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'I'm going to shock you now...'
Tell the class about something you like (or dislike) that might surprise people who think they know you.
I'll start: I have a secret liking for 'Midsomer Murders' and the quiz programme 'Pointless'. Whilst I rail endlessly about how shit things are on here I am in real life a fairly jovial fellow with boundless enthusiasm for a great deal of things.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:05,
260 replies,
latest was 12 years ago)
I rather enjoy Pointless also
I might have a go at it, in fact, with my Dad. He's a seasoned veteran of many TV quiz shows so we should have a decent shot at not completely embarrassing ourselves.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:08,
You appear to have failed
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:09,
And I was on such a roll too
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:11,
Maybe wait til you aren't mental any more then.
Nothing says 'embarrassing' like a pilled-up mod dribbling all down himself, with his flies wide open and his shoes on the wrong feet.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:11,
*checks shoes*
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:13,
Good point
Maybe I should aim slightly lower than a programme presented by the impressively witty Mr Armstrong. Is Pat Sharp's Fun House still on TV?
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:14,
I dislike Kate Bush with a passion
I have no basis for this dislike
I like mindless action films with little or no plot
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:08,
Such as the Transporter series?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:09,
Yeah, that kind of stuff
I'm watching Killer Elite at the moment with Jason Statham and Robert De Niro
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:12,
Jason Statham is fucking hilarious.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:16,
Crank 2 is a high point in his career
Who else do you think could bring to the screen a realistic portrayal of a man who survived a fall out of an aeroplane only to have his heart removed and replaced by an electric one the power supply of which is slowly running out and who has to have sex with his girlfriend on the street to stay alive.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:28,
It's based on a true story, right?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:29,
It's based on a booker prize winning novel
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:32,
I thought so.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:46,
In Transporter 2 he speaks this immortal line
"No, I'm not one of the gays"
PsychoChomp, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:37,
I might watch Expendables 2 tonight.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:12,
I've not seen either
though I do now have the latest Batman on DVD
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:13,
The first Expendables is hugely underwhelming
It's a cast waiting for a decent movie. Dark Knight Rises is brilliant, as expected. Although not as good as the first two. As expected.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:16,
I think it's better than the first one
Also, whilst I did hugely enjoy the second one, I can't help but think that it was only good because of Heath Ledger. If anyone else had played that part, I don't think it would have been any good.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:18,
The rest of the cast is uniformly excellent after they got rid of Katie bloody Holmes
But yes, it's Ledger's film. I prefer to look at it as it being excellent casting - knowing the success of the film hinged on hiring someone who could deliver a decent portrayal of perhaps the most entertaining and complicated of all comic-book characters. Same way that the first film hinged on finding a decent Bruce Wayne.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:24,
I'm not denying they played their roles well
They just weren't very interesting.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:26,
Just because they didn't dress up as a woman and listen to green day doesn't mean they weren't interesting.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:28,
It's a good thing I haven't done either in a number of years, isn't it?
Morning Al
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:31,
AvP is a shit film. You are wrong.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:33,
I disagree, as I say, as a stupid film with little plot, it's enjoyable enough
They went wrong with the second by trying to give it a plot
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
I am scared of Sandi Toksvig and love watching Foyles War.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:10,
I've grown rather to like old Toksvig.
She has quite a wit on her.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:11,
You rug muncher
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:12,
Family trait innit.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:14,
*goes down on 73*
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:15,
Midsomer Murders is fantastic.
I'm going to shock you now, but when I'm sick, my favourite thing to do is watch Dr Phil. And Ellen. And read trashy magazines.
Poppet some assembly required., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:11,
I watched 'Pointless Celebrities' on Saturday. Accurate name.
Also the first episode I've watched all the way through. Was getting irritated at Rowland Rivron not knowing who 'Hobbes' was though, the fucking idiot. Also, he's a twat.
There isn't really anything I can say that will surprise people, as I have a tendency to reveal if I'm fond of anything anyway.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:12,
And who *is* Hobbes?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:17,
Calvin's tiger
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:18,
Tiger from Calvin and Hobbes
Named after Thomas Hobbes.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:19,
I see.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:25,
I can't see why Chris Martin gets such a hard time
I assume it's because he's in Coldplay, but I also find them spectacularly inoffensive
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:12,
Seems like a decent bloke - music is non-offensive
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:13,
I have plenty of time for him myself
No-one's forcing him to raise money and awareness for Amnesty. I think he gets tarred with the Bono brush.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:15,
Agree completely.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:21,
I enjoy reading novels about the character Jack Reacher
I like to pretend that he's actually real and if I were in a real bind that there is a good chance he would somehow come into my life and help me out.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:16,
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:18,
*birthday click*
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:18,
so easy.
