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This is a link post CKY-Freestyle Asian Rap NSFW
By Brandon Dicamillo
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:59, Reply)
This is a normal post Awesome
Dicamillo is the fucking man! We need more of him.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:17, Reply)
This is a normal post Woo!
I havent heard this for like totally like years like!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 17:20, Reply)
This is a link post All goes back in the box
Tried watching that zeitgeist movie last night fell asleep of course, however had this little metaphor at the beginning i quite enjoyed it.

Probably GC
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Monopoly
The Bankers favourite.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:04, Reply)
This is a normal post Monopoly Offical Rules...
I hear they state "The Bank never goes broke. If the Bank runs out of money it may issue as much more as may be needed by merely writing on any ordinary paper."

Uh huh...

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:04, Reply)
This is a normal post True True True!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:05, Reply)
This is a normal post What matters?
Passing down atleast one improvment to the human race. Pushing us inevitably towards the end of the universe where, by sheer force of will, the Human Race will reverse Entropy.

Just to fuck with Brian Cox.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:16, Reply)
This is a normal post You watched that as well?
He's got some teeeeeef on him!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:57, Reply)
This is a normal post It was on before Outcasts
yes... there is someone still watching it.

it's like a train wreck that gets better as fewer people watch it.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 15:31, Reply)
This is a normal post You take that back
I almost cared last week when....um....
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:57, Reply)
This is a normal post I don't remember this scene
Have they updated it or something?

Whatever the case, that's a nice speech - click!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:57, Reply)
This is a link post Dickheads on Bikes I made this!
I am a keen cyclist and cycle commuter.

Recently I have noticed an alarming increase in the numbers of people who see cycling as a great way to "accessorise" and "dress to impress" in the Shoreditch, Hoxton and East London fringes.
I felt what they really needed was a cycling club of their own hence The Hoxton Wheelers Cycling Club blog.

If you have any photos of people you feel really are "Wheelers" please email them and I will add them to our "members" gallery.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:49, Reply)
This is a normal post "Gilbert & George take a break from having their bums pounded!"
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Yep.
*sigh* seconded.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 15:31, Reply)
This is a normal post Thirded.
*sigh* But he could of been talking about their bike saddles whilst riding on the cobbles.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:03, Reply)
This is a normal post You live in East London,
My condolences.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:03, Reply)
This is a normal post Once seen on a trip to London:
I'm on a bus waiting at the lights deep in traffic on the way home out of London city centre, I see a cyclist waiting in front of us (unusually taking notice of the red light!) in the full latex form fitting stuff the serious hobbyists wear, a fellow cyclist in similar dress stops by his side and there is a smile and a nod, which is returned, real friendly, nice to see in the centre of London, second cyclist then leans back in his seat revealing a HUGE hard on nearly reaching the bottom of his shorts and continues to smile at first cyclist, first cyclist looks mortified and red faced, big dick looks very pleased with himself, and then they cycle on as the lights change.

Also on teh same day saw a guy using a dick pump while driving, and a guy walking back home (I assume) very early hours wearing only a leather banana pouch, possibly been stiffed by his prozzy and with no wallet forced to walk.

Ah London...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:08, Reply)
This is a normal post My personal strangest London spot
was a very inebriated man in a full-on Waffen SS uniform throwing stones at passing cars on Camden High Street.

This was at 6:45 on a Monday morning.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:13, Reply)
This is a normal post there's a time and a place...
and that would have appeared to have been it
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:24, Reply)
This is a normal post Yeah, sorry about that.
The driver looked like Churchill, honest.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:13, Reply)
This is a normal post Why are my trips up to the 'Smoky Apple' never a 10% as exciting as this?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:52, Reply)
This is a normal post And through this I have found somewhere that...
sells old style bikes and not to new speedy or mountain horrors! Woohoo!

