"Are you prejudiced?" asks StapMyVitals. Have you been a victim of prejudice? Are you a columnist for a popular daily newspaper? Don't bang on about how you never judge people on first impressions - no-one will believe you.
( , Thu 1 Apr 2010, 12:53)
This question is now closed.

...given my current situation.
I'm a bloke, near mid 30's, my girlf is White (I'm Indian) and I've experienced prejudice from my own family. Ever since they knew about this relationship (she and I love each other very much and want to get married someday), they've used a lot of emotional blackmail and have basically said that I have to choose between all of them and my woman.
To be completely honest, this is the best relationship I've ever been in, I'm completely accepted & loved unconditionally by her and I've totally found my soulmate, so I decided that I wasn't going to give her up and am going to have a future with her. So it looks like now I won't be welcome in the family home (I have to find a place to move to), my family have said straight up they'll never accept this relationship and I'm pretty much cast out. What makes it worse is that my sister is due to drop a sprog any day now and there's a good chance I may not get to see it. All because I fell in love with "the wrong person". Isn't life great?! :o)
Apologies for lack of lol's, I've had a bit of a hard week and needed to vent. To all those of you who are in mixed relationships, I wish you all the best and hope that you don't have to go through this crap like we are currently going through!!
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 19:18, 21 replies)

I'm prejudiced against bikers. Every time I see someone on a multi-coloured gimp suit atop a sports bike, I instantly assume they are a cunt and I do my best to avoid them. Its a shame really, as looking at it logically I would assume that there are many decent, responsible bikers out there. However, I have never, ever met one - my outlook has been shat upon by too many twats.
My little village main street is not the place for a moto-GP style burn up.
Toulouse ring road at rush hour is not the place to practice your Ghostrider impersonation.
The chap who knocked my wing-mirror askew with the top of his helmet on the apex of a bend - another few inches over round that corner and your neck would have been broken. Then mine would have probably been broken too as 20-odd of your mates screamed up in the same manner.
Filtering past lanes of stopped traffic on a clogged motorway is not the place to hoik a wheelie at about 50mph.
Whenever I see bikers not being twats, is usually as they are bumbling along in traffic or stopped at lights. I just cant help myself though and instantly assume they will do something idiotic as soon as the road clears.
I harbor similar feelings for teenagers on mopeds too.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 18:01, 4 replies)

It's the self-loathing I can't stand! Pretending to be working class, putting on a Mockney accent when you know you work in HR. Using "quotation marks" around everything. All the self-depracating wit. Go and chug some Merlot you curtain-twitching wankers!
Excuse me, I will now and peer over my neighbour's privet hedge and tut under my breath in a disapproving way....
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 17:52, 2 replies)

I had recently moved away from sunny Scotland for the first time and was a little wet behind the ears shall we say.
I found myself in the toilets of a club in Bournemouth, thoroughly trolleyed, when I spotted a black chap standing by the sinks holding a paper towel
Having seen and ignored the "freshen up for the ladies" gentlemen toilet attendants in earlier pubs throughout the night, I decided to stop being so stingy and at least humour one of them.
I took the paper towel, put down a quid and asked if he had any Paco Rabanne.
So it turns out he wasn't a toilet attendant and was just a guy, who happened to be black, on a night out, who happened to be drying his hands when I drunkenly clocked him.
In my opinion, my prejudice/racism, definitely warranted a punch at least, but to the guys credit, he just called me a cheeky little Irish cunt, and told me to fuck off.
I didn't correct him
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 15:52, 2 replies)

Potential boss: "Because you're Jewish, I'm inclined to think that you might refuse to work on Saturdays."
18-year-old me: "Because you're racist, I'm inclined to think that you're an idiot."
I didn't get the job.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 14:17, 7 replies)

I mean, I've had enough experience in my life to know that if someone's black that doesn't mean they're stupid or lazy or a criminal, but I've also had enough experience to know that if I meet a black kid who dresses like he wants to be a gangster then it's unlikely we're going to get on with each other. In the same way I know that not everyone who plays rugby is an obnoxious twat, but if there's a group of them in a pub of an evening then I'd seriously consider moving to a different pub before they start chanting idiotic songs and pissing in each other's beers.
I've got an aversion to posh people and I actually feel sad when I encounter the sort of people who you'd expect to see on stage on the Jeremy Kyle show. You'd be right to call this prejudice but it's also a really useful time-saving tool - I'll make as many assumptions as I want about someone, but if I've actually got to interact with them then I'll treat them with the respect that I'd want to be treated and I'll keep an open mind.
On more than one occasion I've been pleasantly surprised when someone that I was ready to write off as a horrible Tory git or a thick chav wanker turned out to be alright. I've also been disappointed when someone that I'd assumed to be intelligent, mature and liberal simply because they had a similar upbringing to me (because I'm obviously intelligent and mature and liberal...ahem) turned out to be stupid or racist or childish.
So what's my point? We're all prejudiced because that's how we're wired. It's up to us whether we choose to become a BNP knuckle-dragger or a proper human being.
Mind you, being a white middle-class male means I'm very rarely on the receiving end of negative prejudice. The only thing I generally get is people assuming I'm gay. This could be a bit hairy when I lived in Bristol and in Sheffield, however now that I live in Brighton it's a different story.
p.s. worst QOTW ever?
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 14:08, 1 reply)

