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Can anyone recommend a packet cereal where the last 20% isn't an inedible powder?
(, Tue 10 Feb 2009, 9:44, 24 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Mornings all!

8.30 already. Come on in.
(, Tue 10 Feb 2009, 8:30, 412 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Teenage woes!
Remember, if you will, back to the misty days of being 17 and all the angst that came with it. From the hazy memories, can you dredge up some advice?

My boyfriend of 2 years + (let's call him Nick) broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't too much of a surprise - things had been going downhill for a while, he had been trying to be dumped by acting like a bit of a wanker. No hard feelings though, I decided not to be angry in the hope of preserving a friendship. We were doing really well as friends in the time after the breakup - being able to hang out casually together. I was very close to his family too, and I was able to talk to his parents about the break up easily - there didn't seem to be any hard feelings.

Then. Last week, whilst I was drunk and a tad stoned, a mutual friend of ours (he can be called Jacob)came and found me in the tent I was lying in. He kissed me out of the blue, and said "I've wanted to do that for a while". A little strange, yes. I told nick about in on the way home, in a 'haha this was a bit weird and funny' way. Nick laughs at first. Then gets really really angry. Not at me - at Jacob. Starts going on about how Jacob is betraying him and lots of other rage. Nick is now not really talking to me, because "This situation has dredged up feelings he thought were gone".

Am I right in thinking that in dumping me, Nick was essentially saying to me and our group of friends "I don't want you now", so he doesn't have a right to be angry about this?

Also, now he's depressed over it, and literally is doing nothing except "work, eat, sleep and my computer". I invited him out, and he tells me "I am way too depressed for that sort of shit". So I can't even be angry at him for trying to interfere in my life, because I'm too damn worried about what he's going to do?

How the hell am I supposed to stay his friend while he's freaking out? I'm the sort of person gets along much better with males than females. Now I can't be close to any of my male friends because Nick freaks out and gets angry and depressed when I give any of them a hug. Advice from old and wise b3tans would be much appreciated.
(, Tue 10 Feb 2009, 2:33, 28 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Evening all.
I'm feeling better now. Had a good little cry and extracted a promise of hugs, snuggles and kisses off the boyfriend when I get off work.
And I have a giant pimple on my bum. How you you not be cheered up by a giant purple pimple!
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 23:59, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Never complain about the weather again
I live in Melbourne now/at the moment, in a suburb in the city fortunately, so well away from the fires.

I grew up in a dreich part of Scotland then lived in Edinburgh before moving out here a couple of months ago. You think the weather in the UK is shitty? Try living in a place where it hasn't rained for months, then the hottest day ever recorded in your state is accompanied by gale force winds. Then people start fires.

Fuck me watching the news last night was scary. People are literally burning in their cars as they try to escape and the wind changes.

I will never complain about the drizzle again.

You can't get an appointment to give blood at the moment because of the overwhelming response to donate, which is excellent of course.

Sorry, not particularly cheery but it's times like these that reality hits home about the triviality of many parts of life, ye know?
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 23:43, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I think I'm experiencing a bummer as surf dudes like to call it , in my otherwise fabulous forties.
Give me your advice on beating this funk.

I've found out that red wine definitly doesn't help. Still keep drinking it though.

Big hugs to workboresme.
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 20:49, 50 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
So if you care to find me, look to the western sky
As someone told me lately everyone deserves a chance to fly.

Sorry. I saw Wicked on February 9, 2008. Right after the song Defying Gravity was intermission, and I called my mum and told her to have a good holiday.
I never got chance to talk to her again.

I have sads today.
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 18:14, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Warning, Football!
I did not expect this, not yet anyway!


Who you reckon will be next? Sven?
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 17:08, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Cheering Uppiness Required
I went out at the weekend for a friend's birthday and one of the people there was a girl who was in our group of friends at school but whom we've lost contact with since she went to uni (which is fine by us, she was never really a great friend and was caustically irritating). She's just qualified as a doctor and so spent most of Saturday night trying to make me feel like shit by dropping unsubtle hints about how great she's doing and patronising the rest of us by dropping into conversation how much she earns, what her boyfriend drives* and how expensive her new flat is. This, plus the ensuing slanging match between us because I threatened to cunt her in the fuck, has made me rather bitter because although she was being a complete knob, she's left me feeling quite the failure as I'm not in a fantastic job where I'm earning loads of money and it's not what I want to be doing. I know what I do want to do, it's just not within my reach at the moment.

So anyway, I need cheering up and obviously the only way to do this is to tell me how much more rubbish all your lives are.

