Do you have display cabinets full of stuff? With it all neatly labelled, cross-referenced and entered into a database. Have you been to a convention? Do other collectors look up to you in awe?
I thought I was above this one. I'm not that autistically geeky that I have a Collection with a capital C. But no, I remembered I'm hoarding away every version of "Inside Macintosh" ever published.
What do you collect? And why? I mean, what makes you do it?
( , Thu 11 Jan 2007, 16:52)
This question is now closed.

Once I put all all my CDs in order....of spine colour on the box, according to the spectrum. It was nice, but there was a lot of black.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 19:30, Reply)

I have about 40 of the bloody things from variouse places
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 19:09, Reply)

I collect BIC lighters. Only the ones with the pictures printed on them. I've been collecting them for years. I have over 200. All of them are brand new and never used. My oldest one dates back to 1994.
Talk about a fire hazard. Over 200 never used lighters stacked in perfect rows exactly 1 inch apart.
What can I say? I like small, colorful, uniformly shaped objects.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 19:08, Reply)

i seem to have a collection of guitar pedals that make funny noises going on. it shalt continue.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 19:00, Reply)

I decided to keep all of my tickets from cinema visits last year. I went to the cinema 62 times last year. Yes, I know Im sad!
I havent been to the cinema this year yet...I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 18:57, Reply)

If anyone has had a renault clio they will know that instead of a tempreture gauge they have a warning light that comes on when your car is fucked. This is why last year I was without a car for a few months.
When I was just getting into a period of car-less ness I needed to go shopping. No car thought I, no problem Ill just push a trolley back.
One expenively filled trolley later and I set off for home untill 20 yards from the supermarket "THUNK". The bastard supermarket has but electronic brakes on its trollys without telling me!
I was forced to drag all the food Ill have in over a month home, struggling across roads.
before I found out about the anti-theft devices on the trolleys I fully intended to return them . As the supermarket brought them in the one time I didnt have any other way of getting my shopping back, I now have a collection of shopping trolleys in my garage, all with the pound coin smashed out.
That'll lern the bastards!
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 15:54, Reply)

I have a 45 minute train ride commute to uni every day, was looking up the season ticket prices compared to my own (as I had late starts all week, and Friday's off) to normal prices and realised daily tickets left me about £7 better off.
To claim back travel expenses SAAS (The scottish "gie us loadsa money fur wir educashun" thing) ask at random proof from people. So thought best to keep them.
As I was in a class with new people I thought I would make note to them I would collect tickets (hey, it was a talking point) and I ended up getting carried away.
I now have about 1 and a half semesters worth of train tickets stacked, most of which have a note written on the back for whatever happened that day.
The saddest thing I find is my ticket price has went up about 40p over 2 years!
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 13:53, Reply)

I've collected one bastard of a hangover from last night. And found out theres a collection of carrots and stomach lining on the toilet floor.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 13:19, Reply)

I have four large bookshelves, which include:
- Most of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels
- zines from the early 90s' punk revival and riot grrl. Including my own.
- copies of Rolling Stone and other crappy rock mags from the late 70s and early 80s.
- some fairly cool old books like Wrinkles in Practical Navigation, How To Lie With Statistics (8th edition!), Archy & Mehitabel, oh I am quite the boho.
- The Kama Sutra, The Perfumed Garden, Fanny Hill, and stacks of bad "sexy books" including The Turkish Art of Love and Dr. M. Lesco Interviews The Swinging People. The photographs are every bit as good as they sound.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 11:56, Reply)

Reminds me of a guy I knew at college - had all his albums and tapes in order...of catalogue number !
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 10:43, Reply)

full size arcade games and pinball machines along with their associated parts.. oh and I collect hernias from moving the damn things around... Im an utter git.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 6:08, Reply)

of Australian currency.
You never know, it might be worth something one day.
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 4:57, Reply)

I used to collect books. Boxes and boxes of lovely lovely books. However, I also have the attention span of a cedar waxwing who's been at the fermented berries so I can't stay in one place for very long, and books are heavy, so I decided to take a few hundred of them in and exchange them for, well, other books... but the way it works is you get one for every 25 or so that you bring in. Now when I feel the need to bolt, I am less encumbered.
At the moment I've got it down to religious books, Penguin classics (goes without saying really), old psychology textbooks with humourous remarks written in, recipe books, and a really stunning and readily available (for a price) collection of pre-1984 Stephen King and Harlan Ellison.
(Also collected boyfriends but they won't fetch me much of a price on eBay as mostly they were defective.)
( , Sun 14 Jan 2007, 2:10, Reply)

