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» Oct 2010 «

My not quite but nearly 40th

Somewhere in London.

I'll be 40 in December but as that's a frankly shit time to have a birthday because everyone is skint, looking forward to the festered season and attending Christmas parties and that, I thought I'd do something in October instead. Partly because I can get a cheap room at a Travelodge then, granted, but also as it'll give me something to look forward to after my holidays.

Venue now confirmed (thanks to the Supreme Crow for suggestions).

(, Mon 19 Apr 2010, 18:47, Reply)
I shall do my best.

Depends if I've any holidays left over by then.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 10:05, Reply)

Excellent choice, old bean.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 10:14, Reply)
I'm in

Someone remind me nearer the time to book the night off work though please!

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 10:23, Reply)
I'm totally going to be there to drink beer with you.

I might get Monty to bring a takeaway Tayyabs with him.

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 17:16, Reply)

And I'll get to meet the Boyster. Bonus!

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 17:18, Reply)

n g
(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 14:10, Reply)

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 17:18, Reply)

Oh yes, how can I not come!

(, Tue 20 Apr 2010, 20:37, Reply)
It would be easy really........just don't turn up.

But that wouldn't be much fun.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 8:42, Reply)
Oh, all right then.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 7:57, Reply)
Hmmm -

I'm not so sure I can make it after all...

EDIT: I'm in.

(, Fri 20 Aug 2010, 19:50, Reply)

Not you people again.
Remember: familiarity breeds contempt.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 14:10, Reply)
The missus is threatening to ring you later...

(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 14:31, Reply)
She's supposed to be ringing me tomorrow, the pest.

I need time to get supplies ready for the long haul.

(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 16:24, Reply)
Oh yeah

Today's Wednesday, not Thursday.


(, Wed 21 Apr 2010, 17:35, Reply)
Yes, depending on the in-laws minding catfaceceilidhbaby for the evening.

(, Fri 23 Apr 2010, 15:32, Reply)

(, Fri 23 Apr 2010, 16:08, Reply)

And Friday, too, so I don't have to stay in the Devils Bunghole!

(, Sun 25 Apr 2010, 20:47, Reply)
If it's alright

I'll be on my best behaviour.

(, Wed 28 Apr 2010, 16:39, Reply)
Looks like fun

I echo Lampito in promising best behaviour

(, Wed 28 Apr 2010, 16:52, Reply)
Many promise and many fail.

(, Thu 29 Apr 2010, 11:06, Reply)
Oh man, I might highjack this for my birthday on the 31st.


Failing that, get me the best non-paracetimol-contaminated opates you can get you can con out of your GPs.

(, Fri 7 May 2010, 17:17, Reply)

I shall bring baklava and codeine phosphate!

(, Fri 7 May 2010, 18:03, Reply)
* provisional sign-up *

Whether I come depends on whether I get another job or decide to go backpacking again.

(, Thu 13 May 2010, 1:02, Reply)
I've decided to go backpacking

so I can't make it.

(, Thu 22 Jul 2010, 20:42, Reply)
Sounds good

Apart from the fact its in Euston, but then you northern types will be afraid to venture any further into the big city.

(, Sun 30 May 2010, 8:15, Reply)
I'll have you know

that I've been *shock* south of the river before. Looking forward to meeting you.

(, Mon 31 May 2010, 15:42, Reply)

Yeah you miss me. Hard. In the face.

(, Sun 6 Jun 2010, 23:03, Reply)
Fucking hell!

(, Thu 10 Jun 2010, 21:56, Reply)
Helling fuck!

(, Sat 12 Jun 2010, 2:26, Reply)
Hucking fell!

(, Thu 22 Jul 2010, 20:43, Reply)
Fecking Hull!

(, Wed 4 Aug 2010, 21:05, Reply)
Hecking Full!

(, Tue 24 Aug 2010, 15:39, Reply)
Heckill Fuing

(, Wed 25 Aug 2010, 12:27, Reply)
You people are just mongs.

Except Badger. She's my mong.

(, Wed 25 Aug 2010, 17:27, Reply)

(, Mon 13 Sep 2010, 16:51, Reply)
Yeah, I'll try to make it.

Just so I can discuss Hawkwind and Bowie with Monty.

(, Tue 6 Jul 2010, 9:26, Reply)
Will do my best to attend this.

(, Fri 23 Jul 2010, 22:38, Reply)
Looks like I may well be joining you for this...

How much would it be for a hostel for the night? Anyone got any suggestions for close to the venue?

(, Wed 25 Aug 2010, 18:44, Reply)
What a magnificent group of people.

