What food do you hate the most? And why? Do brussel sprouts make you hurl? Can't stand the pea? Think baked-beans are the work of satan? Tell us, and tell us now.
( , Mon 12 Jul 2004, 10:51)
This question is now closed.

What the fuck is swede all about? I spent the formative years of my miserable existence being force-fed swede and carrot mash.
And that goddam awful Jamie Oliver has got a lot to answer for....My mother in all of her ineffable wisdom decided that "Salted Capers" were the new "In" food, and that we should be forced to eat them....I'd prefer to lick a theiving gypsy bastards internal warts, Its like eating pure herpes.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 14:00, Reply)

Sainsburys, Tesco, Morrisons, Spar etc even Marks & Sparks most own brands are made by the same companies... esp the 'economy' faeces.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:53, Reply)

Supasavers own brand mayonnaise - I'd rather eat the vaginal discharge of a doubly incontinent 90 year old's porridgy gusset. It's not really to my taste.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:46, Reply)

Cheese is like the scrapings from Gods corn infested feet.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:44, Reply)

Margerine, specially pikey budget brands like Tesco blue and white stripey marg. "I can't believe it's not butter!" Are you fucking kidding? There is NO substitute for butter, all those wannabe spreads can fuck right off.
I once ate a pigs ear, a popular tapas dish in Spain. It was truly awful, skin and fat covered cartilege, is not for human consumption, and it sent my chunder glands into spasm.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:42, Reply)

Pear drops.
Vile shitty smelling vomit inducing foul crappy cocknocking shitdroplets from the arse of the devil.
I'm not too keen on them.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:41, Reply)

What are these for? They are a piss-poor excuse for raisins, masquerading as cancerous melanomas. Raisins are good...Mmmm. Currants...Eurrgh! F**cking hell! They even have the cheek to be filled with soggy unappetising matter inside. God, I hate currants. Currant bun anyone? F**ck you!
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:39, Reply)

are the sweaty tramp's testicles of evil.
(gag retch)
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:39, Reply)

2001. School camp. Gay teacher called "Mr Gayle." *soon changed that* cooked the camp turkey drummers. Had to lean over one of my best friends 8 hours later and throw up out of the tent.
A week later we found a deer atempting to eat the regurgitated drummers. And a footprint.
Now even the thought of turkey/drummers/breadcrums/deer make me sick. Yak.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:33, Reply)

tell me what TOFU is? It doesnt even say what it is on the packet just TOFU? That has to be a bad thing *help*
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:30, Reply)

Made me vom. Id rather eat a minge full of death.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:26, Reply)

I usually pretty much eat anything but here's some stuff that I don't like.
*Steak and Kidney pies...I don't mind the steak but why'd ya have to spoil it with putting kidneys in there? Seriously whoever decided that should be strung, they're the rankest and grittiest foul tasting things ever.
*Gherkins in burgers, a nice tasty burger SPOILT by that green slimy crap that they put in it. To me, gherkins are a sad excuse for a cucumber which taste like they've been marinating in dog pee.
*Sushi like eating raw fish guts I just plain don't like it.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:23, Reply)

Lovely till you get to the fucking minging chocolate in the middle. Sort it out!
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:21, Reply)

Nasty shitty frogspawn though it is, my fear stems from an incident as a 2-year old. It's my earliest and most vivid childhood memory.
Sat at a family gathering, playing with other similarly age-challenged sprogs, we found ourselves under a rather cheap, tacky glass-surfaced table (probably IKEA, cheap continental rubbish). On top of this was placed several bowls of Aunty Maureen's patented special shit, or to the rest of the world trifle.
To cut a long story short, an unusually heavy-handed relative and an unusually heavy glass of G&T were placed on the table's weakest spot, causing it to shatter. For the unfortunates hiding below, this meant a shower of broken glass shards, glass bowls, and the disgusting hell-goop from above. Naturally, it's red texture lead most of us to believe we'd been cut, and we all frantically started screaming, and the adults started panicking.
And that's why I hate trifle.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:13, Reply)

