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One of the covers that didnt make it . . .
Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:20,
archived )
The shadows appear to be of square-headed robots from Mars,
is there something we should be told!?
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:28,
archived )
edjogs Collared doves are shit. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:37,
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i think they made the 18th hole too hard.
Frumbert has no sig ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:19,
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the_man361 bffwaarghhl ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:36,
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have a chip!
edjogs Collared doves are shit. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:38,
archived )
nice, it gave me this idea
OnionTerror is a bag full of sick ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:16,
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Following a conversation yesterday about whether Eddie Izzard was funny or not,
I decided to download some and see, and I think I've identified the problem: Read top to bottom, then repeat, about 8 times, and there you have the Eddie Izzard Experience, I think...
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:17,
archived )
Izzard IS funny.
nuff said - damned nice bloke too
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:20,
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Oh, I quite agree, edit; I like the man too, and the cross dressing really narks the uptight wankers in the world,
but he DOES talk an awful lot of bollox tho, doesn't he?
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:23,
archived )
a guy!?!
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:24,
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he`s fantastic!
"so .. em... yeah!" did you see the thing he did when narrated Alcatraz? AL-CA-TRAZZZZ.. ring the bell.. RING RING RING MUST GET OFF
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:26,
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im affraid
that houmor doesnt work over a messegeboard friend
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:28,
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have a squizz for the audio files - very funny the missus has all the videos/DVDs
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:30,
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yeah well
he really does look like a woman in fact... /fwaps
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:35,
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..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:57,
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i think i just laughed for a full minute there hahahahahaha! seriosly though, where did you hide the camera?
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:05,
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..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:38,
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Afraid I'm going to have to disagree quite strongly there. I reckon he's one of the funniest people we've got going round these parts...round all parts come to that...
jme ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:23,
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bill bailey is funnier
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:27,
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have to disagree
he is very funny, but I think Edward, the action transvestite, pips him Zinglebert Bembledack
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:31,
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i'm sorry but all i have to say is
"kraftwerk doing the hoke koke"
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:32,
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funny first time you see it
but Eddie stays funny again and again :p
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:39,
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yeah i spose you're right
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:42,
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did you hear jinxx`s Kraftwerk version of the muskerhounds tune?
same sort of thing
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:48,
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On a par I'd say
And on the plus for Izzard I'd say his stand up shows overlap with each other less than Bailey's do (possibly with the exception of Part Troll). Then again that might just be because Izzard has more shows out. Well, whatever, they're both amazingly hilarious though.
jme ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:37,
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I just like the way Izzard goes off on surreal tangents
but I was in a hotel 2 weeks ago and I did laugh about the "tea.. and coffee.. making.. facilities"
Reckless_Rik ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:50,
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Can't see what the fuss is about with this chap.
And I'm sure there would be any fuss if he'd just FUCK OFF.
Frumbert has no sig ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:23,
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Bit strong,
calm down dear, it's only a comedien
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:26,
archived )
well those picture's aren't making any sound. That makes him a mime
Frumbert has no sig ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:28,
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an offence
punishable by death
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:30,
archived )
Thrown into
the scorpion pit
jme ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:34,
archived )
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:32,
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AOL, announces new company name change..
You knew it was coming..
Pua'a ega-ega How much chuck norris could a woodchuck chuck? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:13,
archived )
I believe this to be the truth
so woo!
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:14,
archived )
They're bent on world domination. We must resist!
n8ive Zip it, Shrimpy...you cunt! ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:18,
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Or this, which I did a while ago
OnionTerror is a bag full of sick ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:17,
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Good ol'AOL
Semi_Apocalyptic ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:29,
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*Adopts terrible Australian accent* Aw shit, mate, the kangaroos pissed in me ear again..
