I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
This question is now closed.

Radiohead. They make me weep like a baby, and I can't help it. A girl who I don't seem to stop loving (yet, we're not together now, and may never be...) used to be a huge fan and got me heavily in to them, and since, every song makes me fill up and feel incredibly sick.
Had 'no surprises' on last night whilst eating my dinner and just poured with tears, and couldn't eat the rest. Shame, it was my own lovely tortilla recipe. Followed by 'everything in it's right place', it couldn't get much worse, could it?
Sigh, what a sad twat I am...
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:04, Reply)

In january, waking up at 6 am (as if that wasn't bad enough) to bury my dog :(
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:03, Reply)

When I found out that my ex-fiance is now seeing someone else, only 2 and a half months after breaking up with me.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:03, Reply)

Man this is a depressing QotW
Anyway, last time i remember crying was last year, on an expedition thing to Mexico. I was 16 then, it was the furthest i had been away from home by several thousand miles, and at a month in length was by far the longest i had spent away from home. I was ok for almost all of the trip, apart from one point half way through when i just got stressed out from having to share a room with 3 complete slobs (im a very clean person, half my family have OCD in some form or other), losing my sandals, and other little things that just pushed me over the edge, so i hid on a balcony where no-one could see me and cried. Only one of my mates saw and he realised it was probably better to leave me to it.
After i calmed down, i realised it had started to rain quite heavily (tropical Mexico, rainy season), so i just sat there with a book (Catch 22, good read) and watched the rain fall. It was one of the most peaceful moments of my life, having just let it all go. So if you ever feel the need to cry, do it! It can help relieve so much tension and stress.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 15:03, Reply)

When I lifted my 3 year old daughter up to hug her mother who was dying of cancer. Honest !
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:53, Reply)

in my kitchen with one of my flatmates, stoned as hell, with him trying to cook bacon. had a long giggle fest, then i saw the fear on his face as he thought id set myself on fire, turned out i was standing in front of the bacon hed forgotten about, and it was burning. laughed so much i cried, so did he.
Other than that, the past few weeks I've been crying like mad over everything, every film with something sad in it, 'My Left Foot', 'Eternal Sunshine', 'Green Mile', errm 'The Terminal' (i dont know why either) all because just under a month ago my girlfriend dumped me for another fella, who was previously my best mate. Gutted. Must of had a knock on affect. Bollocks.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:47, Reply)

spidey collapses forward butthe passengers hold him.
i was very pissed.
(edit - my burd will be reading this at some point when she becomes bored with her cell lines and whatnot - can i just say the tears were rugged and manly, and that i was biting hard on my thumb to stop...)
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:45, Reply)

what it's like to miss someone.....really badly.
Bye Miss Lady
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:43, Reply)

Seriously. Don't know why, but it just gets me somehow.
*shakes self out of emotional moment*
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:39, Reply)

The other day, I walked to the student center to get some coffee, and there were some zoology people there doing a demonstration of baby monkeys. Sat there on the table was a baby chimp in a diaper and overalls, munching on a banana.
So cute it brought a tear to my eye.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:34, Reply)

Last week, when my four year old daughter suddenly decided to run between daddys legs like she did when she was a toddler, she was copying her one year old sister who does that but holding onto my legs for support. Unfortunatly my four year old is a bit taller now, and has a very hard head.
In sadness, at the death of my uncle last year from skin cancer at the age of 36. And then my wifes auntie finds out and the first thing she says is "did he smoke?" how insensitive.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:33, Reply)

Almost Four
A teddy bear sits on a mattress
One glass eye and threadbare paw
Looking at a cuckoo clock
Which shows it's ten to four
Four o'clock is teddy's teatime
Lots of friends and fancy cake
Although it's only pretend eating
Oh how long ten minutes take
Shadows grow on distant hillsides
Orange sun on glassy sea
All in his amber eye reflected
And still ten minutes left 'til tea
The mattress, striped, is old and broken
Rusty springs through stuffing show
The cuckoo clock is also broken
But how's a teddy supposed to know?
Unaware he's been discarded
That this is not the nursery cot
The hills and sea just glass, old papers
On a disused rubbish plot
A telephone that no one answers
Empty tins that once held tea
The clock that still says nearly teatime
Where can all the children be?
For ages now he's lain unwanted
Saluting with his threadbare paw
He'll never know he's been abandoned
'Til the clock reads after four
Don't tell him that the clock is broken
For as long as teddy doesn't know
It'll always soon be teatime
As it was so long ago
aplogies to Shrub Rocketeer and anyone else who I made cry by posting this
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:32, Reply)

I watched the Green Mile the other day.
I bawled myself senseless when the gargantuan black guy got electrocuted.
I cried so hard I had to go and curl one out afterwards.
Also, my missus gave Jesus his P45 the other day. It makes me sad because Jesus is a nice person really.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:15, Reply)

Tinker was my first cat, "adopted" into our house in September. I got so excited when I found out she was having kittens, then when she had them this Monday I was at home on vacation so I didn't see them being born. But what really made me cry was the fact that both cat and kittens have been sent away already because my housemates can't cope and we are only in the house until June anyway...
My poor, helpless little cat and kittens, sent away at 2 days old without me even seeing them *sniff*
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:14, Reply)

but I cried like a baby when I thought we might have to put our poor old dog to sleep. He's a member of the family after all.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:12, Reply)

