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Thread number five - man alive!
I've got nothing for you question-wise, I'm just trying to get this Bingo-style thread shiznit up and running.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:41, 212 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Thread number six, chicks with dicks.
Thread number seven, Monty's in heaven.

Thread number 8, a devotion to race hate.

But enough about your peccadilloes, eh?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:44, Reply)
Secret santa present ideas please
£5 budget. I don't know who it's for because I deleted the email.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:45, Reply)
I'm thinking box of chocolates.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:45, Reply)
I'm thinking about breasts

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:46, Reply)
Bad mother fucker wallet off Amazon.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:46, Reply)
Good call.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
get them 5 quids worth of Ghanian Cedi

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
I've just got my stuff for ours
£5 hot sauce selection
£5 baken beans fridge magnet jigsaw
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:46, Reply)
Hot sauce selection?
Where from?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
Some "gadget" shop in town

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
I love the apps you can download for those hot sauce gadgets

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:52, Reply)
(o) (o)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:59, Reply)
From Sporter's "hot sauce delivery system"
Just make sure you stand back if you want a demonstration, though.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:59, Reply)
comedy "elephant shaped posing pouch

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:46, Reply)
That's a lot of Asda own label lager.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:46, Reply)
It could be the muslim woman.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
Her husband will love it.
They are all heavy drinkers. And he'll apreciate the attention you lavish on his wife.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
can you not tell?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
A used 'johnny' and six Stellas

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:47, Reply)
A jar of Garner's pickled eggs.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
a carrier bag full of khat

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:48, Reply)
A Shakin' Stevens alarm clock

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:49, Reply)
A pregnancy self-testing kit with your phone number written on it

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:49, Reply)
+ that you've already pissed on

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:50, Reply)
a tonka truck

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:50, Reply)
A large cod and chips

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:50, Reply)
Wrapped in Christmas paper
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)
proper office lol
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)
this is WIN.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:59, Reply)
For a fiver?
Dream on.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:52, Reply)
It'll be in leeds

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:52, Reply)
i dunno, i never get fish
how about a battered sausage and chips?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:53, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:53, Reply)
How about Battered and chips?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:54, Reply)
How about abortion of chips?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:55, Reply)
no ketchup needed...

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:56, Reply)
Phil Collins badly advised Heinz themed album

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:58, Reply)
oh dear

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:59, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:01, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:01, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:10, Reply)
Jimmy Hill's Big Book of Facts. 1979 edition.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:51, Reply)
You reckon?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:55, Reply)
one of those pens that when you turn it upside down you get to see a naked lady

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:52, Reply)
A dime bag of my rectal pubic hair.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:53, Reply)
a gerbil

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:54, Reply)
a copy of asian babes and some monster munch

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:55, Reply)
what's the monster munch for?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:00, Reply)
i figured that 1 copy of asian babes would be less than a fiver, so i needed to increase the spend

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:02, Reply)
ah, like the logic.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:04, Reply)
plus after a good session with asian babes one the recipient may neee to increase his salt leve;ls

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)
I think you need to have a word with your phone
it's trying to make you look like a spelling cunt.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:08, Reply)
"Siri, why are you trying to make me look like a cunt"
"Browser: Google: bent spastic"
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:46, Reply)
Can you get cigarettes for under a fiver any more?
If so, that.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:56, Reply)
10 maybe, not 20
You can probably get one of those disposable electronic cigarettes though.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:58, Reply)
Tea towels
Or Teat owls as I originally typed it.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:57, Reply)
that's for his doris

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:58, Reply)
I think teat owls would be better.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:58, Reply)
swivel headed milky freaks

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:59, Reply)
Titty headspin.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:06, Reply)
Titty meatspin.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:13, Reply)
The alternative talking bear

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
That was the route I was heading down.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)
The 2012 Erotic Dog Annual

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:04, Reply)
2009 was better.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)
If that actually exists
I'm even more worried about you than I was already*

*I wasn't really that worried about you, to be fair.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)
It does exist.
If I'm honest, it's not that erotic.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:12, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:09, Reply)
I got one of these
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:18, Reply)
I saw this and thought "How did this non-question get 30+ replies in ten minutes?"
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:54, Reply)
I'm the saviour of threads.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 13:55, Reply)
you are the Chris Moyles of OT

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:00, Reply)
The Emvee of OT.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:04, Reply)
I might buy some obscure artwork

You'd think the FBI could have come up with that idea themselves, though.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)
the FBI aren't payed to think

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:06, Reply)
Or paid.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:12, Reply)
weird. That is a worrying mistake.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:13, Reply)
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:05, Reply)
Oh, epic ROFFLE.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:07, Reply)
i like the doctors advice to "let the lady dance round you"

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:10, Reply)
How long before the Sun has it as
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:15, Reply)
It's the most important thing that has happened in the world, according to the Sun.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:20, Reply)
and what if it's the lady who has a hidden gamit of cardiovascular problems brought on by middle age, a poor diet and lack of excercise

Then she'll be the one collapsing with a myocardial infarction and the good doctor's advice would have been tantamount to MURDER.