...humourous anecdotes which my dad can use in his speech at my wedding in however many years time. Their favourite so far goes something like this:
One day when I was about 17-18 I had been out on the piss and had my taxi money stolen by some bigger boys. I decided I wouldn't ring my parents as they wouldn't be too pleased at having to pick me up at 2 in the morning.
So I began an 8 mile trudge home. I was quite pissed at the start so it went rather quickly. However the alcohol eventually wore off so I started to get a bit scared as I was walking down an unlit and unpaved road through the woods. I started hearing loads of funny noises, and after about 6 miles I was too scared to continue, bit the bullet and rang my my mum.
I called her and she got my dad to come and pick me up the 2 miles or so journey it was into the woods. I asked her to stay on the phone until he arrived; I thought it would help for some reason. He collected me after ten minutes or so and I went off to bed.
Anyway, the next day, I came down from my room and my parents were laughing at me. I asked them what was so funny, and my mum said that in my semi-drunken state, I had said to her whilst on the phone and walking through the woods that the squirrels in the trees were throwing nuts at me!
Oh the shame.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 23:45, Reply)

in things that i cant see and that might gain monetry value has never made sense to my spur of the moment stupid mind. so i buy collections of shite from time to time, and then flog it at a car boot a few years later for chicken scratch. im always pleased to get some small amount of money out of it. pokemon went, yoyos went, warhammer went, computer games went etc. im currently collecting vinyl from the 60's and 70's etc, anybody got any rock, funk or soul from said eras on vinyl they want to wash their hands of?
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 23:34, Reply)

I collect bruises. Noteably those that appear when hammered - you know the type, you wake up and WTF is that?!?!
My best was my forearm/elbow. I still don't know how/why but I spent a week not being able to use/bend it back at Uni - It never really occured to me that it might be broken/fractured.....
Length? Well, I've never bruised it ;-)
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 22:54, Reply)

I collect body parts, souls, hearts and minds.
Yours forever
Chuck Norris
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 22:52, Reply)

xbox, 360, playstation, ps1, ps2 in silver and black, same with the slimline, ds, ds lite, psp in black and white, snes, nes, n64, sega master system, dreamcast and an old atari.
I need a wii.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 22:50, Reply)

I managed to embarrass my friend at uni once, when I went to visit her. I can't remember exactly how the conversation with several of her hall mates started but it went:-
Beccy: "I've run out of batteries for my vibrator!"
Me: "What! All of them?"
Beccy: "Oh no, they didn't know I had 10!"
* What was particularly embarrassing about having 10 when just having owned up to having one, I don't know...
Meh! Do I look like I care?
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 22:31, Reply)

I used to collect premiership football stickets, in the early 90's when the breakaway first happened.
My neighbour still owes me 92 stickers from 94/95 season. I'm determined get them back one day. It's a matter of principle.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 21:20, Reply)