I was out on a job site when the crew foreman came up to me all matey like. He says to me without any prior conversation," how about those fucking jews eh, what a cunt of a race, didn't they get what they deserved huh?", then walks off.
I still don't know if he was taking the piss.
I did see him out of his work uniform a few days later, dressed in tight blue jeans, doc martins and a sleevless t-shirt, with his blonde flatop haircut, walking his two rottweilers.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 14:01, Reply)

I am prejudiced, I admit, in fact we all are to a greater or lesser degree, we are all inbuilt through evolution to cling to our tribe members and automatically be hostile to those who do not fit our narrow view of what we ourselves are like or match our own values and beliefs. We are hard wired to behave that way but through education and civilisation we suppress it. We also tend to be prejudiced and be hostile to what we fear however irrational that belief is.
The key point is the level of your stupidity and ignorance based on your cultural and familial upbringing and degree of familiarity with what you are prejudiced against and how open you are to change those beliefs based on reasoning and experience.
That being said I have experienced prejudice and hostility to greater or lesser degree for being, vegetarian, Scottish, having four children, atheism, white middle class, age but throughout it all I have managed to grow a pair and got over it.
But then again nobody has tried to burn me at a stake, lynch me , put me in concentration camp or fucking gas me.
I am prejudiced when I interview people for a job, I am be heavily biased against employing born again Christians because of their divisive and stupid beliefs and the negative effect it would have on the office whereas I wouldn’t if they were Black, Asian, Jews or gay though I might if they were practising Muslims.
Am I a hypocrite because I personally loathe racists or anti-Semites, religious bigots, born again Christians, people who discriminate against the disabled and misogynists? Yes because they can use exactly the same arguments, however warped, to justify their beliefs. The difference is I don’t want to murder them for who they are or what they believe.
Oh, last thing ....what what about them horse stealing tarmacing swindling heather selling caravan dwelling fucking Pikeys...;)
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 13:17, 5 replies)

about gentlemen's dress sense. I don't even want to get into a discussion about chavs/hoodies/gangstas/people of the lower orders, as my loathing of them may be taken as a given. No, what really upsets me is when chaps attempt to dress correctly but just cannot seem to get the grip of the product of a million years of fashion evolution. Here follows a list of the worst crimes:
A shirt that is darker in colour than one's tie, particularly if that colour is purple or black.
A suit worn with trainers.
Unpolished shoes.
Shiny suits. Good God man, don't you realise M&S do perfectly serviceable suits for £100?
Tie knots the size of a fist. It doesn't make you look big or cool. In fact rather the opposite - you look like an estate agent or a footballer. Take your pick.
A dinner suit at a wedding. Ever. Even if you have the great misfortune to be in the United Colonies of America.
Come on you fellows - it's not that difficult to look smart as if you actually mean it. Let's not let down the male sex, alright?
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 12:43, 14 replies)

I'm five and my brother is four and we're travelling on a bus in London. Now this is London and so I still can't understand the reaction of my brother. It is pretty much impossible that he had never seen a black person before. But that didn't prevent him from letting out a large squeal, pointing out the window at a group of black people and turning to our mother and saying 'oooh look at the chocolate people.' It took a long time to convince him they were not edible.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 12:33, 3 replies)

I'm prejudiced against people who can't tell the difference between prejudice and things that irritate them.
That and irony.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 12:11, Reply)

Twenty years ago I had a couple of epileptic fits. I have been on medication ever since with no recurrence. You'd think that it could be considered to be controlled and a low risk. If I did have a seizure, going on past experience give me a few minutes to have the fit and then an hour for the brain to catch up and I'm back to normal so chances are I would not need medical attention. Annual Worldwide travel insurance without disclosing it. £40.00. Go through the pre-existing medical conditions bit and you can add £100.00!
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 12:01, 2 replies)

