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oooh, ah, oooh, ah, oooh, ah, oooh, ah etc
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:56,
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ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:56,
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Michael Palin looks a bit different there.
wheelybird mreee! ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:57,
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I thought you said Sarah Palin
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:58,
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I was typing with my mouth full.
wheelybird mreee! ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:01,
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poor superman. but - as always - nicely done. :)
inexpressible started a joke on ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:57,
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you didnt do my suggestion tho :(
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:57,
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fannycradock ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:57,
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"Take that, you goody-two-shoes alien bastard!"
hahahahhahahah! Wooooooo!
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:58,
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why, mr. toast!
you've made me so happy!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:58,
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what? I can't understand how this has been animated... unless the background is pretend paper effect... Also, SPUNKBLIND SUPERMAN. Furthermore, Woo!
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:58,
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I moved the paper
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:59,
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that's just lies
*strokes beard*
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:00,
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gerroff my beard!
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:02,
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but it makes my fingers clean and happy
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:05,
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oh fine then
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:13,
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its real paper and real drawings
but with the moving bits layered on top and underneath bits erased
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:05,
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Sounds like dark magics to me... BURN THE WITCH!
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:06,
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marvelously done... that makes sense. I was thinking, "but why is the text so still? surely HappyToast isn't that good at tracing..."
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:06,
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That's ever-so clever
and ever-so effective. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this style :)
Barbarossa is not my real name ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:45,
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All the cool kids are doing it now. :)
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:01,
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they've stopped doing cake?
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:03,
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Kake is so last year
Unless it's Buk Kake. :D
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:05,
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I'm pretty sure that bukkake was last year too.
I would check, but my eyes are full of semen.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:11,
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don't try to wash it off, you'll just make it worse
let it dry, it'll flake off a treat.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:12,
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I think I've blinked some back behind my eyeball.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:13,
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don't worry, it'll dissolve into your optic nerve
things may look a little fuzzy for a few days, but on the plus side, it's all protein.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:17,
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XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:14,
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makes great crumble topping for unexpected guests
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:15,
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makes great unexpected crumble topping for guests
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:16,
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*imagines* "unexpected crumble, bitch!"
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:18,
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Or equally good as parmezan I imagine.
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:17,
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tastes better than parmesan
with the added benefit that it doesn't smell like a frenchman's sock.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:19,
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I'll take your word for that.
I don't much fancy either. :)
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:27,
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I know a man who would
pay to have a Frenchmans' sock, preferably stale. *mindbleaches* *nausea*
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:35,
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i've had a french lad's foot in my face.
i bit the fucker's toe, he soon shifted it!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:41,
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Oh god he'd love that
FeralCatMan Unusual disease collector. ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:51,
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*tries to remember, no matter how tempting it may be, never to eat a pizza in the vicinity of XLVII*
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:20,
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*remembers to drug dbroon before serving pizza*
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:23,
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i want pizza!
not to mention drugs!
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:26,
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A side-order of bukakke, madame?
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:30,
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i really must think of my figure. do you know how many calories are in it?
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:34,
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That was one of the major worries, hence "no matter how tempting"
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:41,
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It's happening right now
Somewhere, I'm sure.
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:13,
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This is cocking ace!
XLVII .uk ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 14:59,
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Bloody lovely.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:06,
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you are really brill
these are great
crab_bloke) ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:08,
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mighty praise from one such as yourself :)
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:11,
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Oh but praise from me doesn't count?
Even though I was on the telly last night. I see. *cries*
wheelybird mreee! ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:15,
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so was I, well, my thoughts were
what was yours?
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:16,
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I was on the BBC.
On the London news. Expressing trite opinions about things of which I knew nothing.
wheelybird mreee! ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:24,
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ace, did you punch anyone in disgust?
and do you have it on youtube for us all to gape and lust over?
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:25,
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I don't have a YouTube, no.
I came out of the Tate and got hijacked by a camera man and presenter. I didn't even know which programme it was for. But then I saw myself on the BBC London news when I got home last night. I have neither the face nor voice that I thought I had.
wheelybird mreee! ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:28,
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nobody does
with the possible exception of simon weston
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:30,
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I saw your OAP crossing thing on The Wrong Door.
Then had to explain to the flatmates why I squealed like a girl.
chenobble rocking his explorer beard on ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:31,
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the caveman thing was mine too :)
I am proud
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:33,
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To be honest my favourite part of that episode
was the lass from coupling wearing a pilot's uniform. hmmmmmmmMMMmmmmmmmmmmm.
chenobble rocking his explorer beard on ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:37,
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I concur, very would
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:38,
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I love that superman has pissed himself. nice touch.
the_riviera_kid , anyone fancy making me a brew? ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:10,
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DC are going to sue you
I bet they will Edit: this is great instaFP deserved :)
Elvis of Nazareth This isn't a sig, it's a fucking liberty. ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:11,
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they'd have to prove it didn't happen first
I'm just drawing what I saw happen outside
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:12,
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FP'd already.
collapsibletank procreates ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:14,
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*runs to look*
Haha! awesome! :D
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:16,
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he's taking a batting!
discomeats This canoe ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:14,
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Not only is this win
but the title of your post has started me singing Aswad's song Shine.
Joliet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:16,
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before you write something like that, could you please consider the minds of other human beings?
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:17,
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Duely noted....
Come on and shine SHINE Shine like a star Shining so bright like the star that you are Oooooh shine SHINE Into the future Spreading your light Wherever you are :P
Joliet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:19,
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well, you lose
because I'm already listening to it on youtube.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:22,
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ELO's mr. blue sky ftw
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:24,
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The soundtrack to Little Shop of Horrors for me
Joliet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:26,
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some fun now
is my favourite song on that. i may have to watch it later.
Smash Monkey lowering the tone of the whole internet ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:28,
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urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sat 6 Sep 2008, 0:38,
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I'm sorry to hear that
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:18,
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Anyone who is tired of punching Superman repeatedly in the face
is tired of life. Woo!
Bryan Damage Cheese sandwich? ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:17,
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but Superman never made any money, saving the world from Solomon Grundy
and sometimes I despair the world will never see another man, like him.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:18,
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Don't they know who I am?
I'm the goddamned Batman!
Potatoman ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:27,
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Hahahah wonderful
ClanSoul ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 15:28,
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That makes my day,
monkdagola but how do you TURN a phrase? ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 16:33,
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it goes in time with the house tune i am playing
Kierz ,
Fri 5 Sep 2008, 21:59,
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its just like
reading the dark knight returns! :D
Rev. Jesse. broke his ankle ,
Sat 6 Sep 2008, 13:06,
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everything HappyToast does after this will be shit?
Rev. A-MOL is lurking around these parts again ,
Sat 6 Sep 2008, 13:29,
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an eery and horrendous thought
but Miller went on to do great stuff! (not thinking of Robocop 2 here, of course) PS had to reply in order to complete the Rev Triangle...
revmoola was thinking about a software problem ,
Sat 6 Sep 2008, 21:16,
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Well He is a dick.....
Not shopped, more at superdickery.com
BigMcLargeHuge ,
Thu 11 Sep 2008, 23:06,
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