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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Being somewhat older than the typical student, at 24, I don't share his belief that it's "a bold statement against an institutionalized, archaic belief system" - I just think it's a bit wanky and pretentious. Besides, what are they going to discuss? "There's no God" "Yep, pretty much" "I agree" "Right then...has anyone brought biscuits?" Am I wrong to think so - is it a worthwhile statement to be making?
Alt Q: Can anyone come up with any decent 'Atheist' hymns for them to sing?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:31, 265 replies, latest was 15 years ago)

Alt Q: Nope, but I know that Hyperspace came up with a halfway amusing agnostic hymn, just can't find it.
Then again, I'd place bets someone will suggest 'Imagine', because "it's just right, you know man?"
Pfft, fuck off you rampant wankstain. It's a shit song now, and always has been!
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:34, Reply)

it's a shitload better than the original.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:42, Reply)

But let's face it, it wasn't going to be difficult to beat the original
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:52, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:37, Reply)

The refrain of Heresy by NIN declares 'god is dead' which would imply he existed in the first place. Pure and Simple is a brutal statement telling us there never was a benevolent higher being.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:45, Reply)

like when Brian tells the crowd that they are all individuals.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:38, Reply)

Hope he gets it out of his system before he has a real job.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:39, Reply)

There is no God in the sky
so I don't care if you lie
there's no reason to wonder why
what happens when you die.
Smack the god-squad in the head
don't stop until they're dead
then they'll see that we were right
that after death it's nighty-night
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:40, Reply)

Catholics might have well written theology, but they have fuck-awful hymns
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:42, Reply)

What tune does it go with? Cause I keep hearing 'Twinkle twinkle little star' - I think it's because the first line ends with 'in the sky'
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:52, Reply)

I just want to make it clear, I don't like this thread enough for it to warrant a click, I've just got spazz-hands.
As you were.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:43, Reply)

I like the smacking of the god-squad bit the best.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:45, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:08, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:10, Reply)

got a while to wait though.
1 year and 9 days in fact
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:20, Reply)

Congrats, man. You decided what you're doing for the stag do? I'm in charge of organising my cousin's, and I can't decide between paintball, rock-climbing, go-karting, or a massive drug-fuelled bar crawl with a strip joint or two thrown in.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:24, Reply)

I'm really dead against ritual humiliation and will be frankly quite annoyed if any of my mates try and do something along those lines.
it'll most likely be a surf trip with a load of booze and spliffs.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:50, Reply)

Here I am Landlord (originally Here I am Lord)
Take up your glass (originally Take up your cross)
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:46, Reply)

"Most People Don't Care What Students Think" society.
Edit: It's a bold statement about idiots thinking that buying a piece of paper that even the Government doesn't want to sponsor anymore doesn't make you an intellectual simply because you're capable of spouting hackneyed phrases from dog-eared philosophical text books.
and breathe.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:48, Reply)

If ever there was proof that God does not exist, that song is it
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:56, Reply)

trolling at its best. Someone wrote "I was paralysed from the waist down after an accident, but I put this CD on and now I can walk again!". It was like the 3 Wolf Tshirt.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:09, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:16, Reply)

On hearing that, I struggle to believe there is a God of any form.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:56, Reply)

that's like having a Non-Maths club where you do anything but maths.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:55, Reply)

just thought I'd share.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:04, Reply)

at the very moment someone said "Why aren't you going to Communion?"
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:23, Reply)

or did you wait until the day itself then do a massive flounce out of the cathedral?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:15, Reply)

I just didn't go to that.
No, this was School Feast Day. No feasts were involved in the making of Feast Day :(
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:22, Reply)

So you missed out on the cash and gifts you get for Confirmation? Or is that First Holy Communion? I remember that was big windfall.
Very principled of you at any rate.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:28, Reply)

with 'Everything I Do (I Do for You)' playing alongside on a CD player.
That was grim. But we finished early that day.
One day I'll tell you all the tale of the St Julie slideshow.
I am too tired right now.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:31, Reply)

the priest asked me if I wanted to be confirmed and just said no. Didn't fancy it
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:26, Reply)

So I told Nana and she said "Ok, you're right to do what you think is best, but don't tell Grandad." so I didn't tell my grandad.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:27, Reply)

and home and page up and page down. And num lock.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:23, Reply)

Surely any society that doesn't have anythign to do with religion would be 'athiest'
I think it's because atheism's seen as cool and trendy just now (among the student population, especially). Dawkins has a lot to answer for
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:57, Reply)

I would like to say that Darwinism doesn't necessary preclude the possibility of a creator entity, just that this entity had either nothing or only the most fleeting of responsibilities for how life developed on Earth.
I don't believe it, but hey.
Also, Dawkins is a nob.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:04, Reply)

