Last week I had to stop a guy attacking another one in the middle of the road - one had run the lights whilst on the phone and the other had objected. I actually had to take the attacker's car keys out of their car and tell him he wasn't getting them back till he calmed down.
Looking back on it, I was lucky I was feeling all parental and in control or the situation could have panned out very differently.
Have you lost it on the roads, or have you been on the recieving end of some nutter?
( , Thu 12 Oct 2006, 21:31)
This question is now closed.

An open letter to the old woman who likes to park her blue rover outside the chippy on beverly road in hull.
Dear madam,
if you are offended by the phrase "jesus fucking crist what the the cunting fuck !", please refrain from opening your car door without warning when im cycling along 6 feet behind you forcing me to swerve blindly into 40mph traffic.
if you can rember this, i will refrain from screaming that prase at the top of my lungs. I think that would be a better alternative to giving me a dissaproving look. If you agree, click "i like this" to singnal your intent.
yours sincerly,
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:20, Reply)

Pretty much on a daily basis. I live in La Quinta, California which happens to be next to Palm Springs, Palm Desert, and Indian Wells, some of the richest golf resort destinations in the US. This means that not only do we have plenty of out-of-towners with no clue as to where they're going or how to get there, we also have old retired folks who go 20 mph too slow and young rich kids who speed around talking on their cell-phones. Let's just say driving in my home town is a bit frustrating.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:19, Reply)

Why not be honest and just have a sticker that says 'I drive like a c**t'?
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:19, Reply)

Coming up to a set of traffic lights, 3 lanes. Left hand lane to turn left, right hand lane to turn right or straight on and middle lane straight on. Now driving this route regulary I no not to go in right hand lane as when theres anyone wanting to turn right they have to wait, causing that lane to stop.
Now driving along in middle lane lights green, right hand lane has stopped. Then man in right lane indicates into middle lane (This being a request to change lanes) then pulls out immmediately causing me to slam breaks on. I get the rage and hold down horn for 5 seconds. At next set of traffic lights he pulls up next to me and tells me to pull in at next oppotunity so he can fight me.
Lights change and we pull away driving parrellel with each other. He's still wanting to fight. So...I start to blow him kisses. Now this had an extreme reaction, never have I seen a man so angry "You've got no fucking arsehole" was a choice phrase he used.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:16, Reply)

As a pedestrian/cyclist:
I get mighty riled when people don't indicate and wind up making me run/jump back onto pavements etc, and have been known to have a polite word with people on occasion. I'm a quite a big bloke so this has never erupted into genuine violence.
As a Driver pt 1:
I drive at whatever speed is most comforable for me in the situation I am in. This is, I think, the most sensible way to drive as I am aware of my surroundings and able to react in time etc.
I sometimes get abuse (especially on narrow country roads) for not tearing the road up at the upper boundary of the speed limit. So to anyone who thinks people doing 40 on derestricted country roads is bad/dangerous/annoying - fuck off. Imagine the situation if I was coming the other way, faster than I felt comfortable, and hit you - you wouldnt be happy then, would you? Qunts.
As a Driver pt 2:
Rental vans are often old and out of condition. However, if you have rented a van and you are not driving at least 10% over the limit, you can often be on the receiving end of years of white van related bile, despite having actually driven as fast as the van will take you, and in the most considerate way possible.
As a Driver pt 3:
I use motorways properly (its not called the slow lane, its called the driving lane - the other two are for overtaking). if you dont, you're a twat.
As a bus user:
And if you're driving - it may be important for you to get somewhere, but there's 35 people on a bus who also need to get somewhere, so that makes the bus 35x as important as you. give way.
Phew, that was quite a rant. My spleen feels fully vented. Sorry about the bulk of my spleen.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:14, Reply)

We'd just put the nipper to bed, back a year or so ago when the slightest noise would unleash a torrent of sub-toddler-wailing the likes of which could stand your teeth on edge - and were enjoying a crafty fag outside thanking the good Lord above that the nipper had gone down in relative peace and equanimity. When along came a cab.
I walked out into the street, barefoot, chubby, speccy, in t-shirt and shorts, opened his car door and screamed in the fuckers face - "GET OUT OF YOUR FUCKING CAR AND KNOCK YOU LAZY WAZZOCK" Slammed the door and hobbled back up the path, much to the amazement of the Missus who had hardly ever heard me shout before.
It counts because it was on the road.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:11, Reply)

