My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

Absolutely Brilliant. Where do I find one? I happen to like bacon.

( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:15, Reply)

On a public urinal (oh sorry, I meant phonebox) in the town I live in, someone stencil-grafitti'd a Stormtrooper with the word 'LOL!' besides it. Immature, absurd, but oh so amusing and strangely original.
There's a place nearby called 'Buckfastleigh' that so needs a new capital letter...
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 22:04, Reply)

Toilets at sussex uni library. The only graffiti in this cubicle I believe. In big, black letters, it simply said
'A ninja must be Zen'
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:59, Reply)

A few of my favourites ;
- "Why don't you fuck off back to Latvia" (toilet wall in Dublin of all places)
- "McCabe is a grass" (back of a sign on the main road out of Edinburgh)
- "MCGRAW HAS H.I.V" in foot high bright neon pink letters somewhere in East Kilbride
My all time favourite though has to be "ACID MAKES ME SMILE" complete with smiley face, written entirely in human shit on a toilet wall. Didn't know whether to laugh or retch.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:56, Reply)

"You english are so arrogant"
then neatly underneath in different hand writing
"Why dont you fuck off then"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:56, Reply)

Where I work, they have the usual signs in the toilets:
(below a picture of two cupped hands)
In one of the buildings some bright spark had drawn a cock between the hands and added the following:
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:49, Reply)

*pardon my english*
the machine was located right upon the toilet, in a bar men's room.
There was a notice from the manufacturer to explain how to use the button and the little drawer. It was very concise, no punctuation : (in french, sorry)
"Pousser fort
Tirer doucement"
Which means something like
"push/insert hard
draw/withdraw gently".
Someone had just added "Merci du conseil" : "Thanks for the advice"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:47, Reply)

this erect phallus was drawn on the wall
i modified it

( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:46, Reply)

There is a roundabout on the outskirts of the fine city named Derby. Like many cities, it has a featureless assembly of concrete bridge, car-wash, road-signs, car sales outlets, multi-storey gym, traffic-lights and tarmac. Unlike other cities, it has the proud municipality of Derby and its floral planters to liven up this conurbation.
Thus, constructed amongst the blandness, is a brave message: "DERBY IN BLOOM".
At least, that is what it was supposed to say. Unidentified parties, or perhaps nature itself, conspired to change the slogan, to the infinitely more incisive "DERBY IN GLOOM".
It required replanting. A culprit was never found.
Google found me some photographic evidence!
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:46, Reply)

- Altered newspaper headline sign outside a local shop, formerly "Maybole Violent Attack Probe", to "Maybole Violent Attack With Anal Probe".
- It's a chav favourite here being to write on walls and bus shelters "blah blah was ere 2kaii" and then the number of the year. An example of this was found in the same train station, by the same person, in 3 different places, written wrongly 3 times. 2kaii6, 2kaii8, and most worryingly, 2kaii2.
- On a wall at school, someone has drawn a picture of a wee house. Underneath this, someone else has written "thats a good house."
- And, since it's exam time for ickle me, theres some priceless ones on the exam room desks. Like "Superman will save you", and the full lyrics to "I will survive".
I personally made my own addition during a german exam, after finishing half an hour early and had time to look up and write on the desk: "Ich habe deine mutter getan in der deutschen prüfung. Sie scheisse es liebt." Nobody will know it was me.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:44, Reply)

Came round the corner onto my road one night to see this

enjoyed it for several months.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:44, Reply)

Ah, the old classic on a dirty car "Wash me"
My friend's car was that dirty someone had written "Wash me" on her car (It was me to be honest)
Her car was that bad her husband changed it to read "Plough me"
You had to be there.......
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:41, Reply)

Recently on an old poster of Star Wars Episode 3, there is a picture of Anakin and Obi wan fighting. Someone has added the speech bubble to Anakin, "That'll teach you to make lumpy custard!"
Also in the loo cubicle at my Uni someone has written:
"Shaun Rider's puts the 'Mad' in 'Madchester!'"
to which someone has replied
"That may be so but who put the 'cunt' in Scunthorpe?"
Modern day classics.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:38, Reply)

Needle sharp in its structure.
Punchy, hubristic delivery.
Richly comic in its briefness.
Proud blue letters on the exterior wall of the south-bound platform, saying:
Three small words, a million possible interpretations. Or possibly just one.
Well, made me laugh.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:37, Reply)

Bottom of a stall door: "Beware of gay limbo dancers"
It was funny at the time.
On a corkboard in the work bathroom above the urinal: "Where's Waldo?"
To wich somebody added "Killed the Fucker"
On same corkboard is a V for Vendetta style V carved into it, and various employees calling various managers gay, three lines of "Painted Black" the list goes on, really.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:34, Reply)

Fight Apathy!
but it get's the job done.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:33, Reply)

A lady's bosoms, six foot high on a building site fence in Reading. The jury is out. Milk, or a new design of bra made from springs?
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:33, Reply)

Something I always do in History - Draw a moustache on him! And we're the top class.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:32, Reply)

be one of those people who corrects the spelling in graffiti, yes.
Apparently in the toilets of the House of Commons someone's written 'Tory leader application forms; please take one' over the bog roll dispenser.
And some genius has drawn a six-foot long CDC on the field at my old school. In weedkiller.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:27, Reply)

'My Karma ran over your Dogma'
fucking fantastic
(first post, woo.. been a loiterer for far too long!)
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:23, Reply)

In dust, on the back of a van, someone had written
'If my wife was this dirty, I wouldn't get out of bed'.
To which, someone had responded
'If your wife was this dirty, neither would we'
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:21, Reply)

"[can't remember the name] is a physco"
And not too far from that...
"Fuck our Mum"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:20, Reply)

I used to take a shortcut through a load of villages on the way to see the ex and I always got excited when I went past the sign for the Canal Museum near a place called Roade (the name of that place also ammused me slightly).. Some genious had painted over the 'C' in Canal in the same brown colour us used for most public attraction signs, making the highly comic 'ANAL MUSEUM'... always got a chuckle until they cleaned it :0(
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:19, Reply)

i personally witnessed this one....
"Richard is gay with Isabel"
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 21:18, Reply)
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