Usually, I'm quite easy going. Whilst I may be visually offended by say, someone who resembles a tidal wave of human flesh, or I may be irritated by some chav playing a dischordant noise from his phone speaker, or attacking the TV every time I see a Go Compare advert, not a lot bothers me. Apart from one thing. It may seem pointless, petty to some, and at best quite stupid from any other people's point of view, but fuck it, it's my prejudice and by the FSM I will allow myself to have it.
Wilfull ignorance. Two small words. Tiny little words. Insignificant and inconsequential on their own, but combined they mean so much more. It's not just being stupid or ignorant. Many people can't help it. I know I remain in ignorance about a great many things. It's only life, I can't know everything, but hell, I can learn. What I don't get is people who do the opposite. Try to do everything in their power to remain in their little bubble of mediocrity. Reading OK Magazine and watching Jeremy Kyle because anything else is "Well boring innit!". Deriding people who read books and try to improve themselves as gay or poofters or not worthy by their own small-minded criteria. People who will only eat turkey twizzlers and oven chips because they can't be arsed learning to cook something that requires any effort to learn. They remind me of crabs- when you try to take a crab out of a bucket, sometimes its compadres will grab on, and try and the skyward crab underwater.
I really, really don't get it. Because that's what prejudice is, isn't it? Fear of the unknown, based on a lack of understanding. Because I sure as fuck don't understand why a desire to improve yourself or even try to improve your bank balance can be seen as a bad thing to certain parts of the population.
Anyone have any ideas?
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 11:43, 10 replies)

Hate. Hate hate hate. Hate. Hatehatehatehatehatehate. Aloof, arrogant, inbred sense of entitlement, scummy condescending flisspaps.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 11:36, 4 replies)

Unfortunately, this is a prejudice borne of society.
I think the woman with the face like a bucket of smashed crabs who "slipped over on some spilt water whilst at work" on the injury vultures 4u advert sums things up for me appropriately.
I am prejudiced against people who think that the world owes them a fucking favour all the time. There is no such thing as an accident, it's always somebody's fault. These people would be the same to complain when their council tax rises year-on-year, or Tesco puts up the price of bananas, to pay for insurance and stupid personal injury claims.
Listen up, fucklips:
* Sometimes shit happens. Dust yourself down and chalk it up to experience.
* Taking reasonable steps to prevent yourself from coming to harm, i.e. looking where you are going, not wearing high heels whilst running for the tube, not juggling chainsaws etc is what a reasonable human being would do.
* YOU DO NOT HAVE AN AUTOMATIC RIGHT TO THOUSANDS OF POUNDS OF MONEYS. It is cunts like you that mean that our public liability insurance premium goes through the roof every. fucking. year.
* Sometimes doctors, medical professionals etc miss symptoms, or you don't tell them the right thing. We do not do it on purpose or through incompetence. We are very, very busy and quite simply we cannot afford to run every test on every patient.
The number of times I have been out to RTA's where patients have suddenly developed whipcash is amazing. Simple answer. If you complain of pain in your neck, I WILL cut the roof off your car, I WILL strap you to a long and uncomfortable board for a few hours, and a doc WILL have a fondle inside your chutney cupboard to check your nervous reflex.
So, don't be a twat. Sometimes bad things happen. Live with it.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 11:04, 6 replies)

Now, at present I live in the colonies, through choice, I grant you.
No-one forced me to move here with a gun to my head or like the original settlers for not wearing a hat on the Sabbath.
That said, I can't help feeling that the antipodean accent seems to preclude taking them seriously.
I know an accent is not an indication of intelligence, however I can't help but thinking they sound a bit thick merely by virtue of their braying incomprehensible dialect.
Still, they're better than Germans, I suppose..
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 9:53, 1 reply)

Haven't read any other prejudices here about PEOPLE WITH CHEAP EARBUDS. They can be fat, thin, black, white, old or young, I don't care, I hate them with a passion.
They've usually picked up their MP3 players for 20 bucks on ebay and they come with a free set of ear buds. The ear buds are not really earbuds however, they are designed by a man, who once worked at NASA,with the premise that its selfish not to share and so the outward facing mini tinny speaker was born.
New Zealand is pretty laid back and we tend to respect each other but these devil spawn with their cheap ear buds are a threat to our entire society.
Picture this....Cold wet dark morning, train finally arrives and its off to work. Jammed into a steamy carriage (when the heaters work) the only sounds are the clack of the wheels, occasional cough and the tinny tweets and rhythmic heavy beats. Who's listening to what?
Yes Sleepy is here this morning, at the other end of the carriage listening to Led Zep with his eyes closed. Eminem is coming from the back somewhere, oh yes Granny is here listening to Rihanna, obviously grand daughter loaded up the tunes and then there's Student Boy who likes the beats and sometimes entertains us with little hums.
Every morning. I hate the fuckers. Even the later trains have the devil spawn's relatives on board.
Some of us picked on the obviously weaker one 'Bill' and he eventually moved to a different carriage but Sleepy was made of sterner stuff and he reluctantly turned down the sounds. They were back to full volume within a week, turned down again and then back up. We caved in. Granny only knew how to switch it on and off. One guy spent the whole journey showing her how it worked, she was really sweet about it but didn't learn anything.
Did I tell you I hate the fuckers?
And of course because they can only hear themselves they can't hear all the other annoying bastards with the cheap ear buds.
Does this happen anywhere else in the world? Well outside of Wellington anyway.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 9:39, 2 replies)

