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[challenge entry]

(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 23:50, archived)
# My urethra burns
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 23:59, archived)
# Can a Rooster Cockburn?
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 0:06, archived)
# Franklin?
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 3:57, archived)
# you're in trouble now?
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 9:28, archived)
# What are you accusing me of?
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 9:51, archived)
# Meanwhile, in Tobruk...

(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 20:20, archived)
# Oymyakon (Siberia)--coldest inhabited place on earth.
Many frostbitten ears, no doubt.

(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 18:12, archived)
[challenge entry] Top of the Toffs
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 17:11, archived)
# Daddy sends hugs
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 18:04, archived)
# Great Scott!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 14:47, archived)
# Doc... the insurance...
you paid it, right?
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 17:55, archived)
# Facebook would've probably never got popular....

Click for bigger (143 kb)

If they had just stuck with their original plan.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 13:58, archived)
# :)
But Assbook might have succeeded
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 15:01, archived)
# haha tops
I once met Dirk Benedict in Cardiff. Bloody ruddy nice fella he was too :D
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 20:04, archived)
# It's all about that there (Mr) T Witter, these days...
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 21:21, archived)
# Okay, well maybe not THAT low.....
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 13:25, archived)
# Managed to find that page
Further down, there is the usual pic of the terminus with the LLA logo.
Funny how it looks as though it was originally designed to look like three 'L's with the last one knocked over by a low-flying aeroplane.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 13:43, archived)
I like the way they say 'Pilot Confusion' but not....'Piss poor labelling by Portuguese airport workers'.
You'd think they'd just paint in big numbers on the tarmac "Distance to end of runway 780 metres" (eg).
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 13:46, archived)
# You're right, I want my pilots to be standing up over their controls, craning their necks
and trying to read what's painted on the runway while they're taking off.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 17:44, archived)
They do. They also have windows that open at the front. I shit you not.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 17:54, archived)
Oh and BTW I live only a few miles from Luton, have friends that live in the town, and regularly pass through it.
It is in no way part of London. Nor is Stanstead. And Gatwick is probably as far out from the M25 too.
It's honestly quite a stretch to call these London airports.
They are about as much London airports as Calais is a Dover port.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 14:45, archived)
# raises the question of how far London will expand/spread
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 21:35, archived)
# I think you must be the only person in the world to have noticed this fact.
It must be because of your fascinating personal connection to Luton.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 23:36, archived)
# I never realised Trump's hands were so small.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 13:08, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 9:59, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 9:24, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 6:37, archived)
# it's the arts
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 6:43, archived)
[challenge entry] The brave brave brave brave brave Sir Robin.....my hero.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 18:14, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 19:43, archived)
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 23:14, archived)
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 3:27, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 1:13, archived)
[challenge entry] Your source for horse:
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 3:26, archived)
# beautiful
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 20:05, archived)
# o/'
(, Sun 26 Jan 2020, 3:27, archived)
# 10 / 10, would use as desktop...
(, Mon 27 Jan 2020, 10:45, archived)
# Things I do when I'm bored
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 2:27, archived)
I see you on /casualuk :)
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 11:14, archived)
[challenge entry] Not sure which...
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 21:57, archived)
[challenge entry] ...compo to enter!
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 21:58, archived)
# the one where you change a letter
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:48, archived)
# Also the one with the flying circus
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:54, archived)
# T · R · I · E · N · D · S
The one where the two tri-human chimeras attempt to interface all six sets of genitals simultaneously to conceive an unholy spider-baby, with hilarious results.