I don't like Christianity because that means there would be no raptors.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:05, Reply)

Why don't they just claim God created evolution? Then everyone's a winner (probably not everyone, come to think of it, but still)
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:08, Reply)

hehehehe that's like when you fall over and "I meant to do that, I was being ironic".
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:24, Reply)

Writes well though.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:22, Reply)

is hardly institutionalised in Britain. In fact there's a conscious effort to keep church and state seperate. It's a voluntary belief system that you can take part in or not as you please. Your friend needs to be more honest and rename the tagline to "a bold statement against something I think is a bit daft".
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 13:59, Reply)

From observation, that tends to be what drives most student activities
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:01, Reply)

If your man takes it seriously and doesn't just say isn't God and religion shit, there's no reason for it not to be a productive excercise. If he is like you suggest it will be pretentious and wanky but I always enjoyed the Athiesm related debates doing my A levels. I went into the 6th form thinking I was an Athiest and came out of it just curious to learn more.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:01, Reply)

it will be pretentious and wanky.
There may be the odd bit of serious discussion, but they will all be thinking mostly about how cool they are.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:04, Reply)

It's all a bit tetchy here today. Even Agnostic is getting all shouty he just called me an isignificant cunt. I'll say a Hail Mary for him.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:07, Reply)

an atheist society involves a bunch of people who already all believe the same thing
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:09, Reply)

it used to annoy me a little bit that the atheists I knew would go to Christian Union meetings and start arguments, when generally those meetings involved discussion on which charities were being supported that term, who was going to bake the cookies etc
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:12, Reply)

to the debate evenings that were specially organised for a chance to discuss it
edit: I don't like the Christian Union (not very multi-denominational) myself but I wouldn't purposefully upset them
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:16, Reply)

nice guy. pretty naive though.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:49, Reply)

that I was in a Barcelona police station a mere 30 minutes after having arrived in the city.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:19, Reply)

lost 50 Euros. Me and the other guy with him couldn't quite believe what was happening, so we just let it.
As we walked off this scruffy dude flashed us a random badge and a massive pistol and said he was the police, did the guy lose some money and if so follow him.
We marched to the police station (although we could've been going anywhere, the badge didn't look like any I'd seen before and the guy looked like a spanish version of the Sweeney) and a form was filled in. None of us could remember what the guy looked like, so the cop told us. Meanwhile we could hear him being given a bit of a slapping in the next room.
Guy got his 50 Euros back, and I got a mildly amusing anecdote. Everyone's a winner.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:26, Reply)

it'd been a massively late night and travelling the night before, so everything felt a bit unreal.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:31, Reply)

Apart from screaming the Lord's Prayer at my last house party
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:28, Reply)

some in full, some just tantalising hints. But this one is ringing more bells than others.
I'm going to shut up now I'm just blathering
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:33, Reply)

Well they all believe the same thing about a specific subject but I don't like to think you can lump all of them in together. The way I see it is if you take a community of football fans they will on the whole all agree that the team they follow is the best but their other views could vary wildly. I don't think Atheism is a bad thing as long as it's an informed choice.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:14, Reply)

I'm not though and would have the same opinion.
Students are on the whole self-important and pretentious wankers. I know I was when I was one, and I even hated students then. Most of them are far worse.
Particularly Exeter students. Those cunts.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:09, Reply)

even though I am a student I am beyond all the bullshit. I pretty much know who I am and what makes me tick and I'm pretty happy with it now.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:15, Reply)

but I also work full time so that doesn't leave any time for cunty student activities.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:29, Reply)

"OMG, yeah, I saw this guy the other day who, like, believed in god. I mean, yeah, like what a nob."
"God, yeah, like, come on, man, this isn't like, the dark ages anymore."
"God you know, I really hate the way all these priests are out there, like, raping choirboys and forcing their beliefs down, like, everyone's, like throats and like, I'm just sat here and I'm like, 'No way, I am a free and independent thinker.'"
"Yeah, like, no, like, yeah, you're right. That's really deep, like, I think it's time you graduated up to some even tighter trousers 'cause, like, I think everyone will see that you're deep enough to justify it, not like these fakers strutting around trying to tell us all that we'll, like, go to hell because we don't believe in Jehovah's Witnesses."
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:16, Reply)

I would have removed their genes from the gene pool ages ago, for the sake of the species. Especially if they used a phrase like 'lol,' 'rofl' or 'rofflecopter' out loud
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:19, Reply)

they're already removing themselves from the gene pool...
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:20, Reply)

And he's a good laugh to boot. I think he's just going through the phase of flexing his intellectual muscles for all to see, and having it come off as pretentious. We'll wait and see how it plays out
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:05, Reply)

and the Cosmological argument and see how they get on.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:09, Reply)