I hate chutney. I think I had some lime chutney....or was it salsa....anyway, it made me heave :-(
I also don't understand people who eat pork crackling. It's fat...from a pig. Same as people who eat the fat off of a steak or something. Whenever i eat meat, I can't stand having any fat on it.
Also, Smoky Bacon crisps are the work of the devil. I don't like Plum Sauce from the chinese takeaway either....hmm
/edit Just thought of Tongue too. I just can't contemplate eating something which has been in an animal's mouth for its whole life, covered in saliva and licking ass etc. Yeuch
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:08, Reply)

And also any internal organs that are used to rid the body of toxins and waste, ie. Kidneys, Liver, colon!?!?!?!?! Whatever, its just plain wrong!
Nuff sed!
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:08, Reply)

which means I can't stand all the bland fucking rubber that passes for cheese everywhere else in the world! Save a few select places: Most of England is one, except those breeze-block sized Tesco Value offerings. India (where I live right now) is definately not. Their attempts at Cheddar are pitiful, over processed and would probably give me the runs like half the food here does anyway.
Oh yeah and the Nestle milk here lasts for 6 months. Without being in the fridge! Ungodly indestructable milk-flavoured chemical concoction. ugh.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:08, Reply)

It's like eating ammonia! Disguised ammonia, with a hint of dog sick in it's texture! Why would anyone choose to eat something that dissolves your nostril hairs?
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 13:03, Reply)

Duck my fucking arse..it's a mingin' fish bastard. I'd rather munch Anne Widdecombe.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:58, Reply)

Watermelon? Its like eating water! Theres no point to it. Who wants to eat something that tastes of water when you can drink the bloody stuff and not have to chew!
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:51, Reply)

You picky sods. I'll eat (and have eaten) pretty much anything. Reading people moan about marmite, anchovies and stuff is making me feel quite hungry.
I don't think there is a foodstuff I actively dislike. Oh, except the supermarket own-brand barbecue sauce that my housemate loves. It's horrible. To me it smells like a burning orphanage.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:49, Reply)

...and on the eighth day, God crated something; neither plant, nor animal, but living. And Lo, it could only live around rotting flesh and faeces, thriving where real, worthwhile life once was. Upon ejection from the garden of eden, steve and emily (for these were their real names) did land, face down, in a field of death and pooh, and for forty days and forty nights, were forced to survive on only this alien beast-spawn. Close to death, on the forty-first day, Steve did find a brussels sprout, which had been dropped on the floor and sponked on by the devil himself, but as it melted in his mouth, this ambrosia of foods did prove itself to be an order of magnitude more delicious than his new nemesis; the mushroom. Proof that there's either no god, or he's an evil bastard.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:48, Reply)

Fennel F**CKING FENNEL!!!!
WHAT IS IT!.... i hate it.
(marmite is lovely.. mmm)
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:44, Reply)

Coriander is vile. Anything "extra virgin" or "sun-brushed" makes me want to up-chuck but I suspect the evil hand of Jamie Oliver behind that.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:40, Reply)

Steak. I am 'kin sick of it. Why would anyone want to chew the SAME piece of meat for that long?... I'm not a cow, I dont need to be chewing the same thing for ages!
Also apples? I havent eaten one since before I went to university in 1997
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:36, Reply)

I will make this like a chocolate Dwarf...............short & sweet.
Mushrooms - no excuse for eating fungus that grows in shit!
KFC - Even the smell is so terrible it makes me want to die.
Ouzo - Drank to much once, will never drink the foul juice of Satan again!
Many thanks.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:35, Reply)

Boiled or poached Egg. Scrambled or fried is fine. But the smell of any other form of egg makes me hurl.
Not a good idea to throw egg mayonnaise sandwiches my way.
( , Tue 13 Jul 2004, 12:35, Reply)
This question is now closed.