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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Have a HSH thread.

( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 8:59, 309 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I made one, a few seconds after you.
Last night I made the wrong choice.
I should've gone to bed.
Playing Rock Band 2 'til 1 at my mate's, singing "Spoonman" and "Man In A Box" was not wise.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:02, Reply)

Although no doubt I will when I move house and have no net conn for a while!
I watched QI until 1am, was up at 6am for work *sighs*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:03, Reply)

I was getting worried for a while. I thought everyone had died on here.
Good morning.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:04, Reply)

I went to bed at about 1030 because I'm lame
edit: and BGB!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:04, Reply)

Yeah, it's worth getting just for that.
And Battery by Metallica.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:05, Reply)

I was shocked and amazed that no HSH had been put up, so took it upon myself to do the right thing.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:05, Reply)

I was tempted to start posting to last night's thread but decided to wait.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:07, Reply)

My work computer is so slow it would have taken me all morning to find a HSH pic and post it. I was waiting for someone else to start one. I have absolutely nothing to do all day.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:07, Reply)

has a personalised numberplate on a Micra. Makes me laugh every time.
It's also ilegal as it's in some weird font
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:09, Reply)

Although he has no car to put them on. If he can't find one before the year is out then he's going to put them on an old Daweoo he has.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:12, Reply)

the numberplate is worth more than the car :'(
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:18, Reply)

I was late to work this morning because some stupid twunt decided he didn't like the front of his car.
He had an artic take it off for him, slowly.
It was fun to watch.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:18, Reply)

got a very rare numberplate on my stopgap Focus.
There's only 2 of them in the world, and I've got them both.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:22, Reply)

was SLK ???L and fancypant merc drivers kept trying to buy it.
The number plate 3 SAM is going for 30k!!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:22, Reply)

But by 'late', I mean 7:05, rather than 7:00. Which is still two hours before I'm supposed to come in.
Thank God we get paid overtime!
Edit: I don't have a fancy numberplate, nor do I see much point in having one.
Although, I'd buy one if it said "Stop tailgating me, you aggressive prick!" Trouble is, it wouldn't be seen by it's intended audience.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:23, Reply)

He got ADR17N for about £3,000. Seems it was a bargain.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:25, Reply)

8:50, should be in at 9.
Oh well, at least I get Friday off.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:25, Reply)

The numberplate 3A
On a poxy base model old Honda Civic.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:25, Reply)

8YE 8YE on a Ferrari F40 whilst I was on the motorway.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:29, Reply)

I was thinking about getting my existing numberplate done up as if it were personalised - with odd spacing and the numbers done like letters. Just for a laugh as it would bear no resemblance to my name. But other drivers wouldn't know that.
(also I find it amusing that my predictive text thinks I'm more likely to want the word slave than plate)
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:31, Reply)

Had his initials on the number plate, he kept it right up untill he got rid of his last bike.
Don't know what I'd like on one for myself though.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:33, Reply)

I remember seeing jeepers creepers and the characters in that talking about plates and then seeing the beating u plate on a similarly bashed up van. Shit me up good.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:42, Reply)

was along the lines of A1 D1CK.
I was watching Fifth Gear the other day and they had personalised numberplats on there, apparently the most expensive numberplate sold in the UK is F1 £440,625, and on the show they have 1 HRH that went for about £114,000 inc fees.
Hmm 51 NGH went for £254,000, I'm sure I've seen that on a Rangerover in Leam!
The number plate 1 went for £7.25 million in the United Arab Emirates!!!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:42, Reply)

Why would it have to be LDL? B374 LOL is a perfectly valid plate.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:44, Reply)

You can if you wish, but if your luck is anything like mine, if I did it, the police would pick up on it and throw the book at me for illegal spacing!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:45, Reply)

That lets you see what car is registered to a particular plate? We could all find a car with an old B374 *** numberplate and buy it (can't cost much, being old 'n' all) and transfer it to our cars or some such silliness.
We could have a b3ta convoy to Edinburgh!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:57, Reply)

A coworker has found a Cadbury's creme egg from last year in her drawer and now we're debating whether it's still edible.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 9:58, Reply)

As Official QOTW Biologist, I sanction the eating of said chocolate item.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:00, Reply)

As Official Off Topic Threadkiller, I apologise for the previous statement.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:08, Reply)

And has thrown it in the bin, despite me pointing out several colleagues away from their desks it could be gifted to.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:10, Reply)