She collects whimsical pens. Her collection includes ones shaped like all sorts of elongate beasties, twinkly ones, bejewelled ones, ones that light up and make humourous noises, and ones that write in all sorts of weird inks. She usually buys a silly pen or two from the gift shops of places we visit. I think her favourite is her Tardis pen that plays Doctor Who noises. Today I bought her another one for her collection - it's shaped like a sword with a little dragon coiled around it.
When I was wee I collected weird things. It seems lots of small children do this - I think it's because they're still formulating their own identity (that's also why they copy bits of other people's personalities, because they're still not sure who they are themselves) and don't yet have anything that's really theirs. Hence a tendency to hoard develops. That's just what I think, though. People with psychology degrees can feel free to debunk me.
I collected milk bottle tops. No idea why I chose those. I had some vague idea, though, that they would one day be valuable, as milkbottle technology would no doubt one day develop to the point where the foil tops were obsolete. I now think collecting something just because you think it will one day be valuable is generally a lousy idea - it's got to be something you enjoy having. Plus, I really didn't take good enough care of them for something I was hoping would be valuable: I squashed them all flat (I think the reason I collected them may have been because smoothing out foil things is therapeutic and fun) and kept them all together in a big box. I made it to about 500, by which time my room began to smell of cheese. I then went on to collect corks. My parents prefer wine to beer, so it wasn't long before I had about 100 of those. They started to take up space and I got rid of them too.
I also used to collect marbles, which are a pretty cool thing for children to collect, as they are pretty, quite cheap and can actually be played with without deteriorating their condition. I had lots in all sorts of lovely colours, and dozens of marble-run pieces with which I had great fun making layouts. I gave them all to my brother when I was about 13 and he 7, and he quickly lost most of the marbles.
I collected Happy Meal toys still in their original packaging until I was about 12 or 13. I got them off my brothers, who considered themselves too sophisticated for the toys but were still too small to have an adult meal instead. I think they're still in the loft somewhere. Might make a fiver off eBay in 50 years' time.
I started collecting blue stones a couple of years ago. I still have all of my collection, but a few months ago I realised it was a bit of a rubbish gathering. Not because it was small - I deliberately chose something of which there aren't many kinds so I wouldn't get swamped with them. I decided it was rubbish because they were all stones I'd bought and not found in the field, so they were something any monkey could have collected. Admittedly, the vast majority of collections consist of things that are bought, but a rock collection ought to mostly be specimens you've harvested yourself. I still do buy stones from gift shops and rock and gem shows if I particularly like them.
Since joining uni I have started collecting dragon figurines. I never set out to - I just keep acquiring more of them because I like them. I'm quite discriminating, though: a lot of collections of [insert animal name here] models consist of many specimens that were acquired simply because they're of said animal. I only collect ones I think are pretty.
For the past few years I've also collected gaming-related gubbins. I buy the official soundtracks of all the games I have, and where these aren't commercially available I rip or download them where possible, and I burn myself 'best-of' mixes. I buy game character action figures where I can, which isn't often, as most of my favourite games don't have a toy line, or the one they do have is rubbish. Spyro, for example; the only Spyro figures you can get are plushes, which I don't want. I might if they were very well-made, but they're generally crap and are sold purely on the strength of the license.
Currently I have:
- official purchased soundtracks: Devil May Cry 1, 2, and 3; Lucifer's Call; Onimusha 3; Primal (plus the 16 Volt album from which the battle music came from); SSX Tricky and 3; WipEout Pure; Zone of the Enders 1 and 2.
- downloaded/ripped soundtracks: Beyond Good & Evil; Crash Bandicoot 2 and 4; Daxter; Digital Devil Saga; Jak 1, 2, and 3; Krazy Ivan; Ratchet 1, 2 and 3; Soul Reaver 2; Spyro 1, 2, 3, and 4; SSX tracks that weren't on the official soundtracks; WipEout 1, 2, 3, 64 and Fusion. I also have several mp3s from games I don't own, simply because they sound so cool. Nobuo Uematsu's One Winged Angel, for example, is an awesome track. It sounded great live at the Hammersmith Apollo.
- a couple of Dante (Devil May Cry) figurines
- Kain and Raziel figurines, though those are currently awaiting delivery from eBay.
- the Devil May Cry 1 and 2 soundtrack DVD/books
- all of the DMC comics that were published (4th one got canned, bums)
- DMC novellas and mangas. Not sure if the later ones have been published yet or not. Looking forward to the two films (one official, one fan-made but looking pretty good) as well. I bum DMC so very much.
- a lovely purple CD-carrying wallet (holds 20 discs) embroidered with Spyro, which came with the limited edition version of Spyro 2 - I think only a few hundred of those were made. Rather proud of that one.
- the biggest thing in of my gaming shit collection: a fuck-off cardboard cutout of Spyro that's taller than I am. It lives in my room back in London - if I'd taken it to Pompey with me (besides the logistics of getting it here) it would literally take up half my uni bedroom. I rescued it from the local games shop and carried it all the way home. The hardest part was getting it up two flights of stairs to my room.
- a Munch's Oddysee poster signed by Lorne Lanning and Sherry McKenna. I don't display it because Lanning's a hippy cunt. Plus, it's not a nice poster - the paper/cardy stuff is good quality, as is the print, but Munch is an ugly bastard.
- the pride of my collection: my copy of George R R Martin's A Feast for Crows was the only paper I had on me when I went to Videogames Live in November 06, so that got signed by everyone at the meet and greet. I have signatures from Michel Ancel (Rayman and Beyond Good & Evil creator), Bob & Barn (Primal soundtrack) and Tim Wright (WipEout soundtrack and creator of the Music series), among others. Still got the ticket to the event too.
Other misc. things I still collect:
- nice-looking dice, of all shapes and sizes. There's something pleasing about them.
- humourous badges, and keyfobs and patches for my flight vest. On one of the zip pulls I have a circuitboard from an old mouse I rescued. Looks pretty cool, and more hardcore than those cut and polished bits of circuitboard jewellery you can buy.
- out of print Fighting Fantasy books. I loved these as a child and still enjoy playing them now. They've republished a select few and discontinued all the others, so I now collect all the disappeared ones. They're pleasingly cheap, except for the rarest few. I paid £20 for my copy of Night Dragon, which if anyone else wants will have to be pried from my cold dead hands with a crowbar.
EDIT: Oh Jesus tittyfucking Christ, that's long!! I had no idea it would get that big said the actress to the bishop.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 20:55, Reply)