Poppet some assembly required., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:21,
haha you're good today
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:25,
Have you seen there's a film coming out with Tom Cruise playing Reacher?
Tom Cruise FFS, hardly comparable to physical description of the character in the books.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:18,
I thought you lot had to stick up for each other?
Or are you trying to get ahead in the pecking order for a go on Smurfette?
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:19,
You'd make an excellent Reacher.
With all the practice you get in shops, the kitchen etc.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:21,
Trying to get onto the sofa...
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:23,
trying to get back off the sofa without twisting his ankle as he drops the last six inches
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:23,
In the way you're an excellent lifter
Shops, shirts etc.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:24,
Tom Crews is a cocktail maker, Tom Crews is a pretty good cocktail maker. Tom crews has a chrisis of confidence and is no longer a good cocktail maker. Tom Crews meets a girl, gains his confidence and then becomes a good cocktail maker again.
Tom Crews is a fighter-pilot, Tom Crews is a pretty good fighter-pilot. Tom crews has a chrisis of confidence and is no longer a good fighter-pilot. Tom Crews meets a girl, gains his confidence and then becomes a good fighter-pilot again.
Tom Crews is a race driver, Tom Crews is a pretty good race driver. Tom crews has a chrisis of confidence and is no longer a good race driver. Tom Crews meets a girl, gains his confidence and then becomes a good race driver again.
Tom Crews is a warior of worlds.....
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:46,
Rich Hall?
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:55,
Possibly, american bloke?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:01,
My daughter turned to me on the bus on Sunday and said
'Daddy when I'm watching Noggin the Nog I feel like I'm in the story', which is almost vomit-inducingly cute but an indicator of excellent taste, I'd say.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:19,
That is a wonderfully cute thing to come out with.
It's sad that it happened on such a povvo form of transport though.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:21,
on the bus in the limo
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:01,
I quite like most of you on here (just don’t tell em I said so).
Not really into TV much mainly background noise, but I watch anything with Rick Stein for some reason.
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:19,
I have it on excellent authority
that he is a major-league alcoholic and really fucking unpleasant when he's lashed.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:21,
I like him even MOAR
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:22,
I watch enough cookery shows, sadly, to have developed a theory on TV cooks
There are TV naturals who can also cook a bit, like Nigella Lawson.
There are chefs who've taken to TV surprisingly well, like Keith Floyd.
And there are undisputably superb chefs who shouldn't ever have been let anywhere near a camera due to a total lack of anything vaguely resembling a personality.
Mr Stein is the latter.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:22,
Nigella is such a charicature these days.
Also I can't watch her programme without constantly thinking about what a cunt her father is.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:22,
I know
You could get an image of him on the vinegar strokes too
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:25,
+ to a climax
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:28,
I'll "budget" all over his face
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:31,
I'd like to see her 'red box'
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:46,
Ooh, torn here
On the one hand I should call you a bender for thinking about Nigel Lawson whilst watching those tits.
On the other, he really is a cunt.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:25,
She annoys me
every chapter of her book is illustrated with a picture of her licking her finger or a piece of fruit in a suggestive manner.
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:27,
I had dinner with her brother Tom once.
An utter, utter cunt as well.
It's amazing how dated Nigella's early programmes look, I think.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:27,
Funnily enough, I can't stop thinking about a nice bit of cunt when watching her too.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:39,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:45,
I love Post Apocalyptic films
My love of these films started with Mad Max 2 and led on to films like 12 Monkeys, Brazil etc.
The embarrassing part is I also like Mad Max 3 - Beyond Thunderdome, Waterworld, The Postman and a lot more terrible films. The exception is The Book of Eli which I thought was shit.