~doesn't actually cycle but loves previous eras~
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:37, Reply)
This is a normal post I think you may find.
That *you're* the dickhead on the bike. Gay insults? Not knowing what the tweed run is? Bit of a poor show there, feller.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:07, Reply)
This is a normal post
Of course I know what the tweed run is pretensious cocks on bikes heading for Shorditch THATS why its in there "Fella"

As for "Gay Insults" there is nothing on the site that insults gays at all! Its all in YOUR interpretation, get over yourself!
I thought posting a link on b3ta was good idea as most people are of a level of intelligence to "get it" clearly your not.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 10:15, Reply)
This is a normal post I think it was the "Gilbert and George taking a break from having their bums pounded" that he was referring to
And its quite disingenuous to says "its your interpretation" when the object of the joke is clearly "tee hee, gilbert and george are gay and probably put each others willies up their bums".

Or maybe the joke is fantastically more sophisticated than that and as a b3tan I just don't have the intelligence to get it.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 11:37, Reply)
This is a normal post Ah, you're one of *them*.
That explains everything. Do carry on.

Insulting my intelligence whilst being incapable of stringing a few sentences together is a bit counter-productive, don't you think?

I generally dislike most websites that encourage people to send in photos of other people for some anonymous tosser to post up and insult.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2011, 14:56, Reply)
This is a link post Matt & Steve's Lucrative Home Design Show I made this!
It's like changing rooms but with a bloke dressed up like a woman yeah?
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:09, Reply)
This is a normal post
There's some good jokes in this. I liked:

What the tilers in Morocco are doing.
The During Siberia joke.
The Elizabethan/ Victorian etc periods.

BUT. It's way waaaaaaay too long. Did you edit this yourselves? If so, I think you'd really benefit from an outside editor. Or just try to be more ruthless. Your intro, for example, is about 30 seconds. Most people will have moved on. And that's a shame. Because there is some funny stuff. Just need to cut out the fluff ! Anyway, click !
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:18, Reply)
This is a normal post agreed.
be ruthless on your edit.

some good stuff though. love the 'semi' puns.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:56, Reply)
This is a link post Tank graveyard
Where they go to die.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:02, Reply)
This is a normal post Tanks for the memories.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:19, Reply)
This is a normal post What are the
brick-like objects some are covered in? Some sort of reactive armour?
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 15:16, Reply)
This is a link post Unbelievably realistic robot
Cloned to look like one of its designers. Video at bottom ...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:55, Reply)
This is a normal post It's only a matter of time before someone mistakes him for the android and shoots one thinking it's the other starting a chain of events that lead to humans spreading from Earth and colonising the galaxy.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:00, Reply)
This is a normal post That's what I was thinking!!!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:47, Reply)
This is a normal post Uncanny

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:14, Reply)
This is a normal post It's only a matter of time before they make one with tits and a fanny and then I'll do a sex with it.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:15, Reply)
This is a normal post but you'd keep the beard?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:01, Reply)
This is a normal post It's a bit cliche building robots to look like their designers isn't it...
If I were building a robot I'd make it look like David Cameron - infiltrate No. 10 and seize power.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:26, Reply)
This is a normal post He is an android
the forehead gives it away.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 19:57, Reply)
This is a normal post This will be used for Steve Jobs v2

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:00, Reply)
This is a normal post I ordered a sexbot!
This is not the droid I'm looking for
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:12, Reply)
This is a normal post that video makes it looks like
they've managed to build a robot to simulate a really stoned guy at a party who can't quite get into any conversations.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:12, Reply)
This is a link post Huge boobs... worlds biggest. NSFW

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:24, Reply)
This is a normal post 7 for 7?
Cunt off fucktard
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:50, Reply)
This is a normal post you think cheesecake1 was banned and it doesn't have the imagination to think of a new name

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:00, Reply)
This is a normal post Reckon you might be onto something there.
Seriously though, how many sites would you have to spam for this to be a worthwhile endeavour?
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:04, Reply)
This is a normal post say to hi
to Axelk
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:13, Reply)
This is a normal post your brothers askdhabsdljhk and mkosdga called they want their spam back.

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:06, Reply)
This is a link post Wonders of the Universe trailer redux I made this!
Hope I've got the timing on this right...

