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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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This makes me that odd combination of happy and sad - sappy, if you will. I'll be doing all my Christmas shopping on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.
Insane? YOU decide.

( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 7:51, 360 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Oh Lusty! I'm sorry!
Please don't pepper my tonsils with paintballs! :)
I just tried to reply to your post saying I'd take mine down :(
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 7:55, Reply)

Mine might have been a bit mean anyway. I don't think people really like being called a bunch of cunts first thing in the morning.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 7:58, Reply)

You can call me a bunch of cunts any time *waggles eyebrows*
How're you today?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:04, Reply)

still feeling a bit ill. Sick came out of my nose yesterday. It hurt :(
How are you then?
Morning Mrs Bin! I know the feeling, if the run up didn't start in September I'd like it a lot more. I'm sick of christmas songs now! But, I get four days off work so that makes up for it. :D
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:12, Reply)

I've not long been up. I'm sat here waiting for my bath to run.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:15, Reply)

I feel for you, I really do. That's grim.
Morning Mrs Bin. I'm feeling a bit ambivalent about Christmas, but I always do until I go shopping Christmas Eve. If that doesn't get me in the mood, nothing will!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:17, Reply)

I've got more or less all of my Christmas shopping done. Woo for me.
*ducks to avoid barrage of missiles*
Except my mum's but my sister has agreed to help me there. Sisters are good for that sort of thing.
My GF, on the other hand, has hardly bought anything yet. She prefers to leave it until Christmas eve. I used to do that too, but have become more organised (or boring) nowadays.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:19, Reply)

and without having to go into town
god bless the internet and all who sail in her
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:31, Reply)

*is blessed*
Ohhh I'm feeling rather holy all of a sudden.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:32, Reply)

The internet has been the greatest gift of all to the male shopper.
I've not done so much this time round, but last year I did my entire Christmas shopping whilst sitting on my arse at my desk.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:36, Reply)

This time next year, Rodders, we'll be solvent!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:41, Reply)

How? Possibly using them to turn myself into some kind of human sieve?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:41, Reply)

Solvency does help if you wish your bank to give you plastic money to use. That is very true.
Unfortunately, that same plastic often results in more rapid insolvency!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:46, Reply)

I have to go Christmas shopping this weekend, and I'm not looking forward to it in the slightest. Internet shopping is out for me this year because Natwest are useless bastards.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:51, Reply)

I am looking forward to xmas with somewhat childish glee.
But that's possibly because I missed xmas last year so I have two years of excitement build up going on :p
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:51, Reply)

How can you have missed Christmas? Were you on the moon, or in a coma or what?
And hello to everyone else who's just appeared.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:52, Reply)

I decided I wanted to experience a norwegian christmas last year.
But they LIE! It's not christmas. It's all on the wrong day with the wrong foods and so I missed christmas :(
Not to mention having to endure the worst party in the world on xmas day which was full of people with a collective IQ of about 12.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 8:58, Reply)

just out of pure curiosity.
And I was surprised that there could be so many people like that all in one place without something imploding.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:01, Reply)

My stolen bike is still stolen so I'm taking the bus to work. At least I now have my brand new second-hand PSP to play with on the bus.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:03, Reply)

In fact it'd be fair to say I hate what it is at the moment but since spending Christmas in Tanzania last year and experiencing what a crazy religious Christmas is like I appreciate our over commercialised crap a lot more.
Ban all the advertising and Christmas music, give me a nice family meal on Christmas/Boxing day and small, token presents and I'm happy.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:04, Reply)

I believe that involves watching "Dinner for One" on television.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:04, Reply)

( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:05, Reply)

Too much over-commercialised crap. Did once spend Christmas in Cuba though, and mostly avoided it. At least it gives me an opportunity to just chill out for two weeks.
This year, I'm visiting my parents for Christmas.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:07, Reply)

I hate xmas! I hate it with a passion that fills my heart with ice cold piss!
I just can't wait for it to be over this year.
So how are all of you today?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:08, Reply)

indeed it does. And wondering why your norwegian in laws find it so hilariously funny.. It was a very surreal experience!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:08, Reply)

And they all turned up on Christmas Eve, while we were wrapping presents and peeling potatoes for the next day!
I think a lot more countries actually celebrate Christmas on what we'd call Christmas Eve, weird.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:09, Reply)

for here?
A certain b3tan has had this wonderful place blocked at work.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:09, Reply)

The other one might well do though.
There's also plenty of proxy sites on the web, but they're usually slow and will probably be blocked as well.
Who is it who can't get on then?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:12, Reply)

Traditionally Christmas wasn't really celebrated at all. It wasn't even a holiday. But New Year was, which is why Hogmanay is still such a big night here.
@darras - my boss's daughter is married to a Norwegian and lives over there, which is how I have come to hear about this Dinner for One nonsense. He doesn't understand it either!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:14, Reply)

Hopefully, my PSP should make the busjourney more interesting.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:15, Reply)

I got engaged at the hogmanay two years ago when the celebrations got cancelled because of the gale ;)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:17, Reply)

Not bad - getting over the manflu.
Out on the lash with PB tomorrow night.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:22, Reply)

Yay for proxy servers, boo for shit jobs that block websites...
*remembers he is in charge of blocking the internet for everyone else who works here, and shuts up*
I should be uber busy himjim but I can't work up the motivation, I've just been sitting surfing the internet and watching my to do list grow in size...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:24, Reply)

And I'm dressed into the bargain!
My problem with Christmas is members of Mr Bin's family. But I'd better stop there as his brother reads B3TA!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:24, Reply)

entertaining I hope! I'm having serious issues getting through my work days.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:30, Reply)

posts recently, they have kept me entertained through the darkness.
Staff Christmas party tonight though...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:34, Reply)

