I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
This question is now closed.

I just read:
Priorities for tears...
Below. And I've welled up. I'm a soft shit really.
Edit: Changed my mind. I read the last few lines.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 15:10, Reply)

Just a few minutes ago, avoiding work, crying with delight!
Funny snafus in newspaper articles and ads:
Want to see America's finest in brain power and social acumen? No wonder the whole world thinks we're idiots!
My God, stuff this funny should be illegal!
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 15:02, Reply)

Watership down the bit when they play bright eyes.. everytime.
End of The Green Mile.
The time my RAID died and so too my MAH_HUSIVE porn and MST3K archive died. (Well I did manage to save the MST3K)
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 14:50, Reply)

Was the other week when my girlfriend (accidentally) smacked me really hard in the nose. It was one of those automatic eye-watering reactions though, not emotional blubbing.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 14:30, Reply)

Just watched it and was sick.
This is why I don't believe in God, what kind of god could let that happen?
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 14:08, Reply)

one evening whilst away working 12,000 miles from home in Sydney on my own last year.
Shat about 4 kilos of lava out of my arse all the following day.
Dont know whether it was because i was suffering on my own, or because of the severe pain due to my ring-piece looking like the flag of Japan.
Bastard Ozzie restaurant.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 14:03, Reply)

...you voyeuristic, vicarious, emotional fucking tourists.
What is this, fucking Oprah? Fucking therapy?
My tears are mine, go get your own!
This was my small tribute to HST. Thank you.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 14:01, Reply)

last movie that made me cry - as always, 50 first dates (yes an adam sandler movie) makes me cry in three separate spots
last show that made me cry - the amazing race, i cant stand it when teams i like are eliminated, especially the father-daughter teams (what can i say, im a daddys girl)
last actual time i cried - when i accidentally taped over 20 mins worth of my nieces first xmas
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:51, Reply)

Went to see my nan in the old people's home she has to reside in now. Didn't even recognise me. Nasty considering she was dancing the night away at my wedding back in September. Then went round to her old house to clear it out to pay for the rent at the home....
Through pain, I had a bout of proctitus back in November. Spent my birthday on the shitter crying like a man shitting razor blades. Makes me whince just thinking about it.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:38, Reply)

I think the better question would be when was the last time I didn't cry? Damn you, depression!
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:38, Reply)

I had to inform a lady that despite our best efforts we could not revive her husband of 62 years (heart attack). They were on a holiday together as a last fling at doing their own thing together, before they were to return home and retire to the inanity of life in the nursing home they had agreed was best for their failing health.
Whilst my partner stayed with the deceased and waited for the coroner and police to arrive I sat with her and consoled her as best I could. “62 years eh? That’s a long time – you must have loved him very much” I asked. Through a torrent of tears and uncontrollable sobbing she replied “Actually we were together for 68 years all up and to be honest he was a mean and vicious bastard – always hitting me and not a gentleman in the bedroom at all. I grew to hate him.”
She went on to explain that she had hoped this last holiday away together was going to rekindle the love he used to show her when he was young. “At least I can kid myself that it was going to be a romantic holiday together” she said.
We spoke a while longer and she had truly had a horrific life at the hands of a very troubled man – some of what she told me beggared belief. Saddened as I was, I had maintained my professional composure and relative detachment as best I could.
It was whilst I was walking back to my ambulance that I failed to notice the concrete kerbing and I tripped and impacted my knee on a jagged rock, somehow also twisting my scrotum as I fell.
Now that bought the tears to my eyes.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:36, Reply)

"John! Another bloody bumble bee got stuck in my bedroomroom this morning! It was shagging my windchimes and it came all over my boyfriend!"
My sister told me this at 7:40am,
I was crying so much through laughing, I couldnt get into my car to drive to work and ended up being 20 miniutes late.
Then I had to tell my boss why I was late. and she started laughing so much she was crying.
dunno if at me or because of my sister?
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:30, Reply)

I was watching extreme makeover home edition on one of the digital channels. And they rebuilt some poor lasses house and farm
as her husband had died. choked me up
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:30, Reply)