Vulthoom ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:10,
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nuff said
PoorDoggie ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:15,
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ive got the new squirril phone by virginwww.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=115 /is too tired for this
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:16,
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Vulthoom ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:17,
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i would seriosly
recomend those comics lol, theyre the one of the funnyest i know of hehe except for these recent darth vader -NOOOOOOOOOOOOO ones of course
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:32,
archived )
ha ha ha ha
pippy is a truck ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:27,
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That was Victor Meldrew
with a puppy AICMFP
edjogs Collared doves are shit. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:42,
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Pew Pew Pew! Lasers! wannabe Gong Farmer ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:08,
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Vulthoom ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:10,
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i hate
those fortune teller things woo to pic btw
Lupus v1.2 ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:10,
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me too
they am teh scarey
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:13,
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the light turns on and they move around arggghhh!
Lupus v1.2 ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:17,
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that's terrible.
I *like* it!
Frumbert has no sig ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:10,
archived )
jme ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:10,
archived )
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:13,
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i like it
but best not to repost in new threads
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:13,
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I was hoping noone would see :(
Pew Pew Pew! Lasers! wannabe Gong Farmer ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:14,
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who is this mr. noone?
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:15,
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that made me laf
Lupus v1.2 ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:18,
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sorry, there just seem to have been an awful lot of them about recently so i thought i'd mention it... you do get bonus points for not calling it a pearoast though... but for what it's worth i do like it :)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:18,
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I saw, and I'm very disapointed in you. It truly sucks when half the posts on a page are reposts.
sosumi ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:32,
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I'm not sure if you guys are terribly interested...
but I'll tell you anyway. I've re-recorded one of my little songs and I've got it here (321kb mp3)
ShigTheNewt isn't funny. -_- ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:03,
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Lupus v1.2 ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:14,
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urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:15,
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Jangly is the sound of a cheap ukulele. I likes it!
ShigTheNewt isn't funny. -_- ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:42,
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eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:58,
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Great Scot!
thats effin' brilliant
We are the lemon irked your craw on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:01,
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but maybe a little work on the contours to make it lees flat?
OnionTerror is a bag full of sick ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:04,
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nah, you can keep editing these things forever, there's always one more tweak, it's fine as it is
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:15,
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Like the wallpaper page.
Mine needs a change. *goes for show us your bagpipes*
JPaddy ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:04,
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i muchly like the top left one!
That guy with a hat. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:04,
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that's my favourite too
it's a happy hand
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:15,
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they're all pretty happy-looking exept fist, he looks a little agressive.
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:19,
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now that's a better one
more depth on the mouth
OnionTerror is a bag full of sick ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:42,
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you have
awesome wallpapers me friend
Arsonade is saving up for a new box of hummus ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:18,
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very odd but woo worthy in any case. woo. p.s. I'm very inebriated and think I just emailed the sun about a half dozen of my shops from various addresses in a revenge tatic.
sosumi ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:36,
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go sosumi! take over their viral chart then write and make them reinstate your tags on them all :D
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:44,
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guess who's it's my birthday it isand guess who and I missed their my 1500th postgo on i dare you
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:42,
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my mum?
Leroj ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:53,
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gary glitter?
or the guy from teh strokes?
yanmania... last shagged your mum on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:55,
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happy birthday!
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:04,
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Only with cream
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh! ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:05,
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cake! *scoffs* thanks :o)
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:06,
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hippy bathday!
it's my (and my bf's) anniversary today! woo yay
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:11,
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go us!
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:13,
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but, alas, bf is away :(
but i have a bottle of champagne in teh fridge anyway! :D
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:20,
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champagne! YAY!
/technically not old enough to buy booze
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:22,
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the pope?
homonk ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:33,
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Better late than never...
Yeah, you get the idea *relurks*
Jessie © needs pirate name suggestions ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:34,
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UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:39,
archived )
Wish you never get registered this one..
Sure, Boy George would love this one.
Pua'a ega-ega How much chuck norris could a woodchuck chuck? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:41,
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just got it... bin thinking bout it for a while tis v. woo (but, yea, really don't want it!)
