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[challenge entry] the cdc game
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:19, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:28, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:57, archived)
# Hindi Zappa
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 4:57, archived)
# I think this is about some scandinavian type of computer memory
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 5:55, archived)
# found my level
spong eyes!!!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 5:26, archived)
# :D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 7:13, archived)
# Tee Hee snigger...
I saw this film for the 1st time on thursday - I had no idea!!!!
(, Sat 24 Sep 2011, 9:50, archived)
[challenge entry] meh!

sanitised version
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:13, archived)
# Haha. This compo has gone wildly off-brief already.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:18, archived)
# i almost never read the compo brief.
it's like a weekly equivalent of not reading the faqs.
i'm such a noncomformist
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:27, archived)
# I usually confer with a couple of english professors and a lawyer before I start making compo entries.
And every week some smart alec ruins everything by drifting slightly from strict adherence to the brief.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:32, archived)
# bastards! anal rape's to good for 'em.
i'm not sure the of the hummus factor of this one. maybe it's too cerebral.
it doesn't say the three frames need to come from the film you're depicting though
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:54, archived)
[challenge entry] Yo- like, I made a Rocky one doo!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 7:49, archived)
# We interrupt your wednesday evening threadrush for a bit of comedy gold...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:21, archived)
# Is this 'you've got mail' ?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:32, archived)
# no
apparently it's 'pedro's got fail' :*((
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:38, archived)
# Never mind.
I've already won this week's compo, it's just going to take everyone a couple of days research to work out why.
edit: anyone familiar with Vertical Features Remake (see below) will realise how the self-mythologising therein lends itself so appositely to this week's compo and, in the face of my meisterwerk, will close potatoshop for the week.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:40, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:43, archived)
# Ah, come on.
I'm sure there are still some people here who are simply ambivalent about you.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:45, archived)
# yeah, they still hate him though :D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:48, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:49, archived)
# Dont worry i still love you pedro
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:53, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:53, archived)
# That just makes him one of the ambivalent ones :p
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:56, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:52, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:53, archived)
# haha
Veronica Moser got a bit of board flooding once!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:54, archived)
# *googles*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:58, archived)
# ooh,
you didn't want to do that
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:01, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:14, archived)
# Pleb! How dare you!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:19, archived)
# Sorry,
so do you think this is a suitable riposte to the IRR ?
I'm still not sure it's what Tulse Luper had in mind, but I did my best with the available material and the constraints we are all forced to work under.
edit: btw, the 92kb next to click for Tulse Luper? Not true.
also: vfr, if that helps
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:28, archived)
# You misunderstand, I am a pleb, I just object to being called one.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:34, archived)
# It's Vertical Features Remake by Peter Greenaway.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:36, archived)
# And the IRR is The Institute of Reclamation and Restoration, I knew that.
(Thank you Wikipedia)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:42, archived)
# Okay.
So now you need to work on the meaning of the 3 frames (why did I choose these - do they represent what TL had in mind) and what exactly is the significance of 92?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:47, archived)
# My head hurts now :(
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:56, archived)
# nm
Greenaway's 'The Falls' is a much longer, far more obtuse film.
Watch that instead.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:03, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:12, archived)
# I'm really liking these.
I just feel like something is missing.

Chocolates. Running. Argh!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:45, archived)
# I think there's chocolates in the 2nd frame
running is implied because he hasn't missed the bus.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:50, archived)
# YAY!
With nuts and yummy centers.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:12, archived)
# You can have the nuts; I'll have the yummy centres :D
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:18, archived)
# nuts
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:33, archived)
# Life is like a box of chocolates.
There's a little bit of paper with pictures and descriptions of what the different chocolates are so you can always be sure of what you're getting.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:54, archived)
# and they're never as nice as you think they're going to be
and you always end up feeling sick
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:57, archived)
# C'est la vie!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 3:05, archived)
[challenge entry] Pee
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:51, archived)
# Yes!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:03, archived)
# Lovely choice of frames
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 5:56, archived)
# As an ordained minister of the Church of the Latter Day Dude...
I find this horribly offensive. The Big Lebowski is about more than rug-pissing and treating objects like women. There are also, in the parlance of our times, trophy wives and nihilists.

