My sister and I were always fighting. She's still got a large chunk of pencil lead embedded in her hand from where I stabbed her once. What's the worst you've done to your siblings?
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 12:46)
This question is now closed.

I luckily escaped serious injury when my five-year-old sister shoved my three-year-old head through a window because I was "getting in the way". Similarly when I rolled all the way down the stairs after shaking the stairguard loose one night after being told to go and fetch a toy I managed to come out unscathed.
Though not strictly a sibling my cousin once decided to twang the rope I was using to slide safely from tree to ground. Dropped twenty feet and ended up with a sprained ankle which my parents didn't believe in.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 6:08, Reply)

My older brother used to like putting our 10 year age gap to good use, with incessant teasing and goading. He thought the sight of me, his 3yr old bro shrieking and slapping him like a girl chimp, to be the height of hilarity.
One day the torment went too far - in a fit of red rage I grabbed a very sharp pencil and flung it at him. When the redness cleared from my vision I beheld my brother going NGEEEEEEE with the pencil somehow wedged under an eyelid.
No harm done, unfortunately.
Best of all Dad reckoned it served him right.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 6:07, Reply)

My sisters and I used to pound on each other with unerring regularity.
My father once interrupted a knock-down, drag-out fight that had degenerated into my middle sister and I on the floor, pulling each other's hair and attempting to bite each other. Furious, he dragged us both out to the garage. As my father had a ferocious temper, we were already terrified about what kind of punishment we were about to receive.
At which point we both burst into tears and swear never to fight again. It was (relatively) effective, too...I don't think we really fought again for at least a fortnight, which was a bit of a record in our house.
Not really a physical injury, but it left lasting emotional trauma.
Oh, yes. And I once beaned the same sister with one of the large metal shoe-sizing devices they used to have in shoe stores...gave her a nasty gash on her forehead, a black eye, and turned the white of her eye an angry red. My mother was absolutely horrified, not only that I'd done it, but that I'd done it in public.
Same sister swears that I held her down and made her eat ants once, but I don't remember it.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 6:02, Reply)

my older sister and i would tie up our little sister a lot.
this included tying her to the basketball pole with jump ropes and leaving her there for hours until our mother would come up and find her there.
tying her into the bed of the little red wagon and push her down the driveway and leave her in the middle of the street on her back in the texas heat for hours until mom would come home.
we also got really good at shoving her into cabinents and leaving her there for.. yeah hours.
we also learned a neat trick of tying her upside down by her ankles to an open door. she wasn't strong enough to pick herself up off the doorknob. and when she was able to lift herself up the door would swing and smack her in the back and she would go limp
while my sister and i would lay in the living room watching cartoons listening to
*smack* cry ...pause...*smack* cry.... pause
eventually my little sister wised up to us. and with the unfortunate gift of a baton from our parents for christmas,she soon began extracting revenge on us in the form of bruises and broken fingers and a near miss of a broken nose.
there was also the time we were leaving a restuarant and my little sister and i were racing for the car to get the front seat. and i intentially grabbed her shoulder and expertly took her ankles out from under her being the footie player that i am.. and promptly dive bombed her into the concrete. she slid about 5 yards on her face and stomach before coming to a complete stop.
as for my older sister.. i only really got her good once.
my grandmother had a small chest in her hallway.. and by small i mean it was about 2feet X 2feet X 2feet
and i told her to climb in and lets see if she fit. so she did and we closed it. and i hit the latch and locked her in. and walked into the living room. she sat cramped into this tiny space for about 2 hours until she woke up my mom who was sleeping in the bedroom next to the chest by rocking and making the chest hit the wall.
i got into so much troule for that and to this day she has back problems because of it
sorry for the longness
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 5:49, Reply)

I once convinced my little brother that hot peppers tasted really good. I cut a piece off of one and told him that I'd taken a bite. My mom was not pleased when my brother ran to her crying still clutching the half-eaten pepper in his hand. Made me laugh really hard though.
Once on April Fool's day I switched the sugar and salt. Him being four at the time decided he needed a huge mound of sugar on his oatmeal. Didn't go over well once he discovered it was salt.
I used to beat him up all the time. Too bad he's a 14-year-old hulk at 6'3 now. My fun's over.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 5:04, Reply)

