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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:04,
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do i spy minge there?
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:05,
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no, red panties
you were just being hopeful
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:07,
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And I was REALLY looking!
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:08,
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thats just wrong
Kingtoke was shit at life on ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 20:58,
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Leo Di Cameltoe !
Excellent. Keep the Toast warm n'Happy
Q4nobody ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:33,
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Is it so wrong to be in love with a beautiful man?
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:05,
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only if he won't even look you in the eye or give you a reacharound.
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:09,
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I hope he's wearing red knickers
Tribs 🦇 ↓ dn ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ ↓🦇 ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:06,
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he so sexah!
KinkyKitty is learning the ropes~~~ ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:06,
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hahaha how odd :)
christ, he's looking a bit rough now.
i_yam_bucket doo wah diddy diddy wah wah diddy doo ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:06,
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Do not want
The Coast Of Yemen ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:07,
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The upskirt kept me from noticing that Valin must have
animated the head for ya
LS18 ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:07,
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HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:11,
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a more frightening thing I never did see!
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:15,
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McBadger COW ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:20,
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The Coast Of Yemen ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 16:21,
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No Bridge! No Shark!
Darklord ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 18:25,
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Front paged?!
wtf?! :D
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 18:26,
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I like it and everything
but I must confess that was my reaction too.
arrangedletters ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 19:42,
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I third that
As always, nice work. But it's not up to your best. It is, however, up to my best.
ChiTown Guy Dating when 35+: sane, single, attractive - pick 2 ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 20:20,
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C0UN7 Me In Too
I love happy toasts stuff but this isnt really FP material.
P3L3 is not my real name. ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 1:16,
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maybe its to make up for all the good stuff I did that they didn't put up there?
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 21:03,
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thats a really big headed up your own arse reply :(
take the criticism it's deserved, not everyone round these parts is a happytoast sycophant :p
Unununium ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 21:16,
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what the fuck?
I was joking you complete fuckwit
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 8:38,
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I like this!
brainstuff can eat a whole shredded wheat ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 11:20,
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sounds painful
but you sir, lack the hummus also, b3ta wouldn't be b3ta without happy toast making things bounce and/or vibrate... toast, keep your head firmly up your arse, you've earned it :)
ShavenLunatic says touch your nose! ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 8:47,
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this place was big and clever long before I got here
I'm just one of the numbers, but thanks for the compliment
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 12:39,
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not a criticism of le toast
More confusion at the front page selection policy and touch of jealousy perhaps as non of mine are yet to be selected. :D *weeps into beard*
arrangedletters ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 13:12,
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ha ha
nice response
monkeon schmonkeon ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 10:37,
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Mindbleach please. Now!
sticks Errol flynn in female form ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 18:44,
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And why the fuck did this get FP'd? No offence, but my shit down the toilet is more amusing.
Arsonist burns pubic hair for a living ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 20:00,
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HOW THE BALLBAGS DID THIS FP'D?????it made me larph though. pffft
addickted has attained freedom ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 20:34,
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yet again username is better then technique... *changes username to Beau Great Toasteon*
Curse of the Cuttlefish ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 20:38,
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Your own Stevie Wonder post today is better than this! Proving there's no logic to the selection, I suppose.
An Eagle in Your Mind ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 21:54,
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MrChimp previously Monsieur ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 21:57,
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While I am as suprised by this being FP'd as much as the next man
(especially when nothing of mine makes it to the popular page any more) I am a little suprised and saddend to how the Daily Mail "write in and complain" attitude has seeped in to B3ta :(
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 8:42,
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not your best but still amused me nonetheless, and i've seen MUCH worse on the FP. Don't take it to heart, jealousy and all that
ShavenLunatic says touch your nose! ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 8:50,
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It does seem weird considering two of your recent ones have been brilliant (Bush / Blair tit fondling and the bloke getting knobbed in the ear). I mean, bouncy head stuff? That's stock posting for the gay shift, isn't it?!
An Eagle in Your Mind ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 9:05,
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It's been on B3ta for years :)
we've all had it to some extent :)
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 11:13,
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There's a lot more whingeing than there used to be.
As far as I remember there used to be more "fuck off you cunt" though.
slight yoinks! ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 12:19,
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Fuck off you cunt, though.
Ooh that feels liberating! :D
sm.pl.crt.rs I don't fucking know, do I? ,
Wed 14 Jan 2009, 16:17,
archived )
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