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This is a link post My God...

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:18, Reply)
This is a normal post Buddha?

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:20, Reply)
This is a normal post Married and cheated on Kelly LeBrock
bastardbastardbastardbastardbastard bastardbastard
bastard bastardbastardbastardbastardbastard bastardbastardastard
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:21, Reply)
This is a normal post Seriously?
What a retard!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 23:28, Reply)
This is a normal post This should have played when he backhanded the very gravity out of a dude.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:36, Reply)
This is a normal post Candle thing - Yay!

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:48, Reply)
This is a normal post The film is Belly of the Beast by the way...
and thanks! :D
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:54, Reply)
This is a normal post Haters can hate...
.....but this guy seriously knows his Aikido. And hearing from a mate of mine who he had in a wrist lock is not someone to mess with.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 23:05, Reply)
This is a normal post Sounds like Chris Rea
only shitter
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 1:49, Reply)
This is a link post I've got loads of guilty pleasures
This is my last post about it though, I could be here all night. For some reason this makes me think of throwing one out. I must've been doing it while it was on in the past. Nice image for you all there while you watch it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:14, Reply)
This is a normal post Must have been something to do with the apparent absence of a bra.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:17, Reply)
This is a link post I see your guilty pleasure and raise you...
...The RAH Band.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:58, Reply)
This is a normal post Aargh!
Teh guilt

Teh pleasure

Teh shame
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:04, Reply)
This is a normal post Reminds me of Hot Gossip and "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper"

and that other woman who married the fugly rich fella
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:09, Reply)
This is a normal post Bah!
My videos to both these songs are better!
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 14:12, Reply)
This is a normal post So why not post your links?
Shakes fist!!!!

(I'm not angry really :) )

If you don't I will.......
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 14:38, Reply)
This is a normal post I must admit
I always preferred "The Crunch". (There is a live performance of
it on le tubes, but it doesn't give justice to the original sound)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:13, Reply)
This is a link post Consider yourselves all out-guiltied.
...I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:53, Reply)
This is a normal post Genuinely like!
I used to DJ a bit, & my partner-in-crime would occasionally pop this on.
It was a real test-how-well-it's-going track...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:01, Reply)
This is a normal post when I was playing student nights
I'd use www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJL1APHzyCw for similar purposes

Edit: Following on from that link, I've just rediscovered www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t34klI_7xk which I had otherwise managed to block out.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:03, Reply)
This is a normal post Them at Reading + Piss Bottles = Happiness
Anyway, off to meet/drag to old market an old friend who's just come over from Oz. Catcha later stinko.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:24, Reply)
This is a normal post They were actually killed during that pissbottle tirade.
Consider yourself ignored moron.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:36, Reply)
This is a normal post Yay!
Hey Ozzie!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 23:42, Reply)
This is a normal post My ears have just rotted off. I hope you're happy.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:45, Reply)
This is a normal post You might not be so guilty...was this posted earlier today?

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:10, Reply)
This is a normal post It was? Crap, sorry.
I did check the last 3 or 4 pages on the offchance. Must have missed it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:15, Reply)
This is a normal post I could be wrong
and this has been such an addictive (and phun packed) hurrah of a day that I can't go through the pages again.

worry not.

But I hope you at least managed to come across Wendy James as i did earlier
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:24, Reply)
This is a normal post was posted as a reply

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:32, Reply)
This is a normal post aha. makes sense. tyvm

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:36, Reply)
This is a normal post this video is strangely close
to my actual life.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 1:06, Reply)
This is a link post Bon appetit kittens!
This is not funny video. Abandoned and rescued kittens are always hungry. They are fighters for life, because they felt the cold, rain and hunger. Park, shrub, shoe box, kittens inside - always the same old story :(
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:52, Reply)
This is a normal post I've come to the conclusion
that English is not your primary language. That might explain why you just dump your links and run.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:59, Reply)
This is a normal post how's your Swahili?

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:02, Reply)
This is a normal post Si mbaya sana

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:09, Reply)
This is a normal post I tried the online translator at

and it came out as "fuck off you spamming cunt"

which I thought was a bit harsh
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:14, Reply)
This is a normal post Swahili - why not?
Kiswahili pia ni lugha kwa ajili ya watu - Swahili language is also language for people.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:23, Reply)
This is a normal post Dump your links and run. Run??? LOL
1. you're right for language, 2. and very important - I don't want discuss with some uncultured commentators. Thank you all for watching my boring (not shocking) videos.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:13, Reply)
This is a normal post see above

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:15, Reply)
This is a normal post Is this the first time you have actually responded to someone?
That said, didn't that dog have a British name? What is your primary language (that way if I know it I can engage with you on your level)?