Working and driving in Greece, I was in a perpetual state of road rage and collated my own version of the Greek Highway Code:
1) Overtaking on blind corners while going up hill is OK, but only if you are drunk or driving a bus.
2) There is no speed limit.
3) Every driver is entitled to make up his own rules of the road and judge others by them.
4) Turning on your hazard lights means that you can do absolutely anything you like (reversing up a one-way street, stopping on the motorway, abadoning your car to buy cigarettes etc.).
5) The indicator should never, ever be used.
6) Traffic lights are intended for 'other drivers'.
7) You may park anywhere and in any manner you like.
8) The volume of your exhaust is much more important than noticing other road users.
9) MEN - Your car is nothing more than an expression of your masculinity. WOMEN - The car exists only to make you look good.
10) It is better to drive two metres than walk.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:05, Reply)

I was walking around downtown LA, about to cross the street at a corner with a crosswalk, and a hick in a dirty 70s 4-banger came barreling down the road and turned right directly in front of me, almost taking my left foot off. I slapped the back of his car -- not enough to cause any damage, just to make an audible indication of how upset I was that he came damned close to hitting me. I had already crossed the street when he got out of his car, hollered at me, shot off a series of unsavory epithets, and threatened to kick my ass inside out and backwards. He kept on telling me to come over to settle the matter, but as far as I was concerned, I already got my message across, so I ignored him. What surprised me about the whole thing was how exaggeratedly angry he was with me -- I mean, the trunk of his already thouroughly decayed heap of a vehicle got a bit of a slap while he came quite close to causing me grievous bodily injury. But that's LA for you -- cars trump bikes and people, and no one seems to care about it at all.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 10:04, Reply)

This thread is about road rage! not about speed cameras, and ''I don't speed because its bad!''
Yeh mate you probably cause shit loads of acciedents by doing 40 (the 40 mile an hour club!) in a 60 area, you see that white and black sign! 60! Dual carragie way 70! Fucking do it! 5 miles under fine, 5 miles over fine! Hate people who speed hate people who drive slow! Hate people who drive down country lanes in the middle of the fucking road! ''no white lines that means I can drive in the middle'' Drive with you near side touching the hedge dickheads, If everyone did there's always room for 2, and watch out for horses! Simple!
sarcasm is the best way, but there are so many fucking shit drivers on our roads! No one else should be allowed to drive! We have enough who cant. Yes everyone makes mistakes, but some people are plain fucking crap and should never been allowed to pass there test!
Does this count as web rage?
O and learn to park in the bloody lines! Straight!
Laughing at Twat chariots is a must!
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:46, Reply)

About 6 months ago I was driving through the backstreets of Oxford when a car ran straight through a give way line in front of me. I hit the breaks but it all happened too fast and I ended up smashing into his rear side, causing the car to spin around in the road.
The damage was quite bad, the front of my car was smashed but it was still running, the side of the other car was caved in and he had two flat tyres from the spin.
I got out and calmly approached the driver only to be greeted be a furious onslaught of insults, threats, and general nastiness. The guy started accusing me to going to fast, not looking, the usual bollocks. I attempted to defuse the situation by telling the bloke not to worry about it and we should just swap details and let the insurance companies sort it out.
The guy started to look pretty panicked but agreed so I got a pen and paper out of my car whilst the guy made a phone call. It was in another language so I couldn’t understand what was being said but the guy’s attitude change quite suddenly after he got off the phone. He had a knowing smile and proceeded to stall me as long as possible by writing his details wrong, starting again, making small talk etc.
Anyway, we had just about finished exchanging details when another car arrives, a guy closely resembling the guy I had just hit (possibly a brother) gets out of the car and approaches me.
He starts with “Look, you just fucked up my mate’s car, I saw it and you need to give my mate some money to fix it now.”
The other guy joins in: “How much money you got on your mate, better give me your wallet and let me look.”
Fuck fuck fuck!!! I thought to myself so I replied with “Look mate, do you want me to call the police?”
“Keep your phone in your pocket mate, I got a knife in mine” Came the reply from the lager of the two.
Meanwhile I realised the not only was my car door still open but my engine was running so I decided to make a dash for it. I ducked sideway and legged it as fast as I could towards my car. I think this surprised them as they hesitated for a second before chasing after me and I managed to drive in and lock my car almost at the exact second one of the guy’s pulls the handle to open it. I rammed it into first and dumped the clutch grinding my way not only passed the wreaked car but also passed the newcomers 525 BMW!
By grinding I mean literally SCRAPING my car down the sides of both (it was a really narrow street and it was the only rout of escape). So leaving one wreaked Astra and one freshly managed BMW I drove off into the sunset and to my utter delight both cars were trapped and neither of the two would be assailants could manage to turn in the street to give chase!
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:40, Reply)

