Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic tells us that his ambition is to a) drive around New Zealand in a camper van; and b) have MASSIVE sex with the original members of Bananarama. Tell us what's on your wish list, and why.
( , Thu 14 Oct 2010, 13:08)
This question is now closed.

but Ive just started a masters in Philosophy and although I know fundamentally this is stupid, I still want to have my name become an adjective someday. 'Oh, now thats a very 'Chessian' idea that is." Will probably never happen though, I'm not that bright.
I've always felt that one of the big problems with Philosophy has been its allowance towards pretentiousness, so you can see how this is a bit of hypocrisy on my part, my friends used to say it sometimes though, it always made me glee a bit.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 22:15, 1 reply)

Something that would cure both cancer and AIDS and that could be manufactured for twopence halfpenny. Publish the molecule as open source, maybe accept some sort of minor subsidy that would let me keep my current job but work mornings only, go on holiday more and spend an afternoon or two writing in the park.
If the same discovery somehow earned me a month with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page and a large bottle of baby oil, well, that wouldn't be a bad thing either.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 21:19, Reply)

I'd like to invent something / some process which would be eponymous and ideally a major feature in future life. But I have a feeling it would more likely be something disgusting you do to some one/thing.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 19:43, Reply)

'Do' Valerie Leon.
'Do' her again.
'Do' her with her consent.
Levitate and evade my amazed enemies.
Find out how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood (to the nearest three decimal places)
F*** Valerie Leon and die.
Why? Why not?
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 19:20, 6 replies)

called '501 Must-Take Journeys'. Any and all journeys I'd be willing to take. But the one I like the best is the 'Roof of the World Express', a train journey that goes from Beijing to Lhasa passing over the Tanggula Pass at over 5000m above sea-level.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 19:14, Reply)

which seems to be popular here.
I'd use this as an opportunity to improve my golf swing.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 18:12, 1 reply)

Apparently 'running up a down escalator' will help me say that I have no regrets on my deathbed.
Cheaper than visiting all the continents and swimming with dolphins too.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 17:19, 1 reply)

There are two places in Norway that I really want to go to, and I suspect it's partly because I'm scared of heights. There's times you want to do something because it terrifies you, and this is one of them. If you're scared of heights, I suggest you either press page down really quickly, or grab something really solid for reassurance.
The first is Trolltunga. Translates to Troll Tongue, and it's a slab of rock that sticks out pretty much horizontally from a cliff face. It's a 350m drop to the water below...

(picture is from here)
The second is Kjerag, and the Kjeragbolten. The Kjeragbolten is a 5m wide boulder that's wedged between two sides of a crevasse, and people tend to jump onto the top of it. The reason it's a bit terrifying? It's wedged between two sides of a crevasse, and that crevasse has a drop to the fjord below that's nearly a kilometre high. Here's a couple of pictures of someone standing on the boulder, and the view down from the boulder.
(both pictures from Wikipedia here)
I'm half thinking around canvassing my friends to see if anyone else is up for it, and going on a road trip from the UK in the summer. Hopefully then I'll have the courage to get some photos of myself standing on the two for other people to use in "things to do before I die" posts. Being hones though, it's more likely they'll be ones of me lying on the ground, desperately hanging onto the floor for dear life and having to be rescued by other people after freezing with the fear.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 15:42, 27 replies)

Managed to get Kingslayer on my hunter before 4.0 patchnerf. Yay!
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 15:00, 2 replies)

I'm on a year out before a masters that leads me into a job I am tied down by, so I am trying to do as many things as possible while I can this year n make plans for when I may eventually go screw this:
1. Makes me sad that people think that because people are far away the fact bad things are happening to them doesn't matter so I want to join the UN peace core
2. As much charity work as I can, if we all did we could change so much
3. Do a burlesque show (currently workin on it)
4. Be in a band (also workin on it)
5. Spend most of my time making stuff clothes crafts etc get my stuff in a fashion show
6. See the world (gonna have to bloody wait)
7. decapitate any girl trying to make metal/rock band while pretending to strum guitar like they are flicking a bogey off their finger (avril lavegne paramore, that other retard forgot her name but the rest of her band are vaguely talented, they look like they are ashamed of themselves, like they are sucking dick for fame oh yeah miley syrus etc)
7. Your mum
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 12:57, 5 replies)

Already seen lots of amazing places, but my list seems to get longer and longer:
1. Bhutan
2. Burma
3. Japan
4. Syria
5. Ethiopia
6. Sail around the south pacific islands (they're 1000's of miles away from each other so this would probably take months)
7. China
8. Horse trek through Kyrgystan (hoping to do this one next year).
I want to see everything in the world that's cool before I die. I realise this will take lots of time and cash but I'm going for it anyway...
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 10:32, 13 replies)

