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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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So I spend money on old cars, Battered spends money on alcohol and alimony
what do you spend your hard-earned money on? Got a hobby? Got a business? Got a grasping girlfriend that withholds on you if she doesn't get shiny things? Got a boyfriend that withholds on you unless ahaha yeah, that'd never happen.

Hey, look at it this way, the bickering's likely to stay in the other thread.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:26, 313 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
records, trainers, whisky, videogames

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:27, Reply)
Apparently the average age of a gamer is 30 nowadays.
Seems the days of getting your latest Last Ninja cartridge at Ultima are as dead as mullets. It's all streaming this and downloading that. I miss the days when your computer would try to give you a seizure as it loaded Road Rash on cassette.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:29, Reply)
Road Rash on cassette?
Did that ever happen?
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:31, Reply)
There was a C64 game that was similar.
I'm probably getting them mixed up.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:31, Reply)
*c64 high-fives*

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:32, Reply)
*gets out light gun, fires up Robocop*
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:36, Reply)
Wizball or GTF
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:38, Reply)
Quazatron FTW

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:39, Reply)
House for the last 11 months
This will continue for at least another 12 months. I have discovered at the weekend that Wilkinsons are selling fruit trees for £7 though so ima plant me an Orchard at the weekend
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:28, Reply)
I wouldn't, they don't water them.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:29, Reply)
I will though
Couple of apple trees, another pear tree and some plums I think
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:31, Reply)
What I mean is, they all seem to be dead whenever I go in there.
Don't they have garden centres in the blasted wastes of the North?
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:32, Reply)
Yes, but not selling trees for £7
They looked OK on Sunday
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:33, Reply)
They'll have been delivered on Saturday.
Let me know if they're still alive next Sunday.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:34, Reply)
Will do

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:39, Reply)
link a brother up

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:58, Reply)
but like the sound of fruit trees for £7 a pop though, might pot some up for the back yard
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:30, Reply)
I also spend quite a lot on books.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:31, Reply)
I used to spend loads on books but seem to have stopped reading
Apart from on the shitter
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:32, Reply)
I spend way too much on books.
Especially since I tend to only buy hardbacks.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:32, Reply)
I've just read this - amusing & fascinating.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:34, Reply)
I just finished one of his

Very good, might read again. Just started www.amazon.co.uk/Backroom-Boys-Secret-Return-British-ebook/dp/B004FN1K48/ and am enjoying it.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:41, Reply)
I will read Lost At Sea.
Not too sure about that other one.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:43, Reply)
Ah come on any book named "backroom boys" would surely float your boat

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:58, Reply)
I'm running out of bookshelf space
gonna have to brave Ikea again :-(
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:37, Reply)
e-books are your friend.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:38, Reply)
I have the entire Sherlock Holmes books on my Nexus

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:39, Reply)
weirdly, I have them on phone as well
use fbreader on a HTC one
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:40, Reply)
I have 3 different ebook readers on my phone :/

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)
I just don't understand the attraction of e-books.
At least, not seeing as I don't commute by train.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:41, Reply)
That is pretty much the attraction
that and nipping out for a cigarette - you don't really want to take a book with you but your phone is fine.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:43, Reply)
I'm really more a propped up in bed reader.
Though I hope to eventually progress to an oxblood wingback reader.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:44, Reply)
Often cheaper than the printed version & save space.
I still buy printed cookery books & books for micro though.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:44, Reply)
do you really rate buying cookery books, other than that they look nice in the kitchen?
so many of the recipes are online...
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:54, Reply)
Yes I do. As I regularly make notes, annotations etc. in them when I have used a particular recipe.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:01, Reply)
I guess you have to quarter all the ingredient amounts

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:04, Reply)
They are also useful for standing on, if he needs to reach something down from one of the high cupboards

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:05, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)
god no
awful things, you spend your life looking at a computer screen as it is.

although I think part of my antipathy is because I read so quickly. i'd spend my life scrolling.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:43, Reply)
phones aren't really ideal as e-readers, but they work, sort of
the whole usp of the kindle etc is the e-paper screen, long battery life and doesn't wash out in sunlight.
If you like reading on holidays they're ideal.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:47, Reply)
i like the idea of not having 10kg of my 20kg allowance taken up with books
but the tangible pleasure of going to the airport bookshop and choosing 12 books for the week ahead is just NOT the same as a piece of electronic equipment.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:49, Reply)
Plus an e-book is only a licence to read
can't pass it on, and can be taken off you at any time if Amazon decide your payment is dodgy.....
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:54, Reply)
it's not a book
it lacks everything about books that makes them BOOKS. there is nothing bookish about a kindle.