When on the receiving end of any road rage based abuse, caused by the other drivers gargantuan ineptitude, my mate shouts, "I've just fucked your Mother in the eye", and then drives off...
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:39, Reply)

Once I gently bumped into the back of another car. It was dark, raining hard and I was trying to see if traffic was coming in the lane I was trying to pull into.
The chap in front moved on, and I pulled out without noticing until just a little bit too late that he had stopped again. So, brakes fully on but not stopping in time. 'Bump'.
So there I am, sitting in the car and the bloke from the car in front immediately leaps out, runs to the back of his car and searches for damage. Then then comes over to my car and starts shouting at me and hurling abuse etc.
I'm a little shocked but quite calm, but this bloke is being somewhat abusive; much more so than the situation demands. He's telling me how stupid I am and asking if I'm some kind of arsehole and so on.
At this point I get out of the car and stand up next to him. I'm 6'2" and a good foot taller than this bloke. For some reason me standing up in front of him stretched to my full height seems to calm him down a bit, and he starts to be more agreeable.
I quickly check the damage to my car and then have a look at the back of his. When looking at his car I notice the baby on the back seat. The bloke hadn't even checked to see if the baby was okay before rushing out to check his precious car. It's at this point I realise the man is a twunt of the highest order.
And of course it turns out that his car only ended up with scratched paint whilst mine had a lovely broken headlight. Where's the justice in that?
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:35, Reply)

Can I be the first to advocate road sarcasm? It's easier and more gentle than road rage, and will lead to a more fulfilling life. Here are the basic tenets:
1. On giving way to someone who does not wave/flash their thanks, wave back vociferously, smiling and nodding. Yell "don't mention it! Oh, you didn't.".
2. Always applaud terrible driving, by clapping enthusiastically, or better, rolling down your window and punching the air while whooping.
3. While in the vicinity of those children's cars (you know, the pikey Max Power types with the dreadful body kits and pointless 'mods') always laugh uproariously and visibly. They love to be appreciated.
4. On seeing a low range, small engine-d BMW or Merc, always thumbs up to the driver and mouth "nice car!". Do this especially if it's an older model.
5. Pucker up and wink suggestively at Porsches. Their drivers are invariably sex gods and you may get some red-hot action.
6. When someone blows their horn at you because of some driving fault on your part (and you know it happens - even Ayrton Senna crashed), smile and wave your thanks at the driver in question. He/she is the perfect driver, and you should be grateful to them pointing out the error of your ways.
Now, back to the lists of what everyone hates....
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:19, Reply)

In the space of 3 weeks I was knocked off 2 x motorcycles by knobs who claimed not to have seen me.
Utter Rubbish.
Although in the second accident I gound myself lying on the road and as I struggled to take my helmet off, all I could hear was the woman driver (I'm not saying a thing!) screaming that she had killed me! I put my helmet back on as the bitch wouldn't shut up. I normally have to work alot harder to make a woman scream.
Ahem. Apologies.
Edit - Just been out for a smoke, crossing the zebra crossing at the front of the office when had to basically throw myself back onto the pavement as a (really ugly) woman ON THE PHONE drove straight over the crossing that I was trying to use.
On the plus side, thde crossing is humped and she ripped of the front spoiler of her (obviously) Compnay A3. Ha Ha.
Length fine, girth, very impressive.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:18, Reply)

