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(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:36, archived)
and life is worth living

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:39, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:50, archived)
You don't tell me what to do! YOU AIN'T MY MOTHER!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:56, archived)
^ adopted

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:57, archived)
Yer robbin me blind mate
2 groats a bushel. Final.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:11, archived)
I couldn't eat a whole one, do you want to go halves?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:13, archived)
Ooh, bumsteaks.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:24, archived)
but what would you do with half a hole?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:26, archived)
probably lay my willy on top and slide it back and forth, like a snooker cue in a rest

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:29, archived)
and our survey says...
top answer!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:40, archived)
why isn't this top of the popular page already?
speaking of which, isn't it lovely that spanishfly is so popular these days?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:43, archived)
i get to see how many likes each thing gets
each time one of my posts is one click shy of popular pagin' it's like an ice dagger in my heart
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:46, archived)
I thought pp was 2?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:48, archived)
exactly :(

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:01, archived)
Hope I haven't missed any
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:17, archived)
thx bbz x

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:20, archived)
yeah soz i was talking about the half anus cue rest
this week's raw is a good one btw
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:50, archived)
i knew what you meant, i just had to get it off my chest

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:00, archived)
bit beakerish

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:05, archived)
don't stand for this abuse, banolith

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:29, archived)
tv shows would be so much better if people could just say whatever they wanted

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:45, archived)
start your own tv show, with... etc

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:01, archived)
Are you offering?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:26, archived)
i think it's called 'presenting'

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:41, archived)
no thanks I've eaten

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 21:34, archived)
up yours, dickface

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:03, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:06, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:11, archived)
I wish I was...

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:22, archived)
Ham and mushroom

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:10, archived)
pint of derby

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:12, archived)
kronney in a becks glass, shitty vase glass otherwise

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:39, archived)
my face looks nothing like a...
..oh :(
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:15, archived)
How's Grrrmachine?
What are you driving these days?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:25, archived)
Bit much.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:35, archived)
Do you think if enough of us complain about this joke to the police they'll close sickipedia?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:49, archived)
not for that one, no.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:57, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:01, archived)
but I feel strongly that rob shouldn't be allowed to get away with peddling this sick filth

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:02, archived)
The plod won't close it, but I'm sure if you punt it at the Daily Fail's news desk,
along with a reminder of who Rob works for now, they'll start the 'BAN THIS SICK FILTH NOW' bandwagon rolling.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:42, archived)
do you mean i have a face on my dick or my face looks like a dick?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:54, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:55, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:27, archived)
Alright whats going on

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:56, archived)
I'm watching this mornings Homes Under The Hammer
it doesn't quite have the same appeal when you watch it in the evening :(
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:27, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:27, archived)
so this evening in the privacy of my car I actually had a little cry about how very bad the radio 4 comedy was
didn't there used to be funny things
maybe I am remembering the past all wrong
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:10, archived)
the 6:30 slot has gone downhill quite badly this year.
i quite liked that bridget christie mind the gap, and JAM and ISIHAC and TNQ and TNS are always good, but other than that things have turned to shit.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:28, archived)
you make a good point brb
I wish the radio was more like the internet
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:57, archived)
vlad sad?
sad bad!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:29, archived)
manolith reply = improved day

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:56, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:42, archived)
It goes in cycles, and this is a very thin patch indeed
but for utter mirthless shit, the 11:30 morning slot is unlistenable.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:32, archived)
i quite like that gyles brandreth word quiz

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:38, archived)
Difficult one this
I quite like it too. But it's got Gyles Brandreth in it.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:43, archived)
scissors-paper-stone style, the presence of brandreth trumps any positive elements

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 19:58, archived)
he's okay when not being a tory politician or smug pundit on TVAM
he's superb on JAM.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:03, archived)
well I guess so

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:09, archived)
must be a waking dream for him being asked to talk without being interrupted for absolutely as long as possible

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:10, archived)
i hear he gets good reviews for his one man shows

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 20:41, archived)
"That's what I call break neck speed."
"Mom, a man just died."
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:01, archived)
somebody tell me The Who were rockers and not mods so I can like them.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:39, archived)
you can love them and use the anonymity of the internet to hate them

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)
I thought they were pinball wizards?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:44, archived)
The Who were rockers and not mods

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:46, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 17:24, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:50, archived)
The Who were rockers and not mods so you can like them.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:51, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 17:24, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:53, archived)
yes, very good.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)
somebody tell me why this would matter to anybody so I can reply
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:58, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:59, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:01, archived)
fucking hell
So basically, nothing matters because Jesus loves me. What kind of stupid message is that?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:03, archived)
the message here is that the devil clearly doesn't have all the best tunes

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:21, archived)
the who were knockers and not nobs

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:58, archived)
A listen to, and a watch of, Quadrophenia
should sort out that quandry.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:59, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:00, archived)
and stick it RIGHT UP YOUR ARSE!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:04, archived)
I liked them from the beginning when they were The Hillbilly Bugger Boys

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:00, archived)
Also, wouldn't it be sane to like a band based on the noises they make,
rather than which arbitrarily defined genre they can be classified under?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:07, archived)
sorry, I don't follow

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:09, archived)
Apologies, 2Hats,
I fear I am out of touch with me inner 13 year old.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:11, archived)
I only like things that other people say are cool

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:12, archived)
I only like things that other people say are cool, but only until they say so,
after which I claim that the thing they like has sold out.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:22, archived)
Making money out of something you're good at is unforgiveable

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)
very wise

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)
The Who were certainly liked by mods and are considered the archetypal 'mod band'.
That doesn't necessarily mean they considered themselves mods. HTH.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:11, archived)

The Who dog's bumholes
band favourite
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:33, archived)
An oldie but a goodie.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:55, archived)
Ham and mushroom

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)
Farmhouse, a classic

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:25, archived)
Im not even a farmer, shits fucked up

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:54, archived)
why don't you learn to like fucking off.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:36, archived)
So Rolf Harris has been stripped of his CBE
What have you been stripped of?