I would only get one if I were going away for more than a week. and then I would burn it when I got home!
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:55, Reply)
I prefer them in digital, except for cook books.
With a Retina-type screen, they're better on the eyes, I like knowing how long i've got left in a chapter, I can look up a character/object/place on some books unobtrusivly, I don't do any rich-books but I'd imagine video'n'shit for educational would be good. I like that whatever device i've got, it's got my latest page read too.

Takes some time to get used to, but once you do, you don't look back.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:34, Reply)
A system for some kind of digital signage and transfer of ownership is what they really need.
A way of maybe attaching an autheticated author (say, if they've got an app open and are confirmed to be who they are), where they can add video/sound as well as pictures.

I understand how completely sterial that is, but I think it'll happen.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:35, Reply)
Records, decent booze, vanity projects.
Mrs tangle spends the rest on books or the kids (particularly theatre tickets for the kids, hundreds of pounds on theatre tickets.)
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:31, Reply)
By "records" I assume you mean "mp3s", grandad.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:33, Reply)
You can't skin up on an mp3
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:34, Reply)
do you know if that new mogwai album is any good?
Last decent record they did was the Zidane soundtrack. Pitchfork said the new one is meh.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:36, Reply)
I caught a bit of them in session on the radio the other night.
What I heard sounded alright, but they're not really likely to do anything ground-breaking and exciting now.
You probably already have all the Mogwai albums you'll ever need.

In other news, did you see Sunn o))) have a new album coming? They look to be approaching a peak...
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:41, Reply)
yeah I saw the new Sunn O))) one on facebook innit me nigga

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:44, Reply)
Apparently Afghan Whigs are putting a new album out
it's been 16 years, about time.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)
Wine and beers
Wine and beers

One of these days I'll start a business up
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:34, Reply)
This past month my tastes have suddenly changed.
I am capable of consuming both olives and whisky now, two things that made me retch up until quite recently. It happened so abruptly that I could practically point to the day.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:37, Reply)
I love olives but I hate whisky

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:38, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:41, Reply)
Any man who hates whisky loves the cock
Its a FACT
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:03, Reply)
peaty or sweet?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:41, Reply)
sweaty Pete

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)
Fucked if I know, old boy.
Benromach and Tomintoul. You previously suggested I try an Auchentoshan, which I did at the weekend.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)
did you like the Auchentoshan?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:43, Reply)
Yeah, it was alright. Perhaps a bit too strong tasting.
Still got a bit of a gag on the more whiskyish ones.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:45, Reply)
by whiskyish I assume you mean peaty ones

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:46, Reply)
I assume I do too, no idea, to be honest.
The other two are pretty mild without lacking flavour. The best adjective I can think of is the laughably poor "strong". Not strong as in high alcohol, but strong as in how a Stilton is stronger than a Danish Blue.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:48, Reply)
This might be handy then
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:44, Reply)
I saw that when you posted it on FB
Benromach and Tomintoul taste pretty similar to me, though that suggests they should be pretty different. On the strength of that, I decided that perhaps I'd be beter sticking to Jack Daniels.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:46, Reply)
I picked up a Blair Athol which should be similar to Auchentoshan based on that
It... kind of is, I guess.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:51, Reply)
You know, I know enough about wine to consistently pick good ones
but I rarely feel the need to talk about taste profiles or red berries, or floral notes. I just like ones that don't taste like paint thinner. I am applying the same logic to whisky.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:53, Reply)
Jesus, is that last thread entirely made up of rory and swipe?
I got bored scrolling after a bit.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:35, Reply)
Yeah, pretty much.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:36, Reply)
Pity they don't bill each other for the time....