A couple of years ago I was running late (there's a surprise...) bundled kids (twin boys around 2yrs at the time) into car and set off to Grandma's house....I live in the sticks, surrounded by fields, woods and all single track roads...but does that make anyone slow down? Does it bugger! So I'm doing a comfortable 40ish along the track, whip round a corner only to discover a white van (surprise surprise!) hurling towards me...oh shit, I think....quick, pull over! Evasive action was taken and rapid contact was made with offside wing and the only bloody tree in the field....White van didn't even slow down...Managed to limp to Grandma's house where children shout with glee, "Mummy crash car! Tree move!" Now kids don't lie, ok!
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:13, Reply)

On an empty dual carriageway, I start getting tailgated by a white van. Thinking “oh ffs” I pull into the inside lane. White van follows me, and continues to tailgate. I indicate right, and move back into the outside lane. White van follows me again, and literally gets within a meter (all I could see in the back mirror was the grille). Cue this back and forth a number of times. I’m getting increasingly pissed off and worried as it’s obvious this guy is doing it deliberately, and it’s really fucking dangerous.
A few miles of this and he indicates and starts to pull off the slip road, obviously having a great time with his mate, chortling away. I think “thank fuck for that” and give him the middle finger.
He then pulls a hard right, and swerves back onto the dual carriageway.
“uh oh.” Thinks I. Mouth going dry and adrenaline gland opening, as this van powers up behind me.
The guy then proceeded to pull to the side of me, almost touching the side of my car (I thought if it went on for longer, he’s start to ram me like a cliché Hollywood movie), screaming obscenities, and not watching the road at all. By this point I made a “wind your window down” gesture and guys mate complies.
“You better calm him down otherwise he’s going to kill himself and you or all of us.” Shouts I ,to an ashen face.
Thankfully his mate saw sense and calmed him down, as they left on the next road, leaving me to pull over in the next layby and sit shaking for quarter of an hour.
I can see now how people get stabbed.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:10, Reply)

... you make a case in point..
A friend of mine got a speeding ticket the other day and complained bitterly that he would sue the maker of a popular oval shaped dashboard mounted speed camera detector.
"How come you've been driving for 17 years and have never got a ticket?" he asked me.
"Because I drive within the speed limit mate" was my reply.
It doesnt take much does it?
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:08, Reply)

seem to have this bewildering, yet complete, sense of injustice about speed cameras.
"they fuckin put em just at the start of where you're supposed to slow down, and I got caught, and I got fined a hundred dollars!"
Yes, damn this oppression. Let's all drive down to Parliament, as quickly as we can.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:06, Reply)

45 mph in a 60 zone and then carry on doing 45 in a 30 zone.
These drivers should be pulled out of the car and tortured, quartered and their bits left hanging on random roadsigns.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:59, Reply)

(both he and I are bike riders)
"having your hazard lights on doesn't mean you can park in the bike lane".
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:56, Reply)

1) People who speed up when you try and overtake them - this is neither funny nor sensible, and makes you look the prat you clearly are.
2) Truck drivers who think that simply indicating their wish to pull out means they can do so, irrespective of who is next to them, or approaching from behind at a higher speed than they can attain.
3) Truck drivers who overtake each other with 2mph speed difference thus selfishly blocking the carriageway for faster vehicles for 20 minutes or so, GET A LIFE YOU IGNORANT FUCKERS, AND TURN YOUR BRAINS ON BEFORE YOU TURN ON YOUR IGNITION.
4) Salesmen in Passats and low-spec BMW 1 series who tailgate me when I'm already doing 90 because they've 'simply got to get past' - obviously an important paperclip sale is waiting for them at the end of their journey.
5) People who pull halfway across a busy road and then look at you disapprovingly when you dont let them out... Err, I didnt ask you to do it, dont blame me when your half-arsed manouvre causes you to be stuck there.
6) People in Supermarket carparks who wait patiently to get to the spaces right by the door because they're too fat/lazy/idle to park further away and walk.
7) People who use the disabled/mother and baby spaces in said carparks without being either disabled or having a baby. You know who you are, you SUV driving twats.
8) Bus Drivers, 99% of whom are arrogant, cerebrally deficient pond-scum. To those of you who are decent and considerate, I apologise.
9) Chavs in riced up cars. Lads (and some lasses) I dont want you glued to the back of my car either in heavy traffic or on a motorway, if your car really had the power you advertise you would be easily able to overtake me. I also carry my 18 month old son in the back seat quite often and I dont want him involved in an accident. And turn your bloody music off, I can hear it in my car with my stereo on, so god knows what its doing echoing around in your vacant cavern of a cranium.
That is all.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:53, Reply)

