My dad's family are posh - there's at least one knight and an ex-lord mayor of london. My mum's family come from Staines.
How posh are you? Who's the poshest person you've met? Be proud and tell us your poshest moments.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 10:12)
This question is now closed.

An old business partner of mine, me, and a few others were out for a meal in a flash Chinese restaurant. Now Waz was really from the other side of the tracks. Approved school, borstal, prison and finally made it as a bona-fide businessman. At this time we were seriously loaded but none of us had ever had so much money before. Buy Waz really didn't have a clue how to behave in an expensive setting. Not his fault - he'd just never been exposed to it before.
Anyway, to cut a long story short he drank the finger bowl. Honestly. The waiters put this bowl of hot steaming water with slices of lemon in front of him after the spare ribs and he drank it.
*anxiously checks to see if there's anything in this post that refers to the people who give birth to children in case I inadvertently cause offence
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 22:09, Reply)

We were in a warehouse on an American Air Force Base, busily repackaging many crates of rocks from the Pacific islands (the Air Force has strange, arcane interests), when a two-star, active-duty Air Force General came to inspect our work. We lined up to shake his hand. I figured his hand shake would be firm and authoritative, like he himself appeared to be.
Shaking hands with this sadistic bastard was like sticking my hand in a rock crusher. I teared up trying to smile and meet his cold, blue eyes, as my hand was reduced to a slab of liver.
Posh or powerful, bastards all.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 21:43, Reply)

... if an Aunt several hundred years ago hadn't married for love instead of money and given up her title into the bargain. The silly cow!
Perhaps not poshest moment, but most embarrassing; Falling down some stairs at a very posh social do, shouting some very rude words very loudly, only to look up and for an old Bishop to be there, beaming down at me, and saying to me 'You swear in the most delightful accent, my dear. And I'm sure He would have said similar words in such a predicament'.
Oh, and the time I was presented as a debutante by a friend of the family who is descended directly from the Plantagenets. Sadly, none of the men interested me in the slightest, so no marriages into fortune here.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 21:05, Reply)

My great grandmother was head housekeeper. Illegitimate maybe, but I'm still the great-granddaughter of a living earl and so ICMPS (posh status)
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 20:33, Reply)

my dads familly are a bunch of irish drunks all of them, apart from him, and my mums familly are a bunch of homophobic racists. so id say i come from a fairly posh back ground
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 20:25, Reply)

My m8 and her mum both have rural hertfordshire accents, but work in a supermarket in stevenage. Stevanage is the chaviest place in the county and the teen pregnacy capital of europe. hence m8 and mum are known as the posh girls, innit.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 20:08, Reply)

im not posh, more middle class. but i speak properly, despite being born and bred in the west country.
that said, my mum's parents were posh. my grandad was a knight as well as being a judge which makes my grandma a lady. you wouldnt know to hear her speak though, she has a broad irish accent.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:45, Reply)

Legally my mother is allowed to put Lady in front of her name Dont know why, think tis to do with my grandparents. Shes not posh tho.
My Grannanas first name is Euphemia which is quiete posh. Although she was known as effie to the woman at the bingo.
Im a descendent of German royalty apparentlly.
I used to live in guernsey (possibbly the poshest place in the uk)
My frineds think im posh becasue i have two bathrooms and i dont finish every word with "Innit, eh?"
My bf is a footballer (minor league) and i have hair extensions and fake nails. I aspire to be all victoria beckham by my 21st b.day
and MY Mumma is related to the ex mayor of london James shaw (or jimmy shaw) as hes called
And i met Princess Margaret (the one that died a few years ago) when i was 6 and i asked her if she would adopt me cus i wanted to be a real princess. She said no and i cried.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:41, Reply)

but when we used to live in england, it was the kind of rural area that considered us "rich" 'cos we had two cars in the driveway (even though the cars in question were a turquoise polo and a simca 1100)... oh and my dad shook hands with royalty 'cos he was on the first flight of the concorde, so that's sort of rubbing hands with the really posh i suppose...
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:17, Reply)

once found and bought a bottle of lambrini that was GREEN and had a CORK!
I felt like royalty.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:13, Reply)

had staff.
I have met too many posh people to mention, most notably Posh Mark from Uni (v. short but incredibly rah- used to wear a Thomas Pink shirt to the union 'all you can drink and spew' nights) and also my ex boyfriend, whose Etonian schooling and old money puts him and his family firmly up there. I still look at Bystander in Tatler and see his sisters' friends.
And I talk properly, my dad worked in Westminster but I can be as Saaaarf London as you like, which makes my public sector job great as I can fit in with anyone.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:04, Reply)

...who was that posh, she got out of the bath to have a piss.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 19:01, Reply)

Everybody in my local seems to think I'm posh because I wear a suit to work everyday, which automatically makes me a solicitor. Being a solicitor apparently is a posh thing to be.
I know, I don't understand either.
I have tracked down my family crest, and have threatened to have it sewn onto a smoking jacket, so maybe I am a bit posh. Who knows?
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:52, Reply)