I would 'shop this, but it'd never be as funny as a monochrome faceswap of Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May, so there's probably no point.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:14, archived)
# Rule 35 : If porn depicting two tri-human chimeras attempting to interface all six sets of genitals simultaneously doesn't exist, make it
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 1:30, archived)
# You stepped in......something...
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:51, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 21:28, archived)
# *squints*
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 21:58, archived)
# Shit
Why's it so big?
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:03, archived)
# Don't worry
when the mods wake up, they'll fix it
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:06, archived)
# I did it
Never using phone again to make stuff
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:12, archived)
# Well done
I made the same mistake once, phone screens auto re-size (which is great for viewing but terrible for uploading)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:17, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 20:19, archived)
# I can't see that
It's too small
Edit: Better :)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 20:23, archived)
# silent pill
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 20:30, archived)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:00, archived)
# MACS J1149 called, they like your pic
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:12, archived)
# What's your vector Victor?
I am sure the virus is a lot more tasty than the old drinks. The bubbles they used in the ads also look slightly like cartoon viruses which makes you wonder.
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 17:14, archived)
# Phallic bottom right...
Phallic; bottom, right...?
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 17:53, archived)
# 60p refundable deposit right there
Think of all the blackjacks you could buy
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 18:28, archived)
# And 'fruit salads'
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 18:31, archived)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 16:37, archived)
# Fuck it's been a week... Time for home, beers and furious self-abuse.
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 15:43, archived)
# OMG remove the spiky hat first plz, LOL
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 15:58, archived)
# How do you know his head isn't even spikier under that hat?
Unless you already... ah, right.
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 16:02, archived)
# I am hoping!
*waits with baited breathe*
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 16:12, archived)
# You'll need to remove Barbie first. If you still can.
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 21:27, archived)
# There's room for everyone!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:27, archived)
[challenge entry] Yay!

(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 16:04, archived)
# I endorse this message
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 17:04, archived)
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:53, archived)
[challenge entry] Monty Peathon

(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 15:35, archived)
# Theresa May is Jeremy Corbyn's mum?
Who's writing reality now, George Lucas?
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 15:57, archived)
# Reality has become less plausible than George Lucas’s dialogue :(
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 17:58, archived)
# World's oldest 'boy'! Ha Ha!! XD
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:55, archived)
# Lolz
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 9:31, archived)
# gold :D
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 20:06, archived)
# +fools
(, Mon 27 Jan 2020, 1:03, archived)
Very good indeed
(, Mon 27 Jan 2020, 23:21, archived)
[challenge entry]
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 5:10, archived)
# And now for something completely not so different
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 5:37, archived)
# Actually....a FP on my birthday is very rare! \o/'
Isn't Life Spectacular?!!! Thanks b3ta! :)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 11:41, archived)
# Happy birthday or half-life or whatever it is an atomic creature has
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 12:45, archived)
# Radiate and fade away...
....Cheers! o/'
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 13:01, archived)
# Happy Olds day Mr Atomic
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 18:29, archived)
# Just a big toxic dust cloud now! Ha ha!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:47, archived)
# I'm going to chance a "I like this!"
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 10:22, archived)
# Your vote matters!
It's not too late to vote for my "Dark Side Of The Meat"!
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 11:43, archived)
# I see you didn't bother to shop Ringo.
Excellent stuff though :)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 12:16, archived)
# Ringo = 6 layers...no, 7 layers!
XD Ha Ha !!!
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 12:29, archived)
# :-) hurrah
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 13:14, archived)
# \o/-yay
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:42, archived)
# Winna!!
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 13:42, archived)
# :D Thank You, Sir!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:42, archived)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 13:51, archived)
# CHA!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:43, archived)
# PS: You killed the board with your 'best photoshop ever'
Now nobody feels it necessary to post anything.
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 14:41, archived)
# I'm sure Tribs has done the best shop ever. When I grow up, I want to be like him! :D
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:44, archived)
# Bonus points for anyone who knows the Beatles/MPFC connection...
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 15:41, archived)
# By George!
I can't for The Life of me remember.
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 19:49, archived)
# There are quite a few
I think this is my favourite
Also contains bonus Neil Innes (RIP)
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 21:53, archived)
# XD Ha Ha!!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:59, archived)
# Two Pythons and a Beatle are in The Magic Christian.
And I suspect any other connection isn't as fun as that film.
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:27, archived)
# Music!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:44, archived)
# ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
n1 m8!
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 16:41, archived)
# Thankx Friend! o/'
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:45, archived)
# Well this is all of the wonderful
(, Fri 24 Jan 2020, 22:01, archived)
# It's insanity.
Made myself laugh. :D
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:46, archived)
# Ace
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:20, archived)
# o/' Cheers, cheers!
(, Sat 25 Jan 2020, 0:46, archived)
# Ministry of Abbey Walks.
Love it!
(, Tue 28 Jan 2020, 21:47, archived)
# \o/-yay!
(, Wed 29 Jan 2020, 0:41, archived)

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