My older brother used to wind me up when i was a lot younger and more hot headed.
Then a brand new product had come on the market the "Pot Noodle".
The dick wound me up, so i threw the molten napalm bomb all over the fucker. He never bothered me again.Funny that.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 4:46, Reply)

I've got 2 younger brothers, but it's the middle brother that caused & received the most damage:
- I pushed him out of a loft (several times)because it was fun to hear him hit the floor;
- I threw a brick at his head, resulting in an awkward doctor's visit for Mum;
- Gave him thousands of hits, scratches, punches;
- Spat on him, threw cans of cat food at him (they're good for bruising!);
- Kicked at him so hard that, when I missed, my foot got stuck *in* the wall plaster;
- He tried to belt the crap out of me with one of those door snakes/draught catchers, but it broke, showering the room with sawdust. So he tried to set me on fire with a lighter & shaving cream (of course, that didn't work!). So he went and grabbed his cricket bat.
- Hit me in the mouth with a plastic, pencil-shaped pencil case, which went through the skin and cut my gums. 20 years later, you can still see a scar!
- I have mostly psychological scarring, beginning with him pissing on me when he was a baby, through coming home from school to find my dolls stripped and mangled on the floor, then the typical diary-reading, then him stealing nekkid pics I'd taken with my boyfriend ... and showing his mates at school!
- The two of us also broke our youngest brother's arm - we swung him and flung him, and he landed on a 30cm square patch of concrete in the middle of a soft lawn. 15 years later, and he's got a bitchin' scar on his elbow that he uses to get sympathy from the ladies.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 3:01, Reply)

I whipped a stuffed bunny at my sister as hard as I could (she was 10 or 11 at the time). Unfortunately for her, it had a music box inside with a metal key for winding it up. So she got a big bloody tear in her forehead from a stuffed animal. We both told my mom we'd been "playing catch" with the rabbit. Because you never, ever tell mom what you were really doing. The enemy of my enemy...
Lucky for me this was a time before little kids got handcuffed, arrested, and charged with felonies for acting like kids. Back in the 80's we got something called "grounded" instead.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 2:41, Reply)

...when I was about five or six I was rough-housing with my brother in my basement. We were justing fooling around and wrestling but then things got vicious. My brother punched me in the nose and drew blood. I grew angry and picked up a nail from my dad's workroom and then proceeded to slam the nail into my brother's knee. Needless to say my brother was in great pain I was in trouble for quite some time.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 2:39, Reply)

We used to live on a very steep hill with another road intersecting about half way down. When my sister was young, I decided we'd play a "game" involving me strapping her in her buggy and letting her run down the hill.
Off she flies (screaming blue murder) and after careening over the intersecting road the buggy hit the kerb on the other slide and *SMACK* tips over her. As she was safely strapped in her she pretty much landed on her forehead, which still carries a dent to this day.
I also burnt her hair off, broke her leg, and nearly made mum miscarry her before she was even born.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 2:09, Reply)

never fought, weird huh?!
Mind you, she always did look adopted...
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 2:09, Reply)

about 8 years ago,i had a rubber bullet-firing,ass-whooping plastic pistol.I fired it at my arm and discovered that it fucking hurt.so,being the nice person i am,i told my brother that it didn't hurt at all.then i proceeded to chase him around,shooting him with ULTRA RUBBER BULLETS OF DEATH.i managed to shoot him in the arse a few times and a few times in the back,but the worst place i shot him was directly in the eye.according to him,i blinded him for about ten minutes...
rather worryingly,i bought that "toy" gun at a newsagent for $7.50.also, to fire it, you had to turn off the safety and pull the top back.a bit too much like a real glock if you ask me.
edit:oh yeah,there was the time my brother was chasing me while i was holding a toy rifle, i ran around a corner and as soon as he popped round,i smacked him in the face with it.7 stitches that day...
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 1:41, Reply)

