I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
This question is now closed.

in t'pub last week, she was all quiet and uptight. After two and a half pints we were in the toilets with her paused to reveal what she had, over a few days, convinced herself was genital herpes. Even though we've been mates for 15 years it took a lot for her to fess up and explain the cause of her unhappiness. Irrational fear of 'The Clinic' had led her to me for a second opinion. After we took a few deep breaths she whipped down her keks, only to reveal a rather angry spot on her thigh not even remotely anywhere near her lady-garden.
She wept with relief; I nearly died laughing.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:24, Reply)

The last thing to make me cry was the impact between my motorbike and a 4x4 last Sunday. I stood by the side of the road and cried like a girl. Possibly because I am one.
Later, at the hospital, the Dr confirmed I had a fractured arm. Could I twist my forearm at all, he asked. I managed a minute movement in each direction. "Ah!" he said triumphantly to the medical student next to him. "It's not that she _can't_ move it, she just doesn't want to because it will hurt." Well duh. He proved his point by grabbing it and twisting from side to side. I may have had a little cry at this point too...
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:18, Reply)

Was at the end of A.I..
Yes, even hard nose rugby forwards like myself have a soft and fluffy side....
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:15, Reply)

Because my parents were bollocksing up the broadband installation and wouldn't let me try it, despite the fact that when I did it on the sly yesterday it made it work perfectly.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 12:06, Reply)

"If only I could find her. If only
she could see me now, here, with
such lovely kind friends. You, Mrs. Treves, and you, Mr. Treves (slurp!)
Then maybe she would love me as I am. I've tried to hard to be good."
Gets me every single time.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:57, Reply)

I didnt want to do this but i was made to do it
butDidnt liverpool win
European Super Cup Winners
UEFA Cup Winners
FA Cup Winners
League Cup Winners
Charity Shield Winner
Thats 5, two more than a treble
now whos the pondlife.
you wrote
The Treble
Like everyone, a tear comes to the corner of your eye when you hear a certain song every now and then, but the last time I cried uncontrollably, was after hearing those immortal words near the end of the European cup final"And Solskjaer has won it!"
It still makes me cry every time we watch the tape.
Take note, all you scouse and Chelsea pondlife, The Treble is something you will NEVER achieve !
(Betty Boothroyd's Love custard, Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:45 , I like this! )
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:56, Reply)

was forced to re-home my cat as my evil ex decided that my son was allergic to her. Load of big heaving sweaty bollocks. Took her to the new owner this morning with her making all pathetic noises and making me feel worse. Managed the hand over ok, but when I started the car up to drive away, found a single tear running down my face.
Just had a phone call from new owner saying that she is sniffing about the place and seems happy. Welling up again with happyness this time.
I am never getting another pet in my life. Can't handle this.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:56, Reply)

was about four weeks ago, whilst in bed with my girlfriend.
I was feeling annoyingly awake, so I was just there lying on my back as she started to drift off. She had an arm across my chest, and just as she was starting to fall asleep, she gave me a little hug, and told me she loved me.
Having lived a pretty hard life for the last 21 years, finally finding someone who makes me happy beyond all belief is quite an experiance.
Despite being really stressed and over worked (last few months of degree, don't let anyone tell you students [always] have it easy); she never fails to make me smile.
So in the dark, I had a little cry, whilst trying to be quiet so as not to wake her. I live on an emotional rollercoaster I swear....
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:46, Reply)

Like everyone, a tear comes to the corner of your eye when you hear a certain song every now and then, but the last time I cried uncontrollably, was after hearing those immortal words near the end of the European cup final"And Solskjaer has won it!"
It still makes me cry every time we watch the tape.
Take note, all you scouse and Chelsea pondlife, The Treble is something you will NEVER achieve !
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:45, Reply)

