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(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:30, 172 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Excellent, thanks
Just had a proper cup of tea made with leaves not those grotty teabags, so all is right with the world.
How's you?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:36, Reply)
I am
Ibuprofen has helped remarkably well with my Achilles woes. I am overjoyed at this.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:44, Reply)
^ man keeps repeating his injury woes whilst saying how he will solider on sounds familiar ^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:55, Reply)
That prick sportscrow was saying something similar this morning

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:58, Reply)
He's such a cunt

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:04, Reply)
I'm not normally a taker of tablets but I'm genuinely shocked at how well they have helped

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:06, Reply)
Anti-inflammatory in reducing inflammation shocker

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:11, Reply)
It wasn't inflamed, just fucking painful

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:13, Reply)
Hmm I wonder what could possibly have been causing that pain...

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:13, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:15, Reply)
I had to take anti-inflammatorys for my bollocks when I got the mumps.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:33, Reply)
I do find it funny when adults catch mumps
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:34, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:45, Reply)
I really have a yearning for chocolate, apart from that, fine.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:55, Reply)
Oh yeah, tosser.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:56, Reply)
OK Chaps
If no one would find out would you fuck Katie Price?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:56, Reply)
I'd fuck her even if people could find out.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:59, Reply)
I wooden care if anyone did or not tbh, dawg.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:59, Reply)
I would not

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:00, Reply)
More than enough large-breasted, screeching harridans in your life, eh?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:11, Reply)
this is why replies etc

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:14, Reply)
I have pondered this and I agree with you Mr. Snake
I just don't think I could, it is a similar thing to Madonna (back in the day before she had arms like a scaffolder)
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:19, Reply)
You'd have to move her nuts out of the way first

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:20, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:26, Reply)
Newton's Gaydle

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:27, Reply)
It wasn't a difficult decision

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:32, Reply)
Apart from anything else I dont think I would touch the sides

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:33, Reply)
Yeah, I'd have a go
as long as she promised not to speak
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:05, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:09, Reply)
This would be quite tricky.
She would have to remain completely silent. Even then I'm not sure I could achieve the requisite wood whilst looking at her vacant coupon*.

*Number 76 in the series "Fister teaches you southern nancies some Scots' words". Coupon: (dismissive) face, e.g. "ye should hae seen the nick o' her coupon when ah' wiped my boabie on her curtains".
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:14, Reply)
Edinburgh dialect is funny.
It's all doric where I'm from.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:15, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:16, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:22, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:23, Reply)
Aye Doric is pretty brutal.
I could just about follow Trawlermen (or whatever it was called) without the subtitles.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:27, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:30, Reply)
Nothing for this
You bunch of heathens
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:58, Reply)
It's such a beautiful language

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:16, Reply)
We're dreamers and romantics up here Tangers.
"Brace yersel hen ahm goan in dry"
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:21, Reply)
lol shitland

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
^passes for humour in Wythenshawe^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:42, Reply)
i wouldn't know
i only go there to catch planes.

lol shitland.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:43, Reply)
Manchester airport's just over the fence love.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:45, Reply)
you seem to know a lot about it
but then again, i guess wythey looks like knightsbridge if you live in shitland
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:54, Reply)
Edinburgh house prices are higher than most - even south of the border
Being an estate agent I'd have thought you'd have known that.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:10, Reply)
you can try your best to roll it in glitter
but it's still a great big stinking turd
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:12, Reply)
^^Never been and doesn't know what she's talking about^^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:16, Reply)
^^Has been to London and can confirm that it's a stinking cesspit of orangutans and toothless pakis^^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:17, Reply)
lol shitland's white knight on his shitty brown horse

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:19, Reply)
Turn her over
Problem solved
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:19, Reply)
Will it all be equally orange?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:22, Reply)
Too orangy for cows

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:22, Reply)
How do you get face from coupon?
interested not mocking
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:22, Reply)
Oh and Coupon isnt a scotch word
Its is derived from old French
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:28, Reply)
And Scotch is a drink.
Your point caller?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:30, Reply)
That Scots get annoyed really quickly when you call them Scotch

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:31, Reply)
My point is that you said "teachs some Scots words"
And it comes from the old French "to cut" you could have said Scots usage of words or slang.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:33, Reply)
A Scots' word = a word used as part of the Scots language
Try not to overthink it old boy.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:35, Reply)
I may have over thought it down there Soz

