do you have, like, a farm or something?
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:43, Reply)

"I've seen the big-eard boys on farms... you are a big posh sod with plums in your mouth, and the plums have mutated and they have got beaks. You make pigs smoke. You feed beef burgers to swans. You have big sheds, but nobody's allowed in. And in these sheds you have 20ft high chickens, and these chickens are scared because the don't know why they're so big, and they're going, "Oh why am I so massive?" and they're looking down at all the little chickens and they think they're in an aeroplane because all the other chickens are so small."
( , Fri 3 Jun 2011, 17:18, Reply)

I watch your stuff knowing full well it's going to fuck my head up.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:51, Reply)

There's always a sense of 'here we go' when I push the play button.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:58, Reply)

is if you're allowed to direct it.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:51, Reply)

Admittedly The Thing was itself a remake of The Thing, but still...
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:57, Reply)

In the original The Thing, there was a Norwegian base which had been 'Thinged' before the US base. This is about what happens when you release an alien among a load of mad Scandiwegians.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 19:04, Reply)

So we get to see what happened in their base? The finding of the spacecraft and the guy who sliced his wrists open etc? Could be very good if done by someone that's not utterly fucking clueless.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 19:06, Reply)

his recent films have been a bit ropey
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 19:47, Reply)

with great sadness I agree. :(
Although as far as The Thing remakes go, I'm still rather fond of my own: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KrdTx6u0ZQ
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 20:54, Reply)

I have been putting off watching that one. I love early Carpenter. He lost me with the vampires film. Such a massive shame.
What the hell happened to him? and same goes for Romero, Landis and a lot more. Such a shame.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 21:04, Reply)

like the best part of Alien was that thing that grew out the chair that's never explained. Bloody hollywood. *shakes fist
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 21:43, Reply)

Top stuff, o champion of b3ta!
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:53, Reply)

"Do you want a bedtime story dear?"
*clicks play on youtube*
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 18:58, Reply)

You are indeed a modern day Dali. This cheered me up after a shitty day.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 19:06, Reply)

How can we convince you to make something feature-length?
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 19:55, Reply)

or my own brain for that matter, during the 2 years it would take to make it...
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 20:01, Reply)

MMmmmmmmmmm, a leg for everyone!
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 20:57, Reply)

totally cyriac there is simply nothing else quite like your work.
unless some crappy ad agency decide to rip you off again.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 20:59, Reply)

You are an evil genius. When you pop down the corner shop for a pint of milk I imagine on the way you probably grow 7 heads which vomit double decker buses as satanic dubstep throbs out of speakers in your bell-end. Have a click!
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 21:04, Reply)

I am so using some very similar (but not identical as I can't afford the animators) in my next commercial.
( , Wed 1 Jun 2011, 21:27, Reply)

Fucking awesome, especially the helicopter-lamb contraption.
Also, what Extinct Jesus Dossier said. Make a film! Go on...
At least a 20-30min short. You'd probably get some funding no matter what you pitch. Youtube views count for a lot these days, and you have the following.
Plus, no doubt, you'd get some film awards under your belt. :P
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 0:33, Reply)

your works will be studied by the school children of tomorrow
( , Thu 2 Jun 2011, 12:48, Reply)

Awesome, as ever. As is the new music video he did for Hooray For Earth - youtu.be/Mf6JCpJjdiY
( , Fri 3 Jun 2011, 19:30, Reply)

Big supermarkets must pay you to mess with people subliminally, i have a craving for mint sauce now.
( , Sun 5 Jun 2011, 23:06, Reply)