who is EVIL.
2 days before the school photos she threw a spoon at my head, leaving a huge cut.
Her injury count is higher than mine, however.
In the past few years I have thrown a prawn sandwich at her, smacked her hard round the head with a hockey stick (on our 13th birthday), pushed her over on the sofa (she got her leg stuck down the side and cried), thrown letter openers, punched her in the back, winded her by hitting her in the stomach with the hoover, pulled clumps of her beloved hair out, hid under her bed then smacked her head just as she was nodding off, hit her with my hairbrush (that was yesterday), pulled her hair until her head reached the ground, sat on her (and farted), removed the plank of wood from the top bunk that prevented her from falling out (she fell out), put itching powder in her bed, kicked her in the face, told her to go in the back garden and poke the nest of flying ants with a stick, put twigs in her shoes, bent her arm behind her back, lobbed a tennis racket at her,pushed her over when she was standing up in her sleeping bag, threw a rabbit shaped doorstop at her head (sounds innocent - had a brick in it)...
You get the picture.
My personal favourite is the time I demonstrated putting my head through the arm of our little garden chairs and then pulling it out. She tried it and got her head stuck. I laughed for a good 15 minutes watching my parents trying to pull her while she cried. We would have been about 6 at this point.
Psychologically, I hope to have also done some damage...
When we were 4, I fell out of bed and pretended to be dead. She got a bit worked up.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 1:26, Reply)

It was 1976. For those that don't know that year the UK had an incredible heatwave, every kid in the country was sunburnt, fires started in fields (nothing to do with me!) and a drought was well under way.
I was 7, she was 6. We were in the sandpit. Dad had spent weeks building it. Cats had often shat in it overnight which meant Dad had fashioned a wooden cover for it. Being a helpful kind of child I had helped him build the cover....and kept the hammer.
I built a superbly crafted sand-castle. Turrets, little windows; the works! She found a previously undiscovered, dried-up cat shit and stuck it into my castle, ruining the aesthetic appeal completely (though I didn't think quite those words at the time). What I did think was, "Hit her on the head as hard as I can with the hammer". So I did expecting a comedy red bump to quickly appear like those in the cartoons, hopefully with little yellow birds flying around her head.
She collapsed in a funny pile with all her limbs seeming to have more corners than normal.
Went and got Mum and told her what had happened. Ambulance called....had to go with Mom to casualty with my sister. Fractured skull, concussion, general chucking up for two days. Dad got called back from working in Asia and went fecking ballistic.
We subsequently had a paddling pool, which was nice.
I'm now 35 and get on great with my sister. It definately affected her mind.
Oh, and I'm now a priest :)
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 1:25, Reply)

When anyone asks me "Kryptik, have you ever broken a bone?" I say "Yes. But it was my brother's collarbone."
My brother [known on here as inquus] and I were messing around, what might be called 'horseplay' if you're very posh and use words like 'horseplay' and I rolled him up in a heavy woollen blanket. To stop him unrolling himself, I then proceeded to sit on him. With some force.
Now at the time, my brother was a skinny little man [still is], and although I wasn't very big myself, I was, at four years older than him, almost twice his height, and at least twice his weight. As I sat down, there was a snapping noise, followed by a whimper.
I quickly unrolled him, and started thinking hard about how I was going to explain my way out of this one.
Several hours later, he emerged from A&E holding an X-ray with his arm in a sling and with a reproachful look in his eye.
I also seem to recall persuading him, when he was very little, to lick the terminals of a 9-volt battery, after pretending to do it myself to prove it was safe. He denies this occurred, or if it did he has no recollection. I know I definitely tried to make him do it.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 1:14, Reply)

When I was ten, there was a particularly bad snowstorm. The snow was about thigh-high, and in huge heaps thanks to the snowplow.
My older brother (who was 30 at the time; we're 20 years apart in age) was having a hard time moving his car out of the driveway; the thing wouldn't start. So I stood outside in my coat and boots and laughed at him struggle to get the car going.
I forgot that he's a lot bigger than me, and was promptly reminded not to tease him early in the morning; he picked me up and and stuck me javelin style head first in a snowbank. My arms pinned to my sides and my legs up in the air, I couldn't do crap all to free myself.
My mom laughed at me for hours.
( , Fri 19 Aug 2005, 0:12, Reply)

