Are you a troll? Ever been trolled? Ever pwn3d a troll with your 1337 intarnet sk1llz? Or do you live under a bridge and eat goats? Tell us your trolly stories, both from the web and from real life
Thanks to The Hedgehog From Hell for the suggestion
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 11:49)
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I just LOVE winding up atheists by pointing out that atheism is, in fact, a faith. The existence or non-existence of a god cannot be proven- if it could, the debate would have been over thousands of years ago- so firmly maintaining that God does not exist is an act of faith.
(Stating that you don't believe he exists is perfectly valid, of course.)
I just love watching their heads spin.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:41, 58 replies)

but I don't buy the premise of that entire argument and think that trying to frame it in such a way is just a cheap rhetorical trick.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:45, closed)

because I didn't want to start a genuine troll in here- I've done that in the past and had fun with it, but didn't really feel up to doing it again. But I do stand by the statement that being atheist is just as much an act of faith as being Catholic, just in the opposite direction.
This is best done with people who've been drinking.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:49, closed)

What other people believe or don't is no skin off my cock really, but I probably would have bitten if I'd been pissed, yeah.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:52, closed)

I could probably have used a more appropriate phrase there.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:05, closed)

I mean ... there's a few cases of wine over there and a hefty booze cupboard ... but I think I'll probably still need to nip down to the corner shop for a few litres of tramp cider.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:13, closed)

Thinking there is no big magic man in the sky is indeed a belief, much like my belief that reality TV is finally dying.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:47, closed)

And I should state for the record that I'm an agnostic- I don't really take a strong stance one way or the other because it doesn't really matter to me.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:50, closed)

It's not a middle position between theism and atheism.
One can be an agnostic atheist, an agnostic theist, a gnostic theist and even, at a stretch, a gnostic atheist.
It's not really a case of it not mattering to you, it's a case of you having no idea what you're talking about.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:10, closed)

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.[1] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[2]
Agnosticism is the view that the truth value of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, but also other religious and metaphysical claims—is unknown or unknowable.[1][2][3]
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:16, closed)

Now which part of my post would you like me to explain?
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:19, closed)

Doesn't really seem worth the effort.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:30, closed)

"Most inclusively, atheism is simply the absence of belief that any deities exist.[3] Atheism is contrasted with theism,[4][5] which in its most general form is the belief that at least one deity exists.[5][6]"
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:21, closed)

We don't want reasonable people, we want militant believers / non believers who go off on one.
Try again.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:50, closed)

Rather, that I don't follow any religion nor believe in any kind of deity at all.
Faith is very different from religion, a set doctrine. It's personal. I have every faith that most biscuits in my biscuit tin are very delicious, as much I do that there are no deities.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 20:54, closed)

I will now use this example in addition to quoting Douglas Adams.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 9:10, closed)

so, techincally, you can't have faith in your biscuits being delicious unless you have no way of opening the tin. You can believe it, though. Belief isn't constrained by the removal of burden of proof.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 11:56, closed)

The only people who actively disbelieve are the believers in other faiths.
The mistake you are making is projecting your own shallow understanding of a word and assuming everybody else is just as dim.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:02, closed)

Like I don't believe in Faeries. Is the lack of belief in faeries a faith?
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:04, closed)

I go around telling schoolgirls that their toy fairies are shit.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:11, closed)

atheism is an absence of belief / faith.
It doesn't equate to an alternative to theism
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:04, closed)

Sounds to me like you understand neither your own religious faith, nor do you understand basic ancient Greek.
It may well be that people who call themselves atheists aren't in fact a-theists, but this wouldn't be far removed from the case of people who call themselves Christian who aren't really (as in that JC probably wouldn't want to hang out in a club with them).
Last time I read his autobiography JC stood for Jesus Christ, not Judgemental Cunt. This is a detail that seems to have been lost in translation over past two millennia.
Anyway, try this for trolling: There are two types of Christian...
... those who have a bad memory of sucking their priests cock at a young age
... those who have blocked it out of their memory
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:06, closed)

you mean Catholics.
( , Thu 19 May 2011, 21:09, closed)