... how often I find myself watching 'See Hear' on BBC2 of a Saturday morning. I usually sit with the Mrs and point fun at the uselessness of everything about it.
A few weeks ago we watched the UK Women's deaf football team competing in the Deaf World Cup. I think it was in Tokyo. They were absolute bloody rubbish. Especially the goalkeeper.
Anyway, as the craply put together news item dragged on, the viewer was told that one of girls' father and brother had travelled all the way from London to see her play, but without her knowing. They thought that their presence might make her nervous.
In the end, the UK team won the third place play off in a close fought contest. The girls were jubilant and very emotional, but when that girl saw her father and brother were in the crowd, it all became a bit too much for her.
And it became too much for me as well. I couldn't stop sobbing in hapiness for them. And as I realised I was crying over See Hear for god's sake, it seemed to get worse.
Maybe that was a bit of a dull you-had-to-be-there kind of story. Anyway it was also the second best wank I've ever had to daytime TV.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:11, Reply)

..greased appendage entering my rectal tract.
Disneyland c.1986
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:09, Reply)

I'm still not entirely sure why, but the first time I saw that film I cried at the end.... the only other film that EVER made me cry was The Poseidon Adventure (aged 6)
I didn't shed a tear at the birth of my boy though... I think I was too knackered
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:09, Reply)

but now I am angry, thanks monkeymadness.
I'm even close to becoming vegetarian.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:05, Reply)

Just now as well also watching the Anti-fur video. www.petatv.com/tvpopup/video.asp?video=j_lopez&Player=wm&speed=_med
Now let's all get together and skin that fat cunt J-Lo!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 14:00, Reply)

Hungover and fiddling with the shower gel, I managed to spray foaming menthol gel straight into my right eye. I couldn't stop crying for hours. Still it woke me up a treat.
Sitting on this putfile.com/pic.php?pic=4/10308053029.jpg&s=x2
in the Sahara for a week. I had tears in my eyes when I found a porcelain khasi!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:59, Reply)

Had an email from the other half saying how she saw me from her car whilst I was walking to work. Her exact words were...
"I saw you at lunch when I was stuck in traffic (going the opposite way to you) but suddenly lost my power to shout and instead sat there tapping on the window like some pathetic little rabbit trapped in a cage."
Not sure why but it made me burst into tears... Could've been partly because Hallelujah was playing on my ipod at the time though which always gets me a bit emotional...
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:58, Reply)

Had some strange dreams recently... Apocalypse style end of the world doings...
Had a dream were a kid had died and i woke up with (NON GAY - MANLY) tears in my eyes...
I'm a soft twunt though...
Also I miss both my Grandads a lot. I think about them and that gives me a lump in my throat sometimes.
Missing you both.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:48, Reply)

I never cry (apart from privately when my dog died, which is allowed).
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:45, Reply)

one of my testicles in my zip =(
weapt for a good 5 minutes
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:42, Reply)

When it was first posted, it gave me a "pffffrt... whaaat?", and then a chuckle followed by a laugh.
I then started to think about what just happened.
Somebody, somewhere must have sat down at a computer and thought "I'm going to make a picture - an animation!". He then (somehow) decided to make an alien horse.
He must have opened up some software and spent time making the spaceship, followed by the little animation of the horse popping out. To make absolutely certain that we know that the horse is "a alien", the eyes were made red, and the nostrils green.
Then... (and this is the genius) he thought "The horse must say something"
"BEWARE" (I'm laughing now as I type this.)
At this point, he must have watched the animation and thought "Yes! That is what I set-out to achieve" and uploaded it, posted it here and waited for responses.
By the time I'd thought all of this through, my screen was all blurred - tears had welled up in my eyes from laughing so hard.
Oh, and I was at work at the time.
BEWARE! haha
Edit: If you don't visit the board, the original has long-since died, but I have kept a copy of the original for prosperity here.
I know this isn't what the QOTW was hoping for, but it is honestly the last time I cried.
I don't remember the time before that. I think I may be a psychopath.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:41, Reply)

that well up with tears whenever I walk into even the lightest of breezes. It's really annoying when I get to wherever I'm going to, and someone asks "What's so sad? Has something upset you?" Yes, the fact that my tearducts are in permanent leak-mode upsets me greatly(!)
Otherwise, the last time I cried and actually meant it was out of pain, rather than sadness. On top of my eye-related woes, I also have back-related woes to contend with, which can sometimes get so bad that I literally can't get out of bed without weeping mildly to myself. It's like someone tending to my back with a couple of lumphammers when it happens. Ouchie.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:38, Reply)

recently qualified to teach drama to 16-18 year olds in quite a rough area of East London.
Went to one of his performances a couple of weeks ago. The (relatively famous) playwright was in the audience. My friend was literally shaking with nerves. Just as the house lights went down, I cried like a baby because I was so proud of him
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 13:37, Reply)
This question is now closed.