of speed every time you felt low. Different mechansims of action and all that jazz, no reason that you can't mix alcohol and antidepressants. SSRIs are certainly fine and most people get those to start off with.

Unless, of course, it makes you feel more depressed. Then, probably stop.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:47, Reply)
That's what I have - SSRIs
I look at it as a chemical imbalance in teh brain. That's all it basically is. If you're diabetic, there's no stigma to taking insulin, so why should there be a stigma attached to being a massive fucking brainwrong?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:49, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:50, Reply)
Dammit, that one's not even vaguely libellous.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:53, Reply)
fluoxetine or citalopram, by any chance?
If so, knock yourself out on the booze, it's fine.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:51, Reply)
The latter.
And nothing stops me hitting the booze. You know, little sherry at xmas, all that.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:53, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:51, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
What does the I stand for in SSRI?
I get the rest. And yes that's what I'm on. Did my doctor embellish the facts when she said I shouldn't mix them with drink?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
No, she's just naturally shy

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:54, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:57, Reply)
Yes, he most certainly did. Although, GPs generally tell you to avoid alcohol with anything these days
because apparently we're all fucking toddlers who can't even tie our own shoelaces without help.

However, I wouldn't recommend taking the advice of some fucker off the internet, so NHS "official" position on SSRIs:

"Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Evidence shows that fluoxetine does not react with alcohol or increase its effects. Similarly, with sertraline, citalopram and escitalopram alcohol is unlikely to significantly increase side effects.

However, if you’re taking fluvoxamine or paroxetine, the risk of drowsiness after drinking alcohol may be increased.

The manufacturers of these medicines still advise that you avoid drinking alcohol while taking SSRIs."
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:55, Reply)
I'm on Mirtazapine
Thank you for the appraisal though mate. Appreciate having all the facts.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:58, Reply)
Strictly that's a NaSSA not an SSRI.
It's still OK with booze but it might make you drowsy. Just be sensible, eh?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:03, Reply)
I might be best off just staying off it in all fairness. Dull this may be but I know three other people who've had Mirtazapine and they all put on about two stone. I might need all the help I can get staying at my current level of "cuddly"
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:06, Reply)
So in conclusion:
Remember, Ralphie, if your nose starts bleeding it means you're picking it too much... or not enough.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
Dr Badger. Internet Doctor. Or not. Whatever, you'll probably be OK.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:57, Reply)
can you diagnose my sore end?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:06, Reply)
It's cancerAIDS
or maybe lupus. Or maybe you've just been wanking too aggressively?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:16, Reply)
It's never lupus.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:21, Reply)
He's such a isn't he?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:34, Reply)
I've always so.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:36, Reply)
I fucking wish they were
Went to a competition yesterday and spent most of the afternoon wanting to cry like a girl. It was absolutely pathetic.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:34, Reply)
Hi mate
Have you tried just MTFUing?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:38, Reply)
I have.
I was very, very bad at it. A week ago I would have made comparison with an Englishman's ability to play spin on the subcontinent, but as of this weekend, my similes are as apt as praise heaped upon the organisers of the Olympic closing ceremony.

And how are you?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:41, Reply)
Well that's true. Hope you're back to full mental fitness ASAP.
Just last week I was banging on about the England's need for a second spinner to my barely-interested workmate and bish-bash-bosh, job's a good 'un.

I'm very well ta. I have to say that everything is pretty much fucking excellent at the moment. Quite remarkable really.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:44, Reply)
Well that's excellent news
Glad to hear it mate :-)
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
what are the drugs for?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:39, Reply)
making it worse

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
I am well aware that this is a girls' and/or mincers' illness
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
As a fellow member of the 'not allowed near sharp objects or dressing gown cords' brigade, I resent that statement.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:43, Reply)
that's just to stop you hastening Mr Beth's path to the afterlife, though.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:49, Reply)
But... you ARE a girl, b3th
Honest. Look down if you don't believe me.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:50, Reply)
I hope you don't mean 'at my feet'
because i can't see them.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
Someone's stolen your eyes?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
Yes, because your feet, and not what's in the way,
are what define you as a woman
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:53, Reply)
: p