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:38, Reply)
don't worry love, car chat and game chat will keep you entertained

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:38, Reply)
I don't really mind you two arguing
I was (perhaps naively) surprised that a 140+ thread appeared to be entirely you.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)
frog deleted the middle bit
that might explain it. anyway, we'd moved on from arguing, got into historical legal gossip and clothes.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:44, Reply)
He's like your gay best friend or summat

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:45, Reply)
he's definitely not gay.


prolly is.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:46, Reply)
Books mostly
Eating out somewhat, and booze obviously.
A cleaner.
Errrm... The rest is eaten by general "living in London" expenses, I suspect.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:38, Reply)
I hugely enjoy going out in London
but the missus and I were spending 25 quid on every round of two drinks on Saturday.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:40, Reply)
What were you drinking?
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:41, Reply)
Distilled dodo tears, apparently.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)
Cocktails and whisky.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:43, Reply)
I am smashing the backdoors off a bottle of red tonight

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:50, Reply)
I'm dry tonight. The missus is sick.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:51, Reply)
You are telling me
The things she did with that marrow still sicken me
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:52, Reply)
Haha, I ruined some nice pictures of her at NYE.
I'm pretty skilled at that.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:54, Reply)
Laminate them next time
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:55, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:06, Reply)
burn :(

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:13, Reply)
Just scrolled that last threAd, ffs Rory seems more obsessed tthan usual. I may have to have a word with his GP.
I'm getting a bike next month, that'll be the main splash out for a bit.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:42, Reply)
Pizza ent that expensive bro

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:00, Reply)
Music, Booze.
Bought a few bits of clothing recently and all.

Speaking of old cars I toyed with the idea of buying an alright looking mk3 Escort at the weekend but bottled it.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:45, Reply)
Old Fords are pretty expensive for what they are.
Get yourself a nice Talbot Alpine instead.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:50, Reply)
I'm recreating having an old car experience by currently owning an oldish car that's fucked.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:55, Reply)
Pretty close to it, yeah.
The only difference being you end replacing the "oh i remember those" and "my dad had one!" with "oh, that guy's got a shitty car".
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:00, Reply)
Beer/going out, and camera equipment.
Saving for holiday on The Continent at the end of summer.

EDIT: I'm old enough not to really need to spend money on music, as all the stuff I like I can download for free.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:47, Reply)
I used to spend it all on booze
Then I stopped drinking myself to death so I now spend my spare cash on my bike. My children spend most of it though. No-one told me I had to feed them, I thought that was just cats and dogs. My local supermarket doesn't even stock children food in the pet food section. I have to be creative.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:47, Reply)
What bike do you have? I'm after one soon.
Last was 1200 Bandit
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:49, Reply)
Specialized Allez
Ha you thought I had a motorbike, (I do an old X Reg Honda XL 250)
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:54, Reply)
Retard bike^

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:01, Reply)
Kids = expensive
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:50, Reply)
Ours is called Madeline, guy who sold her wasn't too pricey.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:54, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:56, Reply)
I Needham new one

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:58, Reply)
The internet requests
that you go back to drinking yourself to death
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:07, Reply)
Alien is a 70's film that isn't old

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:48, Reply)
It's in the future, that's why.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:49, Reply)
THAT'S why Star Wars is old then
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:50, Reply)
It says right at the start "A long time ago..."

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:52, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:53, Reply)
A long, LONG time ago.
So at least the early Eighties.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:54, Reply)
Can't be the 80's, there's no nonces in it is there?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:59, Reply)
Pre-nonce innit
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:59, Reply)
There's a incestuous little creep though

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:00, Reply)
poor R2

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:00, Reply)
He should never have finger banged that toaster

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:06, Reply)
not even got 2d to his name

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:07, Reply)
Missed this
It deserves recognition...