Peej, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:19,
I secretly enjoyed the Postman
Particularly Tom Petty's cameo.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:22,
12 Monkeys was a superb film
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:22,
It still is
Peej, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:23,
The Book of Eli is indeed shit
Despite Gary Oldman's best efforts to make it otherwise. However so is Kevin's Gate, and no-one even looks like they're trying to improve it.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:26,
Waterworld is a favourite of mine,
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
It's one of 'Oasis's' best tracks for sure.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:45,
This is funny because Oasis didn't do any good tracks.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:54,
They nicked Waterworld from Neil Innes
Peej, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:55,
is an awesome film
magic the cat will someone please think of the kittens, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:58,
secretly i quite like cross stitching
it's very soothing. until my inherent shitness at maths means i have counted the rows/colours incorrectly and i end up in a mongy rage with yet another 20% finished tapestry picture.
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:24,
I am spectacularly PC and left wing and an overly sensitive liberal type who will cry at the drop of a hat.
As evidenced by the fact that I did on the walk to the station this morning listening to a documentary about the US Dakota War and the Dakota Indians walking back into Minesotta after being officially unbanned on the 150th anniversary.
Yup, I agree, that doesn't sound like much to cry about.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:24,
Much more interestingly
what did you think of the New Krypton stuff? Been reading it recently, excellent stuff so far.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:28,
The what now?
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:37,
Superman; New Krypton?
Came out in about 2009 I think
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
Nope. not read that one.
I'm not a massive Superman afficianado really. I'm reading the current run, but don't have any real background knowledge.
Batman, on the other hand...
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:50,
Ah sorry I thought you were a DC completist
Am reading Kevin Smith's "Cacophony" at the minute. Well I say reading, occasionally picking up in between slavishly devouring "Preacher" would be more accurate.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:53,
I have the full first 12 issues of the New 52 and a fairly extensive collection going back
but it has a big Superman sized hole in it.
Cacophony is good. And Preacher is amazing. The first full run of anything I ever read and still one of my favourites. It is entirely the fault of Jesse and Cassidy that I spend as much as I do these days.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:58,
Preacher is just about my favourite full run ever
Which is a little unfair - one can hardly expect X-Men to sustain that sort of level of quality over 40 years. Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men series from 2004/5 is the best Marvel output I've ever read.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:03,
I'd go with Y: The Last Man (which is something else that made me cry, actually) or Transmetropolitan. But yeah, Preacher is up there.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:12,
Just got started on Transmetropolitan, first compendium was excellent
Y is on the list
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:14,
While I think of myself as fairly bright
I do love dumb shit films with explosions etc (as has been mentioned)
On the flip side I really dont like children. I get very fucking bored of people who mention how clever their child is, and I have (while slightly under the influence) offered to challenge a relatives child to a quiz to see how fucking bright it was.
This didnt go down well
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:27,
We all had you down as a monumental retard, Bonz.
Sorry to etc
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:28,
sexy retard
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:29,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:31,
seeeeexxxxxxxxxeeeeeeeeee joooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:38,
Oh man, this is some kind of hilarious "in joke" which we won't get as we didn't go round to your house last friday.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:39,
Where's nakers to explain when you need him
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:43,
i just fancy a bit of mong licking
what's wrong with that?
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:58,
Hurh hurh dribble
Please note the use of the word "fairly" I think we can accept that most posters on here would fall into the "above general populace" on the brightness chart
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:29,
This lot?
You are fucking joking, son. Tards, to a man.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:31,
Sorry did you shout me?
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:33,
Really? Because I'm as dumb as a box of dumb.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:38,
For me, there's no harm in films where you can just switch your brain off and simply enjoy the crash-boom-bang nature of it.
Alien Vs Predator being one of the best for this.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:31,
Fuck off you tit
AvP wasn't even a good brain dead film. It was just shit.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:32,
I agree re mindless pap.
It's like lager: sometimes the last thing you want is a complex, nutty finish and a hoppy, citrus fucking whatever, you want A COLD DRINK THAT YOU CAN DOWN and there's nothing to apologise for.
cf music: i frequently find that the simpler and more moronic a record is, the better. Take *THAT* Rick Wakeman!
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:34,
Now there's a supergroup I'd like to see etc
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:34,
*stands up for the key change and twenty two minute keyboard solo*
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:35,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:41,
This is why I like "I kissed a girl" by Katy Perry and "Call me maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen so much
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:35,
It's why I love The Ramones.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:35,
Call Me Maybe is about as close to a perfect pop song as I can think of
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:37,
Can you think of "I kissed a girl"?