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:54, Reply)
Cheer up.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:44, Reply)
Bloody hell
That's worked a treat! You should be on the telly. Apart from Crimewatch.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:48, Reply)
You don't get a degree in Psychology for nothing you know.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:52, Reply)
Tell that to Derek Acorah
or someone. I don't know.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:53, Reply)
I just want to check - you don't keep bread in the fridge do you?
I'd hate for you to have AIDS on top of all your other problems.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:44, Reply)
The missus does
But she has that gluten-free nonsense which I would most certainly not categorise as bread.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:53, Reply)
For no reason I can find
there is a packet of gluten free spaghetti in my cupboard. I can only think Lusty picked it up in error.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:58, Reply)
That sounds like something SuperHans would do whilst smacked out of his skull
If only there was a drug-addled miscreant living at your place you'd have your culprit.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:04, Reply)
Of course it fucking isn't.

Oh, sorry, I meant "man the fuck up you screaming Mary"
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:49, Reply)
Well done there
Your b3ta membership and decent bloke status preserved in a single post. That's almost multitasking. Watch yourself, that shit'll get you burnt as a witch.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:55, Reply)
I live in Scotland, mate
I'm basically amphibian now. I'll die of boredom before they manage to get me alight.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:58, Reply)
Aha, so there is a reason to live there
BIT niche, mind
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:03, Reply)
You know,
I wasn't sure it was true about you being gay. But now I see, my doubts were unfounded.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:39, Reply)
Ironically, I was at a Ballroom competition
and was therefore just about the butchest motherfucker in the building
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:43, Reply)
In fairness if I was forced to attend a ballroom competition I'd be pretty unhappy myself.
It's a perfectly natural reaction to being forced to squander your weekend hanging about with pretty much the biggest chutneys on earth just in the faint hope of a 'thank you' nosh off your missus.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:46, Reply)
I wonder if saying "I've been diagnosed with depression so that means you need to cheer me up"
would work as a chat up line.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:47, Reply)
There were lezzers there too

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:54, Reply)
They're everywhere!

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:55, Reply)
Last time I went round my mother's there were two of the fuckers there.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:59, Reply)
Seems reasonable.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:24, Reply)
Reading your sig has got the song "womb with a view" by Shock Rock outfit Gwar stuck in my head.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:23, Reply)
All the supermarket ones seem to be going down the route of pointing out how much work xmas is
and the department stores are telling us how romantic and pretty it is.

Xmas in adverts, much as xmas on TV programmes, is oversentimentalised rubbish.

Real xmas is consequently a massive disappointment, and every year I wonder why we bother.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:24, Reply)
That's quite the juxtaposition between the last line of your post and your username.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:29, Reply)
Yeah, every year I hope it will be
and then it isn't.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:31, Reply)
I quite enjoy a bit of a booze up, and some quality telly, and a nice cathartic row.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:37, Reply)
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:27, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:33, Reply)
Tee hee

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:39, Reply)
Aw, poor kid.
You know what would help that? FIRE.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:33, Reply)
You know why roaccutane is linked to depression?
Because you CAN'T DRINK BOOZE while taking it. How is anyone supposed to keep their head above water in this day and age without their traditional pre-breakfast loosener, liquid lunch and evening yard?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:36, Reply)
Based on your historical facebook updates
I really don't want to know about your pre-breakfast 'loosener', thank you very much.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:38, Reply)
I haven't done a slurry post in ages

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:42, Reply)
I don't like these breasts
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:55, Reply)
Two things
One; posting a link to a boob story which begins with "The Register" is accidental comedy genius.

Two; lack of pics makes you gay
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:56, Reply)
A google news search for her name brings up a lot of close up boob shots
(Franziska Hansen)
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:03, Reply)
This site illustrates the story quite well:
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:07, Reply)
ha ha ha

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:08, Reply)
Excellent outside research
Worth a Google? Be honest
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:09, Reply)
not really a bunch of stock images of boobs. Dull.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
This response either makes you a gay
Or so used to the sight of boobs as to be stridently the opposite
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)
*files for future reference*

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:59, Reply)
You could tell people he died in a motorboating accident...