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:34, Reply)
Blade runner.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:04, Reply)
80's ^

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)
In order of magnitude:
Income tax
Food and sundries
Miscellaneous bills including but not exclusively council tax, insurance, car/house maintenance, water, broadband
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 15:59, Reply)
I think I pay more mortgage than income tax

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:00, Reply)
I'm guessing tbh a rough calculation brings them out at a similar level

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:01, Reply)
I don't see my birthday present on that list anyehere

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:02, Reply)
My lovvin comes for free ; )

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:02, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:03, Reply)
Christ, you might as well kill yourself now.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:07, Reply)
Well, actually, I'm just about to buy a new car. Well and old car. It's new to me. Shut up
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:01, Reply)
What are you getting?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:01, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:02, Reply)
I've thought about getting one of those.
Most of the old Triumphs at one point or another, in fact. Size issues concern me. I don't think I'd fit in one.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:05, Reply)
My neighbour has a stag

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:05, Reply)
One of my top four favourite ever cars.
Wanted one since I was a kid.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:06, Reply)
Thirsty motherfuckers, but lovely.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:06, Reply)
I think you will find its pronounced
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:10, Reply)
Why'd they have to call it that?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:14, Reply)
Manly, innit

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:18, Reply)

your head
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:19, Reply)
More space than my mx5,
I'm 6'1 and have no trouble. But you're a giant aren't you?

There is a comedy photo of me trying to get in to an old frog eye sprite. Got proper stuck, thought I was gonna break the steering wheel.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)
No, I've only got two inches on you. That's encouraging!

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:09, Reply)

o i
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:12, Reply)
My ex boss once got stuck in one of these on Christmas Day
His mrs took loads of photos before extracating him

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:11, Reply)
My first car was a Triumph Acclaim

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:21, Reply)
A friend of mine has 2 TR7's

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:06, Reply)
Silly Sporters
they are Roller Skates
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:09, Reply)
Oh yeah

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:11, Reply)
I used to think they were well cool when I was 10

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)
Like a really sexy wedge of cheese on wheels.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:10, Reply)
mmmmmm cheese

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:12, Reply)
I have decided that I my second old car shall be a Renault Alpine GTA.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:12, Reply)
They are sex on wheels
admittedly wheels that will fall off, and a cabin that is red hot but still.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:16, Reply)
Only 106 registered in the UK right now....

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:16, Reply)
I should point out that I am no longer 10

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:14, Reply)
Man your taste in cars
is just wrong, The TR6 is a much nicer looking car
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:15, Reply)
I might get a bigger estate
Thinking A6
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:02, Reply)
My dad has an a4 and loves it, but wishes he'd bought the a6 for the space.
Also, the luxury lights package that audi do is definitely worth it.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:03, Reply)
This will be an 'older' model so average lights for me :(

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:05, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:06, Reply)
Awww, the blue flashing sill lights are fantastic.
I like to nip round to dad's and change all his dash lights to purple and he hates it because he's old and forgets how to change it back.

If you can get an a6 the sports suspension ones are back breaking at times, get a 4wd standard if you can
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:09, Reply)
My V70 is excellent for a family car. Less cunty than an Audi as well.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:09, Reply)
I think Nakers is definitely an 'Audi driver'

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:09, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:10, Reply)
Mine was a bargain. I bought it with 20k miles. 2.4TD, auto, leather, nav etc. Estate in black,
I paid £16k for it when it was three years old. New, with that spec was over £35k.

Some cunt got spanked on depreciation big time.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:15, Reply)
We have agreed on too many thing recently
I think one of us needs to have a good look at themselves...

That's a great deal though, top car as well
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:17, Reply)
One of my schoolfriend's dads had one of those BTCC derived Volvo estates
It was a rocket ship.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:39, Reply)
See also... Saabs.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:42, Reply)
Sanitary pads and werthers originals

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:08, Reply)
Don't mix them up......

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:10, Reply)
How would I ever entice kids with a sanitary pad?
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:11, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:13, Reply)
'The Peed Piper'

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:15, Reply)
Urine a lot of trouble....

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:22, Reply)
Clothes, film, music, at the minute - gardening and DIY stuff, Good food and wine.