Alt: Favourite pizza toppings. And don't try to be clever and say 'grapes' or 'shit' or something.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:21, archived)
goat's cheese
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:22, archived)
goat's cheese is well good on a pizza
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:36, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:46, archived)
what's the point, eh?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:43, archived)
99 cheeses and you're asking what the point is?
are you a militant vegan raw foodist or saink?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 18:32, archived)
I like pineapple on a pizza

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:24, archived)
I will eat it
but I don't really enjoy it, soz
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:37, archived)
oh man, that is as wrong as frank's opinions on crisps

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:40, archived)
tiger to both

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:27, archived)
their indangered m8

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:34, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:31, archived)
is that your answer to both?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:37, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:41, archived)
I actually don't eat much pizza so I ask for forgiveness for not giving a fair and accurate answer to this
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:43, archived)
that's fair enough
what food do you have most often?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:44, archived)
sweetcorn and mushrooms

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:38, archived)
alt: dunno

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:38, archived)
I like pizzas with egg on top.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:38, archived)
I've never had that.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:43, archived)
i had it once and it was surprisingly nice
but the other time i had it it was just too eggy.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:48, archived)
It's good, so long as the yolk is runny,
and there is good cheese, capers, olives, artichokes, and stuff. Makes a change from the usual spicy meat and peppers combination.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:49, archived)
that's good enough for me
I'll give it a bash
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:49, archived)
It has the added bonus of being the sort of toppings that other people aren't keen on,
so you won't have to share.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:53, archived)
dog egg?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:44, archived)
Yes, I like to eat dog shit, SS.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:45, archived)
I have to confess that I actually ate a small amount once
it flicked up my front wheel on my push bike and landed in mouth.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:47, archived)
and still you swallowed

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:49, archived)
Well, that's just disgusting.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:51, archived)
^clickin this

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:54, archived)
I bet
he's gutted.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:40, archived)
my self-respect
alt: meat
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:41, archived)
I'm going to a turkish place on friday
I'm going to eat ALL THE MEAT
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:44, archived)
not if i eat it first!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 16:28, archived)
What day of the week are your bins collected. The majority winner will be elected Official B3ta Bin Day™. Agreed?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:26, archived)
Tuesday (so a reminder Monday night would be appreciated).

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:26, archived)
I done a poll, but it's not working
How do I make it work?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:28, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:28, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:06, archived)
It won't let me authorise it at work
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)
there's already a clear winner here

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:30, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:30, archived)
It's not common sense, that much is clear

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:31, archived)
I'll be honest here, I'm not that interested in bins

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:32, archived)
no offence

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:32, archived)
Oh Tangled
No one's interested....we just need a bit of order here! We can't have people talking about bin days willy nilly.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:33, archived)
i dint even fucking remind anyone this sunday an all
storm in a fucking teacup
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:28, archived)
soz I b& u
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:31, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:32, archived)
Lol, pollspaz.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:33, archived)
*takes poll and goes home*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:35, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:28, archived)
Every day.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:28, archived)
Who are you, the fucking queen or something?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:35, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:37, archived)
Pretty sure you meant to say Tuesday, friend

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:40, archived)
Tuesday looks like the favourite

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:52, archived)
I want to do my bins at Paul's.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:40, archived)
I wanked in his loft lol

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:41, archived)
poor manolith :(

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:47, archived)
He knew that it was possible when he invited me over
I apologise for nothing
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:52, archived)
If we all muck in, he could save a fortune on insulation.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:53, archived)
That's true
When that stuff dries, it's like cement.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:59, archived)
Sement more like, lololol.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:00, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:01, archived)
We have a right laugh here, don't we.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:08, archived)
haha, I'm having a wonderful time!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:10, archived)
This place is going from strength to strength.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:12, archived)
i mean, it was always pretty good
but it is better now
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:16, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:47, archived)
It's sad about that missing girl isn't it
I must be softening in my old age.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:00, archived)
Have they not found all of her yet?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:10, archived)
'Parts' apparently
Which must be a pretty horrible thing to be told. Especially if you're holding onto the hope she might be found alive.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:11, archived)
Apparently the police are starting to get to the bottom of it all now
putting it together piece by piece.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:16, archived)
right, putting you on 2.0

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:17, archived)
Sounds like there's a good chance they've got the murderer at least.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:38, archived)
usually every monday but this week it's today for some reason
but usually monday, with every other monday being recycling. they don't take garden waste any more.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:05, archived)
Tuesday it is

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:07, archived)
no, monday

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:16, archived)
people have a brown bin for garden wate round here
you have to pay for it though
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:08, archived)
I think we have the option of getting one of those
I just eat it all
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:12, archived)
i planned to make a compost bin but never got round to it
at present i have an old black dustbin with a hole cut at the base filled with kiiiind of composted soil (but it's very acidic because someone thought it would be a good idea to chuck cat litter in there), and an old metal basket that i just shove the grass clippings in. when the garden warms up i'll make a nice big wooden bin. i quite fancy one of them mulchers too, there are a couple of trees that need trimming back every year.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:25, archived)
piss in it

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:26, archived)
i thought piss was acid too

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:29, archived)
You need to piss in your compost
That's all I know
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:30, archived)
my mother in law's tongue appreciates a bit of piss from time to time