My younger brother (I'm still six years older than him) once found a gum shield. Not that it was revolting enough that he put it in his mouth (after a rinse under the tap), he then asked me to punch him in the mouth to 'test it'.
Naturally, I was apprehensive about this "Are you sure" etc. so I popped him one and not realising my own strength, sent him flying across the room resulting in him being sprawled out over the bed.
Luckily, he wasn't hurt and we both proceeded to piss ourselves laughing afterwards!
I don't know if that was the worst thing I've done to him, as that might be the time I tied him to the back garden gate and stuffed a vinegar-soaked sponge into his mouth.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 23:41, Reply)

i was a weakling boy, so unfortunately, most of the sibling injuries were inflicted on me.
by my older sister, i was dropped onto my cot, which made contact with my head (explain's a lot).
one thing i can vaguely remember though, i must've been around 6 at the time, which would've made her about 8. me and sis' were in the garden, her playing on the swing, me picking grass and putting it in the trailer of my toy tractor. i accidentally stumbled into the path of her swing, upon which point, i was kicked by both feet straight in my eye. there was blood pouring down my cheek, and i was screaming for all i was worth. my sister, ever the resourceful person, grabbed one of my little sisters (clean) nappies and held it over my eye. she then took me to our mum, where she shouted "SURPRISE!" and pulled away the nappy covering my eye to reveal me and my blood & tears soaked face.
oh, and there was also the time she nearly burnt me alive by setting fire to a cardboard box i was happily playing in.
and the time i knocked out my little sisters two baby front teeth by accidentally tripping her down some concrete steps.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 23:34, Reply)

But my older brother thought it would be very funny to take it out and drop it in my drink.
I swear to this day that all I did was fish it back out, and he impaled his own hand on it. He still bears the scar.
(A couple of years later, I took the slide out of his motorbike's carb to jam the throttle on full when we were going racing, assuming that it'd flood when he kicked it over and not start. I didn't reckon on him push-starting it into the main road...)
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 23:09, Reply)

and we wore tight, tight jeans. I got my younger brother to put his hands in his pockets and stand with his legs wide apart (trapping his hands) I stood behind him and gave a gentle push, then watched him fall flat on his nose
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 23:04, Reply)

but i still knew that flicking lit matches into the hood of my brothers really cheap anorak was going to end in...well..flames.
he was wearing it at the time.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 22:37, Reply)

we were on holiday in jersey, and we were in this nice bed and breakfast for the next 2 weeks, and we had these uber cool bunk beds...
well me being 11, and him being 5, found it great fun to jump off them, being his turn I said yeah yeah i'll catch you just jump...
so the stupid cunt did...
so being the twisted bastard I am, decided to step out the way to let him fall stright into the stone floor :E
cue... next 5 hours in A&E with my brother with blood pouring everywhere!
he spent the whole 2 weeks with black eyes :E
but I think the littel cunt got his revenge by scraching the screen of my brand new game boy (this was back in 1993).
Bastard... still hate him to this day!
We aint got on since... I think I had something to do with it....
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 22:23, Reply)

Where to start ? locking my baby sister in the boot 3 years ago, telling baby sister when she was 5, that she was adopted (parents had to keep a straight face when telling me off) watching my two sisters throw each other down the stairs.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 22:09, Reply)

So it was that magical time of year-- autumn. After hours of "hard work" raking leaves, my brother and I reaped the benefits by jumping into the piles (we were 5 and 10, respectively). Soon it escalated to my brother jumping off the porch into one; I couldn't reach with my feeble powers of leaping and soon became frustrated. I told the brother to throw me off the porch into a pile and he gladly agreed-- keep in mind here that I had only the day before broken his Ultimate Remote Control Car. He hoisted me up and proceeded to throw me downwards, headfirst, directly onto the sidewalk.
He got no allowance for a year, even though my parents thought it was an accident. I know better, and do everything I can to antagonize him.
The most memorable was when we visited the local playground and he went on the seesaw with a friend. I was in possession of that most marvelous of toys, a golf ball. I was throwing it around aimlessly, and managed to score a hit directly on brother's temple at the high point of the seesaw. This resulted in a picture-perfect unconscious sideflip off onto the concrete. Magnificent.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 22:03, Reply)