I like to travel where I can. Nice weekends away.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:12, Reply)
lets talk feet

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:19, Reply)
the long dark teatime of the sole, in your case

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:21, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:24, Reply)
My 2nd toe nails have gone all funny from running

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:22, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:22, Reply)
Proper weird nails and red underneath
Sexy as fuck
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:23, Reply)
It's because of deviants like you that whenever your google a famous lady's name, there is always the word 'feet' in the list of autocompletes.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:23, Reply)
is the lady Sian Williams?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:30, Reply)
or Hope Sandoval?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:30, Reply)
Salt and Pepa's follow-up something something.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:43, Reply)
Most of my spare cash goes in Boots.
Unfortunately, no matter how much makeup I buy, .... you can finish that joke yourselves.
Also, craft stuff, which I then put away in my craft stuff collection and think about (but never actually get round to) using.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:30, Reply)
thank god
someone to counteract the tedious shite up there.

boots is lethal. you go in for a packet of extra and come out having somehow spent £90.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:31, Reply)
Oh I am so sorry for the conversation that lots of people were involved in

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:34, Reply)
so you should be

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:34, Reply)
Gee, I wonder if it's wading through tedious circular arguments that's stopping people posting?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:38, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:40, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:41, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:42, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:44, Reply)

ad infinitum
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)

It's like being on a playground, it's tragic.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
sorry I nodded off there

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
Oh and to my shame
I really like the 300ZX, but its hard to find one that hasn't had a fucking shit body kit put on it.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:44, Reply)
I nearly bought one of those from my mate for £3k many years ago

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
They are such a twats car
but I love em, with the targa roof. (and a great auto box) 3 lt V6
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
They broke it not long after
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:47, Reply)
sad times

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:52, Reply)
Which model? The wide 90s one is a favourite of mine.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
yeah the Z32 chassis
in black with leather seats... (always go for the auto box as its a beaut)
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
I don't like slushboxes.
I do love those cars, though.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:50, Reply)
Its better in that car
due to the clutch being a bit fragile on the manual,
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:51, Reply)
I like the gunmetal grey.
Oh, now I want one. Damn it.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:53, Reply)
I think we have had the Auto v's Manual argument before as well :)
They are really nice, and I would say an in-between step to the alpine
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:55, Reply)
Hmm, this shall be filed away for later reference.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:57, Reply)
Its not quite there
but things like the lights and shape hint at it, (without having to spend 20k odd)
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:59, Reply)
My downfall in there is that I can't wear cheap and nasty skincare or foundation, or my skin starts to explode.
However, I can very rarely leave Boots without spending *something* on eye makeup.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:37, Reply)
I actually heard you earlier
You are right about your accent
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:37, Reply)
You can't possibly imagine how galling it is for a Scot
to sound THAT English.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:38, Reply)
Mr b3th sounds proper West Country ZYDR
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:39, Reply)
He's actually from Kent originally
but he's been over here for about forty years.

We sometimes meet people even now who recognise his voice from the CB radio back in the eighties.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:42, Reply)
Our receptionist introduced him as "a weird bloke called xxxx"

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:45, Reply)
And that was his posh telephone voice too.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
I thought he might appreciate that

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:47, Reply)
Having only met you the once
the idea that somewhere under that voice is a weegie is hilarious.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:41, Reply)
Ah'm no' a fuckin' WEEGIE, a'right?
Awa' an' pish.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:43, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:43, Reply)
You all look the same to me.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:44, Reply)
I too sound well-spoken English.
Private schools and 12 years down here are to blame.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
typical scot
blaming the english
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
I didn't even go to private school.
My RP accent comes from being a forces brat.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
skin care is worth spending good money on
unless you are actually going for wrinkles as a good look
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:45, Reply)
I just got my first proper eCig today, you can change the bite'n'stuff, it's quite good so far, haven't had a fag since I got it at mid-day which is good for me.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:36, Reply)
Do they actually taste the same or give the same effect?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:37, Reply)
Just be careful with those, eh?
There's currently no EU regulations as to what you can put in them, so some of them might be just as bad as ciggies.