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:38,
I massively prefer "Call Me Maybe"
"Grace Kelly" by Mika is about the only pop song of recent times that's as good, IMHO
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:40,
Actually Grace Kelly is an excellent song.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
*tries a little Freddie*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:43,
You love it don't you, you filthy AIDS ridden necrophiliac
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:45,
That's me again, isn't it!
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:47,
*sheepish look* yes
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:00,
My friend can do a worryingly good version of this at karaoke.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
I like to do "Don't go breaking my heart" by Elton John and Kiki Dee
Only I have to sing Kiki Dee's part.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:45,
Can you think of 'Ace of Spades'?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:40,
The cover by A*Teens was pretty good to be fair
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:41,
Structurally it's the perfect pop song.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
Vocally, not so much
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:46,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:57,
I know what you mean about films
but have sadly got to the point where I only like expensive lager. I'd rather go without than drink Carlsberg or Fosters.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:36,
Oh for sure but I meant lager vs bitter or ale which some wankers seem to have a religious devotion to.
By all means don't enjoy lager but don't pretend some dark brown syrup is a better thing to wash down a huge gobful of dry meat with.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:41,
Just for the record I fucking love some of the 'brown beers' too.
They definitely have their place.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:42,
There's a local brewery to me that is producing some excellent ales
If you see anything from Offbeat Brewery near you, give it a go.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:45,
I shall indeed.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:47,
The American Pale Ale produced by the Dark Star Brewery is rather excellent.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:53,
American 'craft beers' can be v nice, I have found.
I rather like that 'Blue Moon'.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:56,
That stuff is bloody gorgeous
but you have to make your peace with drinking a beer with a slice of orange floating in it.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:06,
Indeed. Worth the shame though I think.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:07,
Brewdog's IPAs are also excellent
no fruit accompaniment needed
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:15,
I have no shame drinking Bacchus, surely that's worse?
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:19,
The best American one I've tried was called 'Lucifer'
Fuck me, that stuff was strong. Very nice though.
EDIT: Shit, turns out it's Belgian. How odd. Ah well, might get
one of the others next time
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:16,
Look, I'm not looking down on any limp wristed bass playing types who shacked up with birds off of the internet
I'm not doing that at all, but seriously, who sits down to a big pile of lamb chops, spicy poos, fish tikka and dry meat with a bottle of best bitter?
I'll tell you who Monters, woofters, that's who.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:43,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:47,
Oh yeah, with you there
I'm sure a fantastically rare oak-aged mead has its place but anywhere that serves such fare will have Peroni or Estrella on tap as well.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:47,
Although, much to my regret, I had a pint of Carling a little while back which I seriously enjoyed. Granted, we'd done an 8 mile hike before it, but that didn't stop me being ashamed of myself.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:43,
When I cycled around the Isle of WIght I enjoyed several pints of fosters top.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:44,
A step too far sunshine
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:00,
I am a bit of a closet monarchist
although more of the "hang the politiians and let someone who's been bred for the job do it" type rather than the mugs and tea-towels brigade.
I am also a big fan of Sharpe, both on telly and in books.
IRL I have a lot of time for Monty
that's all I can think of that might surprise people.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:35,
Thanks Wilf!
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:43,
Sharpe is an excellent series
Peej, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:50,
I was wondering why no one was replying to me, you only goen and made a new thread without telling me =(
I did a good gag about wanking in a library too.
Oh god, I hate midsomer murders, or "Generic english village detective show" like johnathan creek and all that. And Pryroe can fuck off too.
I don't think I could say anything about my likes that would shock people, everyone thinks my tastes in entertainment are crap, but only too look cool. Secretly everyone loves a bit of Will Young.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:36,
I do actually, I was listening to Magic FM in teh car the other day and he was playing and I thought to myself "I do like a bit of Will Young"
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:38,
Yay ! Echos is really good, and I like Friday's Child.
I don't think he's a good singer, he has a slight whinnyness to it, but I just really like the vast majority of his stuff.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:40,
Why on earth were you listening to Magic FM?
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:04,
*does 'limp wrist' gesture*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:07,
I will watch almost any film or tv series involving time travel
and read any book whose cover talks about a 'centuries old secret'.
Actually, I can't think of anything about me that I haven't already told you.