When my sister and I were little I dyed her favourite dolls hair green and pierced many of its body parts, tied another one to a stake in the garden and sacrificed it, put moths in her bed, told her she was adopted, and distracted my mum while she was cutting her hair so my sis ended up with a squint fringe and looked like a boy. Recently I hid her make up, threw all her underwear into a tree in the front garden and clamped a bulldog clip on her nose which left marks on it for a week, and we still give each other wedgies...ah fun times
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 21:54, Reply)

First off: Decent Topic! W00 yay!
Secondly, the time I injured my sister quite seriously...
I was nine and she was eleven. At this time we had Micheal Rosen's Quick, Let's Get Out Of Here! Borrowed from the library, technically it was hers but I loved that book...
...and me being a little bastard did what?
Well, one night, she summoned me to her room. There she was in bed, half sat-up, half lying down on the pillows. Then she proceeded to scream at me that I should give her back the book, how it was her book, that I had stolen it etc etc. This carried on for about two minutes.
I then decided to give it to her there and then. I held it up vertically as if I was receiving the Ten Commandments from God - so what happens next?
This book is HUGE. It's about A3 size and even better, it's a hardback edition. With this, held up, it then gets thrown/slammed into her forehead.
Cue three seconds of stunned silence followed
by a piercing, shrill howling of immense pain.
I bricked it there and then while I could and tore down the stairs, past my upcoming dad who was tramping up the stairs to see what the hell had happened.
Ten minutes later, I was cornered by said parent asking me what had I done to her.
Two minutes after an uncomfortable silence, my arse might as well have been a fountain of blood after the thrashing said parent gave me for making what was an 'unprovoked and thoroughly nasty' attack on her.
Sadly, the twat (the parent) had only gone and not heard the vile screeching she'd given me beforehand. :(
Thirdly, I've had to rewrite and repost this because of my mangy sister! Reason being was I was browsing through the archive and then dinner was done. I went to go fetch the dinner and my sister, the evil one, the fountain of all sin, had found my entry and deleted it!:(
Width's still nothing, without length.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 21:53, Reply)

I was slightly intrigued with the idea of using everyday objects as weapons, such as bells, folding chairs, portable sets of cast iron steps...
So I was happy as hell when my parents had a window replaces, and the rather heavy lumps of cast iron that held it open in place came out.
My brothers head didn't suffer any real damage, fortunately, but I still see the irony in my mum smacking arse with a rolled up newspaper telling me how I shouldn't use weapons on another human.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 21:44, Reply)

He was a dumb as a post - still is - so it was a favourite game of mine to quiz him on books, world events and long words, etc and laugh at his stupidity. (Come to think of it, I STILL enjoy this). When he couldn't even think of a decent insult, words would fail him completely and he would beat me up.
Once when he wanted to play tennis with a friend he "ordered" me to go up to the 10th floor to our flat and get him a racket.
I played the obedient little sister and got the racket. I then launched it off the balcony, and hit him square between the shoulder blades.
I have no idea how I hit him. It was one of those moments of blind luck and divine intervention.
The racket broke in 2 and he lay on the ground in the fetal position for about 45 mins before I went inside - finally bored with my victory.
I scare myself sometimes.
The following winter I fell through the ice in the river behind our flat (we lived in Sweden as kids). We were alone because we had been told not to play on the thin ice. He pulled me out and carried me home before I froze to death - basically saving my life.
He's still a stupid cnut though.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 21:18, Reply)

When I was about 10 and my brother was 7 we were playing outside with my new pellet gun. By playing, this meant that we would set up cans and shoot them from a distance. I was a lazy bastard and made him set them up for me after I shot them down. Well, once he was rather intent on not moving and being the little one I was, I threatened to shoot his ass. He still wouldn't move, so that's exactly what I did. Went straight into the flesh it did and as he stumbled back to the house, he stepped into some shattered glass and cut the hell out of his foot. How I laughed...
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 21:05, Reply)

I was about 10, she was about 3 and we were dossing about in the garden...
Remember those "Snakes" that you used to get that were black and white and you made in to a ball and shit? Well, she ran towards me, and I threw it at her...
It hit her on the head, and ran screaming to Mum...Naturally...So I told Mum she'd ran in to the tree. Yeah, honest...I never told her and to this day she has a scar right next to her eye that is about an inch long...
It's all fun until someone nearly loses an eye.
( , Thu 18 Aug 2005, 20:44, Reply)
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