Having previously referred to her as uber-liberal it occurred to me that Mrs Number 5 may not be as free thinking as I thought. She is English, I am not, she lives in my country and constantly has a go at the place, the people, the government (who to be fair are a sack of conniving, corrupt tools who couldn't find 'their arse with both hands') and everything else. She says this quite openly to me conveniently forgetting that every reference to inbred, underskilled, small-minded morons also includes not only yours truly but both kids too. Yet, she still lives here. Grrrrrrrr
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 8:37, 2 replies)

If you cant stand people who add that very same phrase to their QOTWs.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 7:53, Reply)

which is surprising considering the absolute twat I married.
Still, I thought of him and smiled the other day as I explained to another mate how I wasn't keen on a particular lady as her eyes are too close together.
It appears I have nazi-esque stereotypes about head shape that even the most fantastic norks cannot overcome.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 7:17, 2 replies)

When I see fat people (morbidly obese ones),these first thing that comes to mind is,"you lazy piece of shit". That I see that at the shops with a trolley full of coke and chips with added chocolate bars, yelling obcenities at their kids,or parked in th loading zone while they waddle in for smokes,probably does nothing to improve the image. My sister lived with us for a while (she's obese), since she's gone (we had to move) our food bill is half, and our house is tidier & cleaner. I never saw her anywhere but, 1. at the computer (ours) and eating 2. on the lounge watching telly while eating, or 3. in the kitchen eating or getting something to eat.
Why do they always say that it's not my fault, when clearly it is?
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 3:09, 10 replies)

"i think you're wrong about morocco being in south america..."
"are you being homophobic???"
that sort of thing.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 2:32, 1 reply)

Liverpudlian taxi drivers, drunk & violent Orangemen, able-bodied adults who sit in the family/disabled/elderly seats on the bus, politicians with no balls whose agenda is set by tomorrow morning's tabloid headline, middle-aged women who go shopping for their husbands' clothes in M&S, their husbands, the crushing force of bureaucracy (hello City of Edinburgh Council, I'm looking at you), Geoff Cunting Hoon - a grasping slimebag who has been on an MP's salary for 18 years, and a ministerial one for a significant chunk of that time, and now wants to sell his arse to the highest bidder "to make some real money" the fucking cunt ... oh it's late and the list will get too big. I'm prejudiced against the lot. And imbeciles on Scottish football internet message boards...
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 2:03, 1 reply)

but all b3tans are cunts.
Especially the prejudiced ones.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 1:17, 3 replies)

I sat in JFK airport, New York with my then girlfriend waiting to board a flight. A man sat down across from us. He looked of middle eastern background and everything he wore was black, clean and neat. His hand even tapped nervously on a black wheeliecase. He looked at his watch anxiously.
I laughed to myself and contemplated joking with my ex about this suspcious man when he leaned in and asked,"Excuse me, will you please mind my bag?" in the thickest eastern accent i had ever heard.
I mumbled a feeble "yes" and my ex and i shared a moment's awkward silence as we watched him run away which was only broken by her loudly exclaiming she had to go to the bathroom.
For the convenient 40 minutes that she was away i proceeded to shit bricks until the bag's owner returned to graciously thank me and leave me in a confusing state of relief mix guilt.
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 1:15, 6 replies)

I've lived in London for about 4 years now and I have noticed a trend...
Every car accident I have witnessed, or at least seen the aftermath of, involves at least one driver who is black/afro carribean/african, however you put it. Now this can be attributed to one of three assumptions in my mind...
a) There are so many black people in London that statistically, at least one of the crashees has to be black.
b) Black drivers are not very good, and hence are involved in accidents to at least a 50% ratio.
c) Black drivers are picked on by other London drivers, to the point that at least 50% of crashees are black.
Having seen 3 accidents in the last couple of days, all 3 involved at least one black protagonist and 2 of which were in car parks and involved a single moving car... I might swing towards one of those conclusions, especially considering that my car was one of those struck, surprisingly violently... and the driver refused to give me anything other than his mobile number, so Police were called and surprise surprise, NO insurance... so we'll be getting a quick payout there then... Fucking Twunt.
It's only a theory mind.
PS I'm not going to try and justify my multicultural background and leanings. It's b3ta for starters, we're all smart fuckers here. God I hope that last bit is actually true :0$
( , Sat 3 Apr 2010, 0:48, 7 replies)

no matter how much of a nice kid individually they might be, in groups on the buses, they're pain in the arse little gangsters that talk too loudly, day talk lik dis, and always bring chicken and fucking chips on the bus which reeks it out and makes me hungry.
( , Fri 2 Apr 2010, 23:21, Reply)
This question is now closed.