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This is painful.
what's the most pain you've ever been in?
Can't say I've ever experienced a lot of physical pain. I did get knocked out by a bouncy castle when I was a kid.

alt. What's the most absurd accident you've had?
altalt. link a local news tale.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 14:46, 140 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
The other day I got my thermos flask out of the cupboard, opened it and it still had a faint whiff of yesterday's soup, so I boiled the kettle, and gave it a rinse.
Boiling water cures everything, right? Sure it does.

So after giving it a swill around and letting it stand for a couple of minutes, I emptied it out, and then gave it another sniff to check, resulting in getting steam burns all over my nose.

Because - y'know - I'm a prick.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 14:49, Reply)
I get that off poppers.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 14:56, Reply)
My mate once managed to pour most of a bottle of them over my lips and face
That hurt
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:26, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 14:58, Reply)
the pictures used in that article are such bollocks
the mould and fungus are more than likely caused by cheapsk8 northerners not putting their fucking heating on, the 'filthy' bath shows the unfinished side of a fiberglass bath simply missing a £10 bath panel, and given that rats quite often chew electric cables putting poison by the meter seems sensible to me. and the printer isn't 'destroyed' it's dusty, and only a prick would leave delicate and fragile items in a room having building work done on. these renter cunts fucking moan about everything.
that is all.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:02, Reply)
u ok hun?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:05, Reply)
I'm angry and disappointed.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:06, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:05, Reply)
yes, I'm upset that a troupe of faux-waqqi internet shutins, most of whom live hundreds of miles away won't join me for a pint

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:07, Reply)
I would if I were closer bbz xx

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:23, Reply)
if you were i'd move further away

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:28, Reply)
IME most tenants are fucking fithy scum who seem to enjoy living in filth
there is a reason why they are in that situation: fecklessness
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:19, Reply)
although i disagree with everything you hold dear, you're right in this instance. anyone who rents is fucking scum, and they expect everything to be done for them including having a fucking tidy up. lazy failures, i hate them

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:24, Reply)
Yeah but private landlords are also parasitic cunts so swings and roundabouts eh?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:30, Reply)
i don't know, i've only ever owned houses. also i don't really mean much of what i say on here.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:33, Reply)
especially that bit about disagreeing with everything I hold dear

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:38, Reply)
totes and blates bruv

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:38, Reply)
Absurd accidents you say?
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:14, Reply)
I'm still not sure what that is or what happens

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:24, Reply)
Its a self-inflating 'thingy' for a pool, which is supposed to flop into the pool and inflate but they had it backwards so it went for them.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:27, Reply)
Well, see this....

That is my right knee and thats a titanium plate and those things going through it are titanium pins and they go all the way down my lower leg. It took 7 hours and I have no feeling in the lower leg anymore and can't move all my toes (6) Yeh well that hurt.

Altalt This one about aphex twin is good www.westbriton.co.uk/Redruth-School-Cornwall-College-student-wins/story-25997506-detail/story.html
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:17, Reply)
How'd that happen then?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:19, Reply)
He was mean to someone on b3ta and they found him.
Let that be a lesson to you.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:21, Reply)
So Battered nutted him?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:23, Reply)
Knee need for that like

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:24, Reply)
Don't be fucking stupid,
Its my knee not my shin
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:25, Reply)
Originally a rugby accident when I was 11
But it caused my leg to grow incorrectly and they had to sort it in my 20s. Theres a wonderful QOTW story about it
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:25, Reply)
*crosses legs*

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:26, Reply)
alright 'Catherine Tramell'

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:28, Reply)
Its a reference to the QOTW story entiled
I lost over 5 pints and bled for 19 hours FROM MY COCK!!!!
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:29, Reply)
Should've asked the barman for a tray then shouldn't you?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:31, Reply)
Yeah best to hide the boner mate

