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5 years, 10 months, 30 days, 30,000 posts... :D
And they said this day would never come! click for Biggles (sfw) I love you all -- except you *points* (thanks to Freebs for my face) /gets_all_emotional.blog
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:55,
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*awards b3ta medal of honour*
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:57,
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Many thanks
I shall pin it to my pants
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:05,
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*sings* Congratulations, and celebrations, And babies with teeth dancing with badgers that are on fire ...
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:58,
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these are all things that I would hope for
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:05,
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prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:58,
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Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:06,
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Congratulations Prof :)
i_yam_bucket doo wah diddy diddy wah wah diddy doo ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:58,
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Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:06,
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nice arse!
Barbarossa is not my real name ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:59,
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it's not mine - it was being chased by a seagull in the google image search for swimming trunks I think
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:07,
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congrats sir! :D
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 9:59,
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thanks madam
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:08,
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- D - SharkTrousers ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:00,
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cheers I bet this is getting tedious, I shouldn't have started replying to everyone's posts. Sorry.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:09,
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you am legend
twig Save 6 Music ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:00,
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posted before 11 as requested... I was thinking we should try and hit up Doc G and see if we can get him back on the board for a bit. I miss that monkey
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:10,
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I seed Flowepot last night, can't believe everyone is still here...maybe if Doc escaped he's happy in his new life and we shouldn't drag him back down
twig Save 6 Music ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:13,
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no one leaves... or dies. Probably though - I think freebs still speaks with him sometimes. From what I hear he's happier in the real world.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:17,
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Doc G and Sid the Monkey may contain traces of spatula ,
Thu 26 Feb 2009, 8:45,
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zoldergoose ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:00,
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Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:10,
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congrats fella :)
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:00,
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cheers matey
how are ya?
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:11,
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very well, ta :)
Hope the same can be said for you
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:15,
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good show
I'm good - was pleased to hear ISIHAC is coming back.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:23,
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indeed :)
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:24,
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Hahahaha! The man with 6 brains!
Cop-out on teh nekkid but CONGRATULATIONS!
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:01,
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soz rock (also thanks)
I just couldn't get my act together on an nekkid picture - I'll make plans for 35k or something. if it's any consolation, someone caught me photoshopping a gay man out of the muscles and couldn't even bring themselves to ask what I was doing.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:05,
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Bela Lugosi's Dad ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:01,
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thanks -
I can finally start posting properly again.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:12,
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Sir Aunty Grampa Dave the Hat - enjoying a post-meridian muncheon - Ta! Cannaoogim!? ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:01,
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I know
it's a fairly good likeness too.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:12,
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That';s no moon
congrats! :D
Floppy Donkey crawled out of the ditch. ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:02,
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I was playing Force Unleashed last night - I think that's what's given me this hangover.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:13,
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But I'll save the CFB til hometime.... just in case
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:02,
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you're missing out...
i_yam_bucket doo wah diddy diddy wah wah diddy doo ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:03,
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it's perfectly safe - there's a bit of arse
but it's very clearly not pr()n
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:15,
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Fresh Water Mole loves his baby boy more and more every day ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:03,
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Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:16,
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oooh, grats prof!
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:04,
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thank you very much
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:20,
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Keep this up
and it's only another thirteen years until you hit the magical 100,000 post mark :-)
Octo I ruin everything. ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:13,
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hopefully it won't come to that
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:20,
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Sexy Glorious Hallelujah
fannycradock ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:13,
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it's not really me you know
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:21,
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Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:23,
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Congratulations and welcome to the club! :D
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:14,
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yay \o/
congratumalations to you too
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:22,
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Thats just over 13 posts a day every day for nearly 6 years.
Do you have OCD? At my rate of posting it would take me 24 years to achieve that figure. Everyone else was being to postive, I am too grumpy for positive this morning.
Captain_lambkin adifferent.me ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:15,
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all day shifting between 9 and 5 Monday to Friday
... also - I took about 2 years off.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:18,
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barryheadwound Mul-ti-pass? Multipass! ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:20,
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thanks... and I'm spent.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:24,
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That's a huge milestone. Have a woo and a hearty Congrats from me!
BargeArse Maker of fine Trouser Trumpets since 1863 ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:34,
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elephant rider property shark sighted! ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 10:34,
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I shall have to send Doc this thread!!!! :D /relurks
bilbobarneybobs I'll be 14 in b3ta years soon. ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 11:10,
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confusing and arousing
well done
Wasp Box like a nervous random stranger at a glory hole ,
Wed 25 Feb 2009, 13:41,
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