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:09, Reply)
Kirsty MacLOL.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)
The fact that she died before Shane McGowan is proof that something odd is going on in the world

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:24, Reply)
I don't think Shane MacGowan has ever been hit by a speedboat though.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:34, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:46, Reply)
How about this then?

Reckon your employers might do that?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 13:57, Reply)
yes, without exception
alt: pasta with blue cheese sauce and fresh chilli

altalt: bread is the most amazing thing but is also the most revolting thing when it is more than a few hours old. this is why i normally stick to wraps for sandwiches, i am a bread-squeamisher.

fucking hell, i am editing our legal updates newsletter, and having to rewrite every single article. should have just done it myself. what cracker jokes can i put in the december christmas edition?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:00, Reply)
What do you call a dead lawyer?
A good start.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:02, Reply)
© Jim Bowen, 1961.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:04, Reply)
'Why do black people smell?'
Put that one in, everyone likes that one surely.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:04, Reply)
and the answer is?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:09, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:11, Reply)
*so* edgy

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)
You're such a Ben Elton.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:15, Reply)
'Double seat, double seat, goddagedda double seat'
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)
Proper officechuckle

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:15, Reply)
imagine if you were adopted as a blind orphan, and brought up as a racist in a white supremacist family

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:16, Reply)
Have you seen See No Evil, Hear No Evil?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:19, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:20, Reply)
Dave Chapelle called
He wants his act from 7 years ago back
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:19, Reply)
shut up, I've got this brilliant idea for a comedy film
it's set in this police college right, and there are all sorts of adventures possibly even in russia
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:22, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:22, Reply)
Might work for a singular movie
but you'll never get a sequel
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:23, Reply)
or 6

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:24, Reply)
Pfft, give over
It's hardly sequel-rich material like the tale of a small-time Philadelphia boxer who gets an unexpected shot at the world title.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:28, Reply)
Just had this one on a text?
I've just bought the BBC advent calendar.
Every time I open a door, I have to pretend I haven't seen Jimmy Savile abusing a child.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)
What do you call a Derby man in a suit?
The defendant.

Also works for any other town full of mongs. Ipswich, for example. Or Stoke. Also Bradford. And Portsmouth. Mansfield, too. Leicester. And let's not forget Manchester. Or, for that matter, Brentwood. Blackpool's not got much going for it either. Nor has Liverpool. The list is almost endless. And by "almost", I mean "as long as the list of British towns".
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:19, Reply)
This is going well.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:10, Reply)
Winddddyyyyy Piiiigggggg, Wiiiindyyyy Piiiiggggg....are you there Windy Piiiiigggg?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:12, Reply)
Are you fuck.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:18, Reply)
If he doesn't come out you're going to blow him?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:24, Reply)
Err, no?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:24, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:34, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
Fine, fuck you.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)
What a prick, eh Winders?

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:39, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:43, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:43, Reply)
Alt: I've got some crystallised ginger smothered in yoghurt
Don't know who's going to present his Radio 2 breakfast show tomorrow mind
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:31, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:32, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:34, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:36, Reply)
I dunno,
It was an involuntary response to such an abysmal joke.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:37, Reply)
You thought THAT was abysmal?
Are you new here?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:38, Reply)
I'm not new and I thought it was abysmal.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:42, Reply)
Bit of an arse transport wise but Hawkwind are in Bedford Dec 27th
Fancy it?
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:41, Reply)
If you need somewhere to crash rather than head back to London, you can stay on my sofa.

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:45, Reply)
Very kind of you.
I'm still looking at trains etc.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:46, Reply)
You should come to the show.
They shit on your mates Muse from a great height. They have a great stage/light show so even if you find songs about space a bit silly it's visually impressive anyway.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:52, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:39, Reply)

(, Mon 26 Nov 2012, 14:52, Reply)

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