This aggression will not stand, my friend; you are entering a world of pain.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 19:20, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:44, archived)
# there was a film about windows 98?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:46, archived)
# Derek 'bad aids' Jarman.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:46, archived)
# The second time I watched this film,
I was off my tits and kept imagining I could see faint images to match the narrative.
They weren't there the 3rd time I watched it.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:50, archived)
# I'm waiting for the 3D version.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:53, archived)
# Sweet,
maybe they could get fatneck in to add some moar alinz
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:55, archived)
# noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:04, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:16, archived)
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:19, archived)
# The 3d version
is called "blue and red"
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 16:33, archived)
# Had to filename/Wiki this one.
It is as arthouse as it gets.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:47, archived)
# yeah, I filenamed it and just thought
'I'm not getting this one'
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:47, archived)
# The gayshift has been replaced by the artyfarty shift, didn't you get the memo?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:51, archived)
# nobody tells me nothin'
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:59, archived)
# If that's the case...
The VHS of a horse vomiting on a pile of sand whilst a German man with a bowlcut, polar neck and glasses looks on and weeps, is in the post.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:00, archived)
# The 1969 original or the 1994 remake?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:04, archived)
# The original, of course.
They bastardized it in the remake, in which the German man's hair should be dark brown, it is but a walnut tone. An absolute travesty. Yes. *adjusts spectacles*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:11, archived)
# Excellent *strokes chin*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:15, archived)
# *quits gayshift*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:04, archived)
# death from 'pretentious aids'
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:00, archived)
# Isn't Death From Pretentious Aids the band that formed from the ashes of Her Cock Disturbs Me?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:07, archived)
# No, you're thinking of Skinny Jeans Poetic Travesty
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:10, archived)
# Surely that was Lulu Peniswart's old band?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:18, archived)
# yes
it's a 4 disc album, each one an hour long of just silence apart from an orgasm on the last disc from 59:00 to 60:00
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:11, archived)
# Genius!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:17, archived)
# I paint to this album. It really makes me think.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:23, archived)
# Do you use emo-lsion paint?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:36, archived)
# Yeah, and I only use shades of grey.
*flicks fringe to side*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:40, archived)
# I'm trying to avoid cliches by not using a brush... I'm using my penis - do you want to see?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:44, archived)
# The penis or the painting?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:48, archived)
# I believe this is a cock and balls story.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:49, archived)
# subtle...
like it

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 10:05, archived)
# :P
(, Fri 23 Sep 2011, 23:45, archived)
# Is this avatar before they put the special effects in
(, Sun 25 Sep 2011, 14:38, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:16, archived)
# Yep.
This is definitely 3 frames from a film.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:20, archived)
# well I think they give a good summary of what happened in that film :p
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:25, archived)
# They may well do, sorry.
But I haven't seen it since I was very young and have no recollection of the story. Apart from the motorbike bit.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:27, archived)
# story?
I think it was just a guy wandering around a desert for a few hours. The bike and train were just red herrings.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:29, archived)
# Wait. Isn't there a motorcycle in that film.
I demand my motorcycle!!!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:22, archived)
# yeah, and a train
but mostly it was just desert :p
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:25, archived)
# Oh, there was that weird boat.
But yeah, it was mostly sand.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:35, archived)
# here you go
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:41, archived)
# Haha. That's not a Vincent.
But it's a cool bike nonetheless.

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:57, archived)
[challenge entry] BWAAAAAAARR.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:13, archived)
# I like this.
mainly because of the BWAAAARRR, And the picture, so pretty much everything going on, really.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 14:53, archived)
# Much appreciated :)
The one-cheek-sneak being the source of the BWAAAAAARRR noise in the film.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 16:14, archived)
[challenge entry] unibond

yes, I know what a frame is
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:44, archived)
# the Bond,the whole Bond and nothing but the Bond
so help me god
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:48, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:40, archived)
# I haven't seen this movie
but now I know there's a rose and a sledge in it I probably will
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:43, archived)
# Wait, what?
You were just saying you hadn't seen any modern movies.
Are you also saying saying you haven't seen any old ones either?
Have you seen any movies?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:46, archived)
# I used to watch lots way back
past twenty years though......just a few
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:50, archived)
# Ok.
But you've never seen this one?
One of the greatest films of all time.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:52, archived)
# I agree
Weekend at Bernie's is a fantastic film.

That is the film, right? Weekend at Bernies? Awesome film.

