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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Please fill this thread with fucking anything
OHNO moments. When did your arse start chewing toffee at something you've just done? I've just run an audit on one of our main customers sites and the system suddenly stopped working. Turns out someone else was also doing a job on there and they had stopped everything on purpose

Halloween/Bonfire night stories
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 13:52, 249 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I had an OHNO moment when I posted a new thread and EVERYONE FUCKED OFF

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 13:58, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:00, Reply)
ssshh! he can see you!

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:00, Reply)

oops sorry
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:01, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:03, Reply)
Alright, you found me, well done.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Where's Froggy?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)
I think he went away

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Nah, he's down there talking about wiping his spunk off a directors laptop
I'm guessing Truffaut
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:14, Reply)
There's been a few times I've pressed a button then gone "er.....hang on a minute.....wait...what?"
Nearly wiped all the permissions of a regional main filestore once.

alt: Me and the bro do Halloween properly, the wives take the kids out and all the dads sit round a large fire and drink beer.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:00, Reply)
I proper shit there for a minute as they are a managed service site too

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Which would you be prouder of
Finding the cure for cancer


Starting the zombie apocalypse?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:01, Reply)
This 'zombie apocalypse' bollocks is bollocks and stupid.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:02, Reply)
toxoplasmosa gondii

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Not even in my top ten Harry Potter spells

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:16, Reply)
Or desserts as made by Gonz

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:18, Reply)
I went on a date a few weeks back, right
And one of the first questions she asked me (after explaining how obsessed she is with zombies) was what would I do if there was a zombie apocalypse and what would be my signature weapon.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:19, Reply)
What a twat. I hope you punched her right up the bloody throat for that.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:21, Reply)
I finished my pint and left*
*after finishing another three pints after
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:21, Reply)
Doesn't matter anyway, she got dead offended when I told her the Hobbit was shit
She won't be back in touch
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Offended how? By you being RIGHT? Knob.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:36, Reply)
Seems birds these days fucking love the Hobbit
That's at least three women who've looked at me like I've taken a shit in their handbag by opining that it's a load of old guff
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:40, Reply)
Women eh? Who needs 'em?

Yeah, I know, we do.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:42, Reply)
I'm so lonely

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:46, Reply)
*sigh* me too.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:47, Reply)
Its at that point
you should have stood up dropped your kecks slapped her around the face 3 times (and 3 times only) with your dick... shouted "THIS IS MY WEAPON OF CHOICE"

and then walked out in silence
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:22, Reply)
She was over two inches away so wouldn't have worked
But good thinking
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:23, Reply)
I'm not a big fan of Halloween, but I did carve this for micro last year

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:03, Reply)
Thats really rather good

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:04, Reply)

I'd like to do something like this for her this year, but I'm probably too cack handed.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:06, Reply)
There are some excellent carvings on Google images

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)
That's where I found the one I did.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Lusty showed me this one last year:
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:08, Reply)
One, Two, Jimmys coming for you

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:10, Reply)
A student wearing a traffic cone on his head crawling home pissed. Excellent!

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:08, Reply)
^ TGGI ^

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:09, Reply)
That is good though.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:10, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:12, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Ghastly American business, pumpkin carving.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Garlic is too hard to carve properly

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Fun for kids. Better than 'trick or treat' which is just begging.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Plus you can dry and roast the seeds

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:12, Reply)
Plus you can walk around and see the good ones people have spent time carving, and placing outside, their craft beautifully illuminated by candlelight
And kick the shit out of them.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Bangers + turnips = lols
as a kid
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:15, Reply)
we had mash and onion gravy as a kid
you poor northern bugger
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:23, Reply)
But turnips

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:25, Reply)
Don't take offence, because your kid's alright as far as kids go.
I mean, she can't hold a proper conversation, but I expect that's her age rather than full-blown mental retardation, but I'm so bored with hearing about children.

It seems everybody I've grown up with is banging on and on about how kid A is doing this, or plastering FB with pictures and so on.

