Our IT support guy has been in the job since 1979, and never misses an opportunity to pick up a mouse and say "Hello computer" into it, Star Trek-style. Tell us your tales from the IT support cupboard, either from within or without.
( , Thu 24 Sep 2009, 12:45)
This question is now closed.

A few years ago I did tech support for a certain 3-letter ISP. Between having to deal with the complete idiocy of the customers, the other techs and the company itself I can safely say it was the worst job I will ever have in my life. However one positive that came from it was the many memorable stories I got from it. This was one of my favourites (although I'll probably tell it poorly):
So an old guy calls up, let's call him Fred, complaining about his email not working properly. Now Fred's a little upset, and after a quick glance at his ticket history it's not hard to understand why. He had called in no less than 50 times, spending well over an hour on the phone each time, always with the same problem, never anyone able to figure out the problem. It had been escalated up as high as it can go many times, no one had a clue. So Fred, being locked into a multi-year contract and thus didn't want to give up on it, decided for the umpteenth time to start over and deal with the lowly level 1 tech that just so happened to be me.
Fred's problem was an usual one. It seemed he was able to send email fine if he replied to someone else's message, but if he were to compose a new message from scratch, without fail he would always get a delivery status notification failure message back. Now me being, well, not retarded, immediately figured he's either got the wrong address he's typing in, he can't make the @ symbol, or doesn't know a period from a comma (all of which were remarkably common problems I had to put up with). So I walk him through sending an email. In order to make sure he has the right address I get him to send it to me, telling him character by character what to press. He's mad as hell through this whole ordeal, thinking he's being treated like a baby, but that is what it takes sometimes. So after being cursed at repeatedly, I was fairly confident I managed to get him to type my email address correctly and I had him spell out exactly what was in the 'To:' field several times just to make sure. Send. Not 2 seconds later, delivery status notification failure message came in for him. Fred had a good laugh at this; after all he was right. "You stupid cunt" (or something along those lines) "I told you it just doesn't work" he said. I had him read the message he got back to me. The address sounded good. I sent him an email. He replied. It came through. It was only when he composed an email from scratch the problem occurred.
Now I didn't have access to read his email, so all I knew of the message is what he was reading to me, and I still wasn't convinced he wasn't doing something stupid, so I walked him through copying the notification failure message to the clipboard and then pasting it to a reply to an email from me. A great feeling of satisfaction quickly came over me.
Me: Ok Fred I'm going to get you to try to send me an email one more time from scratch.
Fred: *grumble* Fuckin waste of time why can't you stupid fuckers fix this? grrr... ok FINE!!!
Me: Ok so in the "To:" field you have [email protected], right?
Fred: Yes
Me: And there's no extra letters or spaces and the @ sign is right and no accidental commas
Fred: God damn it we spelled this out ten times it is EXACTLY as you said to type it.
Me: Ok good. Now I want you to look especially carefully at it. At the start of my email address, did you remember to type www.?
Fred: I'm not an idiot of course I did! I always remember to put that in.
Me: Right. Don't do that.
And that made Fred a very happy man. Although he felt pretty stupid about it, as he should have.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 10:34, 1 reply)

Secretary calls me over. "This is wierd, watch this"
Sits quietly for 5 minutes, her screen goes blank.
"See, it switches off! But I've worked out how to switch it on again".
Thumps her desk, really hard. Computer magically switches on.
I suspect it might just be that when she thumps desk, her mouse moves. I didn't tell her though, it was quite funny to see her whack the desk 6 times per day, and it also annoyed everybody sitting around her as a bonus.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 9:17, Reply)

I'm not one to complain too much, just 3 or 4 times a day. But when there's over a hundred pages of QOTW suggestions, why do we get another week of pearoasts? Anyways, so I'm installing linux on my ps3 cause I think I'm a 7338 HAX0R or whatever the fuck it is, and I can't do it right I'm a tard. There's no IT for that so I'm fucked. Cheers
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 5:34, 2 replies)

I was working at a lobbying company in the 1990s. The boss was a lady in her 50s who worked from home, while I was in the office.
Anyway, she had a computer and printer there and a plain paper fax machine.
One day she calls me and says:
"The printer has run out of paper, and I haven't got any in stock. Can you fax me some over?"
Instead of explaining to her, I faxed over some blank sheets, and she was happy.
It was only afterwards I realised she must have thought the fax machine was a sort of teleport which transported physical documents, paper and everything, through the telephone wire...
(note - for young readers, a fax machine is a sort of old fashioned version of email using a dial up connection and paper and ink. For older readers, a fax machine is a really flashy TELEX with pictures.)
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 4:34, Reply)

