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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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My little girl has stuck a raisin up her nose!
It's been there for two days now. My ex took her to get it removed by the doc today but she (child) wouldn't let the chap even look up there, let alone try to retrieve it. Consequently she has to be put under sedation on Thursday. This is all rather funny other than my mother and sister are allergic to general anaesthetic as is my ex's mother - I know nothing about this shit, should I worry?
For some reason I am asking you cunts rather than Google. Or a doctor.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:42, 131 replies, latest was 15 years ago)

at you, as I know little of these things. except I'm not sure how to do soothing noises - you'll just have to imagine them
My brother once had to have a stone taken out of his ear under general anaesthetic. It was the same weekend I won a prize on Going Live. Tru fax
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:46, Reply)

Crabby crab crab, monty has got me, into crab tune to Nacho Man.
I'm waiting for my flatmates to tell me if they're joining me for dinner, if they are, I shall COOK and ENJOY and BLOG.... if they're not, then I shall EXPERMENT and BLOG.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:47, Reply)

Oh my, I think I _may_ have made a terrible mistake.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:55, Reply)

I started cooking, only chopping and getting the water boiling, but my camera ran out of juice, so I'm giving it 15 minutes before I go for it =D
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:27, Reply)

I don't like the texture of the crab, but the taste is really good. All in all, not bad for a first attempt.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:07, Reply)

I had only had it in cakes (crab not cream) before i tried that recipe yesterday and found it wonderfully light yet meaty.
And that was the shit from a tin.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:57, Reply)

( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:03, Reply)

that the raisin would fly out of her nose and comically land in the mouth of a large fat man who was yawning at the time.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:52, Reply)

with an unpleasant sensation of being at work at the end of it.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:59, Reply)

Does this mean I'm married?
*confused face*
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:01, Reply)

Not to put too fine a point on it, but your brother's review of Sonisphere was shit and wrong
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:03, Reply)

They were ace.
And he said Iron Maiden was shit which is just pure rubbish
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:08, Reply)

they were awesome. Slayer were awesome. It was all awesome, apart from Pendulum which was a bit annoying, and The Cult which was disappointing
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:17, Reply)

Maiden were awesome you're right though, though Bruce Dickinsons taste in clothes is a bit special
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:22, Reply)

Are you still stuck in Victoria? I feel bad for you son.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:16, Reply)

till 7 tonight. I've been chatted up by two odd people already
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:32, Reply)

My record remains clean luckily. I did meet Vipros and berk though
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:13, Reply)

This is terribly bad form. Unless you used the effect of MASSIVE DRUGS to have a look at her breasts.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:22, Reply)

and it had beneficial pain relieving effects. My mrs was there. Reading between the lines, she didn't seem keen for me to look at Amberl's breasts.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:25, Reply)

every time your eyes dropped below Amberls nose?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:28, Reply)

it was the only thing in my suitcase that was even a bit pretty/rock/metal etc. I had white linen shirts by the dozen and abercrombie and fitch t-shirts.
And it had an awesome effect on the pain. I don't care if it was only a placebo
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:30, Reply)

had enough black and enough of the right sort of style that you got away with it.
I saw stocky balding men in floral dresses, I don't think you had to worry!
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:31, Reply)

start with single skins, or thicker papers and you will probably find it easier.
search for the joint rollers handbook in google too. it has some more complicated joints, but the bit on rolling might actually be helpful.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:34, Reply)

And if this surfing bash happens, I'll make you one myself
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:25, Reply)

Did you spend a day with everyone you like but not really have time to talk to any of them, and then get really drunk and dance to "Welcome to the Jungle" really badly?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:04, Reply)

You're probably not then. Unless you ended up with a new set of knives?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:07, Reply)

I would have taken it to the cook islands with me and used it to scare Kiwi tourists.
I met the two fattest american cunts I have ever seen. The fat old shit was so fucking lardy he couldn't walk up fucking stairs without someone pushing him from behind, and his fat old wife was almost as bad.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:10, Reply)

Did you manage to get any pics of them?
For, y'know, 'research purposes'...
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:11, Reply)

but there was a very funny incident when they put them in wheelchairs to get them to the plane and they lined them up next to each other and mrs al leaned over and said it looked like they were going to have a race. I laughed really loudly at them.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:13, Reply)

And all her pictures are pictures of lolfatties.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:14, Reply)

which I will post here once I'm back at home again.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:16, Reply)

sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs281.ash1/20861_1473969820260_1564113313_31186011_8373546_n.jpg ?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:23, Reply)

my erection came from the photos of you jumping into that cold looking pool.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:25, Reply)

And if you'd jumped into that pool you'd have anything but an erection. It was fucking freezing.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:30, Reply)

And obviously your idea is genius, though with b3ta it could be like the hysterical woman in Airplane!
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:58, Reply)

I hope she does her little bending her knees dance after each one.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 17:59, Reply)

( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:02, Reply)

It's great, but on the downside there are constantly loads of 'misunderstood genius' students moping about outside her house all the time.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:04, Reply)