*a fucking 1 series. I know, it's the BMW for people who can't afford BMWs. And are wankers.
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 14:00, 39 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
and another thing...
The news: "this is the worst snow for 20 years"

Me: "No! it's the best snow for 20 years!"
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 13:22, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Help, dear God, please HELP me!!!
This weekend I will be spending a romantic Valentines Day watching Wales play England in this weird sport thing... (wrong shaped ball for my tastes, but the Mrs is from Cardiff and is fucking mental about this rugby thing). Last year I very nearly got the shit kicked out of me by the patrons of a shithole pub in Camden, on account of the Mrs going a little bit over the top in celebrating Wales beating the English.

Does anyone know of any Welsh pubs in London?

I really fancy keeping my teeth this year.

Bloody rugby...
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 13:18, 22 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I've noticed this before, but it was very apparent this weekend
middle-aged and old people are fucking rude.

I was shopping in town with my other half, it was rammed full of other shoppers and therefore a lot of moving out of the way for people had to be done.

I always make a point of asking politely and then thanking them, unless they are an arse about it.

I've also noticed that young people tend to be more polite, saying thanks and sorry.

Middle-aged people (women in particular)? No fucking manners at all.

I've made it a new rule that every time some vacuous bint shoves past me or doesn't move despite several polite requests to let me pass that I will either: loudly exclaim "no, no, thank you" or in a stage whisper I will call them a fucking obstinate moron.
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 11:17, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Morning you lot!
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

How are we all today???? :D
(, Mon 9 Feb 2009, 7:17, 237 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
good morning fellow b3tans...
it's quiet in here this morning!!!
(, Sun 8 Feb 2009, 9:35, 29 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
So what are you all going to do
when they shut down QOTW?
(, Sun 8 Feb 2009, 1:39, 15 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I am back from the pub!

I attended a B3ta bash!

Well, technically I spent the entire evening downstairs with my mates but I did go upstairs for 5 minutes and wish Doctor When a happy birthday.

Big party. If only /main didn't scare me like a cross between prison showers and an away game at Stoke.
(, Sat 7 Feb 2009, 23:24, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Morning you lot!
How's the snow in England and the heat in Oz?
We finally got some rain.
(, Sat 7 Feb 2009, 19:34, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
*nips in*
to say that the pub bash is up on the calendar. now I'm off for some food, and to pull myself together for my party and count down the last hours of 38.
(, Sat 7 Feb 2009, 17:21, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Happy Birthday
To me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear never-right
Happy Birthday to me!!!!1111onetyone!!!1!

(, Sat 7 Feb 2009, 16:34, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Saturday thread
if anyone's about.

I'm going back to bed.

(, Sat 7 Feb 2009, 10:52, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
No evening thread? (third attempt)
If this is is a triple post it is only a testament to my poor Crackberry, suffering my llifestyle. Here goes (again?) :

Am out on the piss with my dear little bro. And looking forward to my pub-party tomorrow night in Brooklyn. Fucked day at work, but did manage a shower at the gym. Am still all filth, of course.

Hoping Blighty trains do run, and get B3tards to where they need to go. Someone sledge for me, because NYC is going all melty. *it is my birthday* in 2 days after all.

Love to all my B3tards. And fuck off, please. Thanks.
(, Sat 7 Feb 2009, 1:51, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
The suspicious resinous lumps occasionally found in packets of Drum tobacco..
..I've just got high after smoking one - not totally dusted but the buzz is there for sure. This has happened before. I'm pretty sure I'm not prone to the placebo effect. Herbal pills and teas for insomnia do nothing and in my bad past I've been given anti-depressants as Es and realised my mistake pretty quickly.

Anyone else ever got lucky with a packet of tobacco (not that way..)?

There is a pretty well-established rumour that packets of a certain brand of cigar were sold with marijuana in the 70s before they became popular ("something sweet orient" they are called I think) and now I'm curious. Are there really tobacco factory workers bored enough to "add value" to their product or have I just inhaled a massive amount of nicotine in tobacco-plant resin?

Edit: it has faded pretty quickly. I suspect it's just tobacco-resin.
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 23:23, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
One-eyed Scottish idiot.
Is it wrong that I burst out laughing every time a newsreader says it?
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 20:14, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
It's only me in the office today, everyone else including the boss is either out sick or on vacation.

What shenanigans should I get up to, 'cos fucked if I'm doing any work!
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 17:49, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
My office is in a former conference room, and I share it with three other people. Left over from its days as a conference room are a whiteboard and a large array of potted plants in a basin, sitting to my left.

One of the other engineers brought in a plastic frog with an ultrasonic detector on it, so if you walk in front of it the frog croaks. I have it nestled into the plants, pointing toward the door.

It's gonna make my co-workers freak.

I wonder if I can replace the croak with another sound? Maybe a woman's shriek?
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 17:47, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Fucking mentallers or what?


I do like the motorbike helmet though.
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 17:42, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Note the name of the Master of Wine

It's criminal she's not working in the petrol department...
(, Fri 6 Feb 2009, 16:12, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

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