PoorDoggie ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:52,
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It was a bit of a brain-scratcher, wasn't it?
JPaddy ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:08,
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Wow, we're back in nursery school!
I'm gonna go pee up the wall, I always win that one.
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh! ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:54,
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*reigsters it*
Frumbert has no sig ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:30,
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When AOL goes wrong..
Pua'a ega-ega How much chuck norris could a woodchuck chuck? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:33,
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I would
not AOL though.
B33R Drink me ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:34,
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AOL? good god no!
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:40,
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In fact
I wouldn't touch AOL with yours.
B33R Drink me ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:41,
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i wouldn't touch it with a shitty stick
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:43,
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ewww - AOL - does it ever go right ?
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:47,
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yea, im on AOL at the moment
its cheap, and (we have a router) it runs quietly in the background. I like it
PoorDoggie ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:53,
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Thanks to AOLs new ant-spam system,
I and many other people can no longer send them emails. Lamers. Still, who cares.
n8ive Zip it, Shrimpy...you cunt! ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:53,
archived )
show me the way to go home
i'm tired and i want to go to bedmore penguins | new animation, charles clarke in spandex and a puppy pianist!
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:23,
archived )
thats simply FAB!
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:24,
archived )
Awwww. Lovely
altobunny likes orange cats ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:25,
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Vulthoom ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:31,
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Laughing like a gnome is me! :D
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:40,
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reminds me of last night/this morning! super!
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:46,
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he was on his way to the party then
on his way home now :)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:58,
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'half the world away' is on XFM
it fits perfectly :)
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:50,
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but surely he'd be wearing the cone as a hat :D
amon - hooray :D ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:53,
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this is very true
you may see this penguin again, once i have a taller background :)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:59,
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not when you have a shiny green top hat to wear instead
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:22,
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Yay for the Irish penguin!
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh! ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:00,
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pippy is a truck ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:28,
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Day 14: Thier eyes are starting to open and they are getting more mobile by the minute!
Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:05,
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And they are
As ugly as the mother!
I'm the nasty bastard who takes your car away when its not taxed ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:09,
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didnt want to say anything incease i got a million hungover people attacking me
Sir T. Skellington ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:10,
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I am not hung over
I only had 4 bottles of Henry Westons vintage cider 8.2% and three Tennants Supers last night.
I'm the nasty bastard who takes your car away when its not taxed ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:12,
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all i had was a good old
nag from the girlfriend :( now we have to go shopping today as well!
Sir T. Skellington ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:15,
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I'm the nasty bastard who takes your car away when its not taxed ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:16,
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its worse then that...its cloths shopping... "no dear...you dont look fat"
Sir T. Skellington ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:19,
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Run for the hills.......................
I'm the nasty bastard who takes your car away when its not taxed ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:20,
archived )
run for your life!!!
Sir T. Skellington ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:21,
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Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:23,
archived )
thats ok, you're not alone
my first question was gonna be "Shat on the carpet yet"?
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:12,
archived )
Attack, attack,
poke, poke (groan)
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:12,
archived )
I miss the 12 puppies my red setter had...even if they did smell awful! so much poo! 'ning all!
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:11,
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Did you
Sell them to the local Korean resturant?
I'm the nasty bastard who takes your car away when its not taxed ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:12,
archived )
certainly not!
how could you accuse me of such nasty things *goes to hide evidence*
TopUpTheTea you ain't seen me, right? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:17,
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Kung Po Puppie
With rice noodles............. ...........YUM!
I'm the nasty bastard who takes your car away when its not taxed ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:18,
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eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:26,
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Fwuffehs the lot
Guineapiggy Fuzzeh! ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:03,
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drown them
before it's too late
butchbint ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:19,
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oh my god
fluff ATTACK!!!
urbane legend i have known the inexorable sadness of pencils ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 12:23,
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Vader does 'Reality TV' - Episode 6 - and tempers are getting out of hand...
The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:58,
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they . . .
are the best - quite simply - w/y/h!
Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:01,
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I like these, muchly!
Smokey Bacon Crisps smell good ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:05,
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Classic series.
JPaddy ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:06,
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..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:11,
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just a very "quick and dirty" roast from last night
NSFW one for your hangovers
Sir T. Skellington ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:56,
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Add speech bubble to taste...
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:42,
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that `I-robot`the childrens film foundation version by any chance ?
Tyronne Get To Falkirk ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:48,
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I realise pointing out plot holes in American action movies is a bit fish in the barrel,
but in the bit were the robot hid amongst all the other identical robots all lined up in a perfect grid and Smith had to figure out which one it was, wouldn't it be the robot that's standing next to the one that was already there?
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:56,
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that in the future even the robots are stupid.
Tyronne Get To Falkirk ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:00,
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Aiiiiiii !
(Peroast )
Tetra2005 = Cupid Stunt ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:35,
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Is it 'cos he has a black neck?
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:38,
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Tetra2005 = Cupid Stunt ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:43,
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yes i did wonder what happened to the robot sonnybot must have replaced
monstrinho do biscoito teeeshurts = www.nogunarmy.com ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:37,
archived )
also at one bit he gets out his car and it slides through some door thing
into a big car park type majig and gets twisted round so it's all vertical and stuff, what if he left is coffee in there, it'd be all over the dashboard
UltimateStoat thanks you for helping him help you help us all ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 11:49,
archived )
they have already planned this for all future parking, and are merely getting us into the 'right frame of mind' for parking our Audi's vertically in a big fuck-off parking.... placethingy. Stuff.
Tetra2005 = Cupid Stunt ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 16:22,
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tell your fortune mug?
xaniac ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:18,
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Very nice!
Vulthoom ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:23,
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nice subject
spacehog ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:28,
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Another day, another hangover, no idea what this is, but liked the tat posted earlier tho, threadwaste maybe but not like owt else is goin on really is it, how is everyone (sips coffee, breathes)... edit: Sorry, " 'Ning "
..wil ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:31,
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That looks like bad luck!
Death by snake bite? Woo yay anyway!
RedWine President of the S.C.U.M. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:31,
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I just made the snake & made this weird thing then thought it looked symbolic of arcane bullshit so I stuck it in a crystal ball
xaniac ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:38,
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Yep, looks much better
in a crystal ball. *Looks for any snakes under the table*
RedWine President of the S.C.U.M. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:44,
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edjogs Collared doves are shit. ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:53,
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When I saw this, the opportunity couldn't be missed
OnionTerror is a bag full of sick ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:18,
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unless you work in the minge industry.
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:20,
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work? on a sunday?
what were they thinking?
Angry Pierre likes his Guinness ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:22,
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i know! the nerve of it!
/at work in 2 hours
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:23,
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i have work at 11
hypocrit i am
Angry Pierre likes his Guinness ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:25,
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pair of unfortunates
spacehog ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:29,
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ah, but this is internet work for me.
this involves putting some trousers on and opening dreamweaver for 4 hours. leaving the bedroom is optional.
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:30,
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in that case i should be at work too, but i won't be. i admire your willpower, at least it's not sunny
spacehog ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:31,
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Trousers? For Dreamweaver?
Are you quite mad, sir? It's Bermuda shorts or nothing, according to the manual. (edit: how odd - I've not used the "quite mad" phrase for ages, and I look down the board and there it is. I can see it's going to be be one of those sundays...)
Fronds are waving gently on ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:55,
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I prefer the term "student lamer"
Angry Pierre likes his Guinness ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:32,
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That's kind of what the caption implies...
OnionTerror is a bag full of sick ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:23,
archived )
well, it could have SFW if it was tasteful.
honest. *adds bookmark*
lazygamer VS tittybiscuits ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:27,
archived )
can't ignore the foot sensitive people
Angry Pierre likes his Guinness ,
Sun 12 Jun 2005, 10:27,
archived )
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