A few years ago I was working at a PR company. The Managing Director, a former lobby journalist, had never got round to using computers - in fact he was a bit scared of them. He got his PA to do all his typing and dictated stuff to her.
Anyway, one week his PA is away on holiday and there is a really important document to write for a client. So he calls me in.
MD "I need to write this document. DS, how is your shorthand?"
DS "I can't write shorthand."
MD "OK, I will write it out longhand and you can type it up."
DS "I'm not your PA, right? Why don't you just use the computer?"
MD "I'm worried I will do the wrong thing and break it."
DS "It's just like a typewriter. You type here, see, and the words come up there, just like on a sheet of paper. But it's better because you can go back and change things if you make a mistake."
MD (not convinced) "OK, I will give it a go"
So I leave him with a laptop in his room. After a while there are happy tapping noises from his direction and I think I have finally won him round to the wonders of modern technology.
About two hours later I hear a lot of swearing and he comes bursting out of his office.
MD (furious and hyperventilating) "I just stopped typing for a bit and something terrible has happened. I have lost EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING is FUCKING RUINED. The computer is BROKEN. It's YOUR FAULT. I shouldn't have started on the computer. NOW I HAVE TO START EVERYTHING AGAIN. FUCK"
DS "Calm down, tell me what happened."
MD "The screen is BLACK and there are STRANGE THINGS"
DS "Hmm, that doesn't sound right. Let me see."
So I go into his office and there is the laptop, with the screensaver on.
DS "Oh, that's just to protect the screen"
MD "Protect the screen from what? Is it some sort of game? what a fucking waste of time. I didn't know we had GAMES on the computers. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON, WHY ARE THERE FISH? THERE ARE NO WORDS - WHERE HAVE THE WORDS GONE?"
DS "The words are...well, they are behind the fish."
MD "Well, GET THEM FUCKING BACK. Get rid of the fish. What do we do to get rid of the fish?"
DS "Well, you just push any key really.."
DS "Because most people would know that already..."
MD (banging various multiples of keys - which mysteriously do not shut the screensaver) "FIX IT, FIX IT. FOR FUCKS SAKE MAKE THE FISH GO AWAY"
After that - I kid you not - he got me to go round taking the screensavers off all the computers in the office so other people wouldn't get freaked out.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 4:27, 2 replies)

I am good enough to work on the computers of Little Old Ladies, everytime. Though I can possibly top any story you kind folks can tell about tech support for Ma, mine won't use any spreadsheet that was written after 1982. My favorite though was Mr. Keys.
Mr. Keys had a problem with his computer after his son in law had come around to send faxes. I gave him some ideas, talked to his wife over the phone, and got nowhere. Finally I volunteered to go over to his house and look at the system myself.
I brought all my disks, set them up next to the computer while Mrs. Keys went round and straightened the room, booted it up and turned to my pile of disks...
"Where are the disks that were here?" I asked her. "Oh I put those away." Ok, I go through all the disks in the drawer and get mine out, separate them from the system disks I was going to need, and started. Soon I turn to the pile and find them GONE AGAIN!!!
"Where are the disks I had here? I ask yet again. "Oh, I put them away." This time I dug out my disks and put them somewhere she couldn't get at them. I never got his computer right again, but I did get it where he could boot up. Later I'm talking to him and he says, "Oh well she has Alzheimer's..." No wonder I couldn't get anything done in the 2 1/2 or 3 hours I was on the phone with her.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 3:33, Reply)

Not in an IT support job, but trying to fix a computer for a friend of mine. When playing certain games and using certain software, his PC would wig out and the signal to the monitor would go dead without him touching anything. Eventually (after discovering some worryingly high cpu temperature readings) I concluded that the cpu heatsink and fan was no longer up to the job on his PC and pointed him in the direction of a much better replacement, given the conisderable distance between us (he was in Middlesbrough, I was in Canterbury) and that I was a busy university student, and that I was someone whom he had met on the internet (not THAT way you dirty minded gits) through steam, travelling to his place wasn't possible. So one day he comes online with an interesting tale, he bought the new fan, removed the old one without incident, but his dad insisted on fitting it, which was a big mistake, as he decided to fit it with a HAMMER (I shit ye not) and obviously bollocksed it up, but amazingly it still worked, but whenever he uses that PC now he has to have the side of the case off.
And his dad had the balls to say words to the effect of 'He doesn't know everything. He thinks the light shines out of his arse'. This is also a man who thinks an old, out-of-date and subscription expired version of norton 360 (I've yet to come across a PC that runs without incident with this pile of shit installed, same goes for any norton product) is the best internet security package of the face of the earth, and insisted on installing it on every computer in the house. Now that at the best of times is one of the worst choices of internet security package you could possibly choose, but if the subscription has expired (as we all know) it's worse than useless, it's just an irritating program that consumes all the system resources it can lay its hands on. Said package was promptly replaced (which surprised me, as norton programs don't usually go quietly when you try to uninstall them) by something up-to-date, more efficient, adn with a years free subscription.
If I had a hammer I'd use it to fix this guy's dad's head in the manner to which he's obviously accustomed.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 3:11, Reply)