I too shall be doing all of my Christmas shopping on the eve of Jebus' 2008th Birthday. In Southampton.
I think I'm going to need weaponry!
All alright?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:36, Reply)

Don't you know the rules people?
4 PM, Christmas Eve, Drunk!
That's how you do christmas shopping.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:42, Reply)

Only three more days of work left for me, but I have to cram two weeks of work into them :/
Impossible, yes, that's what I've been telling 'them'.
How is everyone?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:43, Reply)

my wife does all mine for me...she has taste...and style...and a sense of practicality...and a knowledge of budgets and expenditure...and she's clever enough to understand that it would only spell complete disaster if I was allowed out in town with money...because I'd probably come back with 'magic beans' or something
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:44, Reply)

Done all the shopping I'm gonna do already (basically bought my beer, spirits and other 'goodies').
Oh, morning all :)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:49, Reply)

In other news, I have instituted a 100% psychedelic rock policy in the office today, as I will actually murder someone if I have to listen to any more Radio 1.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:49, Reply)

Planet Rock is mostly what I'm listening to today
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:51, Reply)

I've not got much work to do today...
*watches clock creep towards band o'clock*
How're all you lovely people today?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:52, Reply)

A little part of me died when I stopped liking radio one...it's like a coming of age...realising that I'm officially an old fucker.
I'm still lodged in Radio 2 though - haven't quite migrated to 4 yet - although I'm too stupid to understand what goes on at radio 4...that's Captain Placid territory.
Nowadays, Radio 1 makes me want to jab a knitting needle into my ear.
Edit: Morning Kaol! *waves frantically*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:52, Reply)

I'm in an industrial hardcore mood, so that's what's currently belting out my headphones.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:53, Reply)

Then I think I hit my midlife crisis and went back to R1 for a bit...but Edith Feckin' Bowman just makes me want to kill, so now it's Planet Rock all the way...
Morning Kaol - how's the mouth?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 9:54, Reply)

I used to listen to John Peel, One in the Jungle, and various other good things on at night, but I don't even do that any more. The person I share an office with insists on listening to it, but I'm pretty close to breaking point after the amount of times they've been playing that Hallelujah cover, so I've put my foot down today!
We're on the Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators at the moment... electric jug FTW!
Edit: as with many people on here I'm sure, Radio 4 is the sound of my entire childhood. I don't think either of my parents can cope without it for more than 20 minutes.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:00, Reply)

I've just found a great list to help me decide where to live when I've got more money.
In related news I really hope this website is a joke: www.landoverbaptist.org/news0503/atheists.html
I'm feeling even more hateful than usual towards religion today.
:edit: Turns out the second website is a parody . Thank fuck.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:01, Reply)

I did used to listen to Radio 2 a lot, especially in the car on the way home from gigs in the middle of the night.
But now I have my iPod, so that's what gets used most of the time in the car these days. I have it wired into my stereo with a hand-knitted connection which both charges it and plays the audio into the CD changer port. It took a bit of modification, but it works great!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:02, Reply)

The day when I embraced ‘untrendiness’, and could actually start moving towards being who I really was, instead of what I wanted other people to perceive me to be.
Whoa! – that’s way too profound for a morning…I’ve gotta start drinking again.
3 days now….I’ve got the shakes. Now I know how George Best felt.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:02, Reply)

Can't be a proper geek if you're using the headphone output :P
Edit: surely that's a joke Captain V!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:03, Reply)

Of course. I bought the 30 pin dock connector from a bloke on the web and wired it up myself!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:04, Reply)

But I wouldn't have put it past Americans for it to be serious either. Fortunately it is fake though.
*plans moving to Sweeden*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:06, Reply)

The mouth is ok, but to return it to how it was will cost me £600. So they can fuck off.
Oh, and... www.b3ta.com/questions/offtopic/post331818
Hope you've seen this!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:11, Reply)

New teeth, or new bass? Not a hard decision to make!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:14, Reply)

A bass is for life, a new tooth could get broken in a moment of drunken mayhem.
Not that I have those... Er... :|
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:15, Reply)

You don't want to move to Sweden, they talk funny over there. ;)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:16, Reply)

How are we? Everyone good?
Am knackered. I didn't leave the office until 11 last night. I need sleep.
BTW, last minute post-whoring:-
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:19, Reply)

V. Scandinavia gets the joy of mormon groups flying over from America to 'convert' the heathens.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:20, Reply)

was when Dundee Utd played Gothenburg in the UEFA cup 20 years or so ago. A reporter from the local paper went over with the fans, and noted that they'd been walking down through the city playing a game of "spot the ugly woman".
Nobody won.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:21, Reply)

I'm now hastening my plans to move to Sweeden!
@darras. Hmmmm. That doesn't sound so fun. Perhaps I should buy my own island and become self sufficient or something.
I'm being rather grumpy and bitter aren't I? I think lemons would probably wince if they took a bite out of me.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:23, Reply)

is that there has to be a balance. Therefore, there MUST be a hoarde of munters they're hiding over there to balance out the hotties. You'll probably not see them until you've secured a residency pass and then they'll be ALL you see! mwahahaha
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:24, Reply)

Aren't all they're cracked up to be... I dated one a couple of years ago.
Nice girl but she had no sense of humour whatsoever.
Blonde hair, blue eyes and liberal attitudes alone do not a perfect woman make.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:25, Reply)

they just keep them locked up and never let them out in public.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:25, Reply)

Those Nazi scientists had to go somewhere!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:28, Reply)

Two more days!!!!!!!
After a really shitty and stressful day yesterday I went out last night and met lots of friends I hadn't seen in ages. Excellent!
The office staff are having dinner out today. Yay!
Unfortunately though we are going to Damons which is like a slightly more grown up MacDonallds. Never mind though, they do steak.
Free food FTW.
How is everyone?
Oh, Bah Humbug, bye the way.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:29, Reply)