Plus, they do still contain nicotine, which is why they're easy to move over to.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:40, Reply)
nicotine in itself isnt a harmful thing
just a mood thingy, its all the shit that goes along with it in real tabs...

Mmmmmm that tasty tasty shit
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:42, Reply)
Oh god now I really want a cigarette.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:44, Reply)
There's about 2000 chemicals in a cigarette
including formaldehyde.

Which makes it all the more weird that smokers look so much older than the rest of us.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:44, Reply)
I dont.
I look early 30's when I am very late 30's
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:45, Reply)
What does "2000 chemicals" mean?
An orange contains no e-numbers.

Half an orange contains loads.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
Rechecking my training notes,
it's actually 4000, 65 of which are carcinogenic.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:54, Reply)
Yes, but what constitutes "a chemical"?
I mean - how many "chemicals" are in the human body, for example?
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:56, Reply)

so less than 2%... seems fair.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:56, Reply)
^ this is what i keep telling frog ^
he has clearly died of chemicals and so isn't around to read this
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
Just give up.
Those ecigs are exactly what they're substituting - a dummy.

I love smoking. Either smoke or don't. Those things are stupid.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:43, Reply)
Smoking rocks 5's

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:45, Reply)
Oh christ, now I'm agreeing with vag.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:48, Reply)
Quick - start smoking!

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:49, Reply)
Bit late for that.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:52, Reply)
THe trouble with cold turkey is you actually have to want to give up.
I did and I gave up. Without actually wanting to quit you're primed to take it up again the very second it gets remotely unpleasant.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:50, Reply)
How are you ever meant to give up without wanting to give up?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:53, Reply)
You can't. But people pile pressure on you to quit and so you feel you should.
Or something, I dunno I'm no psychologist. Leave me alone. Fuck.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:55, Reply)
Just stopping is how I did it too.
It took three separate attempts but have finally kicked it now. Except when it's a joint.

Don't even smoke when I'm being social any more.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:55, Reply)
Don't really want to quit though, "Perfect drug through dirtiest needle" and all that.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:27, Reply)
Let's talk meat.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:42, Reply)
Hot sausage action

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:44, Reply)
I love a good bit of meat, me.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:45, Reply)
I had some rather nommy ham for lunch
I may have chicken tonight. If I feel like it
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:46, Reply)
I'm tempted to have Chicken Kievs for tea tonight.
I love a bit of decadence every now and then.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:56, Reply)
I'm doing a bolognese tonight.
I've had curry, in some form or another, practically every night for the past 2 weeks.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:57, Reply)
I'm doing curry tomorrow.
Dunno if I'm doing slow-cooked duck or just a normal chicken job yet though. The supermarket will decide this for me.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:58, Reply)
I did a veggie balti
last night (using satans chicken Quorn) it was fucking great
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:03, Reply)
Quorn "chicken" is alright. I imagine more people would eat it if it was less expensive.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:05, Reply)
i went to a place called the modern pantry for a client do today
I can highly recommend their sweet potato fritters with herby yoghurt as an alternative to your animal carcass
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:59, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:04, Reply)
I like meat.
I had some lovely sausages in Ireland, with gin in them!

Doing a nice slow cooked, diced beef chilli at the weekend too. Canny wait!
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:56, Reply)
Let's talk EBM.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:47, Reply)
Electronic Bummers Music?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:55, Reply)
Extendable Bulldog Markers

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:57, Reply)
Oh, like them pet leads?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:58, Reply)
For drowning kittens?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:59, Reply)
I dunno, you said it!

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:04, Reply)
Extreme Bowel Movements?

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 16:58, Reply)
Gonz's orchestral movements in the dark tribute was in a word, shit

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:01, Reply)
bravo that ape
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:05, Reply)
For a thread containing both car AND whisky chat, this has done remarkably well.

(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:01, Reply)
I like car chat
Whiskey can fuck off though
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:03, Reply)
I'm reading about a 1959 Ford Thames campervan.
That do it for you, Nakers? 'Course it does, you dirty bitch.
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:09, Reply)
let's talk street
(, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 17:11, Reply)

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