Though they're best explained while heavily stoned, or on some form of halucinogenic. It makes them sound far more profound than they actually are
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:14, Reply)

You sound like my kind of person. If I'm honest with myself I would label myself as a hopeful agnostic.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:17, Reply)

because it has no bearing on my life
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:18, Reply)

I get jealous of people who have faith in something like that because I just can't do it myself. I think it's an attractive quality.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:20, Reply)

it depends on just what they believe.
I was at a wedding the other weekend where the vicar was suggesting in no uncertain terms that without God our actions and achievements are meaningless, and that our purpose is to worship God.
If there is a God like that, then he is an insecure and selfish cunt.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:22, Reply)

I think that's part of the fun. Man's interpretation of 'God'. It's not what the person has faith in so much but that they have made the conscious choice to accept that there is a higher power and to live their live to a moral code. I know that's a huge sweeping statement but B3ta isn't the place for religious debate. I don't mean people who have been pretty much brainwashed by parents etc but people who had a need and filled it with faith.
I don't have that capacity and sometimes it can be a bit shit being a nihilist.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:27, Reply)

If there is some kind of 'creator' being (not even necessarily a creator - let's say a 'higher power'), it will be, by necessity, so much more complex than ourselves that we could never truly understand it. It would be like giving an ameba consciousness, and asking it to imagine us. It would just think of a giant ameba, possibly with a beard, who would care about ameba issues and think ameba-like thoughts.
It really does sound better on halucinogenics - throw in a couple of 'mans' and long pauses to stare at your hands for the full effect
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:32, Reply)

probably because I'm also a horrible stoner
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:46, Reply)

I don't mean to be quite so rude, but if you pick that argument apart you are left with:
- Some people have it in them to believe in something physically implausible and unsupported by evidence as the the answer to most of life's difficult questions
- I do not have it in me to believe this (presumably due to the lack of evidence, etc?)
- I envy these people's blind faith.
Unless your argument is basically that "ignorance is bliss"?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:26, Reply)

I wouldn't say ignorance is bliss but apart from that pretty much spot on. I would like to be able to believe in a higher power so that when life was shitty I could take comfort in it. I would say I was definitely jealous of that.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:29, Reply)

and that in those times of dire need, there isn't actually anyone or anything listening to them or watching over them, let alone waiting to intervene.
Are you really that jealous?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:34, Reply)

But the thought that there is someone there can have powerful effects. It's like the placebo effect - it can give someone a reason to go on, to beat a disease that would otherwise have claimed them. Our minds are powerful things - deluding ourselves is not always necessarily a bad thing
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:37, Reply)

But if it starts to affect your whole life, makes you waste time on silly weekly rituals and turns you into a self-righteous dick, then one could argue the effects are adverse.
This is, of course, a huge, sweeping generalisation, and the placebo effect can have peculiar and far-reaching benefits in the right contexts. You've got to draw the line carefully though.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:54, Reply)

Most just get on with it.
A lot don't even go to church.
Don't tar them all with the same brush as that prick next door to your folks.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:59, Reply)

As you can probably guess, he's not the first one to have riled me.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:01, Reply)

Look, if I don't know my husband is fucking the nanny, then he's not fucking the nanny. You dig?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:37, Reply)

I think I am smart enough to realise that they probably are deluded but I am not arrogant enough to think I have all the answers and that I haven't been conditioned by my life experience and surroundings. So I could be massively wrong. And to be honest I hope I am.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:37, Reply)

Not sure there's a god, but I can deffo do magic.
I made Ioan Gruffudd come to my street.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:40, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:41, Reply)

But I choose to accept the gaps in my knowledge rather than trying to fill them with a fairytale explanation.
I also won't deny that it would be lovely to find myself in some sort of idyllic afterlife once I pop my clogs in about 25 years' time. However, given there is not a shred of evidence to support this figment of someone's imagination, I find it much more soothing to pragmatically assume that death is the end of it, and, to paraphrase the side of the number 156, to stop worrying about it and enjoy* the life I have.
*Well, I should probably stop being such a cantankerous git, but I've time to work on that...
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:43, Reply)

It made my great grandma really happy and nothing freaked her out because she had God and her Pope Idol. JP2 was her favourite evah of all the popes. I think she'd have bought Pope Pannini stickers if they'd been available.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:35, Reply)

That may count against her in the long run? Wanting Gods' representative on earth dead.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:46, Reply)

and she can tell God doesn't like him
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:48, Reply)

amongst the kind of tat they sell outside novena masses.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:44, Reply)

my father forgot my mother's birthday (it fell on a Sunday) and he bought her a missal. He has a) never been allowed to forget it and b) paid for it for a long long time, possibly in diamonds
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:45, Reply)