/general whinge.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:15, Reply)
I went through that phase. You'll feel differently when you become a parent.
In the meantime, tough shit. Put up with it or fuck off.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:16, Reply)
A fair and balanced summary

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:17, Reply)
I accept the non-bold part of this post as unfortunate fact.
The bold part, we'll see.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:18, Reply)
I couldn't agree more. As soon as people have kids that's the majority of their conversation.
Good luck to 'em, but it's pretty dull for those without small people.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:18, Reply)
It's the whinging I don't like. If you're fed up with having sleepless nights, which you knew would be a problem before you spawned
then you shouldn't have had them, should you? Plus making everybody look at photos of a kid that they don't really care about beyond being polite.

At the very least, I'll keep it off Facebook.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Not the whinging, obvs, I'll inflict that on everyone I can.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:23, Reply)
I find it amazing that on Facebook so many of my grownup friends have suddenly turned into babies
One day, picture of their face, next day, some child. Must be a youth treatment.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:27, Reply)
Probably the same ones who would ask other people to remove pics with their kids in the background.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:38, Reply)
do you want to hear about my kids?
I can tell you about my kids
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:18, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:19, Reply)
I would Theo. Please continue.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:19, Reply)
I don't have any kids
But I'm impressed you thought I was in any way capable of convincing a girl to let me put my winkie in her foo foo
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:20, Reply)
If I can become a father then anyone can.
Apart from Gonz or Chompy obvs.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:21, Reply)
One of them's gonna have to go to Thailand, have the chop

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:23, Reply)
I think your friends are probably pricks.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:22, Reply)
I've got four members of one kid's family on my FB
The father, the mother, the aunt and uncle. All four relentlessly spam it with pictures of what is, quite genuinely, the hairiest fucking baby I've ever seen in my life.

All the responses are all cooing over a great head of hair and all I can think is "that kid is at least half Yeti".
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:25, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:26, Reply)
The dad complained that one photo didn't get enough likes saying
"How is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?"

I thought "We'll see how cute you think it is when the next full moon comes round and your baby girl bites your fucking arm off".
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:29, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:32, Reply)
I might not be a naturally paternal man, is what I'm saying.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:33, Reply)
you'll still fuck it when it turns 16

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:37, Reply)
By that point, this kid will have a beard to rival Brian Blessed's

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:38, Reply)
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:39, Reply)
You know you can filter what shows in your news feed?
What am I saying? If I know this, you must know this.
Hide breeders, stop moaning.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:28, Reply)
Or, you know
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:29, Reply)
Why should I?
Elsewhere on the internet spammers get banned by the admins.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:30, Reply)
This is an excellent point!

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:39, Reply)
Just reply to anything baby related with NOT RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS
or tell them you're a paedo, that'll stop it
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:41, Reply)
Maybe I'll just post UNSUBSCRIBE under them all.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:48, Reply)
Originally Celtic, I believe - from the Oirish Jack O'Lanterns, no?
Likewise Trick Or Treat is from the Scots habit of "Guising".
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:24, Reply)
I dropped a mug.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Oh man
I hope it didn't have coffee in it
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:06, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:08, Reply)
I once put a client on hold to transfer them to someone who they'd try to ring direct to but hadn't answered
wasting my time to put them through to a number they'd already called led me to describe this person as a "fucking retard" or somesuch to my colleague sitting at the next desk. That was when I heard breathing rather than a ring tone on the phone...

*affects sportscow accent*

"ah yes verysorrysir nobody home, byebye, this is Rajesh by the way oh yes"
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)
One of the chaps in our office received an email from one of our partner compaines taking the piss out of him
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Thought I'd forgotten to copy a director's data
before wiping his laptop. That was a pretty pant-shitting moment.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:07, Reply)
I copied our development manager's data onto the network and rebuilt her laptop from scratch
to find that some "helpful" person had "tidied" the shared area....

