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Have this...
Last one. Promise.60s | 80s | 90s
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:24,
archived )
all but three! a record
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:25,
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Very good work! I think the 60's was the hardest one mind ;)
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:26,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:27,
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Not for me I remembered most of them
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:34,
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I got more from the 60's than the previouse ones...
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:37,
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you're far too talented you know
and PLEASE don't make this the last one!
sock more tea vicar? ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:25,
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cinema has been going since the 1890's so there's still a few more decades to go
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:27,
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I looked at the 00's and I might.....
50's and 40's had too many gaps.
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:28,
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00s would be great, i think only e dubya would be able to get the 50s and 40s ones though
sock more tea vicar? ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:31,
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Ask under your pic while you are on the front page - what letters are you missing? Or do "Pre 60s" and "Black and White" to combine a few decades.
monkeon schmonkeon ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 10:42,
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I managed 15.
Some real classics in there.
thwart is just not feeling it with you ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:26,
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I got SOME :) 13, in fact.
DogHorse plop ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:28,
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Flash Gordon was 1980
This is still fabulous though Edit: Oh, and Z should have been Zardoz!
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:29,
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Bollocks! I got the wrong flash!
Bloody wikipedia.
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:30,
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Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:34,
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I was going to curse you for taking away one I knew!
But I got your replacement!
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:36,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:37,
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Oh, sorry to nitpick again
but your "M-" pic I think is from "M-" 2, which was 1981, even though original "M-" was from 1979...
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:51,
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.......damn..... I am going to leave it. Mainly becuase it's friday night.
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:58,
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should of gone for flesh gordon :P
www.imdb.com/title/tt0068595/ awesome campy shitness :D also top woo on your poster :)
arrangedletters ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 1:20,
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W, good call.
Tahkcalb ω∞ for sigs ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:30,
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Have you done one for the 00s?
Bourbon Fox Bourbon is a moron ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:31,
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Yay... 14 this time! Now up to 15...!
The invisable man Is having a long lazy soak in search ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:33,
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Thank you for W my most favourite movie ever :D
You are amazing these are superb nostalgia overload.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:33,
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hello missus
how are you doing? ok i hope?
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:23,
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Yeah taking things day by day the worse is over still got a way to go but ok in general.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:30,
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Glad things are getting better though.
I know festive period can be a bit harsh.
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:37,
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Christmas was't too bad - alcohol helped ;)
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:41,
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Ah, good thinking
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 23:02,
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Extra woos & yays for doing Cheech and Chong :D
hekim 66 ÉŹĘš ŹÉnā² uooW ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:34,
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^ also this!
"Muchica-Pister, my eyes are are burning!"
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:40,
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Don't make promises you can not keep
(hopefully). These are most excellent and I have clicked.
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:39,
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I'm so rubbish at these
woo tho
custard ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:44,
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I've found this one the easiest.
Flowerpot No longer has the vapours thanks to DTH ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:59,
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"S" IS FOR STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!he's a bad mother-
atomic A-bomb-a-nation ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 21:59,
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Shut your mouth! I'm talkin' bout....
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:02,
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I am so upset right now! \o/
atomic A-bomb-a-nation ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:03,
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i am rubbish at these
but they are lovely.
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:22,
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Bonus points for adding Ilsa.
What a flick!
Captain Howdy ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:35,
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top stuff!
finnbar has officially retired ,
Fri 6 Jan 2012, 22:56,
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Can you add a linky to the others?
Three Dog Man ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 8:27,
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Good idea.
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 8:53,
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Woo YaY
Love the 70s
herman:D ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 11:19,
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Cool, saw these on Firebox so you is famous
acab ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 13:18,
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Hey you got featured on shortlist.
mike woz ere 7442200 & 7696970 getter ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 13:30,
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Last one?
this is good shit man, i demand more
itilliterate ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 14:10,
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all of the clicks!
especially for Ilsa!
Girlmitzi ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 15:28,
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Great work.clicked
Just ordered all four for the living room walls. The Solaris of Sid James is getting relegated.
bane ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 15:37,
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Cor thank you!
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 16:21,
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Isn't M from the sequel?
Christian's Bolt and Ski ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 20:03,
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Which is a shame for me.
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Sat 7 Jan 2012, 23:26,
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Apocalypse Now Blacula Clockwork Orange Deliverance Enter the Dragon Fiddler on the Roof Get Carter Harold and Maude(??) Ilsa: She wolf of the SS Jaws Kramer vs Kramer Logan's Run Mad Max N ?? O ?? P ?? Quadrophenia (??) Rocky Shaft Taxi Driver Up in Smoke V ?? Westworld x ?? Yanks (??) Zulu Not bad for an 80's kid :P
arrangedletters ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 1:27,
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P is Poseidon Adventure
CaptainSunshine ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 14:25,
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N - National Lampoon's Animal House O - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
nasalhair The Twix guy! ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 17:22,
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I thought animal house
but forgot the national lampoon.. really should have got O... silly me.
arrangedletters ,
Mon 9 Jan 2012, 1:46,
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was 60's. Think this is Zulu Dawn.
Wheatabeat The hoi polloi ,
Mon 9 Jan 2012, 23:25,
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I really like these
Thing is, I'm not interested in film, and I struggle to name them.
Catomiagi is in with a chance ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 1:50,
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what do you mean, "Last One" - don't stop now - these are brilliant....:D
B looks like Cat out of Red Dwarf W - I only bought the DVD last week - cool film
Zuffle farts silently in lifts then leaves the warm aroma ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 10:12,
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spooky, or what? - I also bought G at the same time as W
Zuffle farts silently in lifts then leaves the warm aroma ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 10:14,
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A Clockwork Orange
A, not C! Maybe Cabaret would be a good replacement? Great iconic Liza Minnelli pose.
Jay ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 10:27,
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You should turn these into a quiz
on your website (or, indeed, see if Empire want to buy it for theirs - as it is the sort of thing they run). Also, don't stop - I want to see a black and white early cinema one.
monkeon schmonkeon ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 10:37,
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Silent film alphabet??
Perfect, you've tempted me out or retirement
Wildyles is back to rimming chimps ,
Sun 8 Jan 2012, 14:38,
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I'm redecorating my lounge soon....
And I've already picked the wall that I'm gonna put the 70's - 00's versions of these..... So hurry up and do the 00's one please ;-)
repooc ,
Mon 9 Jan 2012, 8:37,
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I'm a bit late to the party...
but I want to say how much I've enjoyed this series - excellent work. I've been quite pleased at how many I've got, but there's always a couple of obscure ones to get me scratching my head...
enceladus ,
Tue 10 Jan 2012, 19:33,
archived )
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