and without fail, everytime my computer does something funny, I give my IT person a call *waves below* who will toddle over to have a look . . .
"it's not doing anything . . . "
But, but, but . . . it really was goosed when I was on it . . . I promise!! It really did do Something Funny (TM).
"Yes dear, I know . . . it happens a lot to IT people. It's fine when we get there . . . like the computer senses our presence."
Grrr . . . but it *was* goosed a second ago!!! Really!!!
PS: Happy Birthday Legless :)
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 2:56, 1 reply)

I can't count how many times I've had that call. My reply is always the same.
"Jesus! The Yanks are going to be really annoyed with you......
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 1:21, Reply)

I would rather disembowel myself than call microsoft technical support on my own time, but in work we have some really fucking complicated setups and every now and then we come up against something that really has us scratching our heads.
Recently I discovered that someone has paid for a whopping great big microsoft support contract so I've been making good use of it.
They have never, ever, come up with an actual solution to any of my problems.
But I always feel very reassured about it afterwards
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 1:05, 1 reply)

Users got three goes to enter their password. Three strikes means you're locked out, they'd then have to call us and get it reset.
"Sure, that's no problem, the computer has randomly generated a new password for you, you got a pen?"
"yes I do"
"N U M P T Y"
"is that uppercase?"
Yes it is, you have a nice day now"
That crazy random password generator, it seemed to generate the same password every time.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 0:26, Reply)

Problem with the Doosan 390L, wouldn't run a facing cycle properly.
Went down and had a look at what the operator was up to.
Tcha, not only was he trying to face the job with a G71, he hadn't put a R value into his offset table for the CRC for the following G70, and on top of that he was running the job line by line in MDI and was even trying to run Mazatrol code!
Would any of you IT experts taking the piss out of people's generally understandable lack of in-depth knowledge know what to do?
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 23:48, 11 replies)

That's what happens when someone tries to set up an EPOS till in a posh shop without realising that you don't need a space between the area code and actual number.
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 23:29, Reply)

Someone has a mail problem, I'm talking them through checking their settings, I can do it on autopilot.
"go to tools, accounts, options, etc..... What does it say here, there and so forth"
Then it happens
"what do you have in the username field?"
"I don't have a username field"
"eh? there should be a white box for you to enter your username there, just above password"
"no, there's not"
"are you in the server settings window?"
"and there's no username?"
"is there a white box anywhere there?"
"do you see where it says password?"
"what does it say above that?"
"server settings"
"and immediately below that?"
"and right below that?"
"there's a white box"
"and what does is say just to the left of the white box?"
I've also recently discovered www.teamviewer.com, www.showmypc.com and www.logmein.com which I heartily reccomend to all suffering IT profeshunals (although they don't help if you're trying to help someone get their intertubes connected)
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 23:28, 1 reply)

almost forgot this one.
Was the technical lead in shifting a company which firmly believed (read : still had BNC clusterfucks stashed in hung ceiling) in hub based networking. My remit was to move them to switched all through the enterprise, then document, and fuck off accordingly.
Post install, contract was extended to include shifting business units into various subnets - without a word of a lie, I had to argue the toss with a fat sweaty linux zealot as to why he shouldn't have the company CVS server under his desk (as opposed to a locked / monitored / surveillance blessed comms room).
Linux zealot == business anathema.
Learn some proper Unix, ie: Berkeley derivative and System V, perhaps even a crack of the whip on OSF, before you try and convert an enterprise.
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 23:27, Reply)