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:57, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:14, Reply)
So yeh The local news link is good though right?
I went to that College it was shit, the school was shit too so I went to the one 2 miles away instead.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:29, Reply)
That was one of the most annoying local news shit links
It wouldn't stop playing some fucking history bollocks
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:57, Reply)
For a species that has evolved for the most part without shoes
why is stubbing your toe so easy, yet so incredibly painful?
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:22, Reply)
because you're a clumsy prick?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:23, Reply)
I once ran over my finger while skateboarding
That hurt
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:30, Reply)
^ Tesco value Brian Harvey.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:34, Reply)
lol. probably had a load of new potatoes.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:42, Reply)
Probably after doing a load of red bull.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:50, Reply)
Guy Richie is remaking the Man from UNCLE. Looks actually not totally shit.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:30, Reply)
Oh man, I love Psyence Fiction.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:32, Reply)
it's getting reissued.
Key track: Guns Blazing
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:33, Reply)
It's all great.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:38, Reply)
even Getting Ahead...?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:39, Reply)
That doesn't count.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:41, Reply)
unkle made their best records in the Goldsworthy and Kudo era, and their best remixes in the File era.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:49, Reply)
Oopa Gungan Style

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:33, Reply)
I like this

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:45, Reply)
It's not science fiction. It's camp spy action.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:34, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:37, Reply)
Don't confuse musikchat with filmchat.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:39, Reply)
I was trying to be clever but you've ruined it now.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:41, Reply)
Tore a muscle at the bottom of my back
When the muscles spasmed I couldn't breathe for about 30 seconds at a time. Not scary at all. I ended up fucked up on some MAJOR drugs for about a week

Moving into my new flat and washing the dishes in there for the first time. Hand into hot water and back out with a knife embedded in my finger

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:32, Reply)
By bottom of your back you mean your arse don't you!
Like when I tell people I had an op to cut out a lump at the bottom of my spine when I really mean arse crack.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:38, Reply)
No, it really was the bottom of my back
My anus is uncut
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:57, Reply)
I knifed my fingers doing the washing up last weekend.
I had to make a bandage out of kitchen roll and cable ties.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:40, Reply)
classic Aberdeen!

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:49, Reply)
most pain was a viral infection of my nervous system with the pain emanating from the rear of my brain probably the occipital lobe.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:36, Reply)
Runaway Bride at the Odeon back in '99
alt: Not mine, but back when I was about 11 and used to ride a bike to school I got knocked off it by a car whilst going round a roundabout. The driver came to apologise a day or so later and went arse over tit down the stairs leading to our front door followed by mucho bleeding from the face and wailing. I dun big LOLS at that one I can tell you!

altalt: Poo graffiti
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:44, Reply)
how many crotchfruit do you have?!

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:53, Reply)
4 boys
All planned (for some reason I now can't remember or understand)
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:55, Reply)
jesus christ
that sounds like hard work!
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:09, Reply)
They were quadruplets. How are the budgies?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:10, Reply)
poor budgies
the older one is scared of the new one and is being terrorised. the new one just wants to be with the older one and is feeling rejected.

stupid birds!
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:11, Reply)
Lemmy needs to mtfu. Just saying.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:12, Reply)
BTFU surely

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:36, Reply)
Mammal tfu, you oik.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:46, Reply)
I could be wrong and of course I bow down to your greater medical knowledge
But I don't think budgies are mammals
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:47, Reply)
Like bats, they are mammals. Definitely not birds, nope, no sir.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:56, Reply)
there's no way that birds could be anything but mammals

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:57, Reply)
I'm glad you agree frog.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 17:01, Reply)
Ah that makes sense
the are like a daybat or sutin
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 17:06, Reply)
just after I broke my leg, I was in hospital and could not piss lying down,
I went in on the Friday and my surgery was booked for Monday afternoon. There was no way I could stand up, as the rush of blood in to the leg around where my ankle was shattered was pure agony, so I held on.
my bladder felt like it was going to burst at one point, and all the painkillers weren't helping the whole time. Eventually after the threat of a catheter, I elected to be helped to my feet so I could puss in a bottle by my bed. One of the nurses slipped and I ended up putting weight on my shattered ankle. It hurt the most. And I got covered in Piss.
I'll never understand why I couldn't piss lying down, I've pissed the bed before.l
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:44, Reply)
I hope youre proud of pissing the bed.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:02, Reply)
who wouldnt be

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:05, Reply)
The wife actually pissed the bed first in our relationship. She wasn't actually proud, poor cow was mortified.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:09, Reply)
She does love a bit of piss play, it must be said
She goes off like the Bellagio fountains
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:16, Reply)
^yellow sportscow

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:19, Reply)
Ringo never quite recreated his Beatles hits

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:38, Reply)
I once had a paper cut on my finger.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:53, Reply)
oh the humanity!