Now that is shocking.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:43,
Your husband's sexuality is a 'centuries old secret'
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:57,
I have no idea what I could say to shock any of you
Kroney, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:58,
You could come out as
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 10:59,
Dear God man that's barbaric.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:07,
I could have said Walloon
I thought I would take it easy on him.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:16,
I though Kroney had more of the Flem about him.
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:21,
You could tell us you keep moths?
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:12,
I like the quiz programme Just Connect
Its not very surprising that I spend the half hour oggling Victoria Coren's magnificent tits.
That David Mitchell, is the luckiest fellow alive.
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:11,
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:17,
Oh yeah. At least I didn't say Connect 4
*resists ninja edit*
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:20,
I fucking love all those cop chase shows,
Cops on the street, streetcrime UK, worlds scariest police videos, all that tosh.
More worryingly, anything involving serial killers fascinates me, documentaries, books, articles, none of the made up tv white mind, only proper grim murderers. And fat people, any of those weight loss, or extreme obesity documentaries, I sit there, and feel utterly disgusted that these people exist, band have allowed themselves to get to the point where they haven't stood up in a decade, but I watch it
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:13,
I'm using the cop chase shows to house hunt in Slough.
If the street appears on the programme, I cross it off my list.
Bartleby A dead man on vacation, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:19,
Good amount of sirens all up and down the Bath Road last night
I thought some sort of national emergency was going on, there were that many.
Kroney, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:24,
I have an all-consuming love for CSI
and really, REALLY hate suede.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:21,
I used to love CSI
Haven't watched it in ages though...
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:25,
There is now no purpose at all to Channel 5.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:42,
The band or the material?
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:25,
The material.
Former flatmate used to threaten me with replacing my pillowcases with suede ones. Terrifying.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:26,
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:26,
Your hot flatmate?
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:29,
hai chompy
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:50,
You've met Lampitos hot flatmate.
Tell me you wouldn't.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:53,
there was some lesbian boob grope-age on fri
but i was the taker, not the giver
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:56,
It's great isn't it. If you're a girl it's fine to sexaully assault other women.
But if you're a man you get in all sorts of trouble.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:58,
i had 3 of them on me, it were grand
i suspect monty put them up to it, as it gave him an unimpeded line to the booze
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:00,
Hello stranger
Congratulations on graduating. Are you still living in London?
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:26,
Hello darling.
Congratulations to you! I am doing an MA and I am still in London living with Crow. Which is nice.
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:29,
Wonderful stuff.
I am getting quite desperate for some spicy meat so we should arrange a hot date with Monty and your limpwristed co-habitor
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:30,
Spicy meat? euphimism of the day
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:31,
Most definitely! Would be lovely to see you again.
Though I still can't believe your face is bald now...
Lampito rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:35,
It won't be for long
I'm growing it back again. I can't understand how people manage without beards, my face has never been so cold these last few days.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:41,
Innit. Plus, shaving is fucking annoying.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:42,
Check this out

Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:47,
Needs moar seinfeld
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:47,
Ahhhh, that's better!
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:54,
u r all well gay lol
quintsy, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:23,
Quintsy did you miss me?
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:28,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:42,
his disappearance is solely responsible for the number of posts per day
declining at an alarming rate
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:52,
Despite all evidence to the contrary
and disappointingly for swipe, I'm not actually gay.
Q is right though, I am a prick.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:42,
A gay prick
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:42,
a gay prick, who's not gay. Yeah, that.
Also: welcome back Al.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:47,
A "not gay" gay prick.
How are you?
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:47,
Can you believe this gay prick?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:48,
gay prick in "claiming not to be gay" shocker
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:48,
Typical 'gay prick' behaviour.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:49,
Don't make me bum you.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:49,
Splendid, ta.
And you?
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:49,
Pretty good.
The woman who does the building management in my new place is smoking hot. I'm glad I don't see her that often or I'd never get any work done.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:53,
nicely played.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:54,
Seriously, she's small, blonde and thin and is currently wearing black leggings and knee high patent leather boots.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:55,
we had a rather hot girl at my old firm who was a dead ringer for michelle pfeiffer but with D cup boobs and about 5'4
she used to maraud around in tight tops and fuck-me boots, and the boys were reduced to panting morons chanting MILF MILF underneath their breaths (she was probably about 35). one of them had a very vocal fantasy about "dipping her in chocolate". THEN they found out she used to be a policewoman and nearly came in their pants.