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:33, archived)
are you drunk or summat?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:34, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:43, archived)
oh, you've been smoking it?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:16, archived)
why are you insinuating i'm intoxicated?
what have i done to upset you?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:21, archived)
oh wait, maybe it's very alkali because of the kittylitter
idklol it's no good either way
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:31, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:34, archived)
Yeah I heard plants love salt.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:39, archived)
This is a really common thing
I'm surprised no one's heard of it. Everyone I know who has a compost heap does this.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:40, archived)
Just leave the poor girl alone, eh?
She's had enough bother with that Hexachordal bloke, doesn't need any more fuss from this place.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:43, archived)
I have one of those, do you live near me then?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:38, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:51, archived)
ha, fancy that!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:58, archived)
alternate Wednesdays.

this is also the day that i do my recycling as well.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:10, archived)
A fortnightly pick up?
Fucking hell
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:11, archived)
hence the need to recycle.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:17, archived)
Christmas Day

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:12, archived)
So you get presents and a year's worth of shit taken away, all on the same day?
You see, this is why Frank loves Christmas so much. It's a magical time of year.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:13, archived)
Maybe Boxing Day would be better

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:14, archived)
I love boxing day
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:19, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:26, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:54, archived)
I once forgot to put the bins out and we had maggots and rats and hedgehogs all in them, it was DISGUSTING

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:59, archived)
+ oh my!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:16, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:58, archived)
nah, I'm not having that, sorry

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 15:15, archived)
good afternoon, lovely b3ta people

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:03, archived)
what about the rest of us?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:04, archived)
bit rude m8

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:06, archived)
here, play this
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:51, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:51, archived)
wow, you need a better camera
this one makes everything look pixelated and shitty. is it low poly? is it for a game?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:01, archived)
cheap fridge innit

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:04, archived)
no smeg?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:40, archived)
maybe a bit

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:18, archived)
That's infuriating!
good find
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:04, archived)
i hit shiftlock by mistake, soz.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 14:02, archived)
oh, that's me, hi!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:06, archived)
have you been officially designated as lovely by our resident expert stuj?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:30, archived)
i've decided that i'm probably quite nice really, and i trust my opinion

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:37, archived)
sorry mate, I think he was talking to me

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:32, archived)
i think he meant both of us, but if you're that arrogant maybe it was just me after all

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:38, archived)
sorry, it's these drugs i've been taking...

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:46, archived)
oh fair enough m8, you can't help those side effects

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:48, archived)
yo yo yo.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:09, archived)
the jurys out

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:17, archived)
hope they find you guilty you nonce

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:21, archived)
they will.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:24, archived)
It's almost certain
Everyone knows, I was never going to get a fair trial
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:32, archived)
if you're not guilty of this offence there are probably others you've got away with

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:44, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:32, archived)
The sun has got his hat on!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:40, archived)
No foood thread today? Strange

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:46, archived)
I had to remember to put my bins out all by myself last night.
Fat fucking load of good you are.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:47, archived)
I had to do it this morning too
And it was recycle day. Fucking ball ache.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:01, archived)
i have to haul my binbags down to a big wheely bin like a sucker
i really regret buying the flat now. when i was homeless i could just chuck my rubbish everywhere
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:13, archived)
You still can!
And what's even better is there's no one to shout at you for it!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:13, archived)
In the last flat we lived in
We had to take the bins down four flights of stairs, round the back of the building and put them in a lockup cage type thing. It wasn't lit either, so at night it was horrible. Pitch black and it stank. I imagined myself coming to a Blair Witch style end.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:15, archived)
place the bins under your window
that way you could just drop them out of the window and straight into the bin
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:14, archived)
^nailed it

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:16, archived)
so it turns out that you lot are actually well into bins and if only brb tried to engage you in bin chat on the correct day fewer people would hate him?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:19, archived)
well obviously
You mean he doesn't realise that? He's been told over and over again that he never gets the days right, yet still he persists.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:20, archived)
#binchat #recycle #binday

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:20, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:22, archived)
Right, we need to do a poll
What day of the week are your bins collected. The majority winner will be elected Official B3ta Bin Day™. Agreed?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:25, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:25, archived)
HI 5!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:34, archived)
there's no fool like an old fool

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:21, archived)
true enough

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:22, archived)
Or even wear it, if it's a cold night.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:25, archived)
manolith, yesterday
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:35, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:33, archived)
time for a cup of tea and a biscuit

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:33, archived)
Just had a cuppa and I don't have any biscuits
Also I'm expecting a german to call me in the next 20 minutes, so that'll be nice. You alright Tangy?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:36, archived)
Don't mention the war!
hahahaha lol, yeah, but don't just in case
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:37, archived)
I mentioned it once but I think I zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:38, archived)

edit: returned to Two Hats
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:40, archived)
oh that's nice, you made a pretty picture with two of hattie's Zs

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:52, archived)
Yeah, I'm going to need those back

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:10, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:16, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:26, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:31, archived)
I think I need another amp, Manolith

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:48, archived)
have one on me
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:50, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:53, archived)

The paper reveals that chicken sexers can earn nearly £40,000 a year, but despite this relatively handsome reward there is a national shortage of them.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:00, archived)
i guess no-one wants to put 'chicken sexer' on their cv

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:03, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:06, archived)
have another one on me
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:54, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)
I was thinking

And if I order it now, it'll be here in time for my birthday!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:57, archived)
do it

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:02, archived)
As I always say
It's better to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:06, archived)
have a third one, why not. it's nearly your birthday
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:02, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:05, archived)
i made that for you
can you print it and stick it on the fridge please
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:13, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:42, archived)
I eated the biscuits before the tea arrived
I'm not expecting to talk to any Germans today, but I haven't ruled it out
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:51, archived)
Few of us expect to speak to germans
but sometimes we just get lucky
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:53, archived)
you know what? that's exactly what it's time for

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:52, archived)
Could do with a coffee, anybody want one?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:37, archived)
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:38, archived)
Yeah I'm alreet, you?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:22, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:35, archived)
Are you an Olympic star yet?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:54, archived)
Getting sponsorship deals in and I'm getting my eligibility letter for the FANS scheme
Going to see if I can blag a free/discounted gym membership
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:23, archived)
So: 'No, not yet'