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:54, Reply)
Someone once shaved a pencil over my head

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 15:57, Reply)
Is the canal bank serial killer still kicking around in Manchester Jay?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:01, Reply)
Gay cockney serial killer Gary Cranley?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:14, Reply)
There's been a lot of drownings in a stretch of Mcr canals, running through the gay area, a theory is it's someone shoving in drunken gaysters.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:24, Reply)
Jack the Dipper

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:58, Reply)
It's me, but don't tell anyone

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:57, Reply)
As mentioned before
I was being well rad on my BMX pulling some dope air, when I tried to do a stepthrough mid air and didn't get it back onto the pedal in time, this meant the back wheel clipped the top of the halfpipe smashing me and the bike in to the side then bottom of the ramp. I said OW (still trying to impress the ladeez) then noticed my foot was backwards I promptly threw up over myself in shock and passed out.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:02, Reply)
I once attempted a BMX ramp on my Tomahawk, gravity won and I landed on my head.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:18, Reply)
My mate Hutchy managed to jam his nutsack in the back brake landing a jump
5 stitches.....
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:21, Reply)
a bloke at school had his front wheel come loose mid-jump
Forks into the ground. Somersault. Hilarity. Crying. More hilarity.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:28, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:36, Reply)
When I came to I had an abulance crew giving and a gas and air mask on
I am pretty sure all the ladeez and multi orgasmed at my skillz as I couldn't see any of them left around as I was being stretchered off, so the only thing must be that they all needed to dash home to change out of their wet clothing
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:33, Reply)
I had a weird stomach thing that meant a trip in an ambulance and lots of morphine.
They never figured out what it was either.

Alt: Running to meet some mates in a pub for a lock-in, slipping on something, landing full body weight on my right shoulder on that bumpy stuff that lets blind people know where to cross the road, and continuing for about two feet after impact.

When I got home from hospital the next morning, I dropped backwards onto my bed, at which point the frame snapped and I fell to the floor through the fucking thing.

It's not easy doing carpentry with only one arm.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:19, Reply)
Excellent work

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:21, Reply)
Not really, I only screwed a brace to where it had broken.
It looked as messy as fuck.
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:28, Reply)
you doofus

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:26, Reply)
Are you Frank Spencer?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:57, Reply)
my mate Womble got his nickname when he fell out of the loft onto the top of a stepladder and ripped off one of his balls

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:27, Reply)
Why Womble?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:38, Reply)
It was in Bulgaria

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:40, Reply)
Tomsk is in Russia?

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:45, Reply)
Because it sounds like 'one ball' and is a common nickname of the pal of every other 'Tommy two shits' who this has happened to.

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:43, Reply)

Hitler lols
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:55, Reply)
I used to get about with a drum n'bass DJ who's DJ name was DJ Direct
"Because when I die I wanna be WRECKED innit bruv!"
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:32, Reply)
As a twelve year old, my brother was having a kick around with friends.
His mate knocked the ball into the adjacent school grounds, so he went to climb over the spiked fence and retrieve it. Unfortunately his foot slipped, causing him to impale himself through the heart and die.

Comedy gold!
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:33, Reply)
£250 from You've Been Framed though
Can't complain
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:34, Reply)
Someone in our school did that on the school fence
The spikes went through his chin and up into his brain, leaving him hanging over the fence by his head
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:34, Reply)
Still as a geordie the brain was undamaged

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:34, Reply)
Mackem and yes

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:35, Reply)
you mackem we takem

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:37, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:39, Reply)
*wipes tear*
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:34, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:38, Reply)
As a 7ft tall black chap I was just chillin out on the top floor of my crib
You know the usual wearing sunglasses while dark and a pimpin catsuit when this little Chinese looking chap got all up in my grill, and, while my kung fu skillz are pretty badass he managed to beat me up for no apparent reason
(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:40, Reply)
needless to say, you had the last laugh

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:43, Reply)
Not really it was teh bright light that got me in the end

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:50, Reply)
Nah' man, that never happened, dont' believ eyou

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:54, Reply)
I saved beeter. Just saying

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 16:55, Reply)
hurry up then

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 17:02, Reply)
I'd never. I want to be remembered 5eva

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 17:08, Reply)
delete it pls

(, Thu 12 Feb 2015, 17:14, Reply)

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