I wonder if they'd let me be part of the program? I think I might have too much (dark) hair though.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:31, Reply)

SpankyHanky has come in with a late post which should win the entire internet, twice.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:35, Reply)

It's odd, they go from mid brown to quite bright green.
They're brown at the moment.
Er... Also, my christmas rant:
I hate shopping, most of the time.
Because I hate "the public", and shopping means walking shoulder-to-shoulder with a bunch of greasy, sweaty meat-tards.
Now, Christmas shopping means double the amount of pork-slabs, combined with the fuckin' horror that is Christmas music.
Spare a though for me when I realise, on Christmas Eve that I've been a procrastinating idiot, and have to go do my shopping.
I'll kill every last one of the motherfuckers with a turkey-carving knife, in a festive spray of crimson.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:36, Reply)

From dark brown to mid green.
I think it's a sign of inherent evil potential.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:39, Reply)

I've not been able to work out what makes them change though, and it seems to be at random.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:41, Reply)

does that work then?
I thought iris pigmentation was fixed. But I'm a physicist so I don't know about that sort of thing.
*awaits explanation from biologically qualified person*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:42, Reply)

Late entry this week... wasn't sure I'd post it but fuck it!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:44, Reply)

You're just an old stick-in-the-mud*, K2k6.
*Biologically speaking.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:44, Reply)

Swedish women have nothing, nothing on Finnish women. A friend dated one once, and she was madder than a bag of greased tasmanian devils.
And that.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:48, Reply)

Then again, I've got a massive thing for women with dark hair...
EDIT: Not that "massive thing".
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:49, Reply)

I think he means his Fairbairn-Sykes...
Edit: Hi clendrix! I will reply to your gaz in due course, wasn't online last night at all..
I'm almost certainly even more slack than you at replying in a timely manner!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:53, Reply)

I've a half-Finnish cousin. She's as mad as a box of beards.
Must be something in the water.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:54, Reply)

and everyone just seemed more miserable than mad!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:55, Reply)

No worries, my lovely. We can play gaz tennis at whatever speed suits us best!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:55, Reply)

You free on Saturday night?
I think a pub-trip might be in the pipeline :p
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:56, Reply)

if someone special wanted to do something with me.
Like, celebrate a birthday?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:57, Reply)

Despite all the lectures I give all the people who work here, my computer seems to be absolutely riddled with spyware. Probably something to do with the vast amounts of inappropriate websites I spend my day on...
Hopefully I won't have to reformat it, but this constant opening of Firefox windows advertising dating sites, LCD TVs, online bingo etc is starting to do my head in!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 10:58, Reply)

*bokes on self*
'ning all. Got a thumping head today. A little too much 'Awesome v 3.27' (read: Blue nun/Guinness/lager/Vokda & Orange in a pint glass) at the Manc B3ta bash last night.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:01, Reply)

That sounds absolutely disgusting!
I feel bad enough from too many pints of Tiger.
I would not like to be your stomach today!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:03, Reply)

Birthday celebrations sound great :D
EDIT: Col. S, sounds interesting, I'd certainly have given it a go!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:03, Reply)

There are some truly toxic aromas eminating from me today, over which I seem to have no control.
Bloody Guinness.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:04, Reply)

PJM, it's something about Scandinavian women altogether, I think. I would talk about the Danish contingent, but I don't want to get myself in trouble!
*swoops on Clendrix*
Alright, missy?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:07, Reply)

*squeezes Tightly*
Don't worry about smells. It's sprouts time of year; the entire western world smells of poo.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:10, Reply)

and she's a pain in the arse.
Her daughter's a looker though. But it's hardly a statistically significant sample size.
And every Finnish person I've ever encountered has been dull as dishwater. Mind you, they've all been male.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:11, Reply)

I've got to admit that Scandinavian women don't do it for me, I think it's the funny accent!
Colonel that sound horrible, no wonder you are leaking smelly all over the place!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:12, Reply)

Are you Danish? For some reason I thought you hailed from the USA!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:13, Reply)

a Danish man called Thorkil (probably spelled wrong) He was very sexy!
Went and married a french woman, damn his eyes!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:13, Reply)

*crys a bit*
Everybody is older than me! ;)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:15, Reply)

Dutch people don't understand things unless they're posh, like Lucy.
:edit: Happy b3taday CU! *hands over champagne*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:15, Reply)

I think it's DiT who's Danish and doesn't want to get in trouble from his fellow country(wo)men!
Edit - Happy B3taday, CU!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:15, Reply)

It was probably Torkild miss piggy Well that's the norwegian spelling atleast. :)
I love the norwegian accent :D But I can see why it wouldnt be a particularly sexy one. I just find it amuses me! I'm busy cultivating one for myself
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:16, Reply)

It was a good 'un alright!
Ms Underwhelmed, how's you head today?
(Probably fine I'm guessing, being the young whippersnapper that you are.)
EDIT: Oh, and Happy Candle day!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:16, Reply)

I got Dutch and Danish muddled up in my poor little mind. I need alcohol to rectify this situation!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:16, Reply)

so I'm concerned about having sounded like I'm from the US!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:18, Reply)

It's ok, people think I'm Russian :|
Happy B3taday C.U!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:19, Reply)

I often get the contemptful looks of something that just fell off Jabba's sail barge.
I breed well though, two handsome, blond haired, blue eyed boys.
(yet I'm fugly, brown haired and fucked up eye colour...)
hmm...ring any bells?
Yay for my own personal master race!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:23, Reply)

in continental Europe, I've been mistaken for being Dutch. Fair enough, as the language has a similar sound (and indeed vocabulary) to Scots.
But in the US, I'm frequently mistaken for being Irish. I don't know why, but that irritates me a bit! It's odd, as it sort of makes sense. But it still gets on my tits.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:24, Reply)