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:25, archived)
but you are getting closer.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:40, archived)
alan a'dale, alan a'dale, alan a'dale it's alan a'dale

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:02, archived)
I'm havinga coffee and listening to generic pop music
against my will I should add
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:39, archived)
No one should be forced to listen to anything
What is this, Nazi germany or summat?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:40, archived)
some workmen in the office opposite
it's stopped now. Someone must have had a word in their shell like.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:41, archived)
you're obsessed with germans today

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:53, archived)
Well last week I spoke to a nice german and a mean german, in that order
So this one will be the decider. If he's mean, I'm declaring war. If he's nice....what's the opposite of war?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:54, archived)
my sister is fluent in german
this fact is included in the book 1001 facts about tangledupinblue poster, even though it isn't strictly a fact about me
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:57, archived)
Can I get that on Kindle?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:10, archived)
it's mostly published on public toilet walls across the uk

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:13, archived)
oh good
I don't own a kindle
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:14, archived)
but you DO own a bindle

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:32, archived)
and a spindle

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:39, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:48, archived)
Where's Frank?
I want to invite him to my birthday party
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:44, archived)
I've bought you two tickets to see Mike and the Mechanics
obvs one ticket me the other for you
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:46, archived)
Oh sweet! Thanks m8!
I hope they don't play Living Years, that one makes me cry lol
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:47, archived)
I shouldn't really say this,
but as part of the surprise Mike was going to lead you on to the stage and sing it directly at you.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:50, archived)
office lol
well done
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:50, archived)
bit presumptuous

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:44, archived)
Well when ou PRESUME, you make a PRE out of SUME
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:46, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:46, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:51, archived)

ou ou ou

ou ou


ou ou

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:55, archived)
bleurgh they're in my hair they're in my hair!!!!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:56, archived)
i didn't think ou had hair

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:56, archived)
It's not so much hair
It's more seedlings
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:11, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)
sure is, jabroni
what're you doing to celebrate your birthday?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:51, archived)
making someone humble probably
Going out to dinner on Friday. Not much really. For a change I might drink some beer and play video games.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:52, archived)
what are you like?!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:31, archived)
I know, I'm mad!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:51, archived)
you know I don't understand half the words you kids are using nowadays, I'm forever having to look them up
and not in a real dictionary either, some prick thing called 'urban dictionary'
what is that all about?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:54, archived)
*sucks a werthers*
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:54, archived)
if I understand anything at all about youth slang, and I think I do, it's that if something is good you use a negative word to express this
you big poohead
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:58, archived)
I'm shit at everything. And a total cunt.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:10, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:12, archived)
x x x

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:14, archived)
well this clearly belongs on the popular page

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:39, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:40, archived)
sorry, i'll stick to bint and minge

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:33, archived)
you really should

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:41, archived)
I had a coffee,
Does that count?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:03, archived)
of course it does hun

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:11, archived)
gonna have another then.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:21, archived)
I want a drink and a wee, but the german still hasn't called.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:27, archived)
Drink your own wee.
Two birds, one stone, and just the thing to impress a German, too.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:30, archived)

i'm trying to feign concern here
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:34, archived)
maybe it was a personal issue.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:41, archived)
i'm just worried about him
why is he shunning me?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:44, archived)
It's ok
He was nice. I'm going for a wee now.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 11:35, archived)
peace (and pees) for our time!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:04, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 12:05, archived)
this site you use is truly horrible
can't you just link to the individual image?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 13:01, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:10, archived)
I watched that video of that cop shooting that guy

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:17, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:41, archived)
up yours, dickface

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:18, archived)
fuck a goat

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:41, archived)
Good morning

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:21, archived)
alright, hats
did you poop yourself playing alien isolation?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)
Not yet
It's pretty good though
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)
not my cup o' tea

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
you ever play any of the assassin's creed games?
we're playing the pirate one
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:50, archived)
I thought the pirate one was very good.
First one was excellent too. Other 2 were a bit odd.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:56, archived)
i'm not mad keen on the series in general, but the girlfriend likes them
this one does seem better than some of the others, and it looks very pretty on ps4
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:51, archived)
the first was brilliant just because it was new and interesting.
The others didn't really add much until the pirate one. The sea battles are great fun.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:06, archived)
I played one of them right through (brotherhood maybe?)
and that was alright. Then I started the next one and realised it was just the same but with some minor changes. Bit linear.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:58, archived)
And I'm 38 tomorrow
So I guess that makes today Hatmas Eve. HATMAS!
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:01, archived)
morning, manolith
Mel Brooks is on the radio, which is nice.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:25, archived)
tell him to get off, he'll break it!
nyuk nyuk
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)
ho ho!

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:07, archived)
you mentioned being off sick, yesterday
what was wrong with you?
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:51, archived)
piss on you

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:25, archived)
no thanks

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)
good call, asparagus last night

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
it's not even April yet, you disgusting immigrant

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:47, archived)
soz, didn't realise it was closed season for doing a big asparagus wee on manolith

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:48, archived)
i have to maintain strict business hours

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:51, archived)
I was gonna ask a question to do with what I posted above, but I accidentally pressed enter so yeah.
Did anyone else see it? They're saying he was reaching for an officers gun, but if they'd tased him I doubt he knew what he was doing. I've been tased, couldn't walk or speak for about 10 minutes after.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:28, archived)
merkin police in "heavyhanded morons" non-shocker
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:35, archived)
I don't know what The Pig is on about, but I'm going to have to agree with Synchro, here.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:39, archived)
she was lucky they didn't shoot her in the face

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)
was there supposed to be sound?
There was no sound.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:56, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:57, archived)
I prefer when videos have sound.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:58, archived)
yeah well, I encoded the webm wrong soz m8 lol