I went back to where I grew up (lost my mom as a kid)and drove the route I walked to school with her when I was four and a half. Remembered every step of the journey 32 years later. Wept like a small girl (am now large girl) and wailed in the privacy of my car. That was last sunday, next time I have to actually walk the route, I imagine it will be no easier. This is my first post by the way, I was too shy up till now.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:26, Reply)

I now live a very long way away from home. Recently my mum (awww bless 'er) sent me the extended DVD of Return Of The King. Its nice getting a perfectly shot movie that shows off your home when you live in a rural town in Japan being payed to do not very much at all. So i got drunk and watched it.
I cried twice, once when the Riders of Rohan charge the army of Mordor outside Minas Tirith and the second time (for joy) when I saw myself on the side of Grond shooting arrows at filthy Gondorians. I got two days of work in as an orc during the final pickups shot in Wellington. Also had a smoke on top of the dead Mumakil.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:26, Reply)

Last night at a bar when my boyfriend didn't want to go for pizza as we had salmon at home that apparently needed to be eaten.
Despite years of rigorous training, I'm not a very good drunk.
Still, managed to completely balls up cooking the salmon and force him to order chinese anyway. Not a bad result, I think.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:23, Reply)

The Last Time: over at friends' house, and realising in the middle of a heated debate that I was, once again, simply playing Devil's Advocate in an attempt to make someone - anyone - listen to me and value my opinion, or even the fact that I HAD an opinion. Was a moment of great clarity and learning for me (training to be a Counsellor, see, and starting to understand where most of the shit in my life comes from.)
Every time: I hear Green Day's "Good Riddance (Time of your Life)" - reminds me of the scene in ER when the nurse who was HIV+ read the lyrics at the funeral for Dr Anspaugh's son who had died of leukaemia. Can't even sing the song quietly to myself without eyes welling and voice wobbling. Rubbish.
Oh, and Andaman - you may find going to see a Counsellor will help. Seriously - and only if you want to, of course - look into it.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:15, Reply)

Once One of my airsoft pistols fucked up and vented 100ml of liquid propane into my right ear and eye.
Propane is a gas at room temperature, and is stored as a liquid under pressure.
When in a liquid state, it's fucking cold.
So I screamed and rolled around on the floor with a frozen eardrum and a frozen eye.
Luckily no permanent damage. Still cried for a while afterwards, as I was scared that I had become deaf and blind in the right ear and eye.
It's not fun.
(Unless you fill little dogs with it and set them on fire)
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:14, Reply)

...since we're all talking about movie endings, how's about this for lame.
I shed a small quiet tear at the end of the "South Park" movie when Kenny got his wings.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:13, Reply)

and told me that the ice cream van had run out of cups of wank.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 13:04, Reply)

Driving from LA to Seattle, my cousin Jim announced that we had to detour to Newort on the Oregon coast. Recently graduated from the USAF Academy, Jim's roommmate, John, had taken his new bride on his first cross-country solo flight to John's parents. They became lost in a storm over the Cascade Mts. We were to deliver John's personal effects.
Upon arrival, the teenage siblings split without a word. The mother cornered me in the living room and asked about divorce. The father took Jim into the dining room, where the table was covered with maps. Seventy days later, he was still searching for his son.
After four hours, we left. We were asked to stay but begged off and bugged out. The grief had descended into madness.
PS. Three others perished while searching the mountains.
Jim drove.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:51, Reply)

a kick in my bollocks
i make no apologies for length and girth
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:49, Reply)

I've been working my arse off for the last year for them...
Maybe crying was a slight overreaction, but i'd already planned what i was gonna spend the money on
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:31, Reply)

I would read discodaz's post containing this - www.contrast.org/hillsborough/home.shtm - should put football into some kind of perspective for you. Might even make you cry, if you have a heart.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:30, Reply)

I took my mum to see Simon & Garfunkel in Hyde Park last year and cried about 5 times during the concert - especially during America and The Boxer. I put a CD together for her for Xmas as well and compiling that was a real tearfest - particularly when I found a copy of Don't Cry For Me Argentina, ironically enough.
And yes, Deep Impact always sets me off. When they get to the "Take the baby!" bit.
Dammit, welling up now.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:25, Reply)
This question is now closed.