Freddie Woo writes: I've still got weird feelings for a well-known female TV presenter from the 1980s. I'm now in my forties, work in the same building as her and she follows me on a number of social networking sites. And now, she knows about it.
Tell us about the teenage crushes that still make you go wobbly.
( , Thu 5 Nov 2009, 11:04)
This question is now closed.

And if you paused it while she was in the midst of the spinning bird kick YOU COULD SEE HER UNDERWEAR.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 20:16, 1 reply)

Spent about three years getting out of bed at 7am on a Sunday so subverting the whole 'being a teenager' culture, watching Christopher Crocodile and the Family Ness just so I could watch the links with Phillipa Forester. I still would, even though she bothers God.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 20:11, 1 reply)

Blonde. Uniform. Flys her own fighter plane.
I think you know where I'm coming from...
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 20:04, 2 replies)

is worth a long tug job.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 19:56, 2 replies)

i swear when she gets turned into a human and burst out of the water you can see a flash of ginger muff
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 19:29, Reply)

When in Newsnight mode, she's authoraitative and power dresses most sexily. Then joy of joys, every year for the "Newsnight review" coverage of the Edinburgh fringe she totally glams it up in a sexy and smouldering way. This is a great time of year.
It's hard to spank one out to though, Mark Kermodes greasy bespecticled face tends to put one off ones rhythm.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 18:49, 4 replies)

Sally James on Tiswas. I wasn't quite sure what the stirring in my pants was at the time, but it was quite nice.
Kate Bush: Oh GOD. Still would even now
Toyah Wilcox: Couldn't understand this one, as she scared the bejesus out of me. Then again so did Hazel O Connor. Must just have a thing for scary women.
I need a lie down now!
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 18:28, 2 replies)

was Spock. Oh Spock, with that brilliant mind and hard exterior, I knew I'd be the one woman who could make him truly, truly feel, and that while everyone else would only ever see the cold intelligence, once we were alone in his quarters he'd proclaim his undying and passionate love.
On a side note, it's a little difficult to masturbate with a poster of Kirk, Spock, and Doc McCoy staring down at you.
(Maybe it's a girl thing.)
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 16:57, 3 replies)

phwoar and a half!
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 16:24, Reply)

That yellow robot from that CG movie Robots.
May from Pokemon
Phillipa Forrester from Robot Wars + CBBC
Some fanart of some girl from MS PAINT ADVENTURES.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 16:21, Reply)

Back when I was innocent, I wanted to make sweet, sweet love to her. I was jealous that you got to suck on those puppies. The feeling was never mutual, eventually I got over her. I'd still quite like to smash her back door in though.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 14:50, 2 replies)

Sandy Toksvig.
Not really. Ewww.
As interesting aside, chances are your mum has had sex. Maybe with someone other than your dad. She's also likely to have been fingered.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 14:11, 2 replies)

When she was in The Shining, before she went completely banana sandwich and tried to kill her husband in the bathroom or something.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 14:01, 1 reply)

Okay this isn't any proclamation of near necrophilia, but a few weeks ago I went to see Fleetwood Mac in Manchester. This naturally, caused a reawakening of my crush on Mr. Lindsey Buckingham. This shouldn't really happen as he is pushing it now and he doesn't have 'it' as much as in the late 70's. But yes, he'd get it. Whilst playing Second Hand News.
It's sad to say Stevie Nicks has a neck like a vagina now.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 13:57, 6 replies)

I was moved to Norway by my parents at 15, and sent to a Norwegian school. I had a crush on about half the females in my class, they all seemed smart and hot, those that weren't one were very much the other.
Heaven, you'd think. Except that I was 15, had never kissed a girl, was shy beyond imagining, and for the first year couldn't speak the language. There were two girls especially who I really liked, and looking back now I think they may even have been talked around if I had but tried. But no, I stubbornly just hoped something would magically happen and one or the other (or both, when I was feeling particularly horny) would appear at my door to proclaim their undying love for me.
On the upside the were many gym lessons which I 'forgot' my kit for and so was 'forced' to watch the rest of the class running around and jumping up and down whilst sneakily listening to my mp3 player...
I blame those two long years for my current love of the typical Scandinavian girl, and if they are and speak the lingo with me, I'll be theirs forever...
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 13:31, 1 reply)

The rather fetching blonde one from Maid Marian and Her Merry Men.
Quality kid's programme + a funny feeling in my dinkle = Friday afternoon glued to the gogglebox.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 13:10, 4 replies)

Jenny Agutter. That pert little upturned nose did it every time. Frequently getting her kit off in films helped cement her in my fantasies.
Jill Dando. So hot, so groomed, so high class. It's too bad she met the end she did.
Phillipa Forrest, Robot Wars era. I was shocked to see her later in some Sunday religious show sporting bingo wings.
Sian Lloyd. For some reason I thought she could an entire pint glass in her mouth which was strangely erotic.
Whitney Houston in I Wanna Dance With Somebody video. Too bad she turned into a raddled, addled crack hag. Even post-addiction she's clearly not playing with a full deck.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 12:45, Reply)

Had my 1st wet dream about good ole Snowy.
Unfortunately my lust was re-ignited by Rammstien's Sonne video. My friends have advised that I get help.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 12:33, 4 replies)

