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Farewell, mate.
Doctor When May your wife shat and chipper ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:31,
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Now *that* is good.
chobb ,ø¤ºGREATº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºRAPISTº¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ºRECOMMENDEDº¤ø ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:32,
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Too right little kittens
Too right. *weeps*
Hoohah Bibbly-bobbly-bubbly-snibbly wib-wib floppit. ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:32,
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Best tribute ever
Bye John, give my regards to Joe *sniff*
Goatpod ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:32,
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joe and john....
how sad am i today? *blubs*
calihal ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:53,
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to that. Love the quivery bottom lips - I'm feeling a bit similar.
Button Man ...a right bottom feeder. ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:32,
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hot damn
John peel was cool as fuck.
PMGT -Bacon. ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:33,
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i like it alot
a fitting trubute to a great man. Goodbye John.
d4ve ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:33,
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poor sniffly kitten
new_matt ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:34,
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That gets a morbid yet respectful Woo, Yay
and houpla. Goodbye John.
busy phil is still bloody busy ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:35,
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much more civilised than mine
you've started me off again *sobs*
twig Save 6 Music ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:35,
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So sad...
I really can't believe he's gone. No-one can ever replace him.... Rest in peace, Peely
Nikfuf Eetr Northern Midlander ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:35,
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Fucking yay!
*sniff* (again!)
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:37,
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Thats great...
I have missed the news...its an odd way to find out on B3ta. " ...and now Dog Vomit from Cleaveland... claiming they are the new Death metal psyco punk..." He will be missed. woo pic
Ning Has taken out flounce insurance. ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:37,
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Spot on.
RIP. The guy was tops. /saddened
trumpet ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:38,
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thank you
I saw this first on B3ta before checking BBC news. sad now.
rpophessagr ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:39,
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<>Dog www.stevelaker.blog ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:39,
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I couldn't have put it any better
swaza I'm bad, I'm bad. You know it. I'm bad. ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:41,
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a nice tribute
for a nice man shame he can't spin me a few tunes in heaven i will down in hell ..with a few other b3tans..
MagicallyInept Bored Sig. ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:41,
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Its a sad day
a legend has passed. May he rest in peace!
firstinch returns after about 10yrs ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:43,
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Very B3TA
and actually rather moving.
Glen Moranjie ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:43,
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I can't believe it either...
John was a true hero, thankyou for giving me and many others an education in music. You will never be forgotten R.I.P - Your work here is done!
Raoul Moat's New Fishing Rod ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 14:46,
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I am genuinely saddened by this news.
My tribute from the bbc site here: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/3955417.stm An inspiration, John's passing is a great great loss to us all. I will always recall fondly my teenage and later years tuning in religiously to Peel just as my dad would, and each show would inspire and enthral. A man of great integrity, he leaves behind a legacy to be utterly proud of and a pair of shoes that I sincerely doubt anyone else can ever fill. With sadness and deepest sympathies.
.spanky is singing "PEANUTS!" ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:01,
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btw I take it hes died?
Blobcat Less Jaffacakes this year ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:02,
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That's true I'm afraid
Zak Canard remembers this place, vaguely ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:13,
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Any man
who can reach the noble age of 65 and still play songs called "kick the pregnant" deserves emotional kittens, in my book.
underachiever ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:10,
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Oh My Gawd!
I only just found out! Bugger! Poor Peel...
holygiblets ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:19,
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StickFigureNinja is worried he may be on the list ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:30,
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Indeed a strange way to learn news like that
a big loss.......
Cat Fur Head ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:35,
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that's really nice!
we love you john!
viperrr mostly comes out at night, mostly ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:36,
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If anyone deserves quivery lipped kittens it's him.
flurokitty 3, 2, 1 lets jam! (+.[___]·:·) ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:49,
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Teenage dreams
...so hard to beat.*wipes tear from eye*
flashboy ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 15:50,
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Damn it,
you've just made me cry
Rev. A-MOL is lurking around these parts again ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 16:22,
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lovely tribute
to a lovely bloke
ivor_the_engine ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 18:08,
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I like that.
Used to listen to him on the interwebby at work
Batshitmentalist is sane for once ,
Tue 26 Oct 2004, 21:46,
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good tribute
simod ,
Wed 27 Oct 2004, 21:35,
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Wed 27 Oct 2004, 21:43,
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It's what he would have wanted
sandman0733 ,
Thu 28 Oct 2004, 0:28,
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