And you spam, spam, and spam some more. Not really on.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:24, Reply)
This is a normal post Are you cultured enough Doctor?

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:25, Reply)
This is a normal post I use a bidet after I poo.
I consider this the height of culture
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:27, Reply)
This is a normal post good good... carry on
as you were
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:37, Reply)
This is a normal post After the amount of cake I have eaten today
I fully intend to.

cake ftw
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:41, Reply)
This is a normal post Perhaps you could try the abandoned kitten diet

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:54, Reply)
This is a normal post Don't be so tasteless!!
I look for abandoned cats to eat cake in front of. Much more gratifying.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:58, Reply)
This is a normal post FUCK OFF
you stupid brazilian footballer
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 0:29, Reply)
This is a normal post see now you're being uncultured again

(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 1:18, Reply)
This is a normal post is there any need to be that antagonising?
There's no requirement to join in the conversation on here. It's called /links. He posted a link. Job done.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 8:27, Reply)
This is a normal post less than 60 posts, more than fifty links.....it's somewhat more poilte to give feedback is it not?

(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 9:59, Reply)
This is a normal post I think they are all his links as well
I've seen people crucified here for far less.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 14:02, Reply)
This is a normal post the vomiting at 1:38 is great

(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 8:26, Reply)
This is a link post I don't really say much
But I've been lurking around for a while.
I don't post much/really anything because you guys are generally more entertaining than anything I could say/add.
Anyhow, I think this is one of the great guilty pleasure songs.
Hope you enjoy.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:52, Reply)
This is a link post DIY TV Go Home, Brooker not included. I made this!
I miss that website so made my own, TV Go Clone. Add your own programmes, click create..
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:47, Reply)
This is a normal post haha excellent

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:59, Reply)
This is a normal post fast work!

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:06, Reply)
This is a normal post 9:00 Celebrity Time-Lapse-Prolapse
Over the course of a weekend a celebrity is coaxed into a complete rectal prolapse by our team of expert proctologists. With the whole process captured using high definition time-lapse photography, you will really get to see your favourite celebrities insides out.
Week 1 : Ben Fogle
During transmission press the Red Button for a fully realised 3d re-creation of the moment of prolapse that you can zoom, pan and rotate to your hearts content.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:59, Reply)
This is a normal post 9:00 Pretty Woman 2: Back on the Game
Bankrupt by the financial crisis, smug city f*ck now snivelling pauper, Edward, weeps as lorry drivers, loners and wretched perverts bang Vivian for derisory sums of cash.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:13, Reply)
This is a normal post Ha ha ha, page 4, BBC one, 8pm.
Nicely done. Gets a click from me for that alone!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:17, Reply)
This is a normal post http://tvgoclone.com/Index/Top/43/Nice
Yeah, friends say the nicest things
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:26, Reply)
This is a normal post LOL!
9:00 Cuntdown

Richard Whiteley's a goner. Surely Des O'Connor won't be long? Bowel, please Carol. And a heart while you're there. And a lung.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:23, Reply)
This is a normal post This One
7:00 Cocking Fuck

Return of the ludicrously inappropriate children's show.

1. A fun packed start to the new series as Timmy shows us how to write 'CUNT' on Daddy's car with a knife; Daisy's mum takes the gurgling toddler dildo shopping; and what to say to strangers. (Kate McCann presents live links from HMP Wandsworth's nonce-wing.)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:52, Reply)
This is a normal post a link to it..
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 23:13, Reply)
This is a normal post I think this is amaze balls, it needs more hourse per day though

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 23:20, Reply)
This is a normal post Surely this is the best thing ever!?
Thanks for making this - it's bloody brilliant! Please can we get it newslettered, the word must be spread!
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 1:42, Reply)
This is a normal post this is brilliant