Didn't like the sequel, though...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 19:12, archived)
# I am getting no great satisfaction knowing which movie this is from.
Well, a little satisfaction. Enough for a very small and muffled woo.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:20, archived)
# Muffled?
Fuck off, this is genius.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:23, archived)
# It was the muffled cries from the emptiness of materialism and ego.
Looking at the work again, I see redeeming value in the middle frame. It took me some time to appreciate the genius.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:38, archived)
# Cheers.
I think it sums up the intervening hour and a half reasonably succinctly.
I might delete this and repost it tomorrow afternoon to get my FP anyway.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:46, archived)
# This is one movie I never got
I don't see why people think it's even good, yet people talk like it's an umissable classic.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 4:25, archived)
# Orson Welles explains the phenomenon in the film:
"People will think what I tell them to think."

It wasn't a scripted line; the camera just happened to be rolling when he was chatting.

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 10:39, archived)
# Ha ha
Beware ... spoilers
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 10:42, archived)
[challenge entry] And another
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:33, archived)
# That's 4 frames
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:35, archived)
# the compo will just end up as people posting full star wars movies in .gif form
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:37, archived)
# this is terrible
already they just ignore the rules....what next ...5,6 AND 7 FRAMES!!!!!?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:39, archived)
# Fair enough.
How about 5 frames for 2?

(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:09, archived)
# This is about as scary as the full length film.
What a fucking let-down that was. I heard they made a sequel...
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:17, archived)
# They did; it wasn't great.
See, they put more production value into it, making it seem more like a movie rather than "found footage", a trend I hope dies quietly and soon.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:24, archived)
# There are probably some film-makers who could still make that format work -
it's just that most films, of any genre, are a bit rubbish.
By the time the producers, test audiences and product placement directors have had their input there's slim chance of anything of any merit making it to a cinema.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:36, archived)
# I can honestly say I didn't mind Cloverfield; it was different, to say the least.
You are so right about that, though. Movies are an art form, so to have them tainted, fucked about a bit before they're pushed out into the box office, is a damn shame.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:50, archived)
# *tuts*
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 12:17, archived)
# One man and his pig?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:43, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:26, archived)
# That would be an amazing movie
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:36, archived)
# john mclane is sent to take down a drug baron who has a robot for a security guard
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:38, archived)
# I thought it was "Al Pacino snorts a bunch of coke, shoots lots of people, turns out to be a robot".
It's the twist at the end that has me intrigued.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:41, archived)
# yes, that sounds better
i didn't think choosing 3 random pics could make such a good storyline.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:51, archived)
[challenge entry] Ronseal
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:22, archived)
# the groundhog's face is cracking me up
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:29, archived)
[challenge entry] Skyline
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:13, archived)
# Ha!
This compo is summed up by the last frame.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:17, archived)
# So true
And fair.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:17, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:11, archived)
# Sting?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:45, archived)
# You Maniac!
You knocked her up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 1:08, archived)
[challenge entry] i found some wankfuck and think it should win up in this jiggajazz
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:08, archived)
# In contention for an Oscar and the Palme d'Or
Apparently, once the judges saw it they thought it should win the competitions.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 19:11, archived)
# i saw that.
it was shit.

this should win the compo.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 23:20, archived)
# Lulz
Is it even possible for this to get old?
(, Mon 26 Sep 2011, 20:14, archived)
# I can't let that front page go by
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:07, archived)
[challenge entry] First?
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:00, archived)
# i was just thinking of this movie a few days ago
EDIT: *realizes what the compo is* ungghh
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:01, archived)
# shit, isn't it
The compo, not the film. The film's ace.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:03, archived)
# yes, i liked it.
i think they made two more which i haven't seen, they looked pants though.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:09, archived)
# yeah cube was great
hypercube was the second and it was a big pile of shit. Didn't make any sense at all and was basically just random shit. Best bit was the totally bolloxed Maxwell's equations scrawled everywhere at one point for no reason other than they looked a bit sciencey.

The third one I think was a prequel and it was ok. I found it entertaining but I can see why people might not like it, and it kinda fucked up the first one a little bit.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:15, archived)
# the other 2 films were enjoyable
but they shouldn't have been made, Cube was great as a standalone film on its own

just like The Matrix
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:19, archived)
# First one, ace,
Sequels, toilet.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 2:19, archived)
# I'll probably be rissing all week
not familiar with any modern movies.No real desire to be either.
(, Thu 22 Sep 2011, 0:08, archived)

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