I can't make it :(

(, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 13:01, Reply)
Yeah, train tickets bought, hotel booked

Looking forward to this muchly!

(, Thu 26 Aug 2010, 19:05, Reply)

(, Fri 27 Aug 2010, 12:24, Reply)
Actually I think I will actually attend this.

Please let me know if this not allowed.

(, Thu 2 Sep 2010, 22:35, Reply)
The more the merrier.

(, Fri 3 Sep 2010, 18:45, Reply)
Ah, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!

Diagonally if you will ;o)

(, Sat 11 Sep 2010, 17:24, Reply)
Are we nearly there yet?

(, Sun 29 Aug 2010, 19:40, Reply)

I am going to go to the Ballroom afterwards.
I am taking Badger with me. It will be terrible, but we'll be drunk and naughty.

(, Tue 7 Sep 2010, 18:37, Reply)
There will be blood and tears, no doubt.

(, Wed 8 Sep 2010, 0:47, Reply)
Is this your way of payback

for me taking you to The Shaved Head White Shoe Club? ;o)

(, Fri 10 Sep 2010, 19:54, Reply)
I don't think there's any way I can ever pay you back for that

unless I raze your house, steal your husband and kill your dog, and there's no way that's happening.
I'd have nowhere to stay in Northern Land, the snoring would drive me to suicide and Mildew is too gorgeous.

(, Sun 12 Sep 2010, 14:16, Reply)
I totally don't snore anymore.

Yay for medical science!

(, Sun 12 Sep 2010, 22:24, Reply)
Medical science or vodka?

We need to know.

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 13:07, Reply)
Medical science

courtesy of a Darth Vader-o-matic face mask :/

(, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 14:21, Reply)
it'll be great to

see you all there

(, Fri 10 Sep 2010, 17:30, Reply)
I wouldn't bother, Bert.

Call me intuitive, but I think you'd be about as welcome as Gary Glitter at an orphanage.

(, Sat 11 Sep 2010, 16:57, Reply)
Or a fart in a space suit

(, Sat 11 Sep 2010, 17:25, Reply)
or showing up at the Fritzl family gathering


(, Mon 13 Sep 2010, 16:43, Reply)
Not sure what the protocol is replying to these but would be cool to meet a lot of you

(, Mon 13 Sep 2010, 16:21, Reply)
I hope you're less of a boring unfunny cock in real life

(, Mon 13 Sep 2010, 16:34, Reply)
Why? We won't be talking to him anyway.

(, Mon 13 Sep 2010, 19:45, Reply)
Play nice!

(, Mon 13 Sep 2010, 23:49, Reply)

The lad needs to know what to expect. And that's face-punching from Lampito, if nothing else.

(, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 11:10, Reply)

*runs away*

(, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 12:04, Reply)
B3ta user in grammar pedantry shocker!

(, Tue 14 Sep 2010, 19:04, Reply)
You know we say don't take the internet too seriously

well, that only applies to other people, when we think you're a cunt on the internet, it very much applies to real life. You might want to not bother.

(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 15:38, Reply)
Having to drop out

Stupid friend having a wedding the week before!

(, Wed 15 Sep 2010, 13:53, Reply)
People going from Manchester and The North!

How are you going down to London and when?

Where are you staying? Any hotels nearby that you can recommend?

(, Wed 15 Sep 2010, 16:08, Reply)
We're heading down on the Friday

and staying at the Travelodge in King's Cross, which is but a stone's throw from the pub, according to the map.

(, Wed 15 Sep 2010, 18:40, Reply)

I'll look for hotels around King's Cross; although we might head back to Worthing, but the last train is at 12.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 15:14, Reply)
Ours was a bargain (£29)

Might be worth checking their site as they constantly have offers on. That said, I booked it months ago.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 20:16, Reply)
I'm going by train.

I managed to find a travelodge room in Docklands for £35. I could have chosen somewhere more central... but the price won me over.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 13:10, Reply)
Which train?

At what time I mean.

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 15:13, Reply)
I'm going back on the last train

Mostly as we're at home to Fulham on the Saturday and I don't want to miss it, nor do I want to travel back on a train full of Fulham supporters...

EDIT: Mind you, there's 4 rooms left at the Mabledon Court for £75 single / £85 double. Hmmm.

(, Sun 19 Sep 2010, 20:52, Reply)
You may get utterly possed....

Best stay overnight and watch it on the telly. If it's on.

(, Sun 19 Sep 2010, 23:14, Reply)
I'm using National Express.

They have a £2/3 each way deal going, the journey's not too long, and they're much comfier than standard coaches, with loads of legroom and armchair type seats. Cos I'm tight/skint.