Been playing it for two years on and off (mostly off, admittedly).
Not even close, yet. I keep wanting to try out the unknown for a laugh, which is usually pretty disastrous. Why did I think that tasting tinned Chickatrice meat would be fun, I have no idea. In my defence, I was hallucinating at the time. YASD.
Just in case you're wondering what the hell I'm on about.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 9:27, 2 replies)

I'd like to think that before I properly expired (assuming it was from old age) that I'd make sure I was clean and had used the loo. That way when the nurses have to clean me away it's a little less unpleasant.
Oh and perhaps have a meal entirely composed of fat.
( , Sun 17 Oct 2010, 1:35, 5 replies)

albiet an amateur one. So currently the bucket list goes like this:
Get a play professionally produced.
To be slagged off in the Daily Mail. Preferably under the headline "Ban this sick filth!" or some combination of 'depraved' 'Scandal''weirdo' 'Bums' 'Unusual amounts of fake blood'
If that happens I might just get it framed
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 23:31, 4 replies)

I cannot reach the grave untill this sorry lot are dead and buried.
Paris Hilton
Katie Price
Pierce Morgan
Danny Dyer
Bill O'Rilley
Shia LaBeouf
Davina McCall
I may have missed some, but I do have lots of killing to do.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 23:05, 18 replies)

Be able to sit down in a pub/club toilet and have a shit without:
a) supplying my own seat
b) cleaning up previous "users" piss from the broken seat (they do actually lift up - use your foot)
c) be able to lock the door to prevent an unwanted audience.
alas, I seem to be the only male who occasionally needs a dump when out. I hope you all get piles from holding it in.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 22:55, 3 replies)

make peace with the kids, explain why i left, hopefully get to a point where they no longer want to post messages caing me a bastard on facebook.
Or not it doesn't matter really.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 22:37, Reply)

and my ideal dream ambition goal thingy would be to have a physical phenomenon named after me, or better still a constant. I quite like the sound of "Sandettie's constant" which I imagine would be about 3.
Failing that, Sandettie's Law. Though, with how much physics I'd have to learn before I can work on new ideas, I cannot see this happening anytime soon.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 22:25, 9 replies)

Before I die, I need to become a Question of the Week Master!
QOTW on Front Page - CHECK
QOTW On the newsletter - PENDING
Nearly there. Hurry up Rob, get me on the newsletter then my life is complete!
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 20:55, 8 replies)

on a 60's vintage m'bike [1]
hopefully without the incarceration & ECT of the author ...
[1] probably a reliable BMW. with a cache of spares from the private stock of Baron Alfred Krupp
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 19:31, 3 replies)

This QOTW is kind of hard for me. Two months ago I had my whole life planned out. I had just graduated with a 2.1 in Law, I was going to be a kick-ass barrister. I had a fiance and a house. I had enough savings to learn to drive, buy a car and pay for a years insurance. Now I have no job, a rented house, no partner, and no savings. However, if I compare the past two years with the past two months, I would say that I hadn't been living until then. I have finally started going out and acting like a proper 21 year old, I have finally rediscovered the real me. I have reconnected with old friends and made new ones. I have experienced things that I thought would never happen to me, and learned all the while. If I were to die tomorrow, I would die a happier person.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 19:05, 12 replies)