/left-field Shipman.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:18, Reply)
I pulled a muscle in my arm air guitaring at my sisters wedding.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:16, Reply)
For some reason I read that in a slightly different order
and the idea of an "air guitar arm" was most appealing.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:19, Reply)
I sometimes use one of my legs to simulate the position of the guitar while I'm windmilling.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:20, Reply)
textbook, sir.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:22, Reply)
I once tore my banjo string.
Do I win five pounds?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:23, Reply)
air banjoing.
That's not a beginner's game, that's for sure.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:33, Reply)
Depends how far away you are

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:37, Reply)
I'm thinking of getting a Wii U for hardcore gaming. Has anyone used on yet?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:16, Reply)
how does harcore gaming compare with high end gaming?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:18, Reply)
hardcore gaming
is just trying to concentrate on COD whilst two dwarves spitroast a hooker on your sofa
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:20, Reply)
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:22, Reply)
Not "high end" enough
Needs more Intel or AMD.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:18, Reply)

gaming pawn
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:19, Reply)

aw or
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:31, Reply)


(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:40, Reply)
I've got two of them.
They're alright but really you want to hold on until the 'game and watch' comes out in Jan.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:21, Reply)
Thanks for all your help

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:28, Reply)
alright alright

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:21, Reply)
Howz ya back?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:23, Reply)
And this stupid dog keeps getting her lead tangled outside I want to punch her in the boob
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:29, Reply)
Morning K

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:26, Reply)
morning super long name al

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:29, Reply)
It's a super long christmas name.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:34, Reply)
i only understand the covered in tinsel bit

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:36, Reply)
i just saw you put up a video of echhhhhhho
as soon as i can get on fb, i am liking that motherfucker like a motherfucker.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
i put up TWO
And tagged you in BOTH
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:04, Reply)
stupid yahoo email only told me about one of them. i will fb it up after work.

i love her, she is so cute.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:12, Reply)
if you're near a TV,
check out the dude on countdown today. I think it might be emvee
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:44, Reply)
Is Craig Charles in Wanker's Corner?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:48, Reply)
has he got a toy optimus prime as a goodluck charm?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:48, Reply)
That's not even in his top ten you prick!

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:49, Reply)
Emvee fail

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:50, Reply)
Is wearing a balloon on his head and leering like The Child Catcher?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:51, Reply)
i've got haribo
but all the nice ones are gone and i'm just left with the shitty gummy bears, rings and cola bottles that all taste the same :(
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:52, Reply)
you'll get a sore jaw for scant reward

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
Is that a threat?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
i thought it was a chat up

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
You should have got tangfastics.
You strike me as the sort who likes screwing her face up after swallowing something slightly unpalatable.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
i normally do and you are correct on both counts
but the careless cunts had sold out of tangs.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:59, Reply)
I fucken luv those gummi bears.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:58, Reply)
come over here
i just threw all mine in the bin
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
I'm not eating out your basket.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:02, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:03, Reply)
that was sheer genius

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:11, Reply)
Relativley positive Syria news.
Russians admit Assad might lose, they're using scud missiles (which means they can't use bombers/helicopters) could be seeing an end game.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
Who is using scud missiles?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:55, Reply)
and who cannot therefore use bombers or helicopters?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:55, Reply)
The Faro isles

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)
The government.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)
Why can't the government use bombers or helicopters because they're using scud missiles?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:58, Reply)
maybe thy'll crash into each other

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
Their helicopters and bombers are on global cooldown.
They only proc every two weeks. SCUDs are their primary DPS, low damage but rapid firing.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
I don't know what you just said means.
Can you try writing it in the style of someone who doesn't spend all their time playing "modern warfare" computer games.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
The rebels have started to get hold of and know how to use sholder fired anti air missiles
That means that the regime can't send their bombers over rebel held territory without risking them. So they've started firing Scud missiles at targets. Scuds are much shitter than a bombing run.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
That's good.
In a way. Scuds are pretty indiscriminate though aren't they?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:02, Reply)
Really innaccurate, so yeah. They're firing them at military bases held by the rebels rather than cites though.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:03, Reply)
Do they still make Scud missiles?
Only it seems that every fucker in the middle east seems to have a huge stockpile of the things.

How many realistically do they have? Is it several hundred or several thousand or several hundred thousand?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:08, Reply)
Don't think so, they've got about 700
But they've only got a handful of launchers. They also need fuel.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:11, Reply)
Assad's mum won't let him play with the bombers and helicopters
Until he's finished playing with the Scuds and tidyed everything up.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
This I understand.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:02, Reply)
The Russians

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:58, Reply)
This is good news
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)

' Outside court before the sentencing, Ben Smith, who called himself a "yellowist", attempted to explain the concept: "Everything is equal. Everything is art.

