Setting up a 'greenscreen' at work got me thinking about the films and tv that I've accidentally been in.
Helena Bonham-Carter vehicle "The Heart of Me" was filmed in our old office, and features several of us peering through the curtains whilst they filmed in the square outside. Similarly, my girlfriend was in an episode of the Professionals that was filmed outside her house.
What have you been in the background of?
( , Thu 11 Nov 2004, 11:34)
This question is now closed.

i was in the background of the amazing BBC Scotland show (dont know if it was nation wide) "The Beachgrove Garden".
The show is basicly like all crap garden shows. They do up the garden.... thats about it.
So getting back to the point, me and a mate were walking on a pavement down the road during one of their "speeded up" sections. Two or Three frames of fame! YAY
but not only that the old gardener taught Shinty now and again at my local school!
My mates house was also in the Crow Road... it was where the guys bird's parents lived.
Lastly i was on nickelodeon after winning a holliday to California.....
i was 16 when i applied for the competition (upper age limit) and only watched Ren and Stimpy on the channel (honest) but won!
The competition was their version of the national lottery that had just started.
Imagine their surprise when a 6ft 5, 17 yearold comes onto the show and dwarfs their presenter....
They got their own back tho as they had me wearing a small miniskirt style kilt (it was ment for a child)playing a game against a 14 yearold.
I had to run along the stage with my hands down my kilt picking up various typical scottish things (haggis, salmon and a turnip are the only ones i remember) and dropping them at the otherside.
Needless to say i won and flashed the nation on live tv. (it was the miniskirt kilt)
i think my mum still has the video... no doubt i'll get to see it again if i ever take a girl back home to meet the folks at some point.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 13:11, Reply)

This is about as tenuous as it gets!
About two years ago, a mate of mine was filming a piece for the South Bank Show,to accompany a piece about a poet who'd updated the 'this is the night train crossing the border' poem about trains.
Him and his girlfriend had to act the part of geordies out on the drink.
I sent him a text advising him to steal the camera when they weren't looking.
Two months later, there's my mate on the show, pretending to be drunk, looking at his phone and saying 'I've just got a text from Skotty.'
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 13:00, Reply)

I was an extra in a film - I was a policeman. One Sunday morning, we were filming in the inner-city of Dublin. I was late and hungover, and The unit base was about a mile away from the set. I had missed the crew bus, so I had no option but to run through the streets of Dublin - dressed as a cop - looking for the set. After 5 minutes I say two other people in police uniforms. I ran up and said "Hi! How's it going? What are we doing today?". They looked blankly at each other. "You know? Where are we shooting?" I said. I didn't realise that I'd stumbled across two REAL cops until one asked incredulously "Have you MADE your own uniform?". Turns out I was nowhere near the set, and they had no idea there was even a film being made. I just made my excuses and ran off. Suprisingly, they let me go.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:53, Reply)

They were filming some telly program outside Dunstable magistrates court which is right opposite Dunstable college. Oh dear. As you can imagine they were continually getting frustrated with students messing about and buggering up the shot. Eventually it was quiet enough for them to do it as I was just walking away in the background (wearing a bright yellow t-shirt.) However, as soon as I heard them shout "go!" I turned around threw my arms in the air and cheered. They weren't happy so I made a hasty exit.
Hopefully, I will one day be seen on It'll Be Alright on the Night or something similar!
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:45, Reply)

Well I say mate...
Some random bloke in a pub...
Told me how his home town was once used in a TV programme and you can see his brother's dog's uncle's office windows in the upper right hand side of a shot for all of two seconds.
'nuff said.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:22, Reply)

My legs were on Kilroy. It was one about the budget and i was too hungover to proffer opinion. I was also an extra on "Shining Through" a crap wartime spy drama featuring Melanie Griffith and Michael Douglas. I had to walk behind them both dressed as Columbo for an entire day, going "Rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb". You can see me for about 30 seconds.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:17, Reply)

I was one of the refugee children on the train platform in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Had too look all sad and lonely, but my friends and I couldn't stop laughing. So much for being at our wits end for being taken away from our families! Look for the blonde curly 7 year old! Yea! Fame - i'm gonna take over the world next *cough* ehem
*runs away and hides laughing manically*
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:17, Reply)