The episode when he returns in his body as himself as a young boy and he gets another chance to talk to his brother who was killed in Viet Nam.
It made me sob especially since the first time I saw it I was watching it alone. That and the memory of watching the fire department and medics trying to extricate my brother from his car. He was airlifted to the hospital and died on the way.
Every time that I see that episode the waterworks open up.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:40, Reply)

but I didn't want the mice to come back, so I shook the humane mouse trap inhamanely and killed the mouse. I went to dump the dead mouse in the woods near my childhood home.
I got really emotional and started shouting at the dead mouse pile to "fuck off". Which is kinda weird. They were dead. I woke up with weepy eyes, which freaked me out. Normally its soggy pyjamas.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:36, Reply)

You know it's not often you find someone else that has such a deep understanding of the film Deep Impact. pcloon, I salute you! I also find myself thinking of Tea Leoni far too often. I sometimes shed a tear when I realise that the chance of me and her getting it together are about as likley as anything in that film actually ever coming close to happening. Oh well....
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:26, Reply)

usually at things on telly like animal hospital. the last thing though was my cat going missing for 24 hours, then again when he turned up safe and sound :)
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:18, Reply)

was when my cat James had to be put down
I sat on the floor of the vets and bawled my eyes out, James hopped down off the table and started smarming around me purring, like he did, as if to say what's up mate?
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:11, Reply)

two little boys to me when i was young(single figures)
Makes me well up now thinking about it
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:09, Reply)

....Riverdance. That music and that woman with the real high pitched voice and those bodhran's make me cry. I think I might've been Irish in my past life. If i'm not going into psycholand while listening to The Mars Volta, i'll probably be watching those lil' tappers workin' their magic and visually raping my tear ducts.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 11:00, Reply)

Subtraction, division, fractions and anything maths related will make me cry. Praise the person who invented the humble calculator!
Guess i'm like Milhouse from The Simpsons - he cries when he gets a remainder in long division
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:53, Reply)

Who I love more than anything in the world.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:46, Reply)

i just finished reading ps i love you ..... it made me cry lots.... probly just cos i'm a soppy girl!
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:45, Reply)

Things that have recently reduced me to tears:
Getting dumped (via text message) by the guy I've devoted the last five years of my life to. Having to move out of the home we were sharing. Realising I don't even own a frying pan.
Apologies for miserable-ness.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:43, Reply)

Yes, the film. Several points:
1) Where Tea Leoni gives up her seat on the chopper taking her to safety to Keery Weaver off ER and her baby.
2) Where the blinded astronaut "sees" his new baby son just before the entire crew sacrifices themselves to save the earth.
3) Where Tea Leoni goes to see her Dad on the beach and forgives him for leaving her mother, just before they are engulfed by the tsunami.
I'm a 25 man.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:38, Reply)

that the girl i loved f*cked a good friend of mine.
They lied into my face and had, as i figured out, lots of fun with it (That was the main reason).
(That and the dead of my father where the last things that made me cry.) Not funny but true.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:35, Reply)

When the giant Gingerbread man (Mongo) broke his arms off when holding the drawbridge open for Shrek.
I have no idea why.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:32, Reply)

CHrist I just read the review and cried. I'm a big wuss
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:29, Reply)

Me an a mate were talking about this just the other day... Proper good show, very poignant(sp).
I last cried at Christmas when my dog was put to sleep. Hope you're happy in Doggy Heaven, Don Juan de la Nooch :0(
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:21, Reply)

The end of the last episode when they all admit to being scared and go over the top to their certain inevitable doom and the picture fades to the peaceful flanders fields covered in poppies.
Permisson for lip to wobble, Sir?
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:13, Reply)

Goodbye Mog
Never again. Not never. Not even if we have kids and one of the cats carks it and i have to explain what happened. This book is banned from my house.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:10, Reply)

Absolutely brilliant book - Carlos Eire remembers his boyhood in Cuba, before Fidel's revolution ballsed everything up. Emotional sucker punches right, left and centre. Read it! Unless you are a lizard.
( , Fri 15 Apr 2005, 10:00, Reply)
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