This chap isn't a techy, so reasonably enough he calls his companys tech support group. This group is in the companys head office which is in england somewhere.
"Goodness me, our internet is broken" He says
"Not a problem, we'll get right onto it" They say
So this tech bod, in england, calls the group that supplied the interent. This group is based in Belgium
"Goodness me, our internet is broken" He says
"Not a problem, we'll get right onto it" They say
So this tech contractor group calls the local ISP (that's us) who are based in belfast
"Goodness me, our internet is broken" He says
"Not a problem, we'll get right onto it" I say
Now, we are a bona-fide actual ISP and we make our own internets by hand but this shop is in Dublin and our infastructure isn't that well developed in the south of ireland so we sub-contract most of our work in the republic (can you guess what's coming?).
I call the actual ISP who is based in, wait for it, Dublin.
"Goodness me, my internet is broken" I says
"Not a problem, we'll get right onto it" They say
and if it's a good day, they'll phone back a bit later and say
"That should be it fixed now, can you reboot the router?"
"Thanks, I'll get that done now" I say
So I call the tech contracters who are based in Belgium......
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 23:16, 1 reply)

"yeah I was using the (fancy insurance claim application I can't remember the name of now) and then I noticed this bug on my screen"
"A bug?"
"yeah, a real big one, like a spider or something"
"You're calling because there's a bug sitting on your monitor?"
"No, not on the screen, IN the screen, down near the bottom"
"what happens when you turn the screen off?"
"It goes dark, I can't see it"
"Hmm, I think maybe you should call the janitor"
"ok, hey I turned the screen back on, the bugs flashing at me now"
"flashing?" (visions of a spider with a dirty mac float through my brain"
"yeah, just blinking"
"Can you click on it with the mouse?"
"lemme try, oh now it says "printer out of ink""
Mystery solved
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 23:04, Reply)

local newsreader chap wanders in, looking a bit lost
"hello, can I help you with something?" says I
"yes, my internet isn't working at home" he replies
"Have you brought it with you?"
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 22:42, 3 replies)

and none of the usual fixes worked, so I went and got an IT bod*. He did the exact same thing I did and it worked perfectly. I was annoyed because I looked like a twunt who can't computer. But I had some ginger biscuits, so I gave him one. At least I looked like a twunt who gave biscuits to IT people.
*I worked for this company before they implemented their streamlined new IT system. Instead of walking down the corridor to IT, sticking your head round the door and saying 'can someone unbork computer pls', you now have to phone a call centre in India and say 'can someone unbork computer pls', then Indian person emails IT, who then come and unbork computer, then IT person emails India to say 'computer unborked' and then Indian person emails you back to tell you your computer is now unborked. Fuck's sake.
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 22:42, 1 reply)

Me: "OK now I'm going to read out the password so have you got a pen and paper ready?"
Them: "Yes"
Me: "Right. Uppercase Pappa November Tango Oscar...."
Them: "Uppercase Pappa November Tango Oscar..."
Me: "Lowercase Siera Whisky..."
Them: "Lowercase Siera Whisky..."
Me: "Seven."
Them: "Is that an uppercase 7?"
Me: "......" **Head in Hands**
Sometimes I say "no lowercase" just to see if they catch on.
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 22:42, 4 replies)

.... but it is true.
So it's a day like any other, a server had died and was being fixed (yes turned off and booted back up). But on this occasion it was a mail server so lots of people were contacting us about it.
An email was sent out detailing that it was being looked into and we hoped to have it back in the next 15 mins.
10 minutes later it's back up and running so my colleague writes out the email detailing this.
NOTE: We had a standard format for these emails and *luckily* had a rule about always getting someone else to read the email before sending it out.
So I get called over to glance over the thing before sending, I peruse the document for a few seconds and was about to say 'yeah fine, send it' when I spotted the greatest line ever.
My colleague was dyslectic (I'm sure that word is intentially hard to spell) and had put the following (thereabouts, confidential crap removed).
FAO Mailserver1 Users
Please be aware that the problems reported with Mailserver1 have been resolved.
The server is now back online and can be accessed as normal.
Any emails received during the downtime will be delivered over the next hour.
We apologise for any incontinence this outage may have caused.
Kind Regards,
Yes that's right, he'd tried to type 'inconvenience' then right clicked on the spelling error and chosen the first option in the list.
I still think of some poor manager pissing himself because the email is down everytime an email server stops working.....
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 22:33, 2 replies)

.... but my favourite is the one that happens at least every week.
Me: "Hello IT"
Them: "Hi, I've got a problem"
Me: "OK, how can I help?"
Them: "I keep getting an error message"
Me: "Do you know what it says?"
Them: "No"
Me: "When does it come up?"
Them: "I can't remember"
Me: "Which program are you using?"
Them: "I don't know"
Me: "Well.... what were you trying to do at the time?"
Them: "I'm not sure"
Me: "Are you by the machine at the moment?"
Them: "No"
Me: "Is there a phone by the machine?"
Them: "No"
Me: "Can I call you back on a mobile?"
Them: "There's no reception"
Me: "Can you go and write down the error then call me back?"
Them: **Huge Sigh** "I THOUGHT you were supposed to HELP?!"
Me: "Without any information there's not a lot for me to go on"
Them: **Bigger sigh** "Can I just leave it with you?"
Me: **Smiles** "Sure.... I'll get right on that"
Types in - "No fault reported"
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 22:11, 4 replies)