Other than that, myself and everyone I know is painfully middle class.
Therefore we had particular fun taking the piss out of the "public" schools rediculous uniform and the fact that our school was substantially higher in the leauge tables, despite all the money they paid. Ha.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:51, Reply)

... but everyone thinks I have an Edinburgh accent. That's posh.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:47, Reply)

Im royalty. well, decended from viking royalty. Which is pretty cool but doesnt make me posh. Then again, im from swansea, dont sound welsh from my accent but im fluent in welsh.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:47, Reply)

My grandparents, despite being a plumber and a cleaner from N. Wales, are going to a wedding in the House of Lords Chapel! And attending the reception in the Vice Chancellors Study! If that ain't posh, don't know what is.
Very posh!
But more to the point - bring back Legless! He was the highlight of my week, that man!
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:43, Reply)

my parents live in footballers' wives territory in cheshire. everyone there is posh in a "we think we're posh but we're definitely fur coat no knickers" kind of a way.
my next door neighbour [albeit temporarily] is wayne rooney. that says it all.
what is this about legless being banned - how am i going to get laid now?!?!?!?!?!?! seriously though, WHAT and WHY and WHEN?
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:35, Reply)

I don't think we have posh people in Nireland, unless you count people who actually own TV licences. And even then...
ps, can the mods let Legless know why he was banned? I'm only asking cos he promised me a proper posh dinner if I asked. Scraps and peach Concorde and everything.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:31, Reply)

My Mum's family tree tracks a lineage back to Lady Godiva. My Dad's family are from Grimsby. I slip from Chav to Cholmondley-Warner with ease.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:16, Reply)

1. On my father's side of the family, we have the writer of the Declaration of Independence. On my mother's side, we have at least 2 signers.
2. I went to boarding school that now costs about $35,000 per year (I was 3rd generation from my family).
3. I went to another school that prints t-shirts that read "____________ University... we're not snobs, we're just better than you."
4. I have immigrants clean my 1 bedroom apartment because I don't like to dust.
5. My mother's advice on dating: you'll never be happy if you marry someone from another (i.e. lower) social class (unfortunately, I love girls with dreadlocks and nose rings).
6. and I can rightfully end my name with this (edit: not the penis symbol):
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:15, Reply)

I myself have an accent so English that it sneaks off and enjoys a tipple of dry sherry whilst i sleep. I can even say cheerio without it sounding pretentious (if that's entirely possible). How I got it is a mystery, as I'm the only one in my family who speaks this way. You could put it down to going to private school, but we can only afford it because I got the scholarship and besides, while there are a great many rich people there - a bonus as I can go to their houses and get drunk on nice alcohol, as opposed to asda price cider (oh, I'm such a snob) - I wouldn't call many of them ouright posh. By that I mean that any foxes are comparatively safe around that, they have chins, and are not braying idiots.
My own family has next to no money spare what with my school fees, and we also have a relatively small house. Therefore, I get the worst of both worlds - I am thought a posh tosser by people I meet, but don't have the money that would compensate for this.
That wasn't very funny, but hopefully I'll get the sympathy vote
Edit: Oh, and as if just to rub salt in the wound, I am very distantly descended from the bastard son of one of the first earls of Glasgow. I suppose that in a very distant and roundabout way, that serves as an excuse
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:05, Reply)

I have what some may consider a posh accent.
Being that I enjoy talking, some people over hear me, and everynow and again, some one comments on how posh my accent makes me.
I was once told by a girl I was so posh that I sounded like her friends butler.
Right, so I'm posh.
Apologise for length considering the weak comment.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 18:04, Reply)

Is it posh to own a farm, and have a tennis court?
But myself aside, I have an absurdly embarrassing friend who has recently taken a degree in social climbing.
His name is Ashley, but to protect his identity we will just refer to him as Dale (because he looks like the orangey poofter). Young Dale decided that, not being content with his unimpressive social standing, he would take up as many posh hobbies as possible. He enrolled in a course in Rural Enterprise and Land Management so as to appear as though he has an estate to manage, took up shooting, spent £120 on wellies (yes, just one pair), and learned to ride.
I wouldn't be bothered if it wasn't for the fact he damn near shoots his council estate man-fat all over his second hand chinos every time he sees someone truly wealthy wearing the tweed of their trade.
Ah well, takes all sorts!
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:53, Reply)

I was round my friends house once when her mum decided to come and join us for a chat. She recognised that my accent wasn't the native northamptonian (as in I can say "th" and I don't say grarse) and asked where I was from. I replied "I'm from up north, near york". Her reply, in the poshest voice ever, was "but it's not as north as durham, is it? Not really northern". I've never met someone trying to be more northern than me. And their house was worth a fucking fortune too, they had speakers built into the roof and other such wonders.
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:48, Reply)

I once bought a bottle of Leibfraumilch - i felt well posh!
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:40, Reply)

I was the only person in Scotland to sit the Classical Greek 'O' Grade the year I sat it. There were 3 others in my class but they bypassed and sat the Higher the year after.
And I passed (just).
( , Thu 15 Sep 2005, 17:36, Reply)
This question is now closed.