I don't collect a whole lot these days. My family and I have collected all sorts of junk over the years, including thoes fuckin' Beanie Babies. Of course Mom didn't jump ship at the proper time and is now stuck with depreciating funds, all balled up in a pillow case somewhere.
As for me, I used to collect Pogs... how fucking pointless. I swear man, all of those crazy "Slammers"... expensive stuff for a little kid living off of allowlance. So we got a billion of them, never used them for _anything_.
Nowadays I collect all sorts of anime/manga on my HD... nothing out of the ordinary for most people around here, so nothing special. DVDs... got plenty of those too.
My music collection is starting to grow quite a bit... I probably have 225+ albums right now. That isn't huge, but it is only going to get bigger. I loves me my metal music, man.
But the only fit of OCD I ever have is when it comes to organizing my music. My cd rack (which is simply the casing for the music) is in alphabetical and chronological order (by release date). Same goes for my cd binder (with purchased albums in front, and mixes next, then bonus discs last).
Hell, even when I rip stuff on my computer it has to be perfect. Always has to be ripped with certain ID3 tags and audio bitrate. And then I organize them all in my "PURCHASED ALBUMS" folder on my Media HD, alphabetical and chronological like the rest.
I have no real reason behind the compulsion besides the fact that I find shit quick.
And lastly I collect psychology textbooks...
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 20:38, Reply)

I have a theory on sexually transmitted diseases - they are like pokemon - you gotta catch 'em all!
Ahem, I have also spent many years accumulating a comprehensive collection of body lice.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 20:33, Reply)

Question of the weeks....unfortunatly they are starting to become rather boring
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 20:23, Reply)

I've started a rather good (in my opinion) collection of figures from films/anime/video games etc.
So far I have Enid from Ghost World, The rabbit from Donnie Darko, quite alot from Kingdom Hearts, Jimmy Corrigan, the bike from Akira, couple from Kill Bill and some from My Neighbour Totoro. Also 6 Little Apple Dolls.
I've started collecting Jagermeister merchandise too :)
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 17:44, Reply)

I used to keep a collection of the see-through inner plastic packaging pepperamis came in.
I kept them in an empty packet of 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter'.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 17:30, Reply)

Im not organised to have a meticulous collection of anything but i have over 200 cds (which i dont really consider to be loads). Gigs of tv episodes/films/pr0n. And a modest collection of games consoles (wii currently taking pride of place).
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 17:19, Reply)

I don't have a collection of anything, but I don't think I'll get a real chance at telling you all that I once snorted pepper.
Smells like fire.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 17:13, Reply)

between the ages of 3-7
barbies, and everything to do with barbies, sylvanian families (including some rare ones you could only buy in the states that were never played with) and playmobil (of which i had 2 large red crates of the stuff, including a pirate ship, wells and fargo stagecoach and full native american village of which i was very proud).
7-13: anything to do with star trek, small ships, big ships, posters, figurines, badges, all of which i sold when i realised i was on the verge of inescapable geekism. also, semi-precious stones, fossils and costume jewellry.
i stopped collecting things around then as my dad was planning to move, and didn't want to have to hire a van solely full of my junk.
these days its mostly physics degrees (i have one, only slightly battered), interesting injuries and pants (not other peoples, i'd like to point out, i just buy new ones more than i think is normal...)
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 17:05, Reply)

It's a collection!
I do only have 5 though, shameful for a 19 year old.
I should have more... I also want mine back.
( , Sat 13 Jan 2007, 16:54, Reply)
This question is now closed.