"Everything is a potential piece of yellowism." '

I would like to expand this by adding "and Ben Smith is clearly a fucking cunt"
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
He certainly is.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
i bet he never thought he'd actually be jailed, fucking prick
i hope the other prisoners use his arsehole as a piece of yellowjism
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
No, I'm sorry but it cannot cost £200,000 to repair a fucking painting by someone who is still alive
It has no fucking intrinsic value and spending that much money on a piece of canvas is fucking obscene. If the artist is that upset he can paint another fucking picture.

What a load of shit.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
Mark Rothko is dead.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
Still don't care
it's obscene to spend that much money on a picture.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:05, Reply)
I suppose you'd rather give it to some disabled homosexual immigrant with 6 kids and no father?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:07, Reply)
I'd rather give it to Golden Dawn to stop teh white genocide that is currently taking place in the UK
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:09, Reply)
I must admit I don't get this
if it can be repaired, it requires, well, paint. Paint does not cost £200,000.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:03, Reply)
While I am not excusing the cost and I am a total art philistine
It's not like they need to slap a layer of Dulux on it. It's a complex job that will need to be done carefully and painstakingly by experts.

Maybe Cecilia Gimenez is free?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:05, Reply)
I'm being facetious
It still doesn't really cost that to restore a fucking painting. I could reproduce that picture perfectly on a grain of sand using a femtosecond laser and an atomic force microscope and it'd still cost about a tenth of that.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:15, Reply)
Could you? Could you really?
(NB I am being serious, could you really do that? If yes you have SKILLZ)
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:17, Reply)
Although, these days I'd probably have to get one of my postdocs to do it, I'm well out of practice at anything other than politics and arguing with funding bodies.

My group usually uses femtosecond lasers for etching internal microchannels in glass blocks and my AFM is set up for cell imaging rather than this kind of guff. But it's perfectly doable.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:20, Reply)
What happens if you sneeze?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:22, Reply)
I don't mean generally, I mean, in direct relation to if you're doing one of those paintings.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:22, Reply)
With an AFM?
All your data is fucked, usually. Mine's set up in an acoustic isolation housing on an air table and even then closing a door 30 feet away buggers it.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:23, Reply)
Has anyone sneezed and the bad-data produced good results that wasn't expected?
Like that guy who invented gravity when the apple fell on his head.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:27, Reply)
It writes "CUNT" on the inside of your eyelids

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:24, Reply)
THey don't paint over it, they remove the paint off the top with chemicals and microscopes.
It's a painstaking and very specialist job.
That said the art restorer obviously saw them coming.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:09, Reply)
see above

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:15, Reply)
My art teacher once ripped up my artwork and threw me out the classroom 'cus I was fucking around,
and I said to her "It's still art though, you shouldn't rip it up, its not what you told me to do, but isn't that the point of art?". A few days later she appologised to me. This was also the teacher who threw me out the class 'cus she asked the class "What is it called when you use your fingers to paint" and I put my hand up and said "fingering", and the class errupted in laughter but I didn't know why at the time.

Anyway, to the point, is one art more valueable than another? As an art commision, isn't undoing all his work (scribbling his name'n'shit) pretty much going against it's entire ethos? Ain't it all about getting people to talk about it?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:31, Reply)
2 years? For drawing on some poxy painting?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:03, Reply)
i got less for writing my name in spunk on your mums face!

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:05, Reply)
Your name is "…"?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:09, Reply)
Slim Shady.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:21, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:23, Reply)
Given that it's almost impossible to get locked up for actually assaulting people
two years seems a touch unrealistic.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:06, Reply)
I think he should be forced to go to a Mark Rothko exhibition everyday for two years.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:29, Reply)
The judge also said the incident had led to galleries reviewing security arrangements at a cost to themselves and the taxpayer.
I can't work out how this is ever a bad thing.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:21, Reply)
Shouldn't be spending taxpayers money on art. Or galleries.
I am glad the EBacc is drumming all of this kind of nonsense out of the curriculam.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:26, Reply)
Nah' man, people come from all over the world to see the london museiums, and that relates to profit.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:27, Reply)
Forrins, Gonz.
I don't think we want their sort here.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:28, Reply)
You're alright, you got a wife, you don't need the brasses.
I'd be fucked, or more like, I wouldn't be, if they got rid of 'em all.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:32, Reply)
Obviously the inexpensive prostitutes will be allowed to stay.
And the sexy students from Amsterdam. Marvellous.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:36, Reply)
Hopefully the spelling of 'curriculum' will be brought back as a 'core subject'

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:32, Reply)
Michael Gove will be spinning on your finger.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:35, Reply)
After having to deal with the customers I've had today, I need a beer.

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:13, Reply)
When you say customers do you mean "diners"
Who may or may not want fries with that?
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:24, Reply)
steady on, he's not quentin the greasy kebab seller

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:30, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:35, Reply)
Chilli sauce?

(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:36, Reply)
Today it's a 3rd party that represents a fairly well known union, and the 3rd party company is run by fucking idiots.
(, Thu 13 Dec 2012, 15:50, Reply)

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