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[challenge entry]
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:45, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:58, archived)
# : )
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:00, archived)
# Made me think of this, btw
The Bloodfeast by Rotterdam's Sinister
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:35, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:46, archived)
[challenge entry] :)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:19, archived)
# Love this.

*edit* In fact you win today's Drain Donkey award!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:39, archived)
# \o/
Cheers Grunty AND, what a fabulous award! :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:20, archived)
# got your ass down in that manhole!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 18:25, archived)
# I forgot about this
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:25, archived)
# you mean this is a repost?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 18:25, archived)
# muthafuckas act like they forgot about ...
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 16:27, archived)
[challenge entry] Not for the fainthearted...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:04, archived)
# He used to be brilliant at blaming defenders...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:14, archived)
# Count. Nod. Click.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 19:42, archived)
[challenge entry] Hops away!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:27, archived)
# Mr. Popper's Hengiuns is one of my favourite movies, nice
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:46, archived)
# You're having a lot of fun here today, aren't you?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:48, archived)
# Errm
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:49, archived)
[challenge entry] Pfft...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:56, archived)
[challenge entry] I hope this isnt counted as racism, not my intention to offend.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:58, archived)
# Hahaha
Iaid SL, excellent movie, Spoonerism and faceswapping

(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:49, archived)
[challenge entry] Let's just get this one out the way, shall we?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:43, archived)
# Pricent Vice?.....I don't get it
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:18, archived)
# Laurence Olivier
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:22, archived)
# Oaurence Llivier
....nope still not a clue : )
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:32, archived)
# try the filename
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:01, archived)
# ohhhhhhh
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 16:37, archived)
# i think this is for a corniche market
it's a cornice i was thinking of! oh well
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:22, archived)
# *hearty applause*
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:40, archived)
# Oh yes
Very well played sir
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 16:40, archived)
# Oh good god man
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 17:04, archived)
# oh lord jesus, have mercy....that hurts!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:27, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:25, archived)
# Excellent!
edit: i don't know how to do the guitar noise
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:27, archived)
# I get confused with that and waynes world
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:29, archived)
# Wayne's World! Wyld Stallyns! Party Time! Excellent! Station!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:42, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:31, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:18, archived)
# hahaha
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:15, archived)
# I like how you think
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:00, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:36, archived)
# haha brilliant!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:01, archived)
[challenge entry] The sequel was less good....

Thanks to @happytoast for the till and bed
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 15:08, archived)
# ahahahaaaa
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 16:50, archived)
# Your bum

Up it
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:15, archived)
# right up it??
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:15, archived)
# RIGHT up it.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:52, archived)
# Well, that's cleared that up.
/anti-biotics blog
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:41, archived)
# XD Thanks!! XD
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:59, archived)
# zalgo
he comes
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 16:25, archived)
# well, I like it
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:28, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:13, archived)
[challenge entry] I was working on something quite similar...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:33, archived)
# lol nice
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:57, archived)
# FRON LALLACY, lovely work
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:47, archived)
[challenge entry] Kids. Tsk.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:05, archived)
# pfft
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 13:48, archived)
[challenge entry] hello
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:41, archived)
# Hahaha
Nicely done
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:43, archived)
# Nicely!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:46, archived)
# oof !
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:16, archived)
# haha superb
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:29, archived)
# butthole!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 23:36, archived)
[challenge entry] I ain't getting on no pushbike!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:35, archived)
[challenge entry] gah, beat me to it...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:41, archived)
# Hahahaha
Sorry, that fits a treat! WOO :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:45, archived)
# Superb.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:44, archived)
# brilliant!
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 5:37, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:34, archived)
# What a load of bull.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:08, archived)
# :)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:16, archived)
[challenge entry] seams suitable
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:15, archived)
# That took me...
...way too long!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:49, archived)
# still not got it
no matts
mo natts

(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:02, archived)
# NaNaNaNa NaNaNaNa, NaNaNaNa NaNaNaNa, BanMatt!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 19:27, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:14, archived)
# haha ow
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:31, archived)
[challenge entry] :(
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:51, archived)
[challenge entry] meanwhile in nooocassel....
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:54, archived)
# Hahahaha
I always love this, especially the 'NEW HERP' :D
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:59, archived)
# The May Gup was impressive.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 11:33, archived)
# Hahaha!
Have a lorra, lorra clicks, man, pet.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:51, archived)
# I sense there was a bit of a threadrush =)
this is lovely
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:33, archived)
[challenge entry] ....
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:34, archived)
# it's not quite how I remember 2001
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:42, archived)
# pfft
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:33, archived)
# Surely
the Spoonerism of King Kong is "Kong King"
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:43, archived)
# Oh, I get it now.
Wasn't really familiar with the term "spoonerism".

... I will punish myself for this.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:52, archived)
# Ashally it's King Kong.
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 14:12, archived)
[challenge entry] this?
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:04, archived)
# you flubbed that right up
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:09, archived)
# It's Charlie Brown's kite-eating tree!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:21, archived)
# First rule of kite flub is
call the fire department
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:35, archived)
[challenge entry] Someone. Somewhere. Is gonna pay...
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:47, archived)
# haha, shopped only please
his hair is a constant source of amusement
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:50, archived)
# He combs it with a permanent marker pen
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:52, archived)
# I like the stippling brush he uses around the edges
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:09, archived)
# Reminds me of Data from ST:TNG
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:01, archived)
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 10:36, archived)
# oh how i missed this
just the concentration on his face, priceless
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 22:52, archived)
# hahahaaha
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 12:58, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:37, archived)
# MODS!!!!!!!!
oh, wait
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:39, archived)
# whassamatter?
It meets Wiki's criteria, doesn't need to be the same letters, just the sounds innit
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:43, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:47, archived)
# ARF!
(, Thu 19 Feb 2015, 9:54, archived)
# :-D
(, Fri 20 Feb 2015, 5:39, archived)

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