I was wondering you see, I've been told a lot about people who shit on each other, and I'm open to try it, I'm willing for someone I trust to plop a turd on my chest, but only someone I trust. And I can't think of anyone I would trust more than the wife of my best friend; you !
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:28, Reply)

which is usual for a kid in nappies but not for a whole fucking month. turned out he'd jammed a piece of ham up his nostril and it'd started going bad. lovely stuff.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:02, Reply)

when you are you having your birthday? Are you 16 yet?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:03, Reply)

all mardy and oh stop banging on about your birthday. why dont they just fuck off or something its totally my birthday soon the arsey cunts
its making me :(
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:04, Reply)

I love hearing about your birthday. I'm imagining the card I want to make you. It's got sparkly bits on it and when you open it a cardboard cut out thing pops out and flaps as you wiggle the card. It's fucking genius even if I do say so myself.
I reckon anyone who gets mardy about your birthday, you should punch them right in the left tit.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:07, Reply)

but don't ask me what day it is, I'm horrifically jet lagged. How are you?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:10, Reply)

Was it worth the jetlag? I'm good ta. I've got another new boy to work on. I also have a pole and a free house.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:12, Reply)

Jet lag is totally worth it. We ate so much food, I've put on almost a stone, I feel like a right fat cunt.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:15, Reply)

He also wears check shirts and is ever so slightly ginger. :D However did you guess?
In three weeks? You fat bastard. All the fat al pictures are going to get rolled out tomorrow.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:17, Reply)

and we discovered this bar where they first started making Irish Coffee in the states, we got absolutely shit faced.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:20, Reply)

That is what holidays are for, really.
Sounds like you had an excellent time.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:27, Reply)

She's turning into a right little chunker.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:01, Reply)

i fucking love a birthday and lovely stuff i just dont get the hostility man. im just about to post another update and any h8rz are getting deleted right up.
what colour is my card?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:10, Reply)

And I'd get some of those fluffy pens, I'd get a green and a pink one and some of the gold sparkly glitter stuff. And I think it would have an animal on the front, and a picture of you and the animal would look really cute and it would say something like "separated at birth" so that it's being nice and saying you look like a cute animal.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:12, Reply)

this is well the bestest not realest card ive not got before my birthday unopened until sunday for like... EVER!!!11!
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:16, Reply)

there's a really funny line inside that'll make you do a real life LOL and then you'll read the message I wrote next to it and it'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and also a bit fizzy between your legs, because you actually fancy me a little bit, even though you know I'm married and stuff.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:20, Reply)

and then surreptitiously glean information from wall posts and updates leading to me staking out a bash and following you home... waiting... waiting... pushing love notes under your door and calling your house only to put the phone down as she answers just to hear your voice only your voice god why wont you pick up i know youre home i can you on the fuckiNG SOFA WHY WONT YOU ANSWER YOU MAKE IT SO HARD TO FUCKING LOVE YOU
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:34, Reply)

'cus if you're out, then I need to pull in my a-game.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:35, Reply)

or dust under her nose and make her sneeze it out?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:03, Reply)

( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:05, Reply)

Ask what all of those related to her are alergic to and make sure the doctors know.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:13, Reply)

I am sorry for you. How old is your little girl? It sounds like the start of a comedy story!
My brother is an anaesthetist in Billund and I have just called him: he says that there are many different cocktails of sedation that can be provided to deal with allergy.
I cannot help you more than this I am sorry other than to make sympathetic noises.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:34, Reply)

( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:42, Reply)

apparently these photoshops are powerful and engaging, not awful, cliched and hammy
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:44, Reply)

but I wanted to air my opinion of these and I couldn't do that to the person who just put it on facebook
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 18:47, Reply)

goddam it why do people have such shit taste?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:03, Reply)

I hope it's being photographically documented.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:13, Reply)

We've not had a nasal blockage yet.
We have got our own chairs at A&E though.
And avoid large African doctors if at all possible - they have long slender fingers which they insert up bums.
I'm saving that story for a relevant qotw.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:23, Reply)

I am saving the story of my prostate exam for similar reasons.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:16, Reply)

*extremely tenuous*
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 19:58, Reply)

I've outfoxed you.
is this a pun, making a link between garden pests? OR DO I SIMPLY MEAN WHAT I SAY?!
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:29, Reply)

Got to love that hat and tights combo.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:45, Reply)

is hats and tights. And being drunk. And probably either kissing you or punching you.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:51, Reply)

Enjoying having a mrs al to feed you and make you fatter?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:53, Reply)

I came home nearly a stone heavier than when I left. And I just had a kebab for dinner. Tomorrow, I start to jog again.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:55, Reply)

More kebabs. I might consider leaving the house tomorrow, but in the end will just end up lying in bed eating sweets like a fatty-fat-fatty again.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 20:59, Reply)

What with having graduated. The job hunt just isn't progressing as quickly as I'd like, mostly because a bout of laziness has taken over this week.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:02, Reply)

It must be easy, the government says so.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:06, Reply)

I'm not on benefits either, I'm just being poor instead.
Damn government are full of more lies than NuLabor. It may be easier if I applied for more though.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:08, Reply)

And I can promise you I will neither kiss nor punch you
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:08, Reply)

Are you back home for the holidays yet or are you hanging around in London?
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:18, Reply)

Camberwell to be precise. Staying her for the foreseeable future. It's awesome.
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:24, Reply)

and I almost always wear tights, so really it's not that odd that he'd picture me wearing them
( , Tue 3 Aug 2010, 21:07, Reply)
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