We supply various business-related systems.
As you can imagine, I get my fair share of idiots. But the worst thing that ever happened was this.
I was enlisted to install one of our systems on a new customer's PC. All very well and good - I connect up using a remote support tool and tell him I'll be 10 minutes.
Except that whatever I do, porn pop-ups keep appearing every five seconds.
I set the installation utility off. I go for a fag and a brew. I come back and there, staring me (and presumably also him) in the face is a black woman stretching her chuff for the whole world to see.
Put yourself in my situation. I'm remote-controlling his PC. I know that he likes interracial heffer porn. Do I discreetly mention that there appears to be a 'virus' on his computer? Do I attempt to remove it?
Do I fuck. I completed the installation and didn't phone him back.
Oddly, despite paying a monthly fee for support, he's never phoned us either. Not once.
We know.
(Obviously I've nothing against fat black chicks, I just found it amusing that someone would have hardcore porn popups continuously appearing on their work PC and would completely refuse to do anything about it.)
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 21:46, Reply)

just a simple multiple channel thermocouple interface to a computer, to record temperature changes with time. When I say "old", the computer it was connected to, via some slightly obscure connection, runs Windows 3.1. Somehow IT heard, and anted to check the computer over before we used it, what with them being responsible for computers.
Spotty bloke from IT was stumped. By the DOS prompt. I think he might even be slightly older than I am, and I've a degree in chemistry, not computer science, yet even I can manage to start Windows.
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 21:35, Reply)

Doris (not her real name) is the sole female representative of the IT department. Knows her stuff and is very attractive too. New phone system has been installed but my phone is dead. Doris is despatched to breathe life into it. The way their heads popped up like meerkats you would have thought my colleagues had never seen a woman before. I had a lot going on so she crawls under the desk while I carry on working. I hear a "while you're down there love" from somewhere in the office.
When I finish what I'm doing I move away to give her space and watch (her)what she is doing. After a few minutes she asks if I can help. Of course I can. She hands me a cable and knowing she has the attention of the whole office asks me to "push it up and wiggle it."
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 20:45, Reply)

I work for one of those medium sized local computer shops. Mostly in the admin part but i do get to moonlight when we are busy. I enjoy helping those who honestly need my help. The people who come in to ask for help and then proceed to argue with me because their knowledgable mate disagrees with me....quite frankly can go to hell :) Their opinion can't be that trustworthy if you still come in for "free" advice
A couple of my favs.....
* Customers taking home their PC - Phoning up later saying they are getting no picture from their monitor. They have plugged the monitor into the onboard graphics rather than their video card. I've done this too :)
* Getting a phone call from a lady almost in tears becuase she couldnt get the @ key. Now i know everyone has suffered this :)
* An elderly gent walked into the shop. Asked me if we sold slippers (bear in mind we are packed to the walls with computer gear on display) I apologised to him and said we don't to which he then shook my hand and walked out again.
*Couples have a domestic at the technical centre because of naughty links on the desktop.Thankfully after lenghty conversations about spyware we manage to save most relationships :)
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 20:42, Reply)

HP tech support are wonderful - I bought a laptop with extended warranty from them, took it all around the world, thrashed it to fuck, then when it stopped working it took five or six calls for them to pick it up, take it away and return it as good as brand spanking new two days later, despite the fact that I'd lost the receipt and forgotten to send in the warranty card. The best bit was the sheet on which they'd marked all the scratches on the casing rental car-style - the outline of the laptop was practically covered with lines, and they'd even drawn on my Transformers stickers :)
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 20:10, Reply)

or even a single IT support person.
This is all very good news for me, otherwise I may be asked to explain as to how I found time during my 'busy work schedule' to get all the high scores on minesweeper on every PC in the office.
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 20:04, 1 reply)

One I couldn't hold a laugh in for was this.. a lady who was a bit of a computer numbty phoned me up saying she couldn't connect to the Internet. This was well before broadband was common place so I set about trying to diagnose her modem. As you do, you want to establish whether or not she's getting connected at all so my question "Is your modem hanging up?" was greeted by a couple of seconds silence and she replied "No, its on the desk".
( , Fri 25 Sep 2009, 19:53, Reply)
This question is now closed.