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» Feb 2006 «

Birmingham Bash! At the Midlands Arts Centre Bar!

Right! No Shirking! If you are in reach, come to this! It's the perfect venue for a b3ta bash, and we can move on to some disreputable bar with a late licence after.

(, Wed 14 Dec 2005, 0:13, Reply)
late licence. Yum!

My local tesco now has a late licence. I almost fwapped myself to the tills

(, Wed 14 Dec 2005, 9:50, Reply)
bring paint and stencils ;)

(, Thu 22 Dec 2005, 15:18, Reply)
This thing needs a 'tentative' button

I'll come if I haven't moved Up North by then. : )

Edit: Fuck it, I'll come anyway.

(, Wed 14 Dec 2005, 17:12, Reply)

(, Thu 22 Dec 2005, 15:17, Reply)
This also needs an 'I'm bringing my mate' button

Failing that: I'm bringing my mate!

(, Sun 8 Jan 2006, 19:53, Reply)
I agree with you


(, Mon 26 Dec 2005, 1:35, Reply)
do it :D

you know you want to :)

(, Tue 27 Dec 2005, 20:25, Reply)
I'm doing it!

for reals!

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 4:55, Reply)

our star guest!

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 23:08, Reply)

I'm not that special, I just don't have anything better to do with my spring break than spend it with you lot :P

(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 18:08, Reply)

Yeah. Let's do it. Let's do it for the Midlands, man. Them Londons and cockneys can't have all the fun. Hell, yeah. Count me in.

(, Wed 21 Dec 2005, 13:11, Reply)
damn right!

good to see you're coming!

(, Thu 22 Dec 2005, 15:17, Reply)
Yes we can!

And I intend to!

(, Sat 28 Jan 2006, 20:39, Reply)

The bad news is that on Saturday my lovely car got pranged. I had to shift a Saturday appointment to Sunday, [i]sans[/i] vehicule.

There I was, all happily parked up at a petrol station and some twunt reverses right into my driver's side door pillar.

It was not teh best thing for me, completely cocking up my weekend. If you like, I can post the idiot's name & address so you can all send him dog poo in the post or whatever.

What's the date of the next bash? TELL ME NOW.

(, Wed 22 Feb 2006, 16:28, Reply)
a bash on a Sunday?

you`re mad, you!

(, Wed 28 Dec 2005, 11:27, Reply)
it had to be!

(, Wed 28 Dec 2005, 18:03, Reply)
That's just down the road from me.

I'll be there in a jiffy.

(, Thu 29 Dec 2005, 2:22, Reply)
ooh excellent

be good to see you.

(, Thu 29 Dec 2005, 16:10, Reply)
I'm not sure of my plans that weekend

but i'll offer a provisional "i would like to"

6 bashes int he first 3 months of 2006.. WHOABASHWHORE

(, Wed 11 Jan 2006, 15:33, Reply)
come! you know it'll be worth it...

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 19:57, Reply)
my plans have now changed

and I am free that weekend.

and thus... I SIGN UP.

Haven't been to Brum for a while.

I have 7 ticks and a blue blob on my calendar now.. pfft.

(, Wed 18 Jan 2006, 22:03, Reply)
excellent, excellent!

(, Thu 19 Jan 2006, 9:19, Reply)
If I can get the monday off work I'll be there

A bash on a Sunday? You insane fool!

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 14:09, Reply)
I'm booking the day off

It'll be worth it :)

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 19:56, Reply)
The day is booked.

I'll be there.

(, Tue 17 Jan 2006, 21:49, Reply)

(, Thu 19 Jan 2006, 9:19, Reply)

I can't get over for a Sunday night, but I would have liked to.

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 22:18, Reply)
I do believe I'm in.

If it turns out I can't get monday off, I'll duck out again, but it should be fine and dandy. :)

(, Sat 14 Jan 2006, 23:32, Reply)
just come!

it'll be worth it!

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 23:08, Reply)
Can't argue with logic like that.

Done and done. :)

(, Sun 22 Jan 2006, 20:55, Reply)

go on then

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 14:39, Reply)
be nice to see you again!

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 23:07, Reply)
Well I'm not exactly an active b3tan anymore....

but if maz and leo are going I'll go... and hide behind them yay...

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 21:07, Reply)

more! :D

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 23:07, Reply)
^ this

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 19:38, Reply)
bbbut but but...

aurgh! that'd mean i have to *admit* to being a brummie....

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 22:36, Reply)
just come

I'm not a Brummie. I live here.

(, Sun 15 Jan 2006, 23:07, Reply)
Sure, why not. I'll try and make it.

I'll be coming back from London that evening (19:50), is it far from Digbeth bus station?

(, Wed 18 Jan 2006, 0:51, Reply)
a couple of miles ....

it's literally on the Pershore Road (A441) just inside Cannon Hill Park.
Very close to Edgbaston Cricket Ground.

You can get lots of buses that pass it from town. See the map etc..

(, Wed 18 Jan 2006, 6:49, Reply)
I can't make it due to finances :(

I am really disappointed.

Will you be arranging another one soon?

(, Sun 12 Feb 2006, 1:26, Reply)
Quite possibly

if this one goes well. Shame you can't make it.

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 21:30, Reply)

I can walk!

(, Thu 19 Jan 2006, 9:39, Reply)
it's a handy talent, that

excellent! Welcome along!

(, Thu 19 Jan 2006, 13:51, Reply)
I'd come to this if it wasn't on a bloody Sunday!

(, Fri 20 Jan 2006, 8:57, Reply)
you should anyway

it had to be on a Sunday. Get over here, take a day off the next day. Everybody's doing it...

