Do you flirt with check-out girls just for the heck of it? Are you a check-out girl and flirt with sad-looking middle-aged men for fun? Are you Vernon Kay? Tell us about flirting triumphs and disasters
Thanks to Che Grimsdale for the suggestion
( , Thu 18 Feb 2010, 13:00)
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iv been dumped you see ... so this qotw comes at a convienient time
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:01, 74 replies)

Pics of tits also encourage attention (!). Well, attention or cock pics.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:46, closed)

tips for how to show one's face after crying in front of an entire queue outside a club. i foresee a particularly horrendous week.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:13, closed)

Women + Booze = Tears.
This is a (reluctantly) accepted fact.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:14, closed)

Because it's gonna take a miracle to cure this herpes.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:22, closed)

Crying into your highly alcoholic beverage of choice. You will soon be approached by many predatory, rebound-fucking cads. Use and discard. Until you find a genuinely sympsthetic one, he'll be the keeper.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:23, closed)

I recommend a notepad to write down all the ways in which you will get revenge.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 10:45, closed)

doesn't mean it will work for anyone
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:19, closed)

And do stuff that you enjoy unfettered by someone else's taste, time, or wants.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:29, closed)

now im more upset that this post has had more replies than any of my other posts put together. lol!
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:36, closed)

you did mention that you were newly single on a website with a high proportion of men...
What were you expecting? ;-)
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 11:42, closed)

Only I know this girl that's been dumped and needs converting.
Not in love - but open to perversion.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:34, closed)

Indulge your own wants. When you're single it does't count as selfish.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:19, closed)

And make sure you do somethng with him that you'd never do with your ex
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:01, closed)

Not like the last tossbandit.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:03, closed)

Fiancee left me about 6 weeks ago...it'll hurt like hell for a while...then you'll probably get a bit mad...then a bit spiteful..then you'll not give a shit and move on. It's the way it always works.
Not much help I know and I won't mention time is a great healer...bollocks!
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:29, closed)

and yes, time is a great healer. Might need a bit longer than 6 weeks though...
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:46, closed)

and thanks :)
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:55, closed)

The love of my life left me for the woman he was cheating on me with, 9 months ago now. It still hurts from time to time but yes, it will and does get easier :)
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 13:25, closed)

So has been a bit tougher than other break-ups but hey ho. Thing is she still keeps in touch and that's probably not a good idea!
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 14:11, closed)

So either she is a totally unfeeling dolt, or hasn't realised the pain that would cause, or misses you.
Or intends to cause pain.
Which is more likely? - and how best to deal with it?
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 14:59, closed)

The issue is she loves me (I believe) but also loves the idea of being single and free (she is only 25 after all), so she wants to keep me around...but also do her own thing...
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 15:21, closed)

If either - looks like you fell in love with the wrong girl.
I suspect we all do at least once or thrice. But if she's wrong, move on.
You will find another person to complement you. That person will be sure of it too - not dithering about like this loser. (Harsh? - she lost you didn't she?)
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 15:50, closed)

I know it's all true - but sometimes that's the problem isn't it? You have to admit they were flawed...
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 16:16, closed)

more than she wants to be with you, then I guess she doesn't love you as much as she should if she were going to marry you. So I guess she's done the right thing. If you need space then just ask her for that - I've found with even the exes that are now friends, we needed that period of no contact to get to that point. Massive hugs, break-ups suck :( You wil find someone else though :)
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 17:17, closed)

Time helps, gives you time to find something to resent in her, focus on that, eases the break-up then you can move on and look back at the good times without getting upset.
I'm saying that, I'm in the same boat too. Said she loved me (and I'd found a job and was about to move up closer to her) then the next week said she never loved me and didn't want to be together even though she told her friends and family she did and just has trouble committing to someone, gets scared and destructs her relationships...
Sucks big time, not easy getting over it but you have to have a period of resentment to get over it otherwise (like me) you'll end up in a rut and not be able to deal with it.
Wish I could say something funny or more constructive but break-ups suck! Drink helps!!!
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 20:54, closed)