( , Thu 19 May 2011, 22:39, closed)

Let's leave his noodly goodness out of this, if it weren't for the midget he drunkenly created, I myself would have never been created.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 4:45, closed)

...oh I see, that's the point. I think I'll come back next week when it's all over.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 0:03, closed)

and I'll show you a straw man you've just made up so you can feel superior.
"a" = without
"theism" = belief in a deity
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 5:24, closed)

as an atheist to say, there are those of us who can be every bit as dogmatic as Christians.
( , Sun 22 May 2011, 11:32, closed)

is that I don't get upset by religious types trying to convince me that there's a mythical man in the sky, nor do I get upset when they tell me that there *is* a heaven etc...
I don't get upset when someone tells me that there's an invisible pink unicorn ruling the universe.
I can't prove the existence of Pluto or Phobos - I don't have a decent enough scope, therefore is it faith that makes me believe that they exist?
I suppose, in a way it is.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 9:50, closed)

I like to think that us humans are becoming God - ie omnipresent & omnipotent; "God is an excuse for the scientifically unexplained"
Happy to accept that there is an element of 'faith' in this, but faith based on rational thought, not water-walking.
Having read plenty of Dawkins' books, I'm actually a lot more relaxed about it and less likely to want to 'win' any debate.
Two cannibals are eating an atheist, and one says to the other, “Can you believe the way this guy tastes?”
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 10:28, closed)

but he is a cunt.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 11:59, closed)

I sometimes feel he doesn't do himself any favours, though. Mind you, I'm sure he couldn't give less of a shit, so fair enough.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 13:21, closed)

What the fuck else does he need to worry about?
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 14:37, closed)

I don't think you'll find many atheists that get wound up by this, just a bit bored and disinterested.
Say for arguments sake atheism is a faith (which it isn't) through their "belief" there is no God. Their "faith", unproven or not, is a balanced conclusion arrived at based largely on the irrefutable logic and evidence in science and the world around them pointing towards the fact God and fairies don't exist.
...Rather than say, Christian faith, which is based largely on, well, a book someone once wrote about a weirdy beardy cloud man in the sky.
I genuinely once heard a Christian use the argument: "What is it with you atheists, always getting bogged down with "proof"?"
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 11:21, closed)

I no more have faith in the absence of a god than I have faith in the absence of small pgymy Aberdeen Angus cow just over my left shoulder in my office. Atheism has nothing to do with faith. There is absolutley no requirement for belief or faith in the non-existence of anything. This has been done to death. See: Russell's Teapot, The Dragon in my Garage.
The problem with your argument (well apart from the fact it's really very silly) is a) you've misunderstood what the words "belief" and "faith" mean and b) you're approaching it from direction that both theist and atheist viewpoints have equal weight and this is some kind of "burdern of proof" thing.
Thesims and religion exist because you NEED faith to place your trust in something that can never be demonstrably proved. That's the whole basis of religious worship. You don't need anything to consider the non-existence of something as your position.
"What is the difference between an invisible, silent, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits fire with no heat; and no dragon at all? If there's no way to disprove your contention, no conceivable experiment that would count against it, how does it mean anything to say that your dragon exists?"
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 11:53, closed)

Rather than genuinely being thick.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 12:31, closed)

I gotz da bad AIDS pa
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 13:49, closed)

Haven't you already said enough? [nsfw]
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 14:40, closed)

( , Fri 20 May 2011, 15:26, closed)

Posting NSFW links without tagging them, now THERE'S a top mature way to debate. Kind of like the internet equivalent of putting a dog turd in someone's schoolbag.
( , Fri 20 May 2011, 16:08, closed)

Putting a dog turd in someones schoolbag? Never did that at school but a top idea; think I might do it to my colleagues. Bonus points if the dog actually shits in the bag?
( , Sat 21 May 2011, 15:48, closed)
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