My father worked for a while in Brunei, whilst there me, my sister and mum and dad, where asked to make a video for Shell on "table manners" we did this eating soup from the opposite side of the bowl, saying please and thank you, not putting are elbows on the table etc.
My better and more interesting film exploit include dressing up in a gallbladder custome for an extremely strange swedish educational film on the human body.
Sorry I wasted your time.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:15, Reply)

I was on the grid for this years World superbike at Brands Hatch, i was about to speak to my hero Carl Fogarty, when Suzi Perry Shoved me out of the way while speaking to the camera to go and speak to the man himself instead of me.
So in the second race i slowly walked past in front of her as she spoke to the camra with a dumb look on my face like i didn't see you there, the camera crew were not happy. And then i got my Photo tok with 'king' Carl.
Also got piss at the oval and streaked across the wickets, got a kick in of security for that. my unfit body and tiny wanger were seen live on tv across the nation.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 12:05, Reply)

I live right by one of the tunnel entrance/exits on the Bluebell Railway ( a touristy steam train line for those who don't know). We've had a few things happen, when ITV did their remaking of the Railway children they shot a few scenes on that tunnel entrance less than 50 meters from our house.
The BBC have been there before, can't remeber what for, but I remeber they were using our toliets as their portable one was broken. And when there was that Worst Jobs in Britain program with Tony Robinson, they did a shoot a couple of hundred meters down the track from us for the victorian railway builders job. You can see the top of our house over the ridge there.
At the quarry I worked in over the summer there was once a Benny Hill sketch filmed. It was a James Bond spoof using one of our large circular stone-cutting saw and moving table thingies. It hasn't been used in years, but it still sits there.
That's all my claims to stardom. Bit shit really.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 11:52, Reply)

My (now ex) girlf once appeared on Jim'll fix it about 20yrs ago. She pranced around with her friends to Swan Lake with Wayne Sleep (looking goooooood).....This episode also included some kids playing guitar with Status Quo - Must have been a good year for them to be on Jim'll...
My dad was once onscreen with Lloyd Bridges in a wartime film in zee 60's - His (in)famous line was "Life on the ocean waves"
And H'apparrently I was on Tv as a screaming baby in the crowd during the first London marathon.
Girth's good.
So there.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 11:39, Reply)

I was living in Alnwick, and the castle was being used for the bit just after Morgan Freeman jumps up on the wall and does the 'I am with Robin of Loxley, are you ready to rumble?', and the peasants and townspeople storm the keep.
The film company asked the local jobshop for bodies, and it was agreed that the local ub40ites could work for a couple of days each as extras, with no effect on their benefit.
At the time I was sleeping with one of the girls at the benefit office (or 'feeling the benefit' as one of my mates put it), so I managed to get roped in as well.
And so it came to pass that a few of my workshy hippy mates and I became extras. The pay was £30 a day plus as many salmonellaburgers as you could eat.
We were costumed up, made up, given these shitty costume boots with paper thin soles, and made to charge across the cobbles of Alnwick castle courtyard about a dozen times.
This got dull rather quickly, until 'The Sausage Man' suggested a smoke. We might have overdone it a bit, cos the whole episode became very surreal indeed, and I lost track of the proceedings at about 3pm ish.
The shot I am in lasts for just less than 2 seconds. Look for the courtyard shot from above, with people charging across it. Find the guy with the long pikestaff, who jinks to his left just before the end of shot.
That's me that is.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 11:35, Reply)

Learn to spell before posting, I beg of you. Your writing makes my eyes sad.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 11:00, Reply)

Match of the day, circa 1987-88, opening titles, Elland Road, Shilts in goal for Derby (I think) Me and My mate in rapture as David Batty puts one in for the Mighty whites!
Jumpers for goal posts, small boys in the park...
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 10:52, Reply)

i have been in the background of many a film and tv show as an extra due to the fact that i work in the film industry. chthonic, what do you do? setting up green screens you must get to know a few hariy arsed sparks...
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 10:22, Reply)

