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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Good afternoon you bunch of shut in pricks & cunts
Well the sun is shining, I’ve made breakfast, washed the cars, touched up the gloss work, cleaned out the Turtle tank, Fixed a roller blind & Put up 3 new curtain rails, what have you lazy bastards been doing?

Alt: Alt: I didn’t realise just how many films I’ve been BorrowingTM from the internet and started watching some of them last night, there must be at least 20-30 movies I haven’t seen yet, what illegal activity was you last involved in?

Alt:alt: Sundays what do love/hate most about them?
(, Sun 1 Sep 2013, 12:47, 63 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Morning the internet, how'd Saturday nite go?
I got pissed, primarily with Jocks. Did you get pissed with Jocks?
(, Sun 1 Sep 2013, 10:24, 20 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Yeah, you know who owns it

(, Sat 31 Aug 2013, 22:51, 125 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I have just opened a packet of Foxes Caramel Caffé Snaps. With a mild caramel flavour they are perfect with a creamy coffee, the packet tells me. I would also add that they are also great with standard coffee. The 'snap' comes from a pre-formed seam along the longest section of an oval shaped biscuit, meaning a high quality of 'snappage' for dipping and dunking. The packaging is attractive, and they are served standing on edge in a sturdy plastic tray. I obtained a 145g packet for 65 pence, which I feel is very good value for money.
What's your favourite biscuit?

Alt: cricket

Alt:alt: is anyone here?
(, Sat 31 Aug 2013, 14:31, 229 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining and I've had my second cup of tea.
Gentle B3TANs, what are your plans for this last weekend before the kids go back to school? This morning I'll be at Ikea when it opens to get new bedding and some rugs, this evening it's BBQ time. Tomorrow will be hard landscaping and sampling some wines.
Alt: Syria. Get involved or fuck 'em?
(, Sat 31 Aug 2013, 7:39, 92 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Wakey wakey!
I've dropped the Doris at the airport and I'm in work and it ain't even 8am yet.

Beat that!
(, Sat 31 Aug 2013, 7:36, 7 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 18:34, 146 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
so ... so ronery

(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 16:10, 95 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 15:50, 14 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Well finally some good news.
Depressing Paddy and Beowulf-ruiner Seamus Heaney is dead.

What was the last goods news you heard (apart from this obv)?

Alt: the last bad news?
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 13:34, 171 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Not all modern pop is garbarge, some of it grows on you.... like, I really like that Jason Durelo "The other side" song. And I'm a fan of Will Young too.
Let's have a music thread, g'wan, recomend something. YouTube links apprechated.
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 12:27, 134 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I've been asked to start a good thread so instead heres a shit one!
The other day I did a Nakers and was a total spastic. I found out that Debbie Harry was American. I had always thought she was English because of her singing accent.

Have you ever thought something only to find out that you were wrong and a spastic?

Alt. I'm going to a wedding tonight, weddings are shit aren't they?
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 11:42, 100 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
It's all real now.
Just been sent the estate agents info pack thing for my flat, they've made it look brilliant. Then I noticed the shameless stretching of the images, my old Electric Head Funk poster looks almost square when it most certainly isn't. The sly old dogs.

Are you a sly old dog? YM mum is. Well, she's not that sly, I suppose, but I stand by the rest of it. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

kill me now
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 10:25, 104 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'll try and start a proper thread
Charity - do you give to charities? Have you ever given money to a "chugger"? Have you raised money?

Weekend plans
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:54, 186 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
When did you last mistake a question for a judgement?

(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:19, 2 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Well this is a great start to a Friday
Where are you all?
(, Fri 30 Aug 2013, 8:16, 12 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Is publishing gazzes ever acceptable?

(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 22:21, 15 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
So Nakers is he really the best on here*
Regale us with the best bits of Nakers, a bit like "This is Your Life" you too can be Eamonn Andrews for the night.

Alt: What is the best Beverage EVAH?

Alt:alt: I was engaged to a ravishing young woman back in my early 20’s, we were a couple since the 4th year seniors but she dumped me & broke my heart :( I have recently had contact with her because of a tender process and has texted me a few times, I would never cheat on my wife and this feels really wrong, come on b3ta guide me.

*Begrudingly he is one of the best on here
(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 18:18, 325 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Evening prick thread.
The air con in this office has been up and down more times than YM.

Describe your day and tell me what you're eating tonight. NOW!
Im having thai chicken and noodles.
(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 18:01, 18 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
unrecommend somthing

(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 16:23, 101 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Recommend somthink

(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 14:30, 145 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
hahahahaha yeah b3ta
(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 12:33, 8 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Does anyone use "old school" technology much?
Such as dvds, cds, vinyl etc? I use film for most of my high-end photo work, it still pisses on digital. Favourite camera is a 1950's 120 format Twin Lens Reflex, amazing quality. Or are you just hard drive all the way now?
Alt, anyone use Picasa? Not a great fan.
Alt alt, lunch I suppose. I was rebuked yesterday for my lunch thread being too late. Cheese on toast here, nice Red Leicester.
(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 11:27, 119 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I am dreading going to work so much I feel sick.
Been awake since three. Woo.

Alt: hiya guys!!!!! How's it going? ???
(, Thu 29 Aug 2013, 7:23, 249 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I think Gonz should go on Come Dine With Me
What other B3tans should appear on TV? On what programme?
(, Wed 28 Aug 2013, 18:32, 153 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

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