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Reasons to be cheerful.
Even if you're feeling shit, Monday morning blues etc. you must have something positive going on. Bore the rest of us with the details.

It's a lovely sunny autumn day in London, I had an excellent weekend with my daughter & have some very good coffee on the go.

Alt: Sporters ran the Great North Run yesterday. When was the last time you did something athletic?

I'm not sure this thread is going to work tbh, I'm not that used to feeling this happy.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 9:09, 211 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
What's your favourite John Candy movie?
I'm gonna go with trains, planes and automobiles
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 9:08, 4 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Monday morning. woo hoo.
Struggling to find any motivation.

I saw an ad for the premiere of 'Hawking' with Q&A with the man himself afterwards. I realise I have nothing whatsoever that I want to ask him. Do you? If so, what?

Alt: If you could ask one question to anyone alive or dead, what would it be, who would you ask and why?

I think we've had this before but tough.
(, Mon 16 Sep 2013, 7:47, 83 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Well it looks like I have something in the bag
It means a massive step back in pay by about 15k.....but it's better than signing on yeah?
Probs wont have my own office, no car and have to work with other people *Shudders at the thought*

when did you last have to make a lifestyle change?

alt: where is that cunt Sportscow, I'm a needy prick that want's to know how his run went?

alt:alt: I miss Cho-cho and all, the rest of you can fuck off, so if you was to flounce how would you do it?
(, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 18:15, 186 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Let's all help Harters save his marriage.
Here's some helpful tips.

(, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 13:49, 116 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
My head hurts :(

(, Sun 15 Sep 2013, 7:04, 89 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
How the fuck did
THIS product get through the workshop stage?

Would any of you boys admit to using 'fish fingers'?

Alt: Dragons' Den concepts you'd love to see?

AltAlt: Just swear at each other.
(, Sat 14 Sep 2013, 22:08, 77 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
What a cock
who else is a cock?

I'm not in the mood so just fuck off yeah

alt: Custard creams
(, Sat 14 Sep 2013, 19:24, 309 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
what's brown and sounds like a bell?
(, Sat 14 Sep 2013, 18:25, 13 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Afternoon girls.
Independent crossword, few pints and an all day breakfast. Rock 'n' roll Saturday or what? Is your day rock 'n' roll too, or is it Ikea, garden centres and The X Factor?
Alt, plastic bag tax, good or bad? Personally, I think they should ditch the things entirely.
(, Sat 14 Sep 2013, 15:33, 79 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Putting a poster in a frame makes it a legitimate piece of art right?
alt: who needs a pooh?
(, Sat 14 Sep 2013, 11:49, 11 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Hello gays and awkward social failures
So I hear Chompy flounced because people kept taking the mick out of his post-dumping bleating and Swipe fell over because she's a shit spastic on a shit, unhealthy diet that makes you lose weight by driving you near to total organ failure, while blaming it on her orthopaedic platform shoes. What else have I missed?

Alt: It turns out that in my absence my flatmate has dyed her hair purple, booked a hundred pound hair salon appointment to get it dyed to the bright red she actually wanted AND gone on a trip to Nottingham to go to Warhammer World with a guy she doesn't really like. What stupid things have happened in your absence from home or work or whatever or oh God I don't care mk2 Golf brake discs?
(, Sat 14 Sep 2013, 8:03, 78 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
On a Friday I don't expect much of a conversation
But "get fucked" repeated makes me wish Frank was posting again, I'm deep in my cups, what are you doing?
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 19:36, 187 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Get fucked

(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 18:38, 53 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Right do you cunts want a laugh at my expense?

(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 16:23, 215 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Greetings Accord driving shutins
What news from the inside world?
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 15:11, 167 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I think it was Johnny Ball who once said 'think of a number'.
Here's another idea. Think of Bobby, stark naked apart from his 'Ghostbusters' laser gun thing, grunting and sweating, straining out a massive stinking turd, rivulets of sweat coursing down his tits, all the while talking to you in a weird, high voice, and never breaking eye contact with you.

Think about THAT.
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 14:13, 191 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells.
I just got a free copy of the Manchester Evening News, on page 6 describes Joe Pasquale as a 'popular'(!) comic(!!).

I feel I should be writing a letter to the editor, but instead I'll winge on the internet. What would you be writing to the editor about?
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 13:16, 187 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
God the Internet is shit today.
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 12:40, 97 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

So. How do YOU think the world will end?

Anyone watch that 'Bouncers' last night? what japes from my hometown.

alt. Weekend lunch plans.
I have a nice long weekend, couple days with the other half then a couple days back in Newcastle with me mates. Canny.

altalt. Who will be next to flounce and why?

Or just talk amongst yourselves, or whatever.
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 11:13, 134 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Who's OT's worst dressed poster? After Nakers, obvs.
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 10:42, 73 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
What happened to chompy?

(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 9:45, 104 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Well Friday the 13th are you all quaking under your desks and applying chin straps to your tin foil hats?
Superstitions do you have any? I don’t walk under ladders

Alt: Fashion do’s and don’ts I spotted this and agreed with almost all of them.
Is there something fashion wise that really pisses you off?

Alt:alt: I’m being all alternative and having my chicken Thursday today, what are you doing today?
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 8:49, 160 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
The Netherlands have apologised to Indonesia, for war atrocities after WW2. What do you reckon?
For governments apologising for shit that happened decades before, probably before most were born? I seem to remember the US government doing a similar thing re the slave trade, and I'm sure Germany have grovelled a few times. Should we just let this shit remain in the past, or is there an argument for public apologies? If so, how long and far do we go back? Personally, I say let it rest.
Alt, has HH diddled her yet? Vote please.
Altalt, weekend plans? I has a photo shoot, and a pub adventure, also some walking on Sunday. North East coast, fantastic part of the country.
(, Fri 13 Sep 2013, 7:25, 62 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Who's got work tomorrow, cos I don't...just saying
What's up doc?
(, Thu 12 Sep 2013, 22:03, 60 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
If you could re-visit your past who would you punch in the face/ who would you give a big thank you too...Explain to the class why?

Alt: I don't really care what you have to say....I'm mashing out to massive reggae tunes, what music are you listening to?

Alt:alt: How do you think you will feel in the morning?
(, Thu 12 Sep 2013, 19:54, 175 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
och laddie.
Hoots mon.
Many a mickle etc

You get the idea. It's the scotchcock hour! YESSSSSS
(, Thu 12 Sep 2013, 19:17, 59 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I am extremely bored.

(, Thu 12 Sep 2013, 17:51, 110 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

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