2 weeks after I started
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:10, Reply)
If you take two weeks to copy data to and fro
you probably deserved it, you lazy bastard.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:12, Reply)
oh ho

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:12, Reply)
Outlook pst files are the worst, nobody realises they're on the HDD till it dies and takes them with it, lost forever with no backup.....
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Many years ago we had a virus outbreak and immediately pulled the internet plug
I was logging into mailboxes to remove the emails and then emptying the "Deleted Items" folders when afterwards one of our developers complained that all his important files had gone.

Me: "Where were they held?"
Him: "Deleted Items folder"
Me: "....."
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:14, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:15, Reply)
I'll keep all my important documents VITAL for work in the bin
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:16, Reply)
Or on the desktop, the only other place with no backup.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:18, Reply)
i keep everything on my desktop cos it's quickest and easiest

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:27, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:28, Reply)
yeah but it's EASIEST
and to be honest, I don't know how to map drives or which letter drive I should use, so desktop it is
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:29, Reply)
If only there was an IT department to ask, eh?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:30, Reply)
yeah, like they are going to be any help
have you listened to yourselves recently?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:31, Reply)
I'll have you know that I'm exceedingly helpful
even to cunts
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:32, Reply)
But why is it all P drive and M drive
I just want a file called 'Put stuff here' I want it on the desktop and I want it from day one
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:32, Reply)
Two second job that

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:33, Reply)
for you maybe

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:34, Reply)
Damn right

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:35, Reply)
Open command prompt and type
net use *: \\servername\drivename$
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:33, Reply)
1. WTF is command prompt?
2. why would I type that?
3. Why can't you do it for me?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:34, Reply)
1: Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt
2: Try it
3: Because I don't work for your company, dumbass.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:35, Reply)
i ent trying shit, it's probably virus or malware or something

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:36, Reply)
also you don't even know if I'm using a dell or Asos or IBM
so it probably won't even work
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:38, Reply)
Firstly Asos are a clothing company
Secondly if you're using Windows it'll work.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:39, Reply)
ok, nothing happened

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:41, Reply)
That's because you actually typed
\\servername\shareddrive$ instead of the server the drive is on and the name of the share you want to connect to, isn't it?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:44, Reply)
this is my whole point, just save it to the desktop and be done with it
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:46, Reply)
I do love it when Kroney tries to explain something to you.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:47, Reply)
I wish he was better at it, I never know what the fuck he is on about

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:49, Reply)
This is why your IT department refuses to help you.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:52, Reply)
i don't really want their help tbh
I just want them to do it
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:53, Reply)
It's no wonder they give him all the shit jobs at his place.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:53, Reply)
I think my work here is done, think I'm pop off home now

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:55, Reply)
This is just like cars
A BMW has a completely different way to drive it than an Audi.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:42, Reply)
I typed in net use *: \\servername\drivename$
and nothing happened, I'm not sure Kroney even works with computers
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:43, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:44, Reply)
He does! Why he sent me a pic of him working busy busy the other day

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:48, Reply)
Depends, if the run box or cmd prompt is disabled by group policy he won't be able to.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:43, Reply)
that's when you make a .bat file and doubleclick it.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:16, Reply)
Yeah, but he prints emails, so you would expect that kind of thing from him.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:30, Reply)
yeah well when kroney has to "rebuild" my "computer" and "sync" the "files"
I'll be the one laughing as I leaf through my correspondences
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:32, Reply)
you can set up a desktop sync

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:29, Reply)
There's a plug in

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:30, Reply)
The bin, by the way, that tries to destroy everything in it on a regular basis
unless you specifically tell it not to.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:19, Reply)
That bin
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Ahah, no-one will think to look in my deleted items!
It's the last place I'd hide something TRULY important
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:17, Reply)
I told our Russian customers something that was wrong, which meant they spent money for something they couldn't use.

alt: I might make some bonfire toffee, haven't had that for YONKS
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:08, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:11, Reply)
On the plus side, they've probably hired a hitman now