We are here to MTFU and then enjoy the sweet release of oblivion.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:30, Reply)

All this 'well you can't prove there isn't a God' is just a pile of wank.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:34, Reply)

you knew what I meant though I hope. I agree with you I think I don't think anything happens after you die. But wouldn;t it be comforting to be on your deathbed thinking, 'I did alright, I was a decent human being, I practised my religion well and now I will get the reward.'
rather than 'shit I'm dying, what was it all for?'
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:36, Reply)

I am looking forward to not existing. I can't think of anything less stressful.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:38, Reply)

To the sober you're most likely saying "you know, man, you know? You know"
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:30, Reply)

Who thought that because he was studying English Lit, this meant any and all attempts to write essays and poetry would be profoundly brilliant, and he shared his outpourings through his own little navel-gazing blog.
They were, as you might expect, utter shit and he just looked like a pretentious bellend, but I'm sure some kindly soul will take pity upon him, shove his Byron Anthology firmly up his arse, and that will bring him back down to Earth a little.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:20, Reply)

when people try and write intelligently and it comes across as forced. I hate when people write "he proceeded to do this. So I proceeded to do that". Why bother with the proceeded, why?!
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:31, Reply)

Some things can't be explained but they belong in certain places.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:36, Reply)

it's just something I've noticed, people who use it more than once in a story are usually verbose and pretentious bellends. Just do a word search for proceeded on QOTW and you'll probably find what I'm talking about.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:39, Reply)

my story got populared a couple of weeks back. Are you saying I'm a prick PC? Are you?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:45, Reply)

Isn't a great basis for conversation.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:11, Reply)

It's an illness, not a traffic warden.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:21, Reply)

You could be onto something here, Kitzo.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:45, Reply)

I'm surprised Monty hasn't shouted at me for saying 'well' all the time yet.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:49, Reply)

in real life as well.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:51, Reply)

(Although in my defence, it's a long time since I tried to say anything vaguely profound on QOTW...)
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:36, Reply)

(how pretentious did that sound?) but you can tell when someone is just sticking words in to make themselves sound more eloquent, like when people unnecessarily use 'myself' instead of 'me'.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:41, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:44, Reply)

but PC shot me down with an irony burn.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:46, Reply)

But there are numerous dead horses in that genre that have been flogged even longer and harder than one of my old "Bumder Alerts."
Edit: And then just look at the great big throbbing metaphors in that! I'm such a fucking hypocrite.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:49, Reply)

and really, his stories would still be quite entertaining if he didn't lace them with all the inneundos. I know everyone got fed up with Legless' wild stories, but I always thought they were entertaining and really that's all I'm looking for on a Thursday lunchtime.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:50, Reply)

If it didn't feel like he was using some kind of specially designed formula to produce them
Embarrassing position to be found in + explicit mention of sex/masturbation + overwrought metaphors = Best Of page. You could probably programme a bot to do it for you - Spankybot 2.0
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:55, Reply)

"Hello. It looks as though you're trying to write a surefire hit for QOTW. Would you like help?
- Yes please, I would benefit from a template and a host of dodgy metaphors and euphemisms
- No thanks, I have enough depraved sexual fantasies lurking in the back of my mind for a lengthy, lengthy run of these. (Apologies for length!)"
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:59, Reply)

that he has sex sometimes.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:59, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:47, Reply)

I can't fight it any longer. Wait, maybe that's the problem, I haven't been fighting it at all.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:53, Reply)

would always call out "Is it yourself?".
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:52, Reply)

Straight from the terraces.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:06, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:19, Reply)

...and show up in comedy 'tache and glasses, and brandishing a cigar a la Groucho.
(They don't find it funny.)
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:12, Reply)

join our conservative thinktank. He was very articulate and listened well, but would insist on giving out leaflets
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:13, Reply)

Especially as there will be a fresh set of undergraduates arriving at the end of the month.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:21, Reply)

More of an MC, you understand.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:27, Reply)

having charged at an enemy machine gun post armed with a swagger stick and a battered copy of a Commando comic.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:30, Reply)

I would like to be greeted with this from now on.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:44, Reply)

When was the last time boiled mince had you arrested for assault, EH?
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:45, Reply)

( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:33, Reply)

Just watch.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 15:18, Reply)

Christ that's embarrassing, I used to be able to spell. Duly ninja-ed.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:50, Reply)

Now there's someone I wouldn't like to meet on a dark night, if I had (for example) an injured hand.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:53, Reply)

with a mere gaz of his cock.
( , Wed 1 Sep 2010, 14:56, Reply)
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