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:01, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:13, archived)
remember them from beavis and burrhead

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:29, archived)
what is it tgood for? absolutely tnothing

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:47, archived)
he should be twarred and feathered

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:52, archived)
why were you tasered?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:40, archived)
Ginger innit

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:42, archived)
I bet his face went all pink

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
i bet he dun a wee

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:45, archived)
mistaken for IRA

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:56, archived)
I was drunk and violent.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:53, archived)
oh man, I am sensing a potential future qftw answer here

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:55, archived)
I don't know why I'd want to share intimate details if a pretty depressing and horrific,
Not to say regretful and shameful experience of my life with strangers on the Internet in the hope of some sort of recognition.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:58, archived)
dunno, if you ended up asleep with your willy in a lady's front bottom you could well become a b3ta legend

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:00, archived)
Just say that you were defending the honour of thine fair maiden
say it like that as well. They'll lap it up.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:14, archived)
bit harsh though

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:57, archived)
I dunno, the details don't paint me in any other light than "cunt"

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:59, archived)
oh I'm not suggesting you weren't a cunt, I just don't believe in sticking 1200 volts through people

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:06, archived)
fair enough, glad you're on my side.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:14, archived)
get away from me or I'll call the police

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:15, archived)
you could always go the 'semi-lethal injection' route

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:17, archived)
It was 40,000 volts, when Van Damme was threatened with one in Timecop.
Clearly, this is another sign of the police going soft on crime.
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:24, archived)
They produce up to 50,000 volts, but that is not what goes through the victim

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:27, archived)
oh, so we're victims now.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:28, archived)
victims of a system that doesn't care

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:29, archived)
If the system cared, it'd ensure that deserving citizens for the full benefit of their tasering.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:49, archived)
Volts don't go through anything, Amps do
just saying
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:54, archived)
yeah, but you can't prove it, can you?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:59, archived)
I could pass a few Amps through you, that would provide sufficient evidence to convince you

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:01, archived)
go on then
I bet it doesn't
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:10, archived)
yes, understanding electricity has never been one of my strong points

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:03, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:07, archived)
if you're not going to tell us details then in the spirit of investigative journalism I'll just make some up

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:53, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:04, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:29, archived)
alright sweetheart

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
nice to see you leading from the front this morning, I feel sure it is going to be a good day on here as a result

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:45, archived)
sometimes you've just got to take charge

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:49, archived)
power is the ultimate aphrodisiac

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:56, archived)
but it also comes with responsibility and can corrupt absolutely

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:49, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:36, archived)
what up, tho

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:44, archived)
all I wanna do when I wake up in the morning is see your eyes

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:55, archived)
I normally need to do a big wee before any of that nonsense

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 8:57, archived)
I get up in the night to wee so as not to get in tge way of eye gazing.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:00, archived)
you old romantic you

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:01, archived)
If you got up to do it your relationships might last longer
either that or you'd attract someone into 'different' things
(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:05, archived)
do you want me to send you a picture?

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:05, archived)
little bit creepy, stapling a man's face to the other pillow

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:07, archived)
even just a picture of it would be pretty bad

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:07, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:07, archived)
that one has sound.

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:32, archived)

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:39, archived)
Innit tho

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:12, archived)
we've had it checked and can confirm that it is

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:23, archived)
Nice work

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 9:51, archived)
Hi sorry I'm late

(, Tue 3 Mar 2015, 10:37, archived)
mine was shit

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:42, archived)
How were your cheesy pasta bakes?
Mine was delicious.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:34, archived)
bored of that now, who wants to ask me a question about Momo?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:58, archived)
does he like toast?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:04, archived)
no word of a lie, he loves toast
and weetabix and grapes and plums and millet and apples and cornflakes and boiled egg white
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:05, archived)
and cheesy pasta bake?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:06, archived)
yeah, actually no

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:19, archived)
does he talk?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:08, archived)
he sang like a canary, he told them all about the warehouse and the shipment and what elbows mgraw had arranged with big phil, he told them where we were stashing the goods
and who was going to be down at the wharf on the night in question, momo you are in big trouble when the boss finds out about this
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:11, archived)
not teaching your parrot to lie is just lazy, babies learn it from an early age, just after beginning to talk and parrots are meant to be more intelligent

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:14, archived)
I told him that, we all told him that, but he didn't listen, and now look at the situation we are in, the balloon's going up on this one and we are going to have to clear out, we'll be lucky if we get to keep all our fingers when the boss hears about this

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:17, archived)
no, he's shit at talking
he tries to say "who's a pretty bird" but it just sound like chirp squawk squeak, he's a bit rubbish really
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:19, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:21, archived)
Ha, he's trying ain't he.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:28, archived)
if by trying you mean failing then yes, yes he is

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:29, archived)
yes that is what I meant

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:30, archived)
I had a budgie when I was a kid, Momo is orders of magnitude more intelligent
but still hopelessly dim
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:37, archived)
these chaps are a lot cleverer and miles more entertaining than I imagined. I'd have liked a parrot but they live for ages don't they.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:40, archived)
40 years apparently
more than I'm expecting
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:50, archived)
^ Adam faith interest

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:40, archived)
^Adam Ant interest

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:43, archived)

Him the Almighty Power
Hurld headlong flaming from th' Ethereal Skie
With hideous ruine and combustion down
To bottomless perdition, there to dwell
In Adamantine Chains and penal Fire,
Who durst defie th' Omnipotent to Arms.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:00, archived)
what a load of old shit

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:06, archived)
There's none so blind

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:11, archived)
bit insensitive given my recent medical predicament

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:13, archived)
No, please don't misunderstand
it was Milton to whom I referred, not your unfortunate bed soiling.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:21, archived)
alright CharlesDexterWard