I think the correct course of action is to punch her in the mouth, in that case.
EDIT: You could also scream "WHERE'S YOUR GOD NOW?" if you want, just after doing it.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:11, Reply)

I found that the petrol station on my way home sells Walnut Whips.
Other news:
Other, other news:
I'm seeing how long I can go without smoking.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:23, Reply)

How could someone throw away chocolate!?!
It's madness...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:24, Reply)

I had my last one at about 11 last night.
Was the last in the packet, and I've not got any more.
So, not that impressive so far.
Morning Mel!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:26, Reply)

Glad my boss isn't here this morning as I jused wet myself laughing at the thought of you being sucked out by a hoover you were sucking off.
:edit: Hey Mel. Chocolate (in general) I'm not keen on but I'd spunk in my own eye for a cream egg.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:27, Reply)

I ate some emergency chocolate I found in my bag the other day. It was not good. IT tasted of tea tree oil :(
So to make up for it I am going to eat the crunchie I just joyously found, for breakfast.
Also, number plates. The best one I've seen was FEC 1T. I've also seen B1OW ME.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:27, Reply)

Kaol, I lasted 6 days not smoking, and the last 72 hours were without doubt the worst 72 hours of my life.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:30, Reply)

Long time no see. How are things?
re: QOTW
There are countless things that qualify me for this QOTW but I'm drawing complete blanks at the moemnt ='[
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:31, Reply)

I'm thinking of joining. Any probs I should know about?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:32, Reply)

At New Year I decided to see how long I could go without smoking as a result of my mum guilt tripping me out of my first smoke of the day. It's been nearly 7 weeks now...
I've smoked for 17 years and never tried to give up before. Go me!
OK, there have been times when my friends and family were almost begging me to smoke just to make me stop being fiend from hell... but other than that it's been easier than I thought it would be.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:33, Reply)

I just went searching for chocolate but the only type I found was chocolate soya shake :(
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:34, Reply)

Debate at work on if it should be ATVs or ATV's.
One of the guys seems to be huffy I don't think there should be one he said why not and I said because you're just making it plural and these no possession there. He just sarcastically said "Erm in English please"
I thought he was going to throw the if you make I plural you add an aposrophe argument my way but he didn't.
/boring grammar shit
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:34, Reply)

Cream eggs are revolting!!
For egg shaped goodness galaxy caramel eggs are the way forward. Or if one is feeling flush, one can get a Lindt Lindor egg. Now that's an egg shaped mouth orgasm.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:35, Reply)

I think the answer is to shout "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" then proceed to chop his head off.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:36, Reply)

erm not the nappies!
It's my day off. I'm still in bed.
I always find that if I post on b3ta first thing it sets the tone for the whole day :)
Oh and *ahem* and *cough*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:36, Reply)

They don't take kindly to replies to their sales emails containing the words "financial raping". That's the only dealing I had with them.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:37, Reply)

Loads of decent people have turned up!
Right... A question...
Favourite chocolate-based item?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:39, Reply)

but the Lindor eggs with peanut butter in the middle are beyond orgasmic.
Failing that, Reese's peanut butter cups for the win.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:41, Reply)

It was empty by boxing day...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:43, Reply)

BGB, you know you'll always have a special place in my heart.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:44, Reply)

I'm going to see Bolt at the cinema with my nephew tonight. Would anyone like a review of the film, Kaol-stylee.
Edit - @Kaol - *blushes*
No, I thought not.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:44, Reply)

Gaaaah, my work email system is shit. I've just had to spend the morning deleting, moving or printing stuff out because the mail box size is so tiny that any large attachments received render it impossible to fucking well send anything.
Apart from that - hello!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:45, Reply)

I do like those dark chocolate mint chocolate oranges as well.
And white tolberone. nom nom nom. And those gulliyan seashells. And Boost bars
*drifts off*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:45, Reply)

Either something with caramel or something with fruit & nut.
I really prefer chocolate to be in some type of cakey form though
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:45, Reply)

They were talking about sex toys on radio 4 this morning and on illegal dingoes someone was caught trying to smuggle heroin in the buttons of a dress.
I've also been listening to AC/DC.
Does this count as my daily dose of sex, drugs and rock & roll?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:47, Reply)

I have realised I do not have a favourite chocolate item.
I tend to buy mostly Green and Blacks or other organic/fairtrade stuff, but for taste alone any chocolate is good chocolate.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:47, Reply)

I don't really like chocolate. I'd much rather eat potatoes. My favourite foodstuff is definitely the potato.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:48, Reply)

