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A Rat err Caoon err Racat oh ffs i dont know.
Gratch Sit Ubu sit ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:12,
archived )
Whatever 'e is
He's killed, and 'e'll do it again! *Incites mass panic* *Vanishes*
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:15,
archived )
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:18,
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what a cutie
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:21,
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"Jokes are better than technique"
Orkran Mild Euphoria Ensues ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:08,
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I agree
--=| Daz |=-- has been masturbating over a picture of you since ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
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B3ta is your friend.
Azzek! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:10,
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I've never had one smash so nicely.
Is Photoshop the only way?
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:10,
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you can also use gimp, and *turns on torch pointing upwards at chin* MSPAINT!
Orkran Mild Euphoria Ensues ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:11,
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Can I?
*tries to use mspaint but dies in the process* *gets better*
Azzek! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:14,
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So I guess
learning PaintShopPro at this late stage would be pretty much pointless then...
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:16,
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Ironicly perhaps, i got the idea for this pic because my sister actually did break my unbreakable DVD. However, it diddnt break as nicely as a shop could do.
Orkran Mild Euphoria Ensues ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:18,
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Oh I apologise for being harsh
I really do. It's just that I learned to be cynical back in the eighties when they played FM radio adverts of babies eating CDs (yes, I know, you probably had to be there)... Us old farts, we get bitter at times. Again, sorry.
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:21,
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sorry, I couldn't resist
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:21,
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subtle. Made me laugh. AAAAAAAARGH!
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:22,
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damn you for making a better pic.
Orkran Mild Euphoria Ensues ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:25,
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Shirly its..
.. Unbreak-quo-ble (Sounded better in my head)
416E6479 ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:45,
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Reminds me of the jigsaw I made out of a broken ruler
When you put the pieces together it said "Shatter proof". (Oh, and woo!)
Arf ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:38,
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up, up and
thirsty a rare visitor these days ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:02,
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I want.
but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all foreskin of the apocalypse ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:06,
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wooo yaaay 'tis good, that!
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:06,
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*hunts for quo*
Azzek! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
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* realises he forgot to include quo and hangs head in shame * /ninja * remembers Shame is the name of a Kanuck mountain and resolves to drink Canada dry instead *
thirsty a rare visitor these days ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:15,
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Drinking Canada dry
is a wonderful ambition /coat /hat *runs*
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:28,
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spaceage ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:02,
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Is that
a trick question? Or am I missing something? (Probably the latter.)
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:04,
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It was in the newspaper today
Jordan is the blackest white female in the uk
spaceage ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
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They never seen the lass that works
at my local sunbed place then.
cuntmuffin ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:11,
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The fact that you know what your local sunbed lass looks like
suggests to me that we should switch places. Sunlight gives me the screaming willies, really.
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:14,
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Nothing wrong with leaving the computer
occasionally. There's a whole world out there, although, generally, it probably does look better when poorly lit.
cuntmuffin ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:15,
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That's what I get
for living in the colonies. Thanks for the explanation, tho'.
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:12,
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teh orange one
cuntmuffin ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:05,
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bucktooth ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:59,
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that ace!
cuntmuffin ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:01,
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Jonathon King was going to be the coach at Arsenal.......
....but he wanted to put Seaman in the under-11's.... ....I'll get me coat!
Charlie Baked Potato ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:11,
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*passes hat, umbrella, rolled up newspaper and shuts door*
robh ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:16,
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1755962245856 ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:55,
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he looks just like someone i used to know at school.
Mousing ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:56,
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You knew mosh girl at school?
Azzek! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:58,
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just what i was thinking.
cuntmuffin ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:58,
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perhaps we went to the same school
Mousing ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:59,
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♫ oooohh! it's a small world, after aaaaall!
cuntmuffin ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:04,
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i say that's rather good.
Carwash Maaaaaaaaarge! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:58,
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I don't know who that is
but if he was in my kitten/kitchen I would ask him to take his trousers off too
--=| Daz |=-- has been masturbating over a picture of you since ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
archived )
to you, I've started using the word "Fatspander"* as a generic insult. Woot!*at least, I think it's "Fatspander", I may be wrong...
The Neville What what what ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
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Tell me if im wrong
but are those pissflaps for ears????