THEN she turned gay and moved in with a woman.
and all their heads exploded. TL:DR - men. hopeless.
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:59,
Kroney, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:01,
Le Def Con Bongle?
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:15,
think frau in austin powers
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:51,
I have an irrational hatred of Oasis
and Liam Gallagher in particular. Don't mind Noel though.
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:42,
Irrational, you say?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:45,
I tell you what
I cannot understand why people buy drinks like that. What kind of idiot pays a quid for some squash?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:49,
The citrus punch is frighteningly effective on hangovers
possibly because it contains a metric fuckton of sugar, I suspect.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:51,
Bacon is the cure TRUFAX
Or was it Love? was love the cure? never can remember.
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:54,
yes, also this.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:54,
No no, love was the drug YOU IDIOT
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:56,
Drugs could probs. cure as well
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:59,
And also the key.
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:05,
In which case what was 'the secret'?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:06,
the garden?
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:07,
There's nothing irrational
about hating oasis. It's more rational than fractions.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:47,
I wanted to be an actor when I was a nipper.
I was in a BBC education programme called 'Throwaways' and an extra in Byker Grove for a few years post Ant and Dec.
I also had an audition for 'Purely Belter' but didn't get it on the grounds of not being Geordie enough... (they then cast mackems for the main parts)
I then got into music and spent a lot of years DJing, for which Im now very very deaf!
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:47,
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:48,
I cannat see
that this is true.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:51,
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:57,
Truly an acting masterclass.
*wrecks the mike*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:57,
What kind of records were you playing?
Bronski Beat, Erasure etc right?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:55,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:55,
Bloody Stereotype!
Back in the day it was all trance and hard dance. I was a bit of a raver
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:59,
ra gi
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:00,
I was expecting a raving queer crossout
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:03,
Me too, but back in the acid days and into the hardcore era.
I went off it all after a while though I did have a thing for Detroit techno for a spell.
I DJed hip hop and funk for fucking years before eventually admitting defeat maybe 5 years ago or so.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:02,
Im actually going up North this weekend for a rave
In a warehouse somewhere... I've booked the Monday off in advance cos Im cracking on a bit now
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:03,
I had a dream the other night in which I was back at a rave in about 1991
it was so realistic it did my head in. I woke up super-nostalgic.
I fucking miss those days A LOT.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:05,
did you ever go to some of the Docklands raves?
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:23,
Not that I remember.
I went to several of the old aircraft hangar/warehouse parties: no idea of any of the latter were in Docklands as I can't drive and was constantly high so not paying attention to where we were going. Some of those fuckers were incredible.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:26,
Jimmy Savilles protégé
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:57,
I'm currently in the top 5 most recomended comments on a daily mail article.
PsychoChomp, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:51,
Link a nigga up yo
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:52,
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:56,
Good thinking, Sporto!
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:57,
Wiggers then?
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:57,

sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:58,
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:00,
Although I'm only in the top ten now, I've been downvoted.
PsychoChomp, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:07,
you can't afford your heating?
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:08,
Chompys right at the top of the page
He's really Bell Mooney
hartley hare Just some prick who thinks it doesn't apply to him, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:12,
The only reason William is living is due to the fact Diana was sacrificed
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:13,
Check the worst rated
I think that's our bella near the top.
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:15,
I agree, William and Kate's shaft of light has cheered us all up. This Royal shaft of light rounds off a great year to be British. But I think it is probably Kate who has taken the most pleasure from the Royal shaft.
- Sgcustom, Chelmsford, United Kingdom, 4/12/2012 8:41
Peej, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:19,
i like the way the infertile woman got downvoted.
"fuck off shrivelled ovaries"
PsychoChomp, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:21,
I noticed that
As I can't have babies I get sad when I hear about other peopl.......Fuck of and take you barran womb with you.
Peej, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:25,
I dunno what the fuck is going with sites like the mail
but if I go to that and try and go back, every fucking entry in my history for the last 100 pages is some adbot thing.
And it's not that it's a virus on my PC, I've checked that one. It's just odd.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:20,
You's a crazy bitch yo?
Bazongaloid, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 11:54,

G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 4 Dec 2012, 12:24,
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