My beloved and I went to Paris last January for my 40th birthday. She spent a lot of the time photographing Parisian buildings for a commission she'd had from Paramount Pictures. They had told her it was for the backdrop to a 'marionette film'. I tagged along with her and just for fun posed unobtrusively in many of her photos. (aside - it is amazing how if you set your camera equipment up in front of any old building how many tourists themselves start taking snaps of the building. They must assume it is famous or something). Anyway, we found out last month that the 'marionette film' was in fact 'Team America: World Police' by the South Park people, which is doing well at the box-office in the US at the moment. We've only seen clips, but sure enough, you can make out me (very small) standing by the photographed buildings in the background.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 10:14, Reply)

I was robbed at knifepoint by three aborigines in February this year at Blockbuster where I worked. The story goes like this, and I do apologise for length in advance.
round about 6:30, two of the cunts that robbed me come in, while theres other customers around, walk to the drink fridge and pull out a bottle of coke (from the drink fridge, you can see into the office, btw) quick glance out the back and he walks up to the counter to pay for it.
And then he goes "oh, i have no money." and I was like, yeah whatever, thought nothing of it. him and his mate walk out.
7:30, no one in the store, nor the entire fucking complex for that matter (thanks beckenham) and im phoning people up, asking where our unreturned videos are. in walks the two cunts that came in before, along with another cunt, and HE walks straight behind the counter and into the office, to which I said "hang on mate, that's staff on.....oh fuck" I then see the other two come in, and i proceed to jump over the counter, which is next to the door. I got one leg over, but by that time, cunts number 1 and 2 had already made their way round the back and pulled me back over. I hit the ground like a sack of shit, they hoist me up, one either side and say "Open the till, Open the till!!" to which I did, then cunt number 1 and 3, proceed to take all the money out of the till.
Cunt number 2 then grabs me and pushes me up against the wall, puts a knife to my throat and says "where is the rest of the money?? don't fuckin move, or i'll stab you, you cunt!" So i didn't, life is something i don't reeeeally like fucking with. By that time, a car had pulled up, the cunts get spooked and run out.
while cunt number 1 was in the back room, he was searching for the security tape, which he thought he found. He flicked up the lid of one of the VCR's to find "Blockbuster Loop Tape" written on it. and being the dumbass that he is, he took it, thinking it was the security tape. The security tape, which shows the entire incident in all it's glory, was given to the police, who apprehended (eventually) cunts 1, 2 & 3. and then the media got hold of it....
NOW. to bring me to the point of answering this question. That following saturday, i was headline news on all three major channels in Western Aus, 7, 9 and 10.
Woo, my inbox on my mobile was flooded, and I was famous for a couple of days.
PS: Cunt number 2 also stole my watch. Oh well, he's in prison now. haha
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 9:53, Reply)

were engineering students in Brighton. They were out studying the new bypass being built to the North (well, they can't build one to the South) when they were asked to appear in a video that was being filmed on the unopened road.
So it's a bunch of idiot engineering students that are in the video for the Justified Ancients Of Mumu's It's Grim Up North, and they were about as far South as it's possible to get.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 9:43, Reply)

I was accidentally in a documentary for the BBC about stage makeup. I was lurking about the Theatre Museum in Covent Garden when a producer for the show came up and asked if I spoke English. Turns out their model person hadn't turned up for the shoot and they asked if I'd kindly lend them my face. So I ended up being filmed while I was made up to look like I'd been beaten up or something to show the wonders of stage makeup. They were supposed to send me a tape but never did.
Apologies for lack of excitement.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 9:32, Reply)

I know I'm a newbie and shouldn't be able to post until next week, but I have a pic to add to your new topic about being caught on film.
Have a look yourself - that's my mate Larry immediately behind the woman at the till, and that's me looking a bit blurry with the cream jumper. This pic is taken from the forthcoming britflick 'School for Seduction' starring Kelly Brook, who unfortunately didn't make it along to the Benton Asda Hypermarket where the scene was filmed. Bah.
[mod edit: site has popups]
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 9:31, Reply)