I thought it was funny, but then we Americans tend to laugh more than those dour Russians.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:25, Reply)

Ah, before I met you I thought you were American.
I've been skim reading the O/t posts this morning in between meetings and for some reason I seem to have read DiT's post wrongly...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:25, Reply)

I get mistaken for every nationality apart from my own.
Im english, quite obviously english. I even sport the nation's most famous skin tone, winter blue. And yet 'Are you from Australia?' 'Is that a canadian accent', 'Italian?'
And my weirdest to date, 'Are you from Jamaica?' WTF?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:26, Reply)

I am the Danish one... I must apologise for my Nations behaviour during the Battle of Copenhagen!
Tiny Edit: In America, I was by turn accused of being both Australian and Canadian. Why?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:26, Reply)

People in the street, in shops and bars would start talking to me in Czech.
My ex who I was with would always get talked to in English.
It's a little heart-breaking having to say "I'm really sorry, I don't speak Czech."
Similar thing happens any time I go into a Polish shop.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:28, Reply)

were mistaken for Londoners in the USA. But if you've ever heard an American trying to do a cockney accent, that makes sense!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:29, Reply)

I'm called Owen. It's not that unusual surely? Whenever I say my name people are all: 'What? Alan?' or Aaron, or whatever. I've actually even had a Geoff. Who the fuck confuses 'Owen' with 'Geoff'?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:29, Reply)

I tend to be mistaken for an Australian!
No idea why, it must just be the stupidity of the people I meet.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:31, Reply)

Glad that's cleared up then Clendrix!
I'm lilly-white with dark curly hair and green eyes. However as a boy I was blond with blue eyes. And on rare occasions when I do tan I go quite mediterranean.
I've frequently been accused of being Italian.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:31, Reply)

It's the so similar way of taking.
I do enjoy a nice Western English accent though, and athe Maine one!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:33, Reply)

most people know I'm not from around there, because my skin is that sort of bluey white that doesn't tan.
I was once told after coming home from a three week holiday that I looked like I could do with going on holiday!
It's either red or white. So it stays white. Avoids the pain and the cancer risk.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:34, Reply)

get mistaken for being Scandinavian in most places. Oddly though, in some parts of the world people automatically start speaking to me in German.
On a similar theme, lots of people (and lots of people who can't possibly have ever met each other) call me Chris for some reason. My name is nothing like Chris, so I wonder if I send out some sort of Chris-vibe.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:34, Reply)

In that I don't burn in the sun, I just go really brown.
But I don't like being in the sun either, so I don't get a tan.
I just hide in the shadows.
EDIT: A client of mine keeps calling me Tony. Despite my name being clearly on every email I send him. Idiot.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:35, Reply)

But I'm never out in the sun long enough, in fact I'm weather beaten!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:36, Reply)

My first QotW post in ages, I always tend to think of answers/anecdotes weeks after the question has ended...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:39, Reply)

Eastern European. When I worked out in the former Eastern Bloc countries I was forever being addressed in the native tongue by barmen, clients and randoms on the street. This was in the pre-beard days and I do have a fairly wide face so it kinda makes sense.
Oh, and my eyes change colour regularly.*
*Not counting the "2 fingers of redeye" I get on a daily basis.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:44, Reply)

My ex wife has found me on Facebook and if she's read my profile she knows I post a lot on b3ta.
She'll appreciate this one
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:54, Reply)

Poor thread...I'm going out for a smoke.
Oh, it was saved.
Bugger it - I'm going out for a smoke anyway.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:55, Reply)

oh dear what is the point of him? noone from /talk is joining in with him; noone from qotw is responding to him. i feel sorry for him trolling away all alone in the dark where nobody cares.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:55, Reply)

I should be at work. I am not. I am at home in bed, unable to move, except for when i have to get up to puke.This is NOT good.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:59, Reply)

Nice to have a purpose in life, eh?
EDIT: This was directed at P.C, not you t0ria :p
Being ill sucks, hope you fell better soon.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 11:59, Reply)

Morning! How are you?
I have no idea. Baldmonkey has been on my ignore list for months now, I even missed all the recent controversy with him reposting Tourettes post.
I guess he just wants to get a rise out of someone, probably best to ignore and walk away.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:01, Reply)

It's Thursday, I'm finished uni for the year, and I just finished my christmas shopping! Go me!
I may be a bit happy at all this.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:02, Reply)

I've met baldmonkey in real life twice, he's actually a nice guy and he looks like Abe Edmonson.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:02, Reply)

Morning! Haven't seen you two round here yet...
Welcome to the thread, I'll type it slowly for the benefit of those with a hangover.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:03, Reply)

you have my sympathies! Is it self induced? (hangover) or real illness? :D
And go Penguin! Although I was finished in November with mine.. I hate shopping in crowds.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:04, Reply)

mainly a /talker, I don't really like off topics style (I like to reply to individuals) but I'll go anywhere there's something more interesting than my job going on.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:05, Reply)

I pop in from time to time, I'm normally hanging around /links. I like it here :)
I may have had a couple too many at Manc bash last night.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:06, Reply)

As are a lot of the /talk crowd. I can't be bothered sifting through his detritus to find something worth reading and I have a dim view of persistent trolling so he's on ignore.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:06, Reply)

Who is the most ignored person on b3ta.?
and does ignoring someone on "talk" also means ignoring them on "off top"?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:13, Reply)