I can take it or leave it really. Have to be in the mood, which isn't very often. Give me savoury snacks every time.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:48, Reply)

gotta be the Bloomingdale's emergency chocolate. LOVE it.
/huggles for everyone.
Glad to see you all you pack of rabid smelly socks.
Yes. I insulted you by calling you rabid clothing. I love you lots too.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:49, Reply)

I think mine would have to be Milky Ways.
They're awesome.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:52, Reply)

Favorite chocolate item? Dark chocolate with chilli. There's a chocolateir in the city I live that does lovely chocolates like that :) Wayyyy too expensive though. Morning all!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:53, Reply)

But I did see that was one of the shortlisted Walker flavours
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:53, Reply)

It's how the Mayans used to drink it. Also, if you're making a chilli and you add a bar of dark chocolate and a half pint of strong ale it makes it taste basicaly increadable
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:56, Reply)

Damn stupid head of department, coming in and standing where he could see my monitor while talking to somebody else.
Maybe I should have just cunted him in the fuck!
I'm back now, and hello to every body who've turned up recently.
*hugs* for all!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 10:58, Reply)

Sure, thats what the Mayans WANT you to think. Secretly they've infiltrated the highest echelons of our banking system and goverments, and are at this very moment hiding in the pyramids, drinking their hot chocolate with chilli and laughing
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:00, Reply)

/waves and hugs.
Mayans will eat you Kaol. They'll wait until you're asleep and then they'll get you. toe by toe - limb by limb - and then you'll be gotten by the mayans. :D
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:02, Reply)

"planes" or high tech Mayan death laser cruisers shot down by accident over new york. It makes sense people, I HAVE PHOTOS!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:04, Reply)

but Reese's NUTRAGEOUS! bars are the pinnacle of the chocolatier's art.
Hello folks. I am both significantly hung over and increasingly over-caffeinated, so I may not be making much sense this morning.
Edit - Wooo Hot Action Cop, and their One Passable Song!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:05, Reply)

is teaching me how to be a safecracker *evil laugh*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:06, Reply)

All I want to say right now is that "you can crack my safe whenever you like". WHAT ON EARTH DOES THAT MEAN?!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:08, Reply)

I was thinking about you when I was in bed this morning.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:08, Reply)

*Hugs* and *waves* back atcha, how you doing today?
Kitty, Yup, that's what they be, it's a great song.
Wookie do you ever make sense?
EDIT Drixy, that'll be all the sexy people!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:09, Reply)

Is mostly caffene and whatever nasty chemical is produced by your brain when you haven't slept for a few days
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:10, Reply)

I'm fine thanks. pretty exhausted though..
V- I thought the exact same thing when I saw that safe cracking comment. I just didn't say it.
EDIT: I am actually wearing a duvet and nothing else. who needs clothes to sleep?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:15, Reply)

That clothes are not conducive to sleep, or anything else that happens in bed.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:18, Reply)

My mobile isn't connecting to the internet - I've sneaked on via sickrik on my work PC just to get my fix of HSH.
Hello all! I suspect I shall be Sir Not Appearing in this Thread for the rest of the day.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:19, Reply)

I thought I'd join the party. Y'know, for shits and giggles.
Everyone well?
My big news is that in 6 weeks my stint as 'Honourary Northerner' will be officially over, for I am moving back to Brizzle.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:21, Reply)

he that anarchist guy who goes around in a Guy Fawkes mask?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:21, Reply)

Or was it J?
/wanders off
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:21, Reply)

*sticks tongue out* ner ner ner ner ner
I think I knew a C a while back
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:22, Reply)

Is that Bristol or Brisbane?
I'm an honorary Northerner! My friends mock me for my Southern fairiness and apparent shandy drinking tendencies.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:25, Reply)

Very much so. I've got him singing that stuck in my head at the moment. I thought it'd be cathartic but it hasn't really helped.
In other news part of me wants to stretch my ears to 20mm instead of stopped at 12mm. The reason? So I could put polos in my ears! Perhaps that's not entirely sensible reasoning...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:26, Reply)

I've been known to put dice in my ears from time to time.
EDIT *fucks Vampy sideways and up a wall*
There you go that should wake you up a bit!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:28, Reply)

Damn I'm slow, that was meant for VC.
And I really need to setup a second account for protecting my username =[
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:28, Reply)

Off for a bit as some work has just come through that I've been waiting for.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:28, Reply)

Polos in your ears nice. Then you can gross people out by taking them out and eating them
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:29, Reply)