(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 6:41, Reply)
This is a normal post Brilliant idea :)
some good LOL's to be found there
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 7:59, Reply)
This is a normal post Ace man
deserves to be newsletters, off now to make a programme
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 11:01, Reply)
This is a normal post The boy who was never born! Genius.
made me did an involuntary snort laugh
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 16:03, Reply)
This is a normal post genius work folks..
loving the new programmes
(, Sun 12 Jun 2011, 1:32, Reply)
This is a normal post Genuinely superb website
have bookmarked (and will post again) :)
(, Sun 12 Jun 2011, 3:33, Reply)
This is a link post Impressions showreel.
One guy, forty impressions. I thought his Jason Statham, Elmo & Emperor
Palpatine were pretty good, but judge for yourselves. He does seem to
hang around Johnny Depp (one way or the other) though.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:34, Reply)
This is a normal post I thought..
..Orlando Bloom was a Florida flower show.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:53, Reply)
This is a normal post Brian Blessed was great until he did Boss Nass.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:56, Reply)
This is a normal post he's good.
needs more feeling i reckon but he is still damn impressive
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:16, Reply)
This is a normal post His voice is too highly pitched for most of these...
fair play to him, he's studied them well to do imitations, but Morgan Freeman and Ian McKellen are definitely deeper than he is.
Still a thumbs up though, cos he's better than me.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:18, Reply)
This is a normal post Some of them were very good.
But some of them were just a bit rubbish.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 23:49, Reply)
This is a normal post Nice
(, Mon 13 Jun 2011, 22:27, Reply)
This is a link post Got an incident action plan? Got a backup?
Inspired by the shredder in the newsletter and the now well publicised need for local authorities to have a zombie incident plan.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:17, Reply)
This is a link post guilty pleasure.... the most underated band of the late 80s, early 90s
their earlier stuff was better - but this is the song that made them 'famous'.

classic 80s video...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:42, Reply)
This is a normal post Love this song
Instantly takes me back to being 18 again.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:54, Reply)
This is a normal post Albert Turkey!!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:09, Reply)
This is a normal post One of mine
from roundabouts '86-'87
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:49, Reply)
This is a normal post
quality - thanks for posting that...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:16, Reply)
This is a normal post ditto muchly

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:38, Reply)
This is a link post Boogie Down Productions - Love's Gonna Get'cha
Mate of mine reminded me of this gem on FB
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:40, Reply)
This is a normal post niiiiiice
I haven't heard this group in ages. :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:19, Reply)
This is a normal post krs1 rules.
:D one of the best tunes there is imo www.youtube.com/watch?v=_J-h_8dwyiM
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 1:30, Reply)
This is a link post Guilty pleasure. So sue me.
The man's a genius.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:52, Reply)
This is a normal post Hell yeah!
Easy listening gold.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:01, Reply)
This is a link post Somewhat inspired by Rob T Firefly's post below NSFW
and somewhat inspired by guilty pleasures Friday (or 'Wankers' Fun', as David Quantick described it), this is not a 'guilty pleasure'. This is just sheer fucking awesomeness!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:12, Reply)
This is a normal post Seeing them live would kick ass.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:44, Reply)
This is a normal post Sure would
the only thing that stopped me (other than pretty hefty ticket prices, though not their fault, more Ticketfuhrers) when they were active was the prospect of going to an enormodome and watching the backs of the heads of 1000s of people. Nah, stick a live avi on, crack a tin and crank the amp.

That'll do.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:01, Reply)
This is a normal post they are good live
saw them at wembley when they supported GNR an no-one knew who they were
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:38, Reply)
This is a normal post NIN supporting GNR?
A pound for whatever the promoter was on that day.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:50, Reply)
This is a normal post Saw them at Leeds a couple of years back.
Second to FNM, best live band I've ever seen. Stunning visual and light show, incredible performance.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:03, Reply)
This is a normal post O2 Arena back in 2009.
Fucking. Amazing.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:36, Reply)
This is a normal post NIN kind of passed me by
Which seems remarkable based on that video. What album should I get as a starter?
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:57, Reply)
This is a normal post Personally I'd start at the beginning, with Pretty Hate Machine
then move to "The Downward Spiral", "The Fragile", and "The Slip". The others ("With Teeth", "Ghosts" and "Year Zero") were somewhat disappointing, I feel.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:07, Reply)
This is a normal post Aye.
Pretty Hate Machine
Downward Spiral

Don't bother with the rest :)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:22, Reply)
This is a normal post C'mon now
the "Broken" EP stands up against anything
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:26, Reply)
This is a normal post Yep.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:32, Reply)
This is a normal post Oops
forgot about that. 'Fixed' on the other hand...

In my experience anything that Adrian Sherwood touches turns to shit.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:34, Reply)
This is a normal post Your name
....does "please don't take me to the pickle farm" have any relation to it?