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:42, Reply)
As do Cumbrians if you call them Scumbrians, so I've discovered.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:34, Reply)
I am going to use that
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:35, Reply)
I was brought up in Dumfries and spent a couple of summers working in Carlisle
which is like fucking New York if you come from Shitehaven.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:37, Reply)
I've got absolutely no idea Bonzers
It's just the local lingo, innit?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:29, Reply)
Edinburgh isnt scotland though mate
I have been trying to figure it -coupon book = look - maybe
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:31, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:32, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
Looks it's not fucking cock-er-knee rhyming slang
Don't try to fucking understand it, FFS.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:34, Reply)
It must have an etymology though

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:35, Reply)
Ok then, tell me where BAWBAG and CUNTYBAWSACKS comes from then Dr fucking Johnson?
*straightens tie*
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)
is ballbag said by someone with a speech impediment, aka scottish accent
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:39, Reply)
Coming from someone who I imagine speaking like the 3rd Gallagher brother, this is fucking priceless.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:43, Reply)
you do know there is a third gallagher brother already, don't you?
but no, wrong. i learned to speak in yorkshire, so sounded like a farmer, then we moved to buckinghamshire when i was 4. and overnight i turned into the queen, because the other little girls at school were shocked when i said "plum" like a northerner.

something to help you with those lonely late night wank fests.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:53, Reply)
tl;dr - I was mercilessly bullied and had to change to blend in with all the other brats.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:12, Reply)
it was the most middle class bullying ever
"the new girl in our class says PLUM"

"no she doesn't"
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:12, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:15, Reply)
i got much worse bullying when i moved up north again, years later
teachers always made me read everything out loud because they liked the accent.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:18, Reply)
They made you read?
That's the fucking worst bullying I've ever heard of. How on earth did they get away with it?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:22, Reply)
i was only 18
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:31, Reply)
Baw is clearly the droning voice of the ill educated trying to say Ball
Ball bag becomes BAWBAG when said by chavs (Or Ned as I believe you chaps call them) Ball Bag has been used for many years to describe a mans testes,

CUNTYBAWSACKS will have the same origin except that sack has transposed Bag and Cunty- a derivation of the old English Quint to describe a vagina and that has then been turned into a portmanteau...

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:41, Reply)
it only took me one sentence to say this

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:42, Reply)
^ Shit Lawyer^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:44, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:53, Reply)
Always use 12 sentences when 1 will do that's day 1 of lawyer school
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:57, Reply)
yes, if you went in 1840
you wouldn't get very far these days if you are working to a fixed fee or having to justify your time to the court.

stick to computers, there's a good lad.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:58, Reply)
^works for a shit law firm that isnt good enough to charge exorbitant prices^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:02, Reply)
you get what you pay for
anyone who thinks the fees are "exorbitant" is welcome to go to a smaller, shittier firm. and drown in their own bitterness and lack of success.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:04, Reply)
Bit like hookers innit
do you drop £2k on a tasty one or just have a crywank
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:06, Reply)
You pay more an hour to get access to PI insurance with bigger limits.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:07, Reply)
typical insurers... making a fortune out of the competent...

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:09, Reply)
Brevity is the soul of wit.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:44, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:44, Reply)
I imagine it'd be like sticking your cock into a soggy carrier bag.
So, yes.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:16, Reply)
She's seen more helmets than Nuremberg so I'd imagine she'd be quite the expert

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:18, Reply)
I bet her arsehole looks in a better condition than her minge at this time of her life.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:21, Reply)
Terribly bullying of Peter Andre

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:21, Reply)
All bullying of Peter Andre is entirely acceptable.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:23, Reply)
I doubt it
She fears coughing as she has no tension left back there
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:27, Reply)
Have you seen the icebucketchallenge bloke who fudged his drawers?
He's in his back garden with just a pair of white shorts on, with swimming goggles and armbands.