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:25, archived)
Nicely, thank you Vlad

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:27, archived)

for now the thought
Both of lost happiness and lasting pain
Torments him; round he throws his baleful eyes
That witness'd huge affliction and dismay
Mixt with obdurate pride and stedfast hate:
At once as far as Angels kenn he views
The dismal Situation waste and wilde,
A Dungeon horrible, on all sides round
As one great Furnace flam'd, yet from those flames
No light, but rather darkness visible
Serv'd onely to discover sights of woe,
Regions of sorrow, doleful shades, where peace
And rest can never dwell, hope never comes
That comes to all; but torture without end
Besets him, falls upon him like a hawk,
Thus pass his deathless days on b3ta talk
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:40, archived)
Mine's a 1791 edition
oldest book I've got.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 21:20, archived)
if I lay hands on it I swear I will do a big shit down every page

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 21:22, archived)
I was having laser eye surgery, do try to keep up there's a good chap

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 21:22, archived)
But you told us you had a big shit on the operating table
and had to apologise.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:03, archived)
here's the slightly half awake thread
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:09, archived)
Yeah, I remember
but there was a later one with the apology bit in it. Shit, who cares?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:14, archived)
I had to see him again on saturday when my eyes went a bit blurry
he confirmed my unconscious plop suspicions and I felt I should apologise

ophthamologists probably aren't accustomed to that kind of thing
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:17, archived)
I don't know
have you seen how much they earn?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:24, archived)
I'd guess it's double minimum wage at least

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:29, archived)
Plus dirt money

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 22:36, archived)
we have a couple of budgies, one learnt a couple of whistles and the other one learnt the same tunes from him. pair off wankers.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:23, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:24, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:28, archived)
The interior and upholstery in my present (and previous) car is made by Momo
I'd always assumed it was finest Italian leather. I didn't realise it was made from parrots.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:08, archived)
soz, didn't realise you had a mid life crisis car
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:10, archived)
My mid-life was a long time ago

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 20:12, archived)
What's for dinner?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:37, archived)
cheesy pasta bake

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:38, archived)
is a very good idea indeed.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:39, archived)
it's the best kind of meal, I don't really understand why some people have such a problem with it

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:45, archived)
probably the sort of people who obsess over watches and humbuckers and don't even know when their bins should go out.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:50, archived)
*makes a spitting noise*

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:54, archived)
I went to the pub
Gammon and chips followed by sticky toffee pudding and custard
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:42, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:48, archived)
^ stuck in the pub doorway still, fire brigade on way

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:49, archived)
prolly tuna with green veg

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:47, archived)
how about some cheese and some pasta in there

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:48, archived)
why wouldn't you want to add the kind of thing that'll turn it into a meal to remember

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:49, archived)
I might have it tomorrow

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:50, archived)
at least you'll have a reason to look forward to tomorrow if you do that, well done

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:53, archived)
^probably not fat

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:49, archived)
why did i allow myself to be talked into going to nandos
overpriced, rubbery pitiful poultry
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:55, archived)
that place is for people who are afraid of food

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:56, archived)
It was arse
Really so so shit
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 19:16, archived)
probably worth reiterating at this point that spanishfly is a paedophile

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:09, archived)
me and him had a falling out, I think it's best I stop talking to him.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:12, archived)
well yeah
and he's a paedophile
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:16, archived)
Anything good on the telly tonight then?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:25, archived)
i think it was worth reminding all the new posters, well done you.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:27, archived)
But there haven't been any new posters FOR YEARS!!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:28, archived)
haha, new posters, yeah right

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:30, archived)
juicer time then

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:49, archived)
Not tonight but cheers

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:03, archived)
so yeah

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:08, archived)
whats your favourite joke

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:08, archived)
that one about the scotchman and the darkie

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:20, archived)
cold in the pub, bit of sun and the heatings off

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:11, archived)
maybe you'd be happier in a gay bar

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:21, archived)
thought this was, blokes dressed up like builders and the odd Indian, like ymca

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:23, archived)
fucking hipster pricks

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:26, archived)
dressing in drag 'ironically'

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:27, archived)
pancakes are shit

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:31, archived)
I like those ones you put duck in

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:49, archived)
no you don't

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:51, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 18:28, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:40, archived)
told you I was going to start a thread

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:42, archived)
I don't know how you can all be carrying om with all these 'alright' and 'vending' threads when Rob is moving UsVsTh3m to the Daily Mirror!
Alt: alright
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:11, archived)
oh shut up will you

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:11, archived)
Didn't it always have something to do with the Mirror?
I don't know too much about it like.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:12, archived)
Fuck off, nonce.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:11, archived)
deffo clickin dis
did you see him have a meltdown on Saturday?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:18, archived)
he seems upset a lot maybe its because you keep calling him a nonce
maybe stop doing that and hell be happier
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:19, archived)
haha, yeah right, I'll just be doing that shall I, changing what I do because it upsets someone
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:23, archived)
but him getting upset upsets you!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:29, archived)
maybe I enjoy being upset
maybe he does too
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:30, archived)
i feel bullied and unloved.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:45, archived)
thats no way to live

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:47, archived)
enjoying things?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:49, archived)
if you have to resort to enjoying being upset then something has gone wrong for you

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:57, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:57, archived)
youd like that wouldnt you

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:58, archived)
get it?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:58, archived)
not as much as you'd like this
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:04, archived)
such art!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:08, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:14, archived)
kind of looks like a bum squeezing out a long turd while somebody has a really close look

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:16, archived)
sounds like you're the one having a really close look

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:18, archived)
i did, i increased my browser zoom to 200%

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:20, archived)
how vile

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:24, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:19, archived)
Well that's easy for you to say.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:20, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:21, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:23, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:23, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:27, archived)
( o Y o )