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 13:05, Reply)
Hostel is booked

is anyone else staying here?

(, Mon 20 Sep 2010, 10:54, Reply)

What's the protocol for an unknown coming down to say hi?

I did grow up round the corner from the Tap & Spile in Morpeth if that helps.

(, Thu 23 Sep 2010, 21:47, Reply)
We were all unknowns at some point.

Some of us still are in certain quarters. So just turn up.

(, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 14:21, Reply)
im known everywhere because im well awesome

(, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 16:18, Reply)
You're known everywhere because of your capaciousness.

(, Sun 26 Sep 2010, 18:21, Reply)
You're known everywhere because of big words.

(, Wed 29 Sep 2010, 13:25, Reply)
Hey Mancunians

Applebite, Aberracion and I will be getting the 3.15pm train from Piccadilly which lands in Euston around 5.20pm.

I think we'll be joined by Noel and Psychochomp on the journey as well, so feel free to come join us if that train is applicable to you, obviously.

(, Thu 30 Sep 2010, 12:40, Reply)
If I'm coming, I'll probably be coming back home on one of the later trains

but I don't think I can miss it.

(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 15:14, Reply)

(, Sun 3 Oct 2010, 16:04, Reply)
Well, you unlucky fuckers

I think I'm going to come along. Wanderlust told me to and I couldn't think of a good enough excuse not to. Although the local hotels are attempting to rape my wallet...

(, Mon 4 Oct 2010, 21:48, Reply)
Lusty will be sick on your shoes.

(, Mon 4 Oct 2010, 22:05, Reply)
I am fully prepared for this.

I will bring spare shoes.

(, Mon 4 Oct 2010, 22:12, Reply)
You knows it.

I'll probably be so excited I'll throw up on everyone's shoes and my David Bowie T-Shirt.

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 20:38, Reply)
That'll please Monty

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 22:53, Reply)
And do you do everything wanderlust tells you to, eh, do you?!

Actually, yeah, me too.
(, Tue 5 Oct 2010, 19:47, Reply)

It's the safest way...

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 19:09, Reply)
I shall do my utmost to be there.

Since I have to walk past it to get to my train home, I don't really have an excuse not to be there!

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 11:52, Reply)
This is Good News.

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 14:47, Reply)
We're gonna need a bigger pub...

Christ this is getting big.

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 18:19, Reply)
I am Good News.

Except for when I am a harbinger of doom.

(, Thu 7 Oct 2010, 21:32, Reply)

I'm actually going to meet you in real life!

(, Tue 12 Oct 2010, 21:00, Reply)
You're going to need a stiff drink then.

(, Wed 13 Oct 2010, 10:45, Reply)

drink cock

Actually this is wrong as she's all married now.
(, Thu 14 Oct 2010, 19:05, Reply)
Totally am.


(, Wed 20 Oct 2010, 12:53, Reply)


(, Wed 20 Oct 2010, 12:53, Reply)
Totally yeah!


(, Wed 20 Oct 2010, 12:54, Reply)
I really wouldn't miss this for the world...

...looking forward to seeing everyone.

(, Wed 6 Oct 2010, 22:52, Reply)
I'm going to hold you to this

You must maintain a joyful expression when meeting me, or else you'll be lying on the internet. And that'd set a precedent...

(, Wed 13 Oct 2010, 17:34, Reply)
Fucking hell I'm going to have to make a lot of goddamn cupcakes.

(, Thu 7 Oct 2010, 11:42, Reply)

can I have a cupcake?

(, Thu 7 Oct 2010, 15:51, Reply)

Oh yes.

(, Thu 7 Oct 2010, 16:55, Reply)
Oh Hell

A Shed load of cake!

(, Sun 10 Oct 2010, 19:30, Reply)
well, the 22nd is my birthday

so i'll be sure to raise a glass to you when i'm out

(, Tue 12 Oct 2010, 23:56, Reply)
Are we nearly there yet?

(, Mon 18 Oct 2010, 19:43, Reply)
4 sleeps to go!

(, Mon 18 Oct 2010, 22:44, Reply)
I may see you people there

(, Wed 20 Oct 2010, 15:34, Reply)
Now I have realised this is today and I am attending I am slightly nervous for some reason

Consuming several pints once I get there will hopefully correct this.

(, Fri 22 Oct 2010, 7:32, Reply)
I'm nervous too.

And I've met some of these people before and they're fine. Lovely, in fact.

(, Fri 22 Oct 2010, 12:42, Reply)

» Oct 2010 «