(a random statement for me to make, if it doesn't)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:46, Reply)
This is a normal post Maryland USA a couple of years back
Small gig without all the crazy lights show. Tom Morello showed up onstage and did a couple of numbers with NIN. Great.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:26, Reply)
This is a normal post Seen em live three times
Each time was a marvel. Far better in an indoor concert setting than outdoor though (Seen em Glasgow Barrowlands, SECC, and Edinburgh Meadowbank)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:29, Reply)
This is a link post Great White Shark Fed By Hand
I found this hard to watch. It had a similar effect on me as those vids shot from very high places...
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:40, Reply)
This is a normal post Stupid people being stupid
Reminds me of that Grizzly Man documentary, who though the bears were made by Disney till they ate him, and his girlfriend... I suspect if she keeps it up she'll have red raw stumps for arms and legs.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:45, Reply)
This is a normal post AAAaarg!
No no no no NO!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:55, Reply)
This is a normal post It's so cuuute!
But yeah, I also expect this to turn out like Grizzly Man.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:01, Reply)
This is a normal post A future Darwin Award winner

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:03, Reply)
This is a normal post
You'd think so, yes - however her and her hubby are pretty good at shark stuff
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:06, Reply)
This is a normal post They probably wrote the wiki article themselves

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:10, Reply)
This is a normal post Timothy Treadwell was pretty good with bears
right up until one of them decided to eat his face. Ditto Roy and tigers.

I fully expect to see the remaining one of this couple on the news in the next year or so complaining that "they never bit our arses off before".
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:30, Reply)
This is a normal post
Dont get me wrong - I'm not suggesting this is recommended behaviour. As a keen offshore fisherman who regularly targets shark (mako usually) I assure you I find her behaviour outrageous and unwise and it gave me the fear to see it. That said, their 50+ years of experience in the field gets my respect for sure.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:44, Reply)
This is a normal post This woman is a fucking idiot.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:10, Reply)
This is a normal post Daft, brave, nutter or what -
that's pretty damn awesome.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:21, Reply)
This is a normal post I am all of those things.

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:26, Reply)
This is a normal post holy fuck
they're just misunderstood man
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:26, Reply)
This is a normal post future chum right there

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:46, Reply)
This is a normal post Somebody who goes out of their way to make sure sharks associate people with food?
This can only end well.

And by well, I mean more shark related attacks on humans, leading to more shark culling. Way to go, misguided, soon to be eaten, twats.

edit: quote: Shark stuck head out of water. Narrator: "appeared to beg for food like a dog".

They're kings of the fucking sea! Not performing animals or dogs! Arrrghh.
(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 0:25, Reply)
This is a link post 9 Year Old Vogues
And silences any doubts his parents might have had with a FIERCE routine!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:30, Reply)
This is a normal post How delightfully queer!

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:50, Reply)
This is a normal post you forgot to select "I made this"

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:53, Reply)
This is a normal post *guilty lols*
WiL might make you regret that!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:41, Reply)
This is a normal post Meh...
I was just hoping people would enjoy it, he's pretty good!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 20:55, Reply)
This is a normal post Well I enjoyed it. He is good :D

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:43, Reply)
This is a link post Nine Inch Nails vs Bingo NSFW
If you're like me, and I know I am, you've wondered what it'd be like if Nine Inch Nails did a song about playing Bingo. Now, thanks to these people, we know.

(NSFW for sweariness, goths)
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:01, Reply)
This is a normal post Whoever did that
does one hell of a convincing Trent Reznor impression!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:01, Reply)
This is a normal post hahah
It's a parody of their March of the Pigs video. I agree, a top notch impression.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 22:37, Reply)
This is a link post New Carmageddon game!
From the original developers too!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:01, Reply)
This is a normal post Hell yeah

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 18:38, Reply)
This is a normal post Hours wasted
getting my 166mhz pentium to run that shite back in '97. Got there eventually, and totally worth it..
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:06, Reply)
This is a normal post Here here...
...I had the pleasure of a 133Mhz. Didn't stop me from wasting a rather large percentage of my time on it.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:20, Reply)
This is a normal post Ha
I'd forgotten about this series. Took a lot of faffing around with configuring 'extended memory' and 'expanded memory' to get it running on my PC too. I never even attempted to finish the races, just destroyed the opposition for maximum cash.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:25, Reply)
This is a normal post Combining the bouncy pickup
With the springy pedestrian pickup was always amusing
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:50, Reply)
This is a normal post yes !

(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:42, Reply)
This is a normal post ahhhhhhh....

that's tomorrow's entertainment sorted!
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 19:42, Reply)
This is a normal post Hooray!
Did you see the banner link image on the right hand side for the Forums?

Take a closer look at the usernames.
(, Fri 10 Jun 2011, 21:49, Reply)
This is a normal post Rim Cheese Mauler

(, Sat 11 Jun 2011, 12:29, Reply)

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