(, Fri 20 Jan 2006, 18:53, Reply)

I'll give you a hug.

(, Mon 23 Jan 2006, 17:35, Reply)
not looking likely :(

I can't get the monday off work. Plus as its on a sunday i'd have to change trains 3 times just to get there, and that sounds like a lot fo effort and very expensive.

(, Fri 27 Jan 2006, 10:04, Reply)
You saying

We're not worth it?

(, Fri 27 Jan 2006, 18:35, Reply)
exactly! ;)

nah - if I could get the monday off work (which I can't) I would have probably gone. Maybe.

(, Sun 29 Jan 2006, 16:46, Reply)
I see how it is


(, Mon 30 Jan 2006, 13:58, Reply)
a bash on a sunday?

(, Mon 23 Jan 2006, 19:55, Reply)
a black sheriff?

(, Mon 23 Jan 2006, 20:38, Reply)
he's black?

(, Wed 25 Jan 2006, 12:27, Reply)
i'm going to attempt to make this bash

as i failed at the lincoln one due to accidents. i know cannon hill park but i'll be driving so if anyone needs a lift back doncaster direction afterwards...

(, Mon 23 Jan 2006, 19:59, Reply)
Having checked my calender, coming would be a bad idea

Buuut, if I'm in birmingham that day, I might well drop by.

(, Mon 23 Jan 2006, 20:12, Reply)
Hey - are we supposed to bring anything to this?

Like hats or something? I have some deely boppers I was planning to wear.

(, Sat 28 Jan 2006, 21:09, Reply)
oh, bring hats, paper, pens / pencils / crayons / paint / fruit

bring original things for general entertainment. I shall be giving out my card, wearing my fez, and bringing crayons.

(, Sun 29 Jan 2006, 1:25, Reply)
And green magic markers...

to write a reminder of things we'll forget to do today otherwise, using a green magic marker, if it's alright on the back of your head? ;-)

Mr Horrible
Mr Horrible
We're not done with you yet Mr Horrible...

(, Sun 5 Feb 2006, 12:50, Reply)
My bash quota is a bit lacking

since I can't make the Hudderfield bash now, so if you don't mind I shall invade your personal space here instead.

Does anyone know of any floor space/good hotels than I can use?

(, Sat 28 Jan 2006, 23:40, Reply)
you could cuddle up with grey kid at Leningrad's possibly

but I'll see if I can come up with any other suggestions....

(, Sun 29 Jan 2006, 1:27, Reply)
oi stoat

i need somewhere to crash too.. can go halves on a twin room if you want.

(, Tue 31 Jan 2006, 14:08, Reply)
Sounds like a plan!

(, Tue 31 Jan 2006, 18:15, Reply)
huge skint fucksticks

i dont really have the cash to go now, and i dont have a car now i twatted the other into a wall.. so I'm gonna have to give it a miss.

I'll see most of yooz at Hudds anyway, but I can't really afford to spend £30 on train fare, plus booze, plus hotel!

(, Sun 12 Feb 2006, 1:23, Reply)
I suppose It'd be rude not to

as its approximately 10 minutes from where I live!

(, Fri 3 Feb 2006, 0:04, Reply)
Back to square one then-

Can anyone help with sleep space please?

(, Sun 12 Feb 2006, 15:36, Reply)
It has suddenly occurred to me i have nowhere to stay after this,

could someone be a darling and offer sleeping space? I'm not too keen on a repeat of the london bash where i slept in the park afterwards.

(, Wed 15 Feb 2006, 12:47, Reply)
it may be something of a squeeze

but I think I can fit you in at my small bedsit type place...

(, Thu 16 Feb 2006, 17:40, Reply)
If you check.

You can sleep at my place!

It's just up the road.

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 19:41, Reply)
ooh, cleo

thank you! Might make sleeping arrangements a bit easier. Want Yeknom or Fanj? :P

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 23:24, Reply)
i think i might come to this

has anyone got somewhere i can crash?

i'm pretty skint as well so i'm gonna be blagging pints left right and centre if i come.. ;)

(, Fri 17 Feb 2006, 10:08, Reply)

I might be able to squeeze you in as well. But honestly, my place is tiny. Its a bedsit...

(, Fri 17 Feb 2006, 22:10, Reply)
so long as it has a floor and coffee ;)

i might not be coming i probably won't make my mind up till sunday

cheers for the offer

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 0:03, Reply)

i'd love to come down, but i don't want to be the only mother hubbard who doesn't know anyone there - there's only so long crayons and fruit can keep a girl entertained for...

(, Fri 17 Feb 2006, 20:43, Reply)
no, there will be others

who've not met anyone before. And besides, just join in, have a drink and a giggle and talk about whatever comes along. Doesn't have to be all b3ta, you know.

(, Fri 17 Feb 2006, 22:08, Reply)
i've only met yeknom, abandonnship and pachey

one thing i've learnt from these b3ta bashes is not to worry, theres always a few alright ones amongst the cunts

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 0:05, Reply)
oi, and me


(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 10:30, Reply)
And me

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 10:35, Reply)
oh yeah

and you two

sorry i only scanned the list quickly

edit: i doubt i'll be coming now.. there's no buses going from manchester to birmingham on sunday and a train is 22 quid :(

edit1: ooh a coach is a tenner..

edit3: train it is.. see you at about 8 hopefully

(, Sat 18 Feb 2006, 10:37, Reply)
this is bollocks

make it a Friday or Saturday next time and get to have the pleasure of me too!

(, Sun 19 Feb 2006, 11:44, Reply)
and it would be a pleasure!

Hmm. Next time... see how it goes tonight first!

(, Sun 19 Feb 2006, 13:36, Reply)

» Feb 2006 «