Firkinfedup last shat on your wife's tits at ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 16:20,
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spazz cat
The little pink animal is mostly harmless, except on ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:44,
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doesn't look that pink to me
chrono_johns ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:45,
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top loopage!
Wong Fei-Hung - now with added flickr.com (see profile) ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:45,
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nice loopage
Purple Onion ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:46,
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he could keep going all day
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:47,
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thwack it!
thwack it hard!
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:52,
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Grace Brothers open a new D-I-Y store
giant_squid ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:42,
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and have a compo pearoast
manwithunderpantsonhead older than a Time Lord ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:43,
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I think i've been
to that motorway service station
eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:46,
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burger breath ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:42,
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Charles looks so apprehensive
he must know something is amiss
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:44,
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burger breath ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:53,
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Well what's "amiss"
certainly ain't his missus (sorry, had to)
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:00,
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ha ha ha ha!
Wong Fei-Hung - now with added flickr.com (see profile) ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:44,
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oh dear!
Mousing ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:45,
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Why is there
a giant behind them?
Flabbergaster laughs at danger (and breaks all the rules) ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:50,
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Security reasons
I think
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:14,
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top shop and morning all
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:52,
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bonjour mes amis
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:37,
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Fantastique mon ami
oCo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:38,
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It's good to see your Lemur sense is still strong!
barnesy ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:43,
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it never fails to surprise me when I log on B3ta and there's a lemur on top of the board ... I'm begining to believe in this Lemur sense stuff Hello Barnesy
oCo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:48,
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i saw that lemur, thought of you, and there you were! msn, sir? *edit* hello barnesy too!
zerolicious ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:03,
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somehow i knew you'd turn up to woo this one
lemony ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:44,
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mm smoking lemurs.. always a winner
I want to eat his giant orange did you see/hear this?www.b3ta.com/board/4478355
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:39,
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I have now
fantasticyou are Jim is too quick at these
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:42,
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he wrote it, you know..
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:42,
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Bonjour, le mur...
(okay it's at this point my French goes in the toilet. But that's cool. I likeee. Thassssawl.)
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:41,
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Que c'est en ce moment mon Français entre dans la toilette. Mais c'est frais.
eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:43,
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Don't get fresh with me
monsieur, madame or madamoiselle... as the case may be ;)
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:54,
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est-ce que n'importe qui l'a noté est très lent aujourd'hui? j'ai eu le temps pour une douche avant que j'aie répondu à ceci.
eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:24,
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I used up most of mine on the subject line
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:45,
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mais votre shoppage est incroyable!
(in a good way, that is) (actually, "shoppage" is probably not a French verb. I don't frequent French sites like this, and I'm an Aussie who learnt French back in the eighties, so I wouldn't know shite.)
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:56,
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I quit learning french 20 years ago
I hated my teacher, and dropped it at the first opportunity
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
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pippy is a truck ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:41,
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look at those red eyes and tell me that's not the finest gonja in that pipe... sparkly good!
Jogolo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:44,
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DogHorse plop ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:46,
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my god
that is mad.
MrA ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:51,
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oOooh haven't heard that before
Do you mind if I use it (with credits of course) if I ever update my lemurama thingy ?
oCo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:51,
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hurrah for the lemurama
i haven't done any new lemur pics for an age, i must get some more done
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:58,
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More lemur
You know we want it
Flyslip ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:09,
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Be my guest!
DogHorse plop ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:16,
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will notice you if I find the time to update it
oCo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:17,
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I love that song :~)
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:52,
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that's fab
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:53,
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seamless - Explorers Explore the Dolphguin...
Jogolo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:30,
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nicely done that man
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:36,
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shite til I added the bg... that made it viewable.
Jogolo ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:46,
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the ultimate swimmer
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:37,
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For Beer!
Sorry about the quality... Please also visit Bog, made by my wonderful girlfriend....: Chair Food Scissors
Dr Funkenstein - back in the civilised world ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:30,
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I like the Bog with peas best
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:32,
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Look out for future bogs - playing with matches and .... toilet training!
Dr Funkenstein - back in the civilised world ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:34,
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That, my friend, is fucking ace!