I hope he won't reject me.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 12:11, Reply)

A girl who's name escapes me, aged 11, first proper kiss behind a Land Rover. She wasn't really a crush but she set the "template" for the next few years which was "bad" girls, AW in school always in trouble with the teachers, didn't give a fig. That to my middle class repressive upbringing was one attractive quality. Then Diana from the TV series V, Servalan from Blakes 7 and Maggie Philbin from Tomorrows World, mostly "bad" girls all brunettes.
Mystery landrover kissng girl-I thank you and I thank you adverterous spirit for using tounges. :)
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 11:22, 1 reply)

in 'Cat People' catapaulted me through puberty. Even the soundtrack still gives me goosebumps. And that secene with with the lithe, naked and rain-soaked Nastassja... BRB
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 9:59, Reply)

Geeky, techie, told me all about the latest games, with a boosted attractiveness-by-comparison thanks to standing beside Andy Crane.
Pretty much cemented my desire towards girls who could install something on a computer without crying.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 9:07, 4 replies)

Jenna off Blake's 7. I used to wank myself stupid over her.
Jane Jetson's well fit as well.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 8:07, 1 reply)

You know- off The Goodies.
When he shaved off his muttonchops I was devastated.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 6:06, 1 reply)

All beautiful. And they all sang beautifully too. They were in the choir at school, and majoring in music. But that's not where I met them. I met them at a sweet shop. They turned around and smiled at me. You get the picture? Yes, I think you see. That's how I fell for the pack of the lieder.
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 5:51, 1 reply)

I was in my fourth year at High School and she was in the year above me. In my opinion she was perfection, that and the largest set of mammary glands in the whole school. Add unobtainable to the equation due to her attraction to "older boys". I felt thwarted for almost the whole year!
Roll on the last two week's of term, she was leaving, planning on University and I was doomed to an empty year of study for my highers without the presence of the cause of my almost constant hard on. I'd never felt so low in my life....
There was a campfire in the local glen planned for the Saturday night, the usual cider, smoke and guitars. Long haired hippy types, Neil Young style patched denims, checked shirts, kaftans, smock blouses, patchouli oil and incense...and her! On her own and unattached! The engorgement was almost instant!
Unable to play it cool and aware that everyone who knew me was privy to my "crush" I fucked off from the crowd, guitar in hand and decided to have a pipe of some very lovely lebanese on the periphery, hoping I would be ignored.
Ten minutes later, suitably spaced, I was pissing about with the guitar, playing the intro from "Stairway to Heaven" (oh, the the shame of it now)and I smelled her beside me. It was a peaches and cream, strawberry mix which I knew was her, and once again, the twitching trouser monster threatened to betray me.
"Can you play Lay Lady Lay?" was all she said. Not being a big Dylan fan I stuttered my inability and the next word's stopped me in my tracks!
"If you can learn it before the end of term I'll fuck you"!
Talk about motivation! Bugger me blind if I was not instantly straight, mouth gaping open and closed goldfish style and the rabbit eyes caught in the high beams. She casually walked away and the night sort of fizzled off from there on in.
Except, I had a purpose! Next morning, I headed straight of to my mates house and borrowed his brothers copy of "Nashville Skyline" and spent just about every waking moment for three days learning and perfecting a song that I did not really care for.
At lunchtime on the last day of term, I plucked up the courage to walk across the common room, eyes starting to follow me with much nudging and pointing at me from around the area. "I've learned it" was all I could stammer.
A smile was my reward! That was it! Fuck me, I'd blown it, and was now the subject of much ridicule from my peers.
The afternoon thereafter was a depressing slow moving torture which could not end quick enough. the bell went and I was off the blocks like an Olympic sprinter, but not quick enough to avoid her....
I really had no idea what happened next, all I remember is walking out of the school, dimly aware of a clutched note that was passed to me. Once free from the younger oiks and sure that none of my friends was about I opened the note.
"I'll come round to yours about 7:30 tonight"
Bloody hell! Get in there! Then the logistics sank in. Although my mother was not at home, my sister and three brothers almost certainly would be. Sis was not so bad, she declared that she was on her way out stay at a mates house. That left the boys! Three quid and a mission for the purchase of Fish and Chips sorted that one out!
The appointed hour arrived, I as usual acted like a spastic mong until showtime. Somehow, I managed it, played the song, remembered the words and finished with a flourish I never knew I was capable off.
Then it started. I'm not SpankyHanky so there's no need to embellish the tale with "facts" but it was awesome!
Afterwards, she admitted that even if I could not play the song we would have ended up sharing that evening. It was then I discovered that the "crush" had been mutual, my acting shy to avoid her finding out and her acting "grown up" to avoid me finding out.
We were devastated to discover we had wasted a year, somehow things were exponentially blown out of proportion and making up for the lost time was the most important thing on our minds for months after.
Sadly, as with all good things, after two and a bit years we drifted apart, she transferred from Glasgow University to St Andrews and I ended up working offshore. We remained friends, but, to this day, I have never forgotten the power involved in the teenage crush.
Probably the biggest single emotion that you will experience until adulthood swings at you!
( , Sat 7 Nov 2009, 3:46, 6 replies)
This question is now closed.