Somebody really should do a proper job on this...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:21, Reply)
This is a normal post worked well for me :D

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:25, Reply)
This is a normal post The music track goes on a fraction too long.
Irritating me!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:32, Reply)
This is a normal post Blame the BBC
besides, it's a 90% match up anyway.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:36, Reply)
This is a normal post I feel a sternly worded letter coming on...

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:40, Reply)
This is a link post drumhead light interaction
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:20, Reply)
This is a link post Horse Soap-Opera Making of I made this!
*With fixed audio. I got a student to handle horse-poo. This video also features R Kelly, sort of.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:15, Reply)
This is a link post Fuck yeah, nouns.
Put a noun in the box.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:14, Reply)
This is a normal post FUCK YEAH
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:25, Reply)
This is a normal post Mr Ambassador,
With these purple links you are really spoiling us!!!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:50, Reply)
This is a normal post You missed some

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:45, Reply)
This is a normal post SFW
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:59, Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 15:05, Reply)
This is a normal post
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 20:02, Reply)
This is a link post dodging sheep I made this!
I've been digitizing some old Hi8 video tapes lately. With most of them I wondered why I originally bothered recording them in the first place.
So, I decided some needed sexing up.
Waddaya think of this one?
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:08, Reply)
This is a normal post Blimey that's one long Hi8 tape - I think this is very nicely done
and a good source for some gif looping road animation tomfoolery ;)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:16, Reply)
This is a link post Channel ten newsreader labels Sydney MardiGras "disgusting"

surprise, surprise! video has been pulled but here's the audio


homophobia at it's finest!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 10:37, Reply)
This is a normal post perhaps he meant disgusting in the way people were looking and acting generally.
Being disgusting in public isn't limited to being gay as far as I know.
Perhaps he's gay but would prefer it if his more subdued and "straight acting" approach was better represented than the garish over the top style that is associated with Mardi Gras.
Or perhaps he's homophobic and it slipped out.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 10:59, Reply)
This is a normal post it's the mardigras FFS!
It's all about gay people being over the top gay!

most of the audience is straight and see it as a good, fun night out!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:01, Reply)
This is a normal post as you say, "most of" see it as a good fun night out
I'm guessing he likes things a little quieter.
Or he's homophobic.

Would be terrible to lynch a man and destroy his career just because he prefers a little peace and quiet. just saying.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:10, Reply)
This is a normal post Hmmm.. not sure about this he might certainly be a bit prudish
but it's a bit far to suggest he's homophobic from that comment, maybe he could have used a better word than "disgusting" but it's not clear he meant being gay was disgusting rather than perhaps the simulated sex acts that are sometimes done on various MardiGras are.

Being prudish is not the same as being bigotted.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:11, Reply)
This is a normal post Well...
he may have a point, seen a few 'pride' parades and seen some really sexually OTT sights in front of everyone. It's one thing to get your ass out in chaps and do a line dance, pretty funny and just on the right side of saucy I think, but if ya do some googling you'll see a lot of guys just plain flop their bits out and/or fuck right there in full view of the public!

It's a minority of a minority but it doesn't make anyone feel proud, this may have been this guys point rather than true homophobia, never been to a Mardi Gras, wouldn't know, but saw a bunch of guys pissed/stoned with their bits out doing pretty graphic stuff in the side lines of the main event during the last Mancs one.

But like 14 yo chavs chucking molotovs at the cops during a student protest, it's a tricky one to call, but I thought what the guy said wasn't blatantly homophobic meself, he was discussing some guys during the main event, not saying 'All gays are disgusting'...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:40, Reply)
This is a normal post Shocking....
A man has his own opinions! Maybe he just doesn't like watching men simulating arse pumping each other or whatever he may of seen, does that make him a homophobe? You might enjoy the odd gay man flashing a cock at a Mardi Gras because he's had a bit to much booze but that doesn't mean it is to everyones taste!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:47, Reply)
This is a normal post what really is disgusting is the accent
Brum + Australian = Unholy combo.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:32, Reply)
This is a link post Yes it's as old as the hills and as glassiest as the glassiest of cocks
but it's Monday morning and it cheers me up :)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 10:01, Reply)
This is a normal post I absolutely adore this
thanks for posting it! Cheered me right up!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 10:27, Reply)
This is a normal post You officially can't post this too often.
It's in the FAQs somewhere.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 10:30, Reply)
This is a normal post Am I the only person in human history to not find them funny in the slightest?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:22, Reply)
This is a normal post yes