Y'know, really nice online, but an absolute cunt in person.
EDIT: Creepy web-paedos, I guess.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:14, Reply)

bloody hell maybe if i get everyone to ignore you, then it will make sense!
@ PJM - hola, all set for christmas??
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:14, Reply)

I've seen some of the stuff you've created and posted on /board. Very, very clever if you don't mind me saying so.
Psycho - I haven't seen you post much, I do occasionally lurk on /talk as it can be quite funny. Nice to see a new face here though, so post away!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:14, Reply)

Not quite - I have someone very important to buy a present for. No prizes for guessing who! I work in Covent Garden now so I need to get out shopping.
How about you?
BugBoy - as far as I know "ignore" is global, if you ignore someone, everything they post is off your radar.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:17, Reply)

as i am far too nosy and might miss something. they're only a few pixels, after all.
pjm - you must mean me? that's so sweet!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:22, Reply)

I try to keep my ignore list as short as possible. I like to read something fresh and new, but there is a trend from some /talkers flaming QOTW for being insipid and too cathartic of late.
What peeves me is that rather than attempting to post something funny or entertaining themselves, the minority (and it really is only a few) just flame away. Whatever happened to "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:22, Reply)

I've posted a couple of things but nothing of note. I'm so envious of the talent some people have on here!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:24, Reply)

that Ignore doesn't work for is gaz.
I have quite a few people on Ignore, as I can't be arsed wading through the shit that they post, but I made reference to one of them in another post, and received a gaz from him.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:25, Reply)

Half an hour 'til lunch.
So... Anyone had Christmas parties yet?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:26, Reply)

the ultimate victory was when some guy (I've forgotten who it was) threatened to kill JMG.
They've just been trying to get that back.
I'm the same as you swipe, only used ignore once and that was for a spambot.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:27, Reply)

what the hell is the point of achieving a death threat?
I don't see what's so funny/entertaining about winding people up on an internet forum. It's just a bit pathetic.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:29, Reply)

We don't get one here.
And our "Christmas Bonus" is a bottle of Port...
On the plus side, I detest 90% of the people here, so have no desire to spend any more time with them than I have to.
So it's a good thing :D
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:30, Reply)

and was extremely well-behaved on both occasions.
Believe me, if I'd been naughty, b3ta would have been the first place to hear about it. Or Plod House.
I want to be naughty :(
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:31, Reply)

Haha, yes I owe you a gift in recognition of your hilarious poo-related posts!
Someone threatend to kill JMG? Got a link?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:32, Reply)

in an hour. It will be dull. I will scandalise everyone by having wine instead of coke. I will be the only one.
How sad is that?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:33, Reply)

an in-house Christmas bash tomorrow lunchtime. With free food and drink.
Unfortunately I'll not be able to take much advantage of the free drink, as I've to drive home, then to a gig later. But no matter.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:33, Reply)

Sounds like some kind of special bacon :p
I'm all up for some misbehaving this weekend :D
EDIT: If there's free booze, and it's inappropriate to get drunk, I'll be the one that drinks too much, insults somebody, knocks a table over, hits on somebodies wife and passes out.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:33, Reply)

But I don't have to go home on my own, I'm staying with Clendrix :)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:36, Reply)

Our christmas party was fucking ace!
The drunk manager sent an email out telling(not asking) everyone that we were going for a curry and then to the pub on Monday just gone.
There are about 17 people in my department.
Not one person but the stupid, drunk, bastard cunt went!
I went home and watched the final of America's next top model with my mum and had a cup of tea and cheese and crackers. Best christmas party ever!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:37, Reply)

I now have a mental picture of you being frogmarched to the cop shop!
You seemed disarmingly pleasant in person to me, do you have an anarchic side then?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:37, Reply)

*curses that you all live in London-type area*
*wants to go to more bashes*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:39, Reply)

JMG kept telling him to "calm down" and to "stop taking the internet seriously" but he eventually said he'd find JMG and kill him, then when I told him that wasn't cool he deleted his posts and quit b3ta. So I can't link to it I'm afraid.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:41, Reply)

I'd like to go to more northern bashes.
The likes of yourself, DG & Tourettes, Captain Placid and BGB are all a decent crowd. Especially when you have your guitars.
I will be relocating even further south in the new year...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:44, Reply)

I am good! Erm, I've had my moments though...
As for Saturday night, I do have the pleasure of travelling around London on the most notorious night bus of all in order to get home with Kaol. So that should be fun.
Kaol! Shhh!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:44, Reply)

@clendrix - Was that the one you were telling me about where someone chucked a brick through the window and the passengers just shrugged and trudged off to wait for another bus?
Sounds like fun! Not.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:46, Reply)

Yes, that's the one! And that was the middle of the day...
It's worse at night.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:48, Reply)

But I don't have a guitar!
Got a didgerido though....
....oh, I see.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:48, Reply)

Yes, Kaol was with me...
He was very well behaved though. The brick was nothing to do with him :)
Edit: Actually, it was just someone's fist, not a brick. Nice.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:49, Reply)

There is no safe way of saying this, so I'm going to blunder in with my size 11s
I'd love to see you play the didgeridoo.
(fnar, fnar etc...)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:52, Reply)

any chance of a solo on the pink oboe?
*hides from DG*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:54, Reply)

God damn I love days off work, you can slob around in bed all day and not feel guilty. And then read OT HSH and notice that people are happily asking Tourette's for a blowjob. Is there a queue or something?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:56, Reply)

Oh, well, that's OK then. :)
Does it get upgraded to a shard of reinforced concrete at night? Or perhaps a shotgun?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:57, Reply)

Yes, I'd like to see you create harmony with that mouth of yours!
*doesn't hide from anyone*
*grabs Lusty and makes her join in*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:57, Reply)