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:12, Reply)
It's been over a year so if they were coming for me, I'd be got by now

They did make a petition asking for me to be fired though, that was fun
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Depends how scared you are of Pete Waterman, really.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:15, Reply)
I'm aitken at the thought of it

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:17, Reply)
I'm keeping stock of all your shit puns, there'll be a reckoning

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:17, Reply)
I'm strachan this from the records

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:17, Reply)
You're never gonna give this up, are you?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:20, Reply)
I didn't want to let you down

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:20, Reply)
*turns around and slaps Sportscow across face*

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Don't turn around...
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:24, Reply)
I nearly put Rory on 2.0 but luckily there was a cancel button.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:10, Reply)
It's all a bit IT anecdotes in this thread at the moment.
I quite like Windy's mug story though
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:24, Reply)
Those IT people ruin the internet for everyone

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:27, Reply)
the mug was full of internet

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:33, Reply)
It was my birthday on Sunday so I sent the whole weekend in a drink induced haze! It was ace.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:24, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:24, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:28, Reply)
Surely not? Has AA not posted yet?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:28, Reply)
I hope the drinking met with the approval of Mrs PJ.
Otherwise, she'd have thrown the book at you.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:33, Reply)
Mrs PJ is very much in my good books
I'd tell you why but I don't want to be wrong or painfully needy again.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:36, Reply)
SOMEONE got a birthday rim job!

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:39, Reply)
Yeh and if Battered even dares show his face about my place again I'll stamp on him.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:40, Reply)
Birthday bum sex eh PJ
no more gloving for you
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:43, Reply)
Maybe not
But I won't be sitting down for a while.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:45, Reply)
I accidentally shat on your mum's chest instead of her face, boy was my face red!

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:26, Reply)
I advise senokot to help with the straining

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:27, Reply)
And hers was brown.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:40, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:43, Reply)
May have mentioned this previously
...but in my early programming days I may have inadvertently brought down an entire IBM Mainframe whilst testing a couple of new programs. The whole thing collapsed in a heap, hundreds of users unable to do any work for the rest of the day. The IBM engineers arrived and took away copies of my code to study as they had never seen that happen before. That didn't really make me feel any better.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:27, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:28, Reply)
*accidentally pulls power cable out of the back of the mainframe*
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:59, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:28, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:29, Reply)
when Cyril made a wish
he ended up stuck on top of a church
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:32, Reply)
we're the only ones who don't work in IT, i think

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:02, Reply)
The only person in my company more useless then Nakers
is a Welsh woman twice his age that genuinely didn't realise that the monitor and desktop box had separate power buttons.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:04, Reply)
be fair, they don't have computers in wales
how's your knowledge of oxen?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:05, Reply)
Now steady on
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:07, Reply)
We have a few of those
plus ones who turn it off using the button every night instead of shutting down properly, then moan when it fucks up on a regular basis.
If they used, say, chainsaws as part of their job they'd all be missing limbs or dead by now.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:07, Reply)
Now you own IT

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:05, Reply)
i most certainly do not
i hate computers. they don't make sense.

every fucking morning, my email system asks me to confirm my credentials. and i do. and i tick the box that says "remember me".

and every fucking morning, it forgets me. HOW?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:06, Reply)
probably got an Alzheimers virus

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:07, Reply)
Which one are you again?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:08, Reply)
Probably something to do with electric.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:09, Reply)
If you're going to do it, do it properly.....

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:29, Reply)
OK "George Michael"

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:30, Reply)
*whispers* "....careless."

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:32, Reply)
If you're gonna fuck up, you might as well fuck up properly

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:59, Reply)
I deleted all the products off our store 2 days after being promoted.

