Last week two kids ran past me, one chasing the other. As they passed, the little boy turns to the girl chasing him and screams, "go away, you, you... you GIRLPANTS."
She stopped dead, cut to the core. Well, sort of. Anyway, we've added it to our repertoire, but are keen to expand further our sweary lexicon. What's the best insult you've heard? How effective was it? How did they retaliate?
( , Thu 4 Oct 2007, 12:48)
This question is now closed.

Some of my favourite twat related phrases;
Like...a wizard's sleeve...a horse's collar...a yawning hippo...a badly packed kebab...a pig with it's throat cut. Piss flaps like John Wayne's saddlebags. Flaps like a Lancaster's bomb bay doors.
To describe uninspiring sex. It was like waving a sausage in the Channel Tunnel. (Naval one) It was like waving your kit bag in a dry dock. I nearly strapped a plank to my arse.
She was so hairy, she had a crab ladder all the way up to her belly button.
BTW, all large and unkempt ladies pubic areas should be called pant beards. As in 'Jesus, that pant beard could do with a bit of strimming.'
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 10:05, Reply)

I was about6 YO and I remember getting a slap on my legs and being told to sit on the step for calling my mum an "old Bugger". Weve made up now though.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 9:00, Reply)

The word "special" added in to a sentence, said in that semi-sarcastic/caring/condescending way that teachers cultivate.
As in "Are you special"? "Do you need your special things to feel better"? "Was your school Special"? etc etc
We even have a guy at work who (thanks to the Captain, yours truly) is now known as "Special Simon".
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 8:47, Reply)

Two of my favorites are from here: twunt and fucksocks. Actually, I think twunt is from Scaryduck.
My absolut fave of all time that makes me giggle like a wee girlie every time I say it is from the movie "Brother From Another Planet"
Weaseldick motherfucker.
Oh yeah, and "douchewaffle" from Christopher Moore.
Edit: Holy Moly, only three days and we have 33 pages worth of good swears? That is awesome. You Brits always come through!
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 8:39, Reply)

No swears in this one so feel free to use it on your gran.
You're like a person, only different...
And as someone adds Sticks to thiers I add Blanket
Cock Blanket
Shit Blanket
Fuck Blanket
It seems to just make it a little sweeter.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 8:38, Reply)

Upon seeing a rough or dodgy behind - a la tight trousers and big arse:
"It's like two ferrets fighting in a sack!"
Its too early dammit
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 6:01, Reply)

'a creepy geek'
It really hit home.
At the same time it was because I had my pc's network name set as 'PROTEUSIV'.
If you get the reference, you know what to click.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 3:42, Reply)

One of Milligan's books describes something as being "about as funny as a dead baby". Which I thought was awesome and used a lot.
Then I remembered that, given enough distance, dead babies are extremely funny, so now I describe unfunny things as "significantly less funny than a dead baby".
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 3:28, Reply)

in the Blue Jam Bad Sex episode, they're full of it,
"Cackle my Gladys"
"Shit your Leg off"
"Make your cum green"
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 3:00, Reply)

while he and Peter Baynham are discussing how to dispose of dead Johnnie Walker's corpse from the studio (this is live Radio 1 in 1994), Chris suggests to Peter just as a record is fading in, "Tell you what, why don't you skullfuck him?"
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 2:44, Reply)

"the twisted brain-wrong of a one-off man mental"
and in conversation with Cliff Richard - "Christ's fat cock!"
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 2:39, Reply)

Said a 40 year old man to me tonight as he tripped over my foot.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 2:22, Reply)

I once worked with someone I think may be the greatest curser ever to live. He was a Russian Argentinian, and indeed managed to combine scowling northerly pessimism with passionate latin fervour. He always repeated his curses twice, for maximum effect, in a spanish accent laced with slavonic phlegm, i.e. "THIS IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE THIS IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE" or "STUPID SHITPISS BASTARD STUPID SHITPISS BASTARD!" He actually saved most of his vitriol for inanimate objects, fortunately, and I luckily never ended up on the receiving end of his sweariness. My favorite of all his curses however was not directed at anyone, I think he had hit his thumb with a hammer or something and let out furiously with "COCKSUCKING JESUS COCKSUCKING JESUS!!!!"
I'm sure he can still get into heaven, they are supposed to be very forgiving.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 2:00, Reply)

of a portly lady wearing tight trousers:
"Has an arse like a badly packed rucksack."
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 1:39, Reply)

My votes go to the following:
Knob Jockey (a product of my homeland)
Chocolate Thief (to describe a homosexual... curtoesy of a certain American webcomic)
Cuntyflap (also a fantastic exclamation in the plural... go on, try it)
Gnome Fucker (teenagers in a boring school lesson write down funny words... where's the surprise?)
Badger Tadger
Pigeon Licker
Spoon Feeler (getting a tad silly now)
Peculiar Oxymoron (very silly, blame Dominik Diamond)
Please note that all of these can be instantaneously improved by prefixing them with bastarding.
I think I'll like this QOTW, much less reading than usual.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 1:32, Reply)

Dunno if it's bindun, but munters in general have 'a face like a bag of smashed crabs'.
I also like to tell sarky folk that they are 'about as funny as polio'. Generally gets them to shut the FUCK up.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 1:06, Reply)

( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 0:53, Reply)

Just browsing through these insults and 'saw' fanny batter between posts
You're as thick as fannybatter
Fanybatter fuckface
Fancy a fannybatter knobcheese omlette?
Oh dear, I am out of ideas now.
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 0:42, Reply)

My stepdaughter, not ten seconds ago, ranting at Nelly Furtado on MTV:
"Oh, just die you manbitch!!"
( , Sun 7 Oct 2007, 0:14, Reply)

K2K6 said "Skill, according to our tiny minds, was an African Bum Disease." I heard it was an acronym for Silly Kid In Lezzy Land"!
( , Sat 6 Oct 2007, 23:47, Reply)

Current faves:
you're as shit as kidderminster
you monk!
and my favourite new one:
....just so many applications.
( , Sat 6 Oct 2007, 23:45, Reply)

I just love it, it get thrown around work so much. If any one asks a question the answe is "cos your gay"
I also like "your so inbread your classed as a one parent family"
( , Sat 6 Oct 2007, 23:43, Reply)

and asked my mate "would you?" his reply: "yeah, I mean she's not ugly...but have you seen her smile? Has a gub on her like a pan of burnt chips"
( , Sat 6 Oct 2007, 23:37, Reply)

She's so ugly she looks like she fell out of the ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, landed face first on the rocks, had her face set on fire and put out with a shovel!
( , Sat 6 Oct 2007, 23:23, Reply)
This question is now closed.