I'm well-behaved on public transport!
Although on the tube on Tuesday I convinced some man that the mosquito that was flying around "could have malaria, because it's warm in the Underground".
EDIT: I'm now wondering if I could punch through a bus window.
I assume so.
But I don't really want to try, in case I mess up and look a broken-handed idiot.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:57, Reply)

I think I may have gone with dengue fever. Sounds more exotic!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 12:59, Reply)

punch a hole in the roof of a bus with his bare hand.
Well, the inner skin at least. But it was still sheet metal. It was a school bus and he was probably about 15 at the time. He was also a complete prick, but I didn't tell him that, for obvious reasons.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)

It's my second favourite insect-vectored tropical disease.
After Chagas Disease, obviously.
Er... I'm going for lunch now.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)

An ex of mine saw it done, admittedly the gentleman doing the punching was something of a mong though.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)

boring day for me - nothing in the office for me to do, so I'm on here instead of preparing the company Xmas cards.
How are we all?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)

don't do that on Saturday night. I want some guitaring and singing from you on Sunday morning!
When I said 'just someone's fist' I meant it was unaccompanied by a brick.
I hesitate to talk about fist-related activities here, although Al is now several thousand miles away, so it should be OK.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)

Flesh - a ahh - saviour of the universe.
Oh, no, wait....
*goes off down town for a bit*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:06, Reply)

*circular breathing*
*cheek action*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:09, Reply)

You seem to be quite practised at the arts of *ahem* snake charming.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:12, Reply)

What we doing then? Are you me and the sweary one involved in some kind of sucking and blowing action?
I'm not sure if I'll be any good with a didgerido. I'm not used to long, hard things being near my mouth.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:14, Reply)

You should see her do her special HMV dog impression inside my hollow when I play it ;o)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:15, Reply)

I have been mostly doing my Scotty bit (I also multiply all of my estimate by 4), and being a grumpy sod!
The office is far too hot and if I take anything else off I'll be done for indecent exposure.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:17, Reply)

You don't have to worry. You can just hold it. Tourette's and I will do the blowing.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:22, Reply)

That shouldn't be a problem. I have a nice firm grip.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:24, Reply)

ok clendrix, we need moist lips....
*can't blow for giggling*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:31, Reply)

maybe we'd be safer with my tribal drum instead? It has a nice tight skin....
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:35, Reply)

ummm what should I do with it?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:36, Reply)

Bang it on Tourette's's drum.
^That's some interesting punctuation...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:37, Reply)

I leave you all for a 10 minute tea break and I come back to find... debauchery! *shocked*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:44, Reply)

Yes, we're terribly sorry. It does go wrong very quickly when the sensible people leave us. And you. And Kaol.
Yes, I know the above comment is ambiguous. But you all know what I mean and I'm too tired to rephrase it.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:50, Reply)

stop that! For shame. Go and get a tissue and get back to your desk.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:54, Reply)

*straightens clothes*
Where's Pooflake? Is he spent?
What's that crumpled heap over there? Is he ok?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:55, Reply)

I wasn't doing anything!
And anyway, my desk is boring, with nothing to do on it!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:55, Reply)

...you walk away from a thread for a few minutes and carnage breaks out...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:59, Reply)

Although it has taught me one thing. I can't hit the high notes on "Hallelujah". Shame.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:59, Reply)

I'm just trying to think about something else to keep my stamina going...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:00, Reply)

Although I do find myself singing (quietly) at work sometimes. It can be anything from a Smiths song to this...
*Not a rickroll*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:02, Reply)

Despite the excitement that's happened here, I think that smoking, coffee and lunch-food was better.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:03, Reply)

So far I've managed to motivate myself to be a grumpy sod, rude, and sarcastic, and some of them don't even get it when I'm insulting them!
Yes I work with ignorant twats.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:04, Reply)

we got some high notes out of Pooflake just now ;o)
Just listened to mana-manah :o)
I work 1-1 with a 12 year old autistic boy who is a huge muppet fan. We spend most of our days singing this and doing Swedish chef impressions, interspersed with the odd Monty Python sketch... I love my job!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:04, Reply)

Although twisting someone's nutsack to get castrato-like high notes is never a good thing.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:06, Reply)

screechy with two huge sacks attached somewhere on the body?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:08, Reply)

Can suck on my big hairy ballsack. I really cannot stand the woman.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:09, Reply)

I heard him.
I think I'll try that next Piston, could be good for a laugh!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:10, Reply)

if he doesn't stop that GOD DAMNED WHISTLING!
Why do men feel the need to whistle?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:12, Reply)

Mariah was in the log in front of me on the log-flume at Disney and I didn't take to opportunity to drown her.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:16, Reply)

I don't, I can't whistle very well so don't inflict it on people.
Piston, you have unleashed a monster, but really only gave it ideas.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:17, Reply)

Piston made the cannonballs and someone else is firing them?
Is metaphorical innuendo allowed?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:19, Reply)

My teeth get in the way. But I still do it. Not to be annoying, just because I like to do it. And I stop if I get funny looks.
There's a janitor round here whom we refer to as the Whistling Jannie, for obvious reasons. He whistles topical tunes too. I heard him giving big licks to Mary's Boy Child the other day, and once on July 12th I was gobsmacked to hear him whistling The Sash My Father Wore.
(If you've no idea what that's about, look it up, or ask CHCB).
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:20, Reply)

Yes it is allowed, and the next person in the office who pisses me of is going to get them broadside!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:23, Reply)

I was conceived in a council flat you know - and have 3.5 tattoos to prove my hardth ;o)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:33, Reply)

Much been happening? I've been on an enforced absence due to riddling my computer with viruses this morning, so I've been sat reinstalling Windows for the last two hours, and have achieved nothing today. Joy!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:33, Reply)