That was MAGICAL.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:38, Reply)
alright monty

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:39, Reply)
It's not just fucking Becky that they've got in common.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:40, Reply)
Brokeback Mont-him

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:40, Reply)
please stop going on about monty and becky
it's not fair on stunned
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:41, Reply)
Has it r-ankled him?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:43, Reply)
as a corporate trainee, i often didn't see daylight for 3 days straight
one particular night, it was about 3am and i was properly fucked. one of the assistants came in and asked if i could send him a copy of a disclosure statement i was doing for AIM (these fucking things are about 200 pages long, NIGHTMARE). i did it.

5 mins later, he's back. "swipe, where is that document?"

i checked my emails. fuuuuuuck. sent to the wrong peter. peter at w h ireland. stupid autocomplete, stupid bleary eyes. who the fuck are w h ireland anyway? i google them. oh marvellous.

i'd only fucking sent a confidential document about a potential float.... to a fucking STOCKBROKER.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:41, Reply)
*calls SFO*

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:42, Reply)
This is when you call me in a panic saying "HOW DO I RECALL AN EMAIL????!"
I say "An internal or external email?"
You say "External"
I say "I can't, it's in another company's mail system".

And then your fuckup magically becomes my fault, somehow.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:42, Reply)
basically this

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:44, Reply)
He's such a prick, why won't he help you?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:48, Reply)
too busy perving over people's kids on fb

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:01, Reply)
He makes me sick.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:08, Reply)
oh god, and me

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)
Excellent work
How many cocks did you suck to sort THAT out?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:42, Reply)
just the one minge
turned out the guy was on holiday, so i got his IT department to confirm the email had been deleted unread, and stuck that on the file.

then i confessed to the partner, and said, is there anything else i can or should do? he looked at me. and said quietly:

"yes. don't do it again."

meh he still offered me a job!
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:44, Reply)
He missed a trick there

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:49, Reply)
Her knees still havent recovered
hence the collapse
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 14:45, Reply)
Well I'm fucking starving now. I should not have skipped lunch.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:10, Reply)
Some frogs' legs perhaps?

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)
I'm really hot
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)


(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)
I dunno mate, I was unreasonably happy this morning, but this has bought me *right* down.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:14, Reply)
i only just got around to lunch
i have a POD "slow burner" salad (basically grains and green stuff with a bit of feta and fresh chilli) and some chickpeas
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:13, Reply)
Well it's beer time in 3/4 of an hour. I shall have something then to tide me over.
Plus, currently enjoying a delicious Strepsil.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:15, Reply)
i'm not going to the pub until 7, dammit
and you put me in FIFTH.

i hope you choke on your strepsil.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:16, Reply)
That sort of comment won't help.
You keep upsetting me :(
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:19, Reply)
don't worry, i'll get one of these boys to nosh you off later
that'll cheer you right up
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:19, Reply)

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:20, Reply)
you'll love it
you're only gay if you push back
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:28, Reply)
Hey! Frogmaster D and the SSRI Crew!
Get fucked.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:23, Reply)
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:28, Reply)
'slow bummer'?
You're having Lokesey for dinner?
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:17, Reply)
i don't eat ham

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:18, Reply)
Somebody start a new thread please.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:20, Reply)
Yes, so I don't have to read all the way back through this one.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:21, Reply)
parts oif this thread are lol

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:22, Reply)
Winding me up is always good for a laugh.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:22, Reply)
I like the fact that you know what's happening but are seemingly powerless against getting drawn in to it

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:23, Reply)
I just can't help myself. It's like trying to quit smoking.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:25, Reply)
except that you did

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:28, Reply)
Once a smoker, always a smoker.

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:29, Reply)
Except those sanctimonious pricks who bang on about it incessantly.
I hope they all get cancer.
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:30, Reply)
I ent a smoker anymore.
Absolutely no desire at all. Makes me physically nauseous, now. I'm cured!
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:31, Reply)
You really don't want to
Some of the IT guys have been swapping stories
(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:22, Reply)
I'll read it at bedtime

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:24, Reply)
I dun it foir you xx

(, Tue 17 Sep 2013, 15:22, Reply)

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