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:43, Reply)
This is a normal post I can't say I find that clip very smile-inducing.
But they are responsible for one of my favourite ever jokes:

(Eric peering out of bedroom window)
(sound of police car driving quickly past, sirens going).
ERIC: "He's never going to sell any ice-creams going at that speed."
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:44, Reply)
This is a normal post love it

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:48, Reply)
This is a normal post People get sick of me doing that one everytime I hear a siren... good job I dont live in the inner city, I'd probably get on my own nerves

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:48, Reply)
This is a normal post I *do* live in the inner city,
it doesn't stop me doing it every single time.
(the only known example of a joke becoming funnier through repetition).
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 15:05, Reply)
This is a normal post Ha nice one :D

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 15:08, Reply)
This is a normal post I was trying to explain
to a yank friend about these guys, and showed the Andre Preview sketch... and nothing. Not a titter nor a laugh. And if that's not a reason for deporting the guy I don't know what is...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:22, Reply)
This is a link post Nicolas Cage causes Middle East unrest
It's all troo...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 9:01, Reply)
This is a link post Improv Everywhere and their latest mission.
Not as largescale as some, but a little bit of harmless entertainment.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:49, Reply)
This is a link post Noel Fielding Does Kate Bush Shocker
A friend just brought my attention to this, thought I would post it in case anyone else missed it, classy!

*edit* The original for teh youngsters: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW3gKKiTvjs
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:37, Reply)
This is a normal post bloody brilliant!!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Innit!?
I missed the first round, and for some reason it ain't on iPlayer, but happily this highlight has survived, I love the bits with the backing dancers...
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:58, Reply)
This is a normal post haha superb

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 9:04, Reply)
This is a normal post He looks scarily like that Florence (without her machine)

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 9:13, Reply)
This is a normal post this ^
He looks more like Florence than Florence.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 9:57, Reply)
This is a normal post Hehe,
I think I still prefer Alan Partridge's version though. ;-)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 9:28, Reply)
This is a normal post Haha
very good
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:57, Reply)
This is a normal post He is truely Kate incarnate.
Urrm is she dead? If not then guess it was just a good impression... not quite the same though in that case.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:32, Reply)
This is a link post Good commercial, this

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 7:15, Reply)
This is a normal post 5 whole minutes!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:18, Reply)
This is a normal post
good find.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:29, Reply)
This is a normal post Breasts are people too
...and don't they look comfortable!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:58, Reply)
This is a normal post LIES!

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 11:54, Reply)
This is a normal post That is a whole load
of gratuitous sound effects. I'll be listening out for them on the tube and then I'll know who is wearing this device.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 12:28, Reply)
This is a normal post I find that
bewbs make that sound when I give them a cheerful squeeze

They used to go *Honk Honk* but I grew up
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 13:18, Reply)
This is a normal post
what a great advert!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 14:24, Reply)
This is a link post Kitties :) I made this!
Some photos i've taken this side of 2011 at the Cat survival Trust so far, uploaded wonderfully huge; so expand the screen to enjoy them in all their fruity goodness :)
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 0:03, Reply)
This is a normal post Why do people like cats?

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 5:47, Reply)
This is a normal post because they are cute and cuddly

(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 6:33, Reply)
This is a normal post No, dogs are cute and cuddly.
Cats are cunts.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 7:21, Reply)
This is a normal post dogs are boney and stiff
cats a floppy and malleable
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 7:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Both are ace
I grew up with dogs and love them to bits

I now have cats and love them to bits.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 8:16, Reply)
This is a normal post They're infected!
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 9:44, Reply)
This is a link post Blue grass cover of tribute by the D.
(, Sun 6 Mar 2011, 22:41, Reply)

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