So, you've burned the evidence of your filthy web-habits?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:34, Reply)

Come and give me a hand, this place need livening up! Me I was conceved in Coventry, but brought up on a council estate in Scotland, I is well 'ard as well!
Hi Sam, HaHa, windows is shit!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:38, Reply)

Top tip: if Firefox says 'This website is trying to attack you so we've blocked it' don't go 'ooh, I wonder what website that is then?' and click 'ignore warning and proceed to website'
Not good news! I'm allegedly a sys admin as well :S
I have disk images/network installers for all the users' machines, but mine's very different and has shitloads of software to install, gonna take the rest of the day I reckon!
Kaol - there wasn't any evidence anyway, what sort of amateur do you take me for?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:42, Reply)

Good work :D
I was conceived (I assume) in a cottage in the middle of nowhere.
Where I grew up.
Isolated from the world...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:43, Reply)

You're back with us now.
Edit: If Sam burns all his filth, we should be able to see the plume of smoke from here.
Even if here is the moon.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:45, Reply)

That if you grow up in the middle of nowhere, with no other young people about, expect trouble :p
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:46, Reply)

Do we have to discuss your lovely brother again?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:47, Reply)

I've got the day off tomorrow.
Then 2 and a half days until Christmas, whereby I take 2 weeks off.
I have just been given what has been conservatively estimated to be enough work to last 6 people over a month.
They want it done by Christmas. Done by me...on my own
I have no help.
My Christmas spirit has just been spluffed up the wall.
Jingle fucking Bell-ends
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:49, Reply)

Well it's a good thing that you were. You too V.
Pooflake, that is shit, total shit!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:51, Reply)

If it wasn't for me being born*, we wouldn't be going out on Saturday...
*Not strictly true... *waves at Clendrix*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:53, Reply)

Probably even more in the middle of nowhere than you Kaol!
Don't know where I was conceived, and I've never thought to ask! My mate Flaps was conceived in the toilets of a Simple Minds concert though. Which he actually boasts about...
clendrix - I've started the fire now, can you see the smoke? Don't know what this'll do for my carbon footprint.
I have loads and loads of work to do as well, my SQL online database thingy is completely fucking borked (as you can see, I know all the important technical terms). Still probably going to spend the rest of the afternoon having to set my computer up though!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 14:57, Reply)

*stands back and prepares marshmallows on skewers as big flames erupt*
Least I won't have to put the heating on! Some of these fumes are pretty toxic though...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:02, Reply)

*stokes fire with pitchfork*
Edit: I fucking hate Windows Update!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:05, Reply)

So, so much.
I think I love it even more than knives.
If you can't solve a problem, burn it.
That's my motto.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:06, Reply)

I never entirely grew out of my pyromaniac phase. Haven't made anything explode for quite a while though.
Edit: we should have a countryside b3ta bash, where we shoot things and set things on fire!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:07, Reply)

"Grew out of"...
I take it you're not one of the "young batch" of OT regulars then?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:10, Reply)

Thai 6 hour clocks
24 hour analogue clocks
Hexadecimal Time
French Revolutionary Time (or decimal time)
Anno Mundi (calender period starting from the Biblical creation of the world)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:10, Reply)

I never grew out of it either, in fact I almost burn down my old mans workplace when I was younger.
There is only two things better than fire, and one of those involves a fire anyway!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:14, Reply)

I almost burnt down my mate's house when we were about 12, after a failed attempt to burn our names into the lawn with a gallon of petrol and some flares we stole from cadets. His old man is a fireman and was distinctly unimpressed to get a shout to his own address...!
Kaol - I'm 24, about the same age as you I believe? I have an extra 30-40 years worth of bitterness and cynicism on top of that though.
Any particular reason Captain, or are you considering a career in horology?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:17, Reply)

Captain V,
and now Sam, haha!
There may be others...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:19, Reply)

Because I wanna be incluuuuuuuuuded. And I fit the 'young' bracket if not the others :p
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:20, Reply)

Look, the children are making a list of their names!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:22, Reply)

the OT regular bracket, and possibly the clinically insane bracket. But most definitely the horribly bored at work bracket!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:23, Reply)

I noticed that, but they seam to have missed a few people out. And they think that it's us oldsters that have the bad memories!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:24, Reply)

This comic caused me to look up 24 hour analog clocks and I ended up in all those other places.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:31, Reply)

The old people seem to be trying to be funny to disguise the fact they're bitter and old.
Ohhhh careful there K2k6 deary, we don't want you falling over and breaking a hip.
*raises voice*
Can you hear me ok?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:32, Reply)

Hmmm... TGB and himjim.
Dunno who else off the top of my head.
EDIT: Darras, how old are you then?
Oh, and Sam, I thought you were about 28. But you know lots of stuff!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:32, Reply)

I wish I was bitter, and not so much of the old thank you. We are just mature!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:34, Reply)

Fuck yeah!
*EDIT* cock, beaten to it. Damn this steam powered PC.
noon all.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:35, Reply)

Mature? Speak for yourself. I've just been around for a bit longer than a lot of the folk here.
Mature? Pfft.
Whoa, Lusty. You're shouting!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:41, Reply)

I often get called a miserable old man Kaol, not surprising really! I drink real ale and wear woolly jumpers, and complain about music being too loud in pubs.
Are you younger than me then?! I thought you were older as well..
Edit: cheers Captain, I'm now having to research all that as well!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:42, Reply)

I'm not entirely sure how old TGB is, but it's not more that 2 years older than me.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:43, Reply)

Nope, she's under 25.
:edit: Sam if you can get your head around why, for 2 hours per day, 3 different days of the week are being observed at once you're a better man than me. It's got me stumped at the moment =[
:edit2: Nevermind, the penny has dropped now.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:43, Reply)