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)
Kind of looks like some LSD I necked
in the 90s
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:34, archived)
purple oms were great fun

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:35, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:18, archived)

k m
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:42, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:49, archived)
dunno what any of that means soz

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:19, archived)
sweet as a nut

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:20, archived)
Gouranga, AB!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:20, archived)
a fo' real monk asked me about that once
asked if i'd ever seen it anywhere. i said yes before realising that the place i'd seen it was when you run over a line of krishnas in gta
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:46, archived)
it's the intelligent tabloid, don't you know.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:48, archived)
Daily SHEERRAH LAW, If they get their way, faaakin muzlamic rayguns ... Hold up, do I need Satire Tags these days?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 15:57, archived)
hey everyone its Gonz
alright Gonz
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:05, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:02, archived)
how was your day, Francis?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:08, archived)
there wasn't enough toast in it

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:16, archived)
maybe you could make up the shortfall tomorrow?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:19, archived)
or right now!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)
Haha, you can't have loads of toast right before dinner you maniac!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:24, archived)
don't tell me what I can and can't do you fucking turd

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:28, archived)
woah, alright

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:29, archived)
alright MGT
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:40, archived)
Holy shit, it's only british pie week!
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:25, archived)
I knew that because it's on the fb page for my favourite pie shop
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:27, archived)
Not clicking that, might not be a picture of Taylor Swift with a big cock
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:30, archived)
it's a picture of Taylor Swift with her cock stuck balls deep in a meat and potato pie

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:32, archived)
probably a secret b3tan pie b4sh going on for the tubby fucks

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:33, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:37, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:37, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:37, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:37, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:37, archived)
Im not northern so I don't consider pies a delicacy, soz

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:38, archived)
yeh right, you're all about the frogs' legs and snails

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:41, archived)
all whelks and jellied eels innit cockle

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:43, archived)
hey you know what, I'm not sure this toothbrush is working properly after all
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:49, archived)
i lol when northerners get upset about a pie where the pastry is only on the top
stupid pricks
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:57, archived)
how much pastry do they need

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:09, archived)
it's a Jewish conspiracy

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:39, archived)
haha, like the "holocaust"

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:53, archived)
had to delete that, can't have BRB and Spanishfly as the only replies. makes me look like I'm one of them.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:39, archived)
I just got back and realised I forgot to buy a new shaver plug but it's ok because I left the toothbrush on charge while I went out and it's working fine now, I think we're going to be ok here
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:43, archived)
oh just fuck off.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:52, archived)
well I think the toothbrush itself is ok but it's not making contact with the pins in the plug
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:53, archived)
I've decided that the only possible way to deal with this is just to give up, and go home.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 16:58, archived)
don't go, I was going to start a new thread

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 17:04, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:35, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:41, archived)
oh look, here he is, the big i am

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:52, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:25, archived)
u ok hun?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:27, archived)
yeh course

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:28, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:07, archived)
hello SSG

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:15, archived)
what's for lunch?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:07, archived)
Disappointment and lies on toast.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:09, archived)
are we eating at the same place?
I really should read what other people post.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:27, archived)
Mind your own business

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:17, archived)
Special brew and an apple

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:19, archived)
a big hot steaming plate of disappointment

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:22, archived)
hello, can we have our weekly apology please?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)
I will think about it.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:30, archived)
i'm afraid i'm going to have to insist

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:38, archived)
all in good time

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:43, archived)
you've got 20 minutes

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:58, archived)
starting now?
and if the 20 minutes elapses and there is no apology?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:02, archived)
I've already submitted a gaz request that you be banned, I'm sure I'm not the only one

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:03, archived)
Oh no how could I ever make it up to you all?
I suppose some words on a screen saying how very sorry I am would help/

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:08, archived)
I don't want you to change your behaviour, I find comfort in your middle of the night spaz out shit posting.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:15, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
pretty weak, man
i think you can do better than that
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:16, archived)
I tried.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:55, archived)
is that a side effect of the medication you take?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:31, archived)
nah, I am just a cunt

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:41, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:29, archived)
am not

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 14:40, archived)
So, I was off sick for the end of last week.
What exciting /talk activity have I missed out on? Or was it all so much toast chat?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 9:46, archived)
I had a shit while unconscious in an operating theatre

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 9:47, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 9:48, archived)
no, I saw the surgeon on saturday morning and had to apologise

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:08, archived)
Frankly, I'd expect nothing less from you.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 9:49, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:00, archived)
so I got the Roland hex pickup working in that Strat
now it sounds like this
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:38, archived)
nice one, sounds good that

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:39, archived)
couldn't be arsed wiring in the ordinary pickups, it's hex pickup only for now, might order a set of Dimarzios, dunno

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:41, archived)
Get more creamery's
You know it makes sense
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:42, archived)
I like to vary it a bit, got loads of Seymour Duncans and Fenders, heard a demo of a DiMarzio set I really liked, dunno, might have some more toast and think it over

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:43, archived)
My friend bought me a tc spark booster for my birthday
It's well loud.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:44, archived)
I never understood why people buy clean boosters
I've got a footswitchable pot between the preamp and power amp, hit the switch and it takes the pot out of circuit

so you set your normal level with the pot knocking the level down then when you need a boost you switch the pot out, total cost £5 and it doesn't need batteries
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:46, archived)
yeah, but I put it in front of my lovepedal eternity fuse
and it sounds like the world's coming to an end
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:48, archived)

yeah, but I put it in front of my lovepedal eternity fuse
and it sounds like the world's coming to an end

yeah, stopped caring 20 minutes ago, soz
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:48, archived)
these are what I mean, these sound spunky good
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:50, archived)
They are cool
See also dimarzio injector. Suhr make some pretty mean single coils too, but the name escapes me.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:53, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:56, archived)
yeah, that's it