I thought this would be last night.
I was a recovering anorexic. Was being the main part. For 8-10 months now I've been relapsed and I now know that I'm dying. It's 22c in my house and I'm wearing a vest, a polarneck and a huge knit jumper, socks, thermal socks, and shoes - and I'm still shivering. The feeling in my fingers and toes comes and goes as it pleases, alternating between pins and needles, pain, or just numbness. My heart hurts with every beat that it takes. Like being stabbed with a skewer every couple of seconds. My head spins and struggles to focus on things any more. I can't use the toilet without a laxative overdose. I have a constant taste of blood in my mouth from vomiting everything I do break down and eat. My skin won't heal, and flakes off if I scratch it. My stomach is swollen and in pain constantly, and it gets worse if I try and eat anything. My beautiful hair falls out by the tens of strands if I so much as run my hand through it. I tie it up constantly now to stop it falling out so badly. My mouth is full of ulcers which aren't healing. I know that if I continue, I may not even make it until Christmas now. After 7 years with this disease, I now know I am finally dying and the heart attack could be coming at any time. I am suprised that I made it through the night, as I thought yesterday was the end.
But I am reasonably content with this. Whilst many people tell me that my life has sucked, I am happy and have done many things which I am proud of. I got a good education in the face of the bullies who tried to knock me down for every year I was at school. I completed sixth form college with failing kidneys - with higher than average grades, despite only actually attending 50% of classes. I sat an A level exam in agony, doped on sky high levels of painkillers to try and numb it, and got a B. I moved out and supported myself when I was 19 years old. I moved, alone, to a new city when I was 20. I got a job at the leading company in my chosen sector, to experience and live one of my passions in life. I have a dog, a 'difficult breed' who I have brought up and trained on my own. I have a caring and understanding partner who means the world to me, and accepts me for who I am, no matter how sick, well, angry, happy, stoned or sober I am. He looks after me. I am 22. I have no credit cards, no over draft, no loans. I have a moderate sized rented flat, a partner, a dog, and some fish. I have a stable job which I enjoy. I have seen several European countries. I have seen Canada. I have taken drugs and opened my mind. I have seen wolves howling in the wild. I was entered into the group of 'gifted and talented' youngsters whilst at school. I have seen the Ypres war graves and trenches where our ancestors fought and died for our freedom. I have seen dolphins playing wild and free in the ocean. I have seen wild whales. I have stood on the top of a mountain with the wind in my hair, the sun shining on my back, and skiied to the very bottom. I have seen Rome, and eaten home made Italian icecream whilst roaming around the Colloseum. I have driven a car at 100mph. I have met Rolf Harris! I have swam in the desolate, cool clear waters of natural waterfalls in hidden mountain ranges and I have leapt into the deep water below from the top of one. I have ridden the highest, longest, and scariest rollercoasters. I have loved, and lost. I have danced, centre stage, in some of the biggest Fetish club nights in the world. I have qualifications taken years before I was meant to take them. I can converse in three languages. I have performed in National winning drama and dance shows and competitions. I have galloped a horse full speed across a country field. I have fallen off that horse, and got straight back on. I have been to funerals for friends, and for family. I have helped the homeless and the needy. I have stopped for people, when others have walked on by, been the good samaritan. I have sat on a deserted beach and watched a shower of shooting stars whilst cuddling a stray puppy.
I have an eating disorder.
I am thin.
I hate that for years I have rated being thin over all those other things I have done in my short 22 years. But I feel I have lived and I am content with what I have achieved. It could be much worse. I have done SOMETHING to be proud of. I am sure there are many other people my age who can't say that.
The one thing that I know I can't do before I die is the one thing which ruins it all. I wish I hadn't hurt so many people to get here, in the state I am in. I wish that before I die, I could stop causing everyone close to me so much pain and die with a clear conscience. I wish that before I die, I could get better, and get on with enjoying life.
Length?.. This night? A year? The next 50 years? Who knows... Enjoy it whilst you still have it, live every day like it's your last and be sure to give yourself something to be proud of so that if you die tomorrow, you can die content.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 18:26, 39 replies)

Have one of those massive public displays of mourning by idiots who never met me.
"ur wit da Angles gawjus, God tought u were 2 gud for da earth so der is another Angle up in hevan" etc etc.
Length: the floral arrangements should stretch at least half a mile.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 18:11, 4 replies)

So I'd like to have enough money not to worry where the next meal / mortgage payment / bill payment is coming from.
And to have a job i can do and enjoy to get that money at a company or organisation that doesnt think someone who is blind and has short term memory and mobility problems is not even fit to stuff envelopes.
Might as well hope for peace in the middle east then.
Sorry that's so gloomy, but there it is.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 17:35, 4 replies)

Next time I am in bed and someone decides to pull up somewhere outside nearby at an ungodly hour and beep their horn as they are too fucking lazy to get out and knock at the door of their intended 'car-buddy'....
I plan to go out to their car, open the passenger door and hop in.
Then when they ask me wtf I am doing I will simply state "Well you pulled up outsie my house and beeped your horn so I figured you wanted to give me a ride somewhere?".
Can you tell I was woken up this way 6am this morning?
Oh, and in a more aspirational sense: -
1. Travel to the 7 wonders of the World.
2. Get married, have kids, bring them up well, make my wife happy.
3. Rid myself of debt.
4. Own a supercar (hopefully a Honda Accord).
5. have a house with a swimming pool and tennis court.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 12:00, 3 replies)

Write 'FUCK OFF' on the Tourettes Action collection tin on the bar of my local.
( , Sat 16 Oct 2010, 11:47, Reply)
This question is now closed.