Well, where do i begin.
Firstly i used to work in the shit hole that is known as Bradford. So far they are the worst f**king road users i have ever seen. The locals simply dont care...
- Make turnings without looking or indicating.
- Padestrians cross roads without looking, then look at you as if its your fault you almost hit them.
- I have seen a guy stop in the middle of a main road and shout over to his mate on the other side of the road, have a conversation then wait for him to cross and get in!
- Take shortcuts over pavements and force their way out of junctions.
- Over take several cars by driving up the wrong side of the road, even where there is traffic coming!
And i was once coming upto a roundabout which was clear so i get on it, then some stupid bitch charges onto the roundabout (with kids in the car!) causing me to slam the anchors on then flips me the bird as if its my fault for being there. Some choice words were shared!
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:53, Reply)

I'll share two fairly different stories from the mean streets of Seoul.
1) A friend of mine was visiting while on leave from military duty in Afghanistan. He was crossing the street at an intersection with other people while the walk light permitted. A car rolled through the crosswalk, then hit him knocking him onto the windshield and throwing him to the road. The driver got out and started yelling at him in Korean. Not knowing Korean or what else to do, my friend got up and started kicking the door of the car. He was wearing steel-toed boots and was working off the rage of cleaning up after the Americans in Afghanistan. After some kicking, he realised he was in a foreign country and ran.
2) I was on my POS scooter in Itaewon, the sleazy foreigner district in downtown Seoul. It accumulates a large number of disgruntled English teachers who hate being here and hate Korean people. I often see them shouting abuse at the Koreans who do wander into this area, for literally no reason.
I pulled up at an intersection for a red light. A guy crossing the road toward me screamed in my ear from about a meter away. I guess he thought I was Korean. I turned to him and said "What the hell was that?"
He said "Get off the sidewalk!"
I looked at the streetlight and looked at the road we were on and told him "Get off the road."
He seemed to have a friend nearby so I did a right turn and got out of there. Being on a scooter is a prone position for a fight, but I wish I had the chance on this chump.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:49, Reply)