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:07, archived)

nice one, sounds good that yeah, I don't care soz
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:41, archived)
wait, what's your problem with toast chat? many people only come here for my toast threads probably

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:09, archived)
Maybe you could mix it up a bit,
by restricting your breakfast updates for when you don't have toast?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:38, archived)
haha, "not having toast", like that's even a thing

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:48, archived)
Dunno I've just got up
might have some toast
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:14, archived)
alright cunty, you missed the toast thread

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:38, archived)
alright synchro
s'alright, couldn't be arsed using the toaster, I'm having coffee instead
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:55, archived)
I've had LOADS of coffee and toast and Marmite and bacon and eggs and mushrooms and tomatoes, that's what I've had, that's how I do breakfast

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:05, archived)
I was like well jel til I got to the bit about mushrooms and now I'm like eeew

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)
if it's any consolation, the big zit on the back of my neck has burst and it feels LOADS better now

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:18, archived)
nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:31, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:15, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:02, archived)
dunno, soz

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:23, archived)
just read it all you lazy shit
there's not that much of it
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:26, archived)
quite a lot of it is spanishfly arguing with the other two autisms though
nobody should have to read that crap
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:28, archived)
it's not his fault, he takes some medication that causes him to act like a coked up moron every saturday night

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:33, archived)
have i missed the apology thread yet?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:35, archived)
being a prick means never having to say you're sorry

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:36, archived)
You're not the boss of me.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:36, archived)
DVDfever is back. More /links activity really but can't think of anything of interest that's happened here since prickbot got banned
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:35, archived)
I have no idea who he is
but he gets a lot of flak
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:37, archived)
He has problems
He posts under two different names and one abuses the other. It's all very strange.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:40, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:45, archived)
He's dvdfever and jeffrey44
His video about his BITCH EXGIRLFRIEND BITCH is very entertaining. He seems to have absoutely no self awareness, even for /links.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:47, archived)
the admittedly meagre info i get from my mod tools would suggest they're not the same person, controversially

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:55, archived)
I won't ask how you know, I shall just trust your judgement.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:59, archived)
tapped a dog on the bot bot to get that info
you should appreciate it more
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:07, archived)
oh, I do

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:07, archived)
Thing is, if they're not the same person
that's even weirder. That means this guy follows him around just to comment and annoy him.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:08, archived)
probably a spurned lover

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:12, archived)
am I the same person as any other posters?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:00, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:06, archived)
I once read that we're all baldmonkey

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:09, archived)
well you have the same signup ip as 2 other accounts but one of them is just your second account

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:11, archived)
and the other one?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:14, archived)
who is the mod of mods though?
is it HappyToast?
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:14, archived)
Believe it or not, it's Frank

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:15, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)
well no, because if I was a mod then I'd give me my old account back

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:23, archived)
sounds like something a secret mod would say

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:26, archived)
for the lord mod omnipotent reigneth

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:17, archived)
maybe, i dunno
i never speak to anyone about anything mod related apart from cr3
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:30, archived)
unless we have full disclosure of these mod diplomatic cables i'm afraid any belief in this statement is mere conjecture and i'm not willing to officially (or unofficially) endorse that

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:36, archived)
I've submitted an FOI request for greater transparancy in how this site is moderated

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:40, archived)
manolith is clearly holding personal information on us, yet he is a dark, secretive and shadowy person. it's time we knew the truth.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:42, archived)
I'm more concerned to know if my boss (and it can only really be my boss) still has an active account on here or not

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:49, archived)
yeah, it's me
you're fired
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:53, archived)
you can't fire me, I quit!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)
you can't quit.
i quit!
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 13:00, archived)
I've had a look but can't find any similar names to the directors of the business you work for.

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:56, archived)
i found your african brother though
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:02, archived)
I miss blacktangled
great poster, had lots to contribute, gone too soon :(
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:07, archived)
woah blacktangled, bam-a-lam

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:09, archived)

got banned mutated into frank
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:40, archived)
I found a grey pubic hair on my desk

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:38, archived)
is it yours?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:44, archived)
I'll check now

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:45, archived)
no it's not mine

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:46, archived)
i presume you counted them to make sure?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:47, archived)
I merely went by colour

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:57, archived)
it's not inconceivable that you could have one grey one
that's how it starts, you know. ask one of /talks resident methuselahs, two hats or tangles
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:10, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:27, archived)

spite youth
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:31, archived)
oh god!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:48, archived)
we had 'monster munch appreciation day'
i can't believe you missed it!
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:39, archived)
The Order 1886 is fucking wank
Actually, I might tweet this
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:40, archived)
i could have told you this before you bought it
consult me on these things, man! it's literally all i'm good for
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:51, archived)
It came with the machine, I didn't have any choice
I'm going to get my alien fright on this evening though.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 10:54, archived)
I don't have any idea what this subthread's about but I know I want to be in it

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:04, archived)
video games
just video games
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:07, archived)
oh right, sorry, I'm not 12 years old so it's a bit lost on me

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:07, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:09, archived)
those games wouldn't be available to 12 year olds, man
that's just irresponsible
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:10, archived)
I know someone who bought their 9 year old daughter GTA V for christmas last year

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:12, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:22, archived)
there were probably other bundles, is what i'm saying

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:20, archived)
not in this case
It was £270, and I'm now figuring out why.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:26, archived)
instore or online?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:48, archived)

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:00, archived)
there's your problem, dummy!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:15, archived)
I haven't been able to find one cheaper than that online
And all of the bundles have this fucking game with them.
(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:28, archived)
I think BRB just called me an autism

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 11:58, archived)
Is your spidey sense tingling?

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:01, archived)
audible gasp!

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:15, archived)
I put it on ignore as soon as I noticed it had un ignored me, lulz

(, Mon 2 Mar 2015, 12:31, archived)

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