Woo, yay and all that jazz!
King Ralph is drunk ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:33,
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Ooooh, thanks very much
Was hoping you'd still be about...
Dr Funkenstein - back in the civilised world ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:34,
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I'm always here,
watching, waiting.
King Ralph is drunk ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:36,
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Watching and waiting in a dirty-old-man-in-a-mac sense?
Dr Funkenstein - back in the civilised world ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:38,
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King Ralph is drunk ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:41,
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you are Cyndi Lauper AICMFP
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:40,
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Girls just wanna have fun.
King Ralph is drunk ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:42,
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this is funny
mitch ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:33,
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eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:34,
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poor little kitty
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:35,
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I would rather grow a beard...
Has to have bindun
vinceclortho ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:27,
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Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:28,
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so would I
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:38,
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Yup fraid so
Peregr1n @peregr1n ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 15:12,
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pippy is a truck ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:25,
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naughty pippy
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:26,
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how rude
pluke in a giant mechanical pickle ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:28,
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ooh, I would love to see her face if she ever saw this... hehe.. class!
oucheh I am have confused ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:30,
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nice one
burger breath ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:34,
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eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:54,
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serious ? us ? hahahahaha !!!!!! you breedin sirry irriots
burger breath ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:22,
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hahaha the car is flippin` excellent
make us some chips would you, wench? ;)
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:26,
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yeah I like my Chinese Popemobile too
edit: where's me fookin chip bitch ??? hahahaha
burger breath ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:31,
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how long did that take to do?
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:37,
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the car ?
bout 5 mins why ?
burger breath ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:43,
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Purple Onion ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:27,
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Very very woosome!
And good taggage!
Vega31 ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:29,
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Ha ah ! Till death Gringo !
edit : oops, wrong version ... animated one meant to be posted
chrono_johns ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:16,
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that is wonderful.
MrA ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:21,
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much better with the animation
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:26,
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Flabbergaster laughs at danger (and breaks all the rules) ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:28,
archived )
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:34,
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ha ha!
Purple Onion ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:43,
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oucheh I am have confused ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:15,
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blimey that`s fantastic!
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:16,
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pluke in a giant mechanical pickle ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:17,
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i wonder if he'd be doing that so enthusiastically
if he knew i'd just sneezed on my screen. Very nice pic, woo and indeed yay to it.
kingofpork is the king of pork ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:17,
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*bows to the talented newbie*
you am good
eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:18,
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that is aceness
woo yay
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:19,
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that's brilliant
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:19,
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hehe thanks...
Somehow, I think I'm gonna like playing here..
oucheh I am have confused ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:22,
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I LOVE OUCHEH best of all the noo-hoo-bies I LOVE OUCHEH he/she/it's* my friend!*delete as applicable
eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:25,
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\o/ \\o o// \o/
oucheh I am have confused ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:36,
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pippy is a truck ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:26,
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that's one fucking huge tongue that is
chrono_johns ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:27,
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That gives me an idea for a series ;)
oucheh I am have confused ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:34,
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like "fucking huge tongues through history" ?
or "Fucking huge tongues - learn to live with it" ?
chrono_johns ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:36,
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or "Fucking Huge Tongues"
- beautiful girlfriends
eponymous Oh! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:40,
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luckily, Tabithas new husband...
... could see past the tongue, to the beauty inside or...
oucheh I am have confused ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:51,
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Carwash Maaaaaaaaarge! ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:56,
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I always wandered what Higland cattle would look like if I shaved them
I kinda wish i never had...
jagerman ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:09,
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he looks so mournful...
rosey ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:14,
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creepily woo!
Gratch Sit Ubu sit ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:14,
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he looks sad
shaving obviously isn't his cup of teA
MrSanity has maybe kicked the WoW habit forever ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:19,
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let`s have some cheese!
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:22,
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that's cheered up my morning* woo to the picstrictly speaking it's afternnon, but i'm just up
DrNibdy ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:30,
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the slim fast shake alternative
rosey ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:08,
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blimey it`s an old skool invasion
mmm feeeeesh
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:09,
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rosey ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:11,
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*does Crazy Frog dance* .. fully clothed though
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 10 Apr 2005, 14:14,
archived )
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