For exactly that reason - but all I can remember is her amazing green eyes, smile, laugh, intelligence and awesome body and sex....
I have been down the drink route...sadly that didn't do me any favours and drove a lot of friends and family away. I'm more sorted now though and just need to focus on work, my health, and the rest will fall into place I think. Try it too :)
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 22:03, closed)

get annoyed at you for not putting the toilet seat down?
Steal the duvet EVERY FUCKING NIGHT?
Get terrible PMS where one minute she'd shout at you for daring to breathe loudly and then cry because she shouted?
Steal your chips?
Leave cupboard doors open and lights on and then worry about the bills?
Say that she was going to watch sport with you and then sulk because you were watching sport?
Hear you go to the toilet in the middle of the night and then try and stab you because she thought you were a burglar? (Ex housemate did this to me, terrifying!)
Decide that you were stealing her cheese, lick her cheese and the post notes on the fridge saying "I lick my cheese"?
Dye her hair green and then cry when you said you didn't like it?
Follow you from room to room telling you the neighbours had been shopping and BOUGHT CRISPS?
Have to wee every hour, on the hour?
Constantly knock things over and drop things? (My bf gets pissed off at me for doing this!)
Keep thinking, there'll be something... Yay :S
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 22:22, closed)

...snored - I thought it was cute.
- stole the covers...I liked to watch her sleep anyway
- Shit like an elephant every morning at 7am. I just laughed with her about it.
- Couldn't cook for her life. I liked making her dinner and seeing her enjoy eating it.
I'm just a SAP!
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 22:47, closed)

no you're not, you're just human. Keep doing what you're doing and it will get better.
( , Thu 25 Feb 2010, 9:46, closed)

Just allow whatever passes I make to be successful, and we can both have a new story to post this week.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:34, closed)

Food - preferably frozen ready meals.
Drink - soft drinks. Steer clear of the hard stuff. (You risk waking up in a strange bed with some strangers cum leaking out of your clout).
Entertainment - Get a boxset of some cheesy American drama (Battlestar Galactica, Prison Break, ER, that sort of thing), and sit and watch every episode while eating ready meals and drinking coke.
Should take the best part of a week.
You'll be fine after that.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:46, closed)

By which time you'll be fine.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:47, closed)

You'll have an encyclopedic knowledge of Series 1 of Battlestar Galactia.
That's sure to get somebody in the sack.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:49, closed)

Substitute ready meals and coke for chocolate and ice cream, and Battlestar Galactica for Scrubs (although Battlestar is AWESOME).
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:51, closed)

Proves my point.
Knowledge of cheesy American dramas = full blown sexual intercourse with a real live woman.
If I'd have said the complete back catalogue of Antiques Roadshow that probably wouldn't have had the same effect.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:53, closed)

But women need something to cry at for a week after a break up.
However, my boyfriend introduced me to Battlestar a little a while ago and yes, full blown hot horny sex with a woman has been happening for him ;)
Argos you say? Those glossy pages do make me a little moist...
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:56, closed)

You didn't say argos. I don't know where I got that from. Ahem, do excuse me...
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 12:59, closed)

Argos makes you horny!!!
Fair plays.
I get quite erect whenever I think about Iceland.
(Especially the frozen fish isle).
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 13:01, closed)

compared to the microwaves pages. Mmm.... Microwaves...
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 13:22, closed)

im actually a british comedy, monty python kind of girl. which is a good idea. i havent watched life of brian in a while. i find the best technique is to find a sad song (last time it was lou reed - perfect day) and play it ad nauseum until you are so bored you have to get out and do something else.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 13:24, closed)

Squeeze your emotions into a tiny little ball and swallow them down, only for them to come out at some random time.....oh sry thats what i do...bad advice
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 15:01, closed)

it just always seems to make me cry a little bit with the "Oh, that's so true.." moment at the end, hence being good for break ups.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 16:46, closed)

I've just recently been on an alice-in-chains o'thon for similar reasons. Now I'm sitting on my angry chair.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 22:33, closed)

Will help you get over this break-up in no time.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 15:26, closed)

either sit in alone, wearing pyjamas, dosing yourself with haagen-dazs and vodka and watching shit like bridget jones for a week, or plan a sex-fuelled revenge rampage.
trust me, the second one is much more fun.
( , Wed 24 Feb 2010, 16:32, closed)

...but no where near as good as a few pints of vodka and fucking random hotties.
( , Thu 25 Feb 2010, 12:44, closed)
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