That someone else stole it.
I was busy talking on the phone to an angry builder who's in love with me.
EDIT: Hahahahaha!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:31, Reply)

Frozen peas up the nose tend to have more of an effect on people when eaten...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:31, Reply)

I just got the idea about polos when my sister said my new tunnels make it look like I have polos in my ears. Don't really intend on eating them or even stretching my ears enough to do it.
Dok aren't you stretching to 20mm soon?
:edit: I'll just have to be Captain {Alphabet - V} for now I guess.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:33, Reply)

Kaol is always horribly smug that he 'chose' your username. I want to throw his smugness back in his face.
*squeezes Kaol's face*
*licks his nose*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:38, Reply)

Not quite there yet, moving day is Saturday. Packing is boring.
Am excited though, looking forward to having a balcony. Although it does look out onto an estate, so I'll have to watch ChavTV, but that's usually entertaining anyway. And I can pretend to be Zeus and throw things at them from above. Mwa ha ha.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:41, Reply)

Are too minty for my ear, they're just for me and my dog.
Now you sound like a MiB.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:46, Reply)

What are you thinking? You apostrophed a plural!
My whole belief system is shaken to the core.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:51, Reply)

This is the real me.
The other is a periodic imposter.
Check profiles :p
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:52, Reply)

What's going on? How does that happen???
I can just ignore the impostor though, can't I?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:52, Reply)

I'm actually looking forward to my noon meeting :(
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:52, Reply)

two Kaol's mean the very fabric of. grammar is been very much badly affected;
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:53, Reply)

it's like that bit in Superman 3 when Supes split in two and had a fight with himself.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:54, Reply)

Although if you get it wrong, I think it's fair to assume that you won't be reading this.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:54, Reply)

that's true, I sense a large tear in the fabric of the usual on the way.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 11:54, Reply)

I'm slightly worried by two Kaols.
Isn't it one of the signs of the End Of Days?
And which is the evil one?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:00, Reply)

The other one is just a bored person.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:02, Reply)

This is starting to get confusing again.
OK own up, which of you doubles is real!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:04, Reply)

I've got the decency to have a different name for my second account
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:05, Reply)

Kaol. Then you can be the Evil King of the Hobos
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:05, Reply)

*Ponders which b3tans might like Robert Rankin*
*Wonders what it's like in Penge*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:10, Reply)

It's a craphole, I used to live not that far away from it!
Why Penge?
EDIT Don't answer that I've just remembered!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:13, Reply)

about the apostrophes has just said "I'm trying to make him go for something more simplier"
His opinion on grammar is now void
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:20, Reply)

He sounds like me.
I'm forever doing stupid stuff like that.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:22, Reply)

Is good for the circulation.
Connectivity restored!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:22, Reply)

Maybe it's just when you get close to 40 your grammar circuits shut down..
*starts experiment*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:23, Reply)

Is something best shared with as many people as possible.
Badger, nope, as you reach 40 you start to talk without thing first. Well sometimes, and especially when typing.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:27, Reply)

But I have decide where I'd like to look for a flat: My hometown, a neighbouring town, the town I work in and a cathedral city neighbouring that.
I rather like the idea of being able to walk to work again.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:38, Reply)

I'm hungry roll on lunchtime!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:41, Reply)

I've willing to give up "V".
My price is a packet of chewing gum and a milky way.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:55, Reply)

You can keep the V if you like.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 12:58, Reply)

Asecond Kaol. I thought they broke the mold when he was made! Hahaha
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 13:14, Reply)

right now.
I won't see the alphabet be abused by the lower ranks. Letters are conferred only on an award basis.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 13:15, Reply)

How dare you try to horde the letters!
They belong to everybody, except the French, they can't have any.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 13:20, Reply)

*imagines a horde of letters yelling and charging across a battlefield*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 13:38, Reply)

That's why the French can't have any.
bollocks to my crap spelling
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 13:41, Reply)

I Luff You too.
I just wish I could spell simple words better.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 13:49, Reply)

Clenders, I haven't peed on a stick yet, well not a specific testing stick anyway, so while I think that Beer and I are having a baby, I'm not 100% sure.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:13, Reply)

I don't want to take care of another distraction's baby.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:15, Reply)

Every time beer's knocked me up in the past, I've miscarried horribly the following morning.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:19, Reply)

Normal people have a brain in their head so will be able to do something about it.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:23, Reply)

You're a wreck of a
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:23, Reply)

Wookies's hair back Clendrix?
Wouldn't be too pretty getting miscarried beer baby all over that
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:26, Reply)