A while back, a friend of mine and I were on the freeway coming back from the Renaissance fair. Some asswipe was riding my ass, I was doing 75mph in the left lane, well over the speed limit. Great. So this jerk in a full size Ford F150 is quite literally about to push my little Mitsubishi forward, just so he can go even faster. :/
Well, I move over into the centre lane as soon as I could, and this guy slows down, starts yelling curses at me, and then cuts behind me. Then he gets over in the RIGHT hand lane, starts screaming more, and my friend notices he's pulling out a gun. :/ Gotta love the Second Amendment. Anyway, my friend screams his brother is a cop, so don't fuck with us, this guy's wife is yelling at him to put the gun away, and they've got their kid in the backseat of the truck, and he's terrified.
The real gem? This fuckwit was dumb enough to do this in his company's truck with the logo CLEARLY MARKED. :/
I missed my exit trying to get away from this guy, pull into a gas station, and Ramone, my friend, calls the cops and we file a police report with the information we collected. And when I pulled over, there was a HUGE crash that blocked all the lanes on the freeway--I got off it just as the jam began, and so this impatient fool was stuck in this mess and surely even more pissed off than he was before.
Fast forward several months:
My friend's brother goes to Mr. Fuckwit's place of employment to serve this complaint that we filed against him. Turns out said place of employment was just within the jurisdiction of the fine city of Glendale, so Ramone's brother could take care of it. Fuckwit was the VP of the company, and was dumb enough to give Ramone's brother (the Officer), and his uncle who's a retired FBI agent, shit. Fuckwit throws a swing at Uncle, Uncle slams fuckwit against the wall and in addition to charges of aggravated assault, road rage, endangerment, and reckless driving, he now has Assaulting a Federal Officer to his list. So then Fuckwit starts swearing at my friend's brother, and gets assaulting a cop and resisting arrest added to the now fairly extensive list.
Fuckwit starts screaming at Ramone's brother, saying that it wasn't his truck, the cops can't prove shit, etc. So Officer whips out his cellphone and calls the precinct where the original complaint was filed for the information he needs. He goes out to the motor pool, and Voila! There's the truck, and the fifth in the lot no less, so Fuckwit gets cuffed and hauled off downtown.
After Fuckwit was out in the patrol car, Ramone's brother asked if anyone else had any complaints to file against him. EVERYONE in that office came forward with some sort of assault or threat charge against this guy. Evidently he not only beat his wife and kids, he terrorised everyone around him and threatened to kill anyone who got in his way, and since this guy was obviously off his psychotropics, everyone believed him.
Fuckwit is now serving a fairly long sentence as a guest of Arizona taxpayers on multiple charges, and gets out sometime in 2009. This incident happened March of '99, so...hopefully this jackass will screw up again and maybe get shot next time around instead of just winding up in jail. :/ I hope to God he won't take anyone else down with him.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:46, Reply)

I really REALLY properly hate cyclists who sail through red lights as if they own the road and then squeal like stuck pigs when you run the fuckers over.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:39, Reply)

1. All car owners/drivers in the Lothian region - YOU PEOPLE CANNOT DRIVE!!! Get a licence you unwashed drug-addled idiots!
2. All taxi drivers in lowland Scotland who obviously think they own the fucking road
3. Old people in Nissan Micras who DELIBERATELY drive at AT LEAST 10mph below the speed limit JUST TO PISS ME OFF
4. ARSEHOLES who cut me up at roundabouts because the have refrained from using the little orange lights at the corners of their cars. If you are one of these people, they are CALLED INDICATORS YOU USELESS FANNYBAG! THEY TELL PEOPLE WHICH DIRECTION YOU ARE GOING IN!!!
5. People who park too close to me allowing me approx 3mm of door opening space necessitating me having to climb into my car through the boot. I have been known to key the paintwork of the cuntoids who do this
6. The particular cock-end who decided to park up at the side of Ferry Road in Edinburgh on Tuesday morning just past Inverleith Row and then open his drivers door just as I was approaching, causing me to swerve into the path of an oncoming bus and narrowly avoid a head-on smash with said vehicle and who nonchalontly strolled away whilst I leaned on the horn and called him every bad word I could think of, much to the amusement of the bus driver. If it was you, and you are reading this: Sir, YOU ARE A TRACKSUIT-WEARING FUCKSACK AND I WANT TO TEAR YOUR LIMBS OFF AND FORCE-FEED THEM TO YOUR RETARDED SPAWN!!! You wanker.
Aaaaand relax. Better now.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:26, Reply)

The end of my road has the aformentioned yellow box, means you can't enter if the exit is not clear. Trying to get out of my road is a real bitch at the best of times, but luckily a set of lights are 20 meters up the road, meaning traffic usually stops to let you out when red.
In a rush to get somewhere, I'm sat there waiting, lights go red, get ready to move, when some old chap decides to park across the junction. I'm blocked in, and competely lose it.
After beeping the horn, I decide that isn't enough as he hasn't realised what he's done, so I wound the window down, shouted a torrent of abuse, including the phrase 'you fucking cunt' pointing at the box and telling him where he can stick it.
Lights change, he drives off, and the nice chaps in the white van behind let me out as they're too busy pissing themselves laughing!
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 8:04, Reply)

I constantly shout at other "accident causing drivers". I have to have a lift into work, and then I'm shouting from the passenger seat.
I don't shout at everyyone, only the ones driving like twats. Which in retrospect is everyone else. It's like tourettes.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 7:39, Reply)
This question is now closed.