"Dad, you've fucking shat yourself"

Absolutely fucking brilliant.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:32, Reply)
link a brother up.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:33, Reply)
I can't get onto FB on my work PC. I'll gaz you l8rz

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:40, Reply)
I think its a fake
as he seems to back into the chair before
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:34, Reply)
Entirely possible, but it was funny as fuck. My 2 were in hysterics
You cannae beat a good jobbie joke.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:40, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:40, Reply)
Are you still saying that whilst sounding like Jimmy Nail?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:46, Reply)
I sound more like George Clark than Jimmy

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:47, Reply)
This man has read Strontium Dog^

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:59, Reply)
Yeah', but not without a jonny. I dont' wanna be paying mantainance on a spacker.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:26, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
No I would not.
I would risk being beaten up by Scientologists for a go on Katie Holmes, though.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:50, Reply)
You is shit

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 15:56, Reply)
No, wait....
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:19, Reply)
I'm still on a train.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:19, Reply)
OK "Kurt Cobain"

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:20, Reply)
I *think* I get this.
Wasn't it a plane/plain?
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:23, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:24, Reply)
Somewhere I have heard this before

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:25, Reply)
It was, yes

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:24, Reply)
he can't complain

because he's dead
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:30, Reply)
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)
Are there any snakes on it

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:27, Reply)
I've been ice bucket challenged, but I find the whole thing dull - like a joke that just needed to go away some time ago. Can I just say fuck off and then give some money to a totally different charity? Currently opting for ignoring it
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:29, Reply)
it's the "you don't have to be mad to work here but it helps!"
of the facebook world
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:31, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:32, Reply)
it's just boring
does anyone even watch those videos now? We know what happens, people get wet and a bit cold. woo
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:35, Reply)
It's waqqi and fun.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)
When I was nominated, I donated to Macmillan without doing the challenge.
I then challenged three people to donate to the charity of their choice without making a tit of themselves.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:33, Reply)
i might do something like this
i don't mind making a tit of myself, I'd just rather be more original
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)
Thats good actually

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
Just ignore it
I only did mine as the kids thought it would be funny
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:34, Reply)
And now you're on painkillers.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:37, Reply)
Thats entirely down to me being MASSIVE DRUG ADDICT

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
Just reply with a link to WaterAid and say you won't waste water whilst for foreigns are thirsty.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:35, Reply)
i love wateraid, they are ace
but that argument is stupid - toilets flush more clean water in one go than those buckets contain
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)
Well fill your bucket with bleach and then tip it over your head, then.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
but but my hair will go blonde!

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:38, Reply)
It would match your face though

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:39, Reply)
i might look like I've tanned
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:40, Reply)
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:42, Reply)
Do this.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:36, Reply)
that hurts to watch

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:37, Reply)
I found it funny until someone pointed out how much his head bends.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:37, Reply)
What's the adress of this? I just get a picture.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:39, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:39, Reply)
Nah. Still a single picture.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:40, Reply)
You on some gaylord browser?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:58, Reply)
yeah, it's an old one. work innit.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:01, Reply)
can you make it go away now, please?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:40, Reply)
It almost looks like his head falls off

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:37, Reply)
That was well deserved I have to say.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:43, Reply)
That looks like he properly hurt himself
Has anyone else noticed You've been Framed getting a bit more nasty recently, with car crashes and the like.
I keep expecting them to show 9/11 footage.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:59, Reply)
They have some humorous stuff from Belsen.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:11, Reply)
Ive noticed how they still show stuff from the 80's and rehashed clips
Even though they must get sent loads of new stuff.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:37, Reply)
Actually donate it to MND rather than the Yank one

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:37, Reply)
Patrick Stewart is the only person to do this right.
If I get a nomination, that is how I'll do it.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:43, Reply)
I saw that. Further proof that Stewart is a dappa.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:45, Reply)
I did mine today :'(

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:49, Reply)
Oh no. did you?
I thought it would have been too cool for you.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:51, Reply)
This nigga got nomin8d yo

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:55, Reply)
you sad cunt

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:55, Reply)
You loved it. How many likes on your Facefuck?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:02, Reply)
It was a bucket of piss, wasn't it?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:00, Reply)
oh god
and you have to nominate, too, which just perpetuates the lameness
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:53, Reply)
Some cunt has been showing everyone icebucket challenges all afternoon now. It's beginning to grate.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:49, Reply)
You're that cunt aren't you?

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:50, Reply)
No, no, no, no...yes.

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:59, Reply)
just had a client called Joshua Newdick
Im taking it that he's Jewish and this is a reference to circumcision.
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:50, Reply)
he used to be a lady
(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:53, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 16:53, Reply)
Duuuuuude looks like a layyydeeeh

(, Thu 28 Aug 2014, 17:01, Reply)

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