I too was seduced by its charms and now find myself with a swollen belly. And a certain amount of morning sickness...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:27, Reply)

but I would if he needed me to.
It's true friendship, it is.
But I will not be amused if any sick lands on me.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:27, Reply)

Shots and pints are the same keys when using predictive text.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:33, Reply)

Cider and Cheer are also on the same predictive text combo
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:43, Reply)

That's very interesting and not at all thread killing
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:59, Reply)

thank you TGB. So how are you today apart from being a total loner with no friends and talking to yourself
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:59, Reply)

breaches of the peace on several occasions due to "riot" sharing predictive textness with "pint".
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:01, Reply)

We were too late to save you, but we're here for the memorial service.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:03, Reply)

as he's recovering from an horrific trouser press accident.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:17, Reply)

start the memorial service with some nice words about me?
And I though Al and Bert eloped
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:17, Reply)

But I was away doing fancy thing with spreadsheets.
A Memorial To The Grammar Badger
She was a good person, and she knew her Grammar. She wasn't a badger though.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:24, Reply)

And the skies became dark with swarms of unchecked apostrophes.
And we knew that death was upon us.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:29, Reply)

Someone died? Can the coffin do moshpit crowd surfing, that would be cool.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:29, Reply)

This woman just chose a bag of crisps from the vending machine and as it dropped it lodged halfway down. I was planning on buying a chocolate bar anyway so I chose the Toffee Crisp directly above where it was stuck. The plummeting chocolate dislodged the crisps and we all lived happily ever after.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:33, Reply)

On some certificates that went out last year it says "Assessor and Trainer Meeing"
Meeing is my new favourite word.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:35, Reply)

You truly are a knight sent to the rescue. She has to sleep with you and stuff, thems the rules.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:35, Reply)

that 'barmaid' comes up as 'carnage' on predictive text and that 'vomited' is the same as 'tongued'.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:35, Reply)

still calls me "ran" on text messages. Repeatedly and often *cries*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:38, Reply)

Cow and Box before finally arriving at the name of my mate Amy.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:45, Reply)

Which was odd as it was a kipper...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:46, Reply)

feel free to pour yourself a Gin.
*gets smashed*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:58, Reply)

You stabbed me!
You stabbed me right in the arm!
That really hurt, you bastard!
*fetches the Punishment Stick*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:00, Reply)

*has the last laugh*
EDIT - Because, Dok, you are a wrong'un.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:02, Reply)

*Is incinerated*
At any point did people really believe that crouching and covering their heads with their hands would be ample protection against a Nuclear blast?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:08, Reply)

for an armoured carapace and some extra limbs.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:08, Reply)

Honto? if you have too many, you'll look like a spider.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:11, Reply)

I think I was just bemused by your use of the word 'mote'. You're more archaic than I have given you credit for.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:15, Reply)

Microsleeps FTW
I had one (thankfully only a couple of seconds) on Monday but was driving up the M1 at the time.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:15, Reply)

Yes I am, at times.
And I remember when Michael Jackson was black.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:16, Reply)

I should have pointed out that I was applauding your use of mote once I realised you meant to use it and I apologise for doubting you :)
Wookers, I am using Japanese to bring an international flavour.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:19, Reply)

I can't really I'm in an open plan office with 6 other people including all three of my bosses!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:19, Reply)

I kind of knew that anyway.
I'm going home now folks, catch you all later.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:20, Reply)

Also it is a line from one of the Red Dwarf books, where someone is accused of being pretentious for sitting alone in a bar reading a "Teach Yourself Japanese" book.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:24, Reply)

so don't start snogging or anything.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 17:08, Reply)

I don't need to explain popular culture to any of you bright young things.
And now I am fucking off for the night.
Cheery bye!
*fucks off*
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 17:16, Reply)

Kick my arse if I called again.
Bye Clendrix!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 17:18, Reply)

And quite frankly, you're not worth getting beaten up over.
Off, maybe. Up? No.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 17:22, Reply)

I'm making Pizza's for tea. Any good toppings you guys could suggest?
Edit - I just realised who I said that to. No spluff jokes please!!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 17:42, Reply)

that kiwi fruit on a pizza is surprisingly pleasant.
Personally I would go for lots of meat and lots of cheese. Blue cheese and onion pizza is good.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 17:43, Reply)

I have that, Chicken, ham and potentially chilli beef... :P
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 18:13, Reply)

Had a Peking duck pizza a while back, that was pretty good.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 18:14, Reply)
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