One Monday the wife and I were off work and decided to go bowling at Bury Megabowl. Being a school day we thought it would be quite.
It was packed. But we still went in.
Anyways it turns out that every person in there, except me and her, were film extras and they were filming an episode of Cold Feet.
We were give the very end lane in the place and subsquently we were filmed in the background of the episode!
So our bowling skills are recorded in an episode of Cold Feet!
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 8:56, Reply)

on work experience at the home of the cutting edge rag that is "The Grimsby Evening Telegraph", I turned up at the press conference that Alan Buckley was going to use to announce he was leaving Grimsby Town FC. I, being a lazy 17 year old and being high on some dirty weed (its the only way to survive in Grimsby), had heard there was going to be a wizzo buffet and looked forward to banishing the munchies. On the buffet they had some HUGE sausage rolls. In my Mary-Jane clouded mind I thought it would make the reporter laugh if I tried to deep throat one of the said sausages taken out of the pastry, which I duly did and started to wave at the reporter wildly. He didnt pay me much attention, so I let it drop and continued on my way to a state of freeganism.
When I got home that night to watch Look North (with Judith and Alan) I saw Alan Buckley saying how much he was going to miss Town. In the background I saw me, enthusiastically sucking off the sausage and waving at the reporter who was off screen.
My last year in sixth form was fuffing haggard, let me tell you.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 8:56, Reply)

I am seen a number of times as the crowd shots are shown as I am at the front of the crowd. I was in a crowd of thousands and looked very crushed indeed. Was also in NME center spread of said concert, where one shot has me looking direct @ the camera looking bored as hell as I was being poked in the ribs by a 15 year old lass trying to get her breasticles out.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 6:05, Reply)

About 18 years ago my school choir "won" the "opportunity" to "sing" at the coronation (enbishenment? induction? activation) of the new Bishop of Lincoln. Look North showed a clip of a bunch of kids jumping up and down in front of the said bishop in which one of my arms is visible for at least half a second.
More recently I was briefly visible in the far background of a shot used in the Big Breakfast news of a couple of grannies being blown off their feet by the (apparently quite severe) winds the day before.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 6:05, Reply)

I was on an 80s factual tv show. They were doing a report about the computer training course I was on, Leicester Information Technology Center (LeItec for short). Two of my mates went to the BBC studios and were interviewed by the now dead by suicide David Rappaport. All I had to do back at Leicester was open the door, walk into the training centre and sit down next to a fat bird called Lisa. I did exactly what they said, Dammit, I wish I was holding a piece of paper or something.
I was also at a Marillion concert about 10 years after that event ^^^ They had one of those cameras that whizzed around about 2 inches over the audience. It was broadcast live on Rock Steady and featured in the Marillion video "From Stoke row to Ipanema"
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 5:45, Reply)

Bit of an Aussie thing, but Nandi was a young Somalian boy that stepped on a land mine when he was 3. At the age of 5, he was flown to Australia so that we could fix him and the doctor could walk around feeling superior to everyone. I wheeled a trolly past in one of the scenes on TV.
Also, my brother's office was the one that the helicopter smashed into on the first Matrix. You can read about my Matrix experience in the 'have you ever been rude to a celebrity' section. Keanu Reeves is a twunt.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 5:14, Reply)

but when i walked the dog i wore wellys and old raggy type clothes, so i walked the dog, come out the gates of the local woods and seen a guy holding a box, not thinking anything of it i went home.
At tea-time we had the local news on and to my suprise right at the end of the report was me walking out the gates of the woods IN MY FUCKING WELLYS ALL BECAUSE SOME WANKER GOT SHOT DOING AN EXPEREMENT!!! FUCKING CUNT!!!!!
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 3:53, Reply)

Me and my girlfriend were in Beaumaris on Anglesey and we could see a camera crew "down tools" at it were, 2 weeks later, flicked the TV on "songs of praise" was starting just as i reached for my remote, "this weeks programme is in Beaumaris" so i lingered and sure enough in the opening montage shots was me. WERHEEY. Waited till i had turned me back on em.
( , Fri 12 Nov 2004, 3:36, Reply)
This question is now closed.