Please stop that, the tears are streaming don my face from holding in the laughter.
K2, mature in years not in attitude.
Kaol, How about Tulip!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:44, Reply)

I believe she's 31. But she looks much younger, of course.
*attempts to recover situation in case HLT's lurking*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:47, Reply)

You mean in terms of them happening in different time zones?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:47, Reply)

It's described in the first paragraph. If I've understood correctly it's caused by the IDL not being straight which means that there can be a difference of more than 25 hours between timezones near the date line.
The apparently time travelling boat was good too!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:49, Reply)

I would never have thought that about Tulip! She comes across as one of you youngsters.
Just goes to show how wrong you can be on the internet!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:51, Reply)

Yeah, looks like it's because it detours round a few countries, to avoid crossing them internally.
Pretty hard to get your head round though, I agree!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:53, Reply)

The a country that is East of the date line has to be physically further West than a country that is West of the date line.
I want to find a globe with the date line on it now...
Damn you wikipedia...damn you for pandering to my penchant for learning!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:56, Reply)

From what I've just read, the date line isn't something that's defined in and of itself. It's more like the countries choose which time zone they're in, and the borders of those time zones correspond to the edges of the countries, and then the IDL is defined by those borders.
Urgh, that's a horrible sentence.
Edit: you can see it in the picture on Wikipedia.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 15:58, Reply)

My lie in the page on WiFi still stands, most of my other lies got taken out though.
Damn humourless Americans...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:00, Reply)

I know Dok. Anything without citation I tend to take with a pinch of salt.
I keep meaning to find the research I often read about that apparently shows wikipedia to be at least as accurate as any encyclopaedia in print.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:05, Reply)

So where's the lie then? The wireless-fireless bit?
Or is it something technical that I don't know about?
And shouldn't the British site be Wikipaedia?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:10, Reply)

I was out having yet more cake and tea and wasn't around to support K2k6 or discipline Kaol.
*warms slippers for K2k6*
*smacks Kaol on the back of the legs*
And Lusty, you watch it too or I'll be sorting you out on Saturday.
Oh wait, I am anyway. Nevermind :)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:11, Reply)

My lie doesn't concern anything technical.
Edit: surely Wikipædia, if we're being really pedantic ;)
Captain - yeah it is apparently, I still do my best to sabotage it though, just because I can.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:11, Reply)

I'm back, after a spirited attempt at breaking the internet.
Thankfully, I failed. *wipes sweat from brow*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:14, Reply)

These young whippersnappers have to be put in their place every now and then! ;)
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:15, Reply)

OK, I have neither the time nor the inclination to read the whole article in detail, so I'll just take your word for it!
I did think about using the diphthong but couldn't be bothered working out the key combination. œ¡∑´®†¥¨^øøππ“‘æ…æææææææ oh, wait, there it is!
Edit - thanks for warming my slippers, clendrix.
*puts on*
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:16, Reply)

And copied and pasted it from the character map.
It's Alt + 0230, if anyone wants to know.
Wi-Fi also enables places which would traditionally not have network to be connected, for example bathrooms, kitchens and garden sheds. The 'father of Wi-Fi', Vic Hayes, stated that being able to access the internet whilst answering a call of nature was 'one of life's most liberating experiences'.
It was following a late night conversation on here about using your laptop to surf the internet whilst having a shit.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:18, Reply)

Nothing particularly harmful about it really.
That guy has your quote as his sig!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:21, Reply)

Brilliant, I just officeloled a lot at that!
You have to be really subtle with the vandalism, cos they notice it far too easily otherwise. I've been banned several times for insisting Hitler was born in Scunthorpe, Margaret Thatcher was a male-female transsexual, etc
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:26, Reply)

Wi-fi on the bog! Love it.
For Mac users, æ is just Option-' (apostrophe)
Edit - damn, where's that bloody hat?
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:26, Reply)

Are you saying DiT and I are old? You utter utter cuntweasel.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:39, Reply)

I could've posted...
But I thought I'd let you stew :p
EDIT: Er... Hi Becky... Er... No... You're in the "middle group"... Er... 25-35.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:39, Reply)

Becky's gonna kick your arse.
*encourages arse kicking*
DG, we bring a sense of maturity and poise to the place.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:42, Reply)

I'll put a fiver on Becks if it's hand to hand combat, and a fiver on Kaol if weapons are allowed.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:43, Reply)

lest my feeble time ravaged brain hinders me unable to remember...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:43, Reply)

You're just over 75% of my age at the moment!
Edit - And I'm off home. I've been here long enough.
May return later.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:48, Reply)

Second place!
That's about a dozen times now
and I was winning up until 10:00am this morning.
what a bollocks day.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:50, Reply)

New qotw could be quite good although I don't think I have any stories to post and I doubt I'll feel motivated to fabricate one either.
Laters folks.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:56, Reply)

For me, again, haha!
And I don't want to post any stories this week. Much, much to close-to-the-bone.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 16:57, Reply)

No thanks...
This QOTW is gonna make me sad.
At least there are only two days when I'll be in the office for it.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:11, Reply)

and won't be around tomorrow as it's office Christmas party day! I'm gonna be soooo fucked on Saturday...
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:19, Reply)

But then I'm stealing the guy from my office to come play some guitar for us :D
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:21, Reply)

( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:24, Reply)

With a load of insurance documents.
I think I'm gonna have a fun-embolism!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:27, Reply)

I'm doing a budget report.
All this pent-up fun is going to EXPLODE on Saturday!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:27, Reply)

It'll be fucking cold outside!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:35, Reply)

Besides, I have to think about my friends - poor bastards.
I shall brings clothes and smokes.
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 17:39, Reply)
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