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# Well if the good guys can change gender why not the bad guys?

edit - yes I know - very Larson
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 18:31, archived)
# The Dalettes - a fine dance troupe.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 21:58, archived)
[challenge entry] Wibble, wibble
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 15:37, archived)
# He's such a simpering floundering bumbling twat.
Like / Is it book 1 of 316 ?
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 16:02, archived)
# Isn't he just!?
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 16:34, archived)
# sorry, what was the question?
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 16:55, archived)
# Nice blah
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 17:46, archived)
# Nice pair of blahs
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 20:31, archived)
# "New tits".
"That's Weird".
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 17:55, archived)
# :D Really enjoy your posts Ninj
Any more horrible Tories planned? :)
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 18:53, archived)
# Ooh cheers! :)
Dunno yet, there could be ;)
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 21:47, archived)

Was Tealord's idea and I had a quiet lunch, so...
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 14:40, archived)
# nice
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 14:41, archived)
# :) tip top
likes n clicks
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 14:59, archived)
# nice
to any haters, i have just 2 words: Michelle Gomez.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 15:29, archived)
# Super
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 16:11, archived)
# I'm sure the Stone Roses had a song about this
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 14:39, archived)
# he's coming to get you, barbara
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 15:30, archived)
# Picky but...
1940 with an O instead of a zero?
2017 both ways?

Call the Font Police ;-)
(, Tue 18 Jul 2017, 8:50, archived)
*scuttles off to brush up font matching skills
(, Tue 18 Jul 2017, 9:28, archived)
# Naughty I know.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 10:17, archived)
# Arf!
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 10:41, archived)
# but if I can refer you to the Ultimate Monster Guide, Edition 11, Page 36, First paragraph

(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 10:14, archived)
# the new Doctor will beat the Daleks by simply not talking to them.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 11:45, archived)
# They know what they did.
She shouldn't have to tell them.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 12:11, archived)
# I now have an image of Jodie Whittaker in my head
brandishing a penis like a baseball bat and smashing Daleks to pieces :D
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 11:46, archived)
# There's always a spare penis on the Tardis

Just check the trophy room.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 11:51, archived)
# Or alternatively, just recruit this one again.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 11:55, archived)
# i thought he was funny
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 15:31, archived)
# He was :) ...but he also has a penis
aka. a male companion / assistant.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 15:42, archived)
# the combination of bald head and wool hat makes me want a dippy egg and soldiers
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 16:04, archived)
# i got that book for christmas last year
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 16:05, archived)
[challenge entry] It made more sense in my head.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 9:13, archived)
# *does a sad*
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 9:39, archived)
# Don't be sad. He'll claw his way to the surface. Snif-snif. He will. I'm sure.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 9:56, archived)
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 3:44, archived)
# Did a paperclip. Because paperclips are my "thing" now...

(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 9:01, archived)
# Dr Womb
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 17:42, archived)
# a little balance
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:33, archived)
# All I ask is good stories for a great character.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:42, archived)
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:58, archived)
# problem with balance
is there either is or there isn't
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 0:05, archived)
# That's the balance.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 6:22, archived)
# alright auntie beeb
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 7:50, archived)
# You don't know you have it, until you lose it.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 7:30, archived)
[challenge entry]

edit - just seen barbarosa's brill FP
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:07, archived)
# Ta!
Nice take though ;)
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:21, archived)
# cheers
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:27, archived)
# waah, it's a girl, waah the Tardis will be full of bras, waaah, suck it up Broflakes
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:33, archived)
# I don't think the children who watch it will be bothered one way or the other
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:35, archived)
# according to the internet they'll all be turned in to feminazis and girls can't be doctors and everythings ruined
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:39, archived)
# Only people with blogs and 50,000 YouTube followers should be allowed to write scripts or come up with ideas for anything ever
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:46, archived)
# See also: I Can Do Ridley Scott's Job Far Better Than He Can
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:49, archived)
# To be fair a goat could have done a better job on his last 2 films
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:42, archived)
# Not on the directing front.
Although he probably should have sent the screenplays back, and told the writers that this is their last chance and if they don't get it right this time he'll give it to a class of 4 year olds because they seem to have a better idea of how plots and characters work.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 12:24, archived)
# Plenty of jobs for them driving the metro though.
So there's that.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:24, archived)
# Arf
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:52, archived)
# They should probably call it Nurse Who now, innit.
/ end misogyny mode
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:21, archived)
# If the show was called 'Blokey Geezerman Ain't No Bird' I could understand why some might feel aggrieved.
The character changes, always has, and this particular change has been touted since 'The Doctor's Wife' back in 2011.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:37, archived)
# Unfortunately some people will be clamouring
To see the Doctor shag her companions. Rather than fighting space Nazis, overthrowing galactic tyrants, and saving the universe.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:46, archived)
# Fanfic has been all over that shit for years.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 23:10, archived)
# If there was a show called 'Blokey Geezerman Ain't No Bird' I would watch it.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 6:30, archived)
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 10:51, archived)
# I must admit I did wonder..
Since Dr Who has been a man for 900 years and now is a woman, would he have a peak in his trousers, or cop a feel of himself? You know, because most 900 year old men would, wouldn't they?
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 11:55, archived)
# I imagine they will in the same way they would have a go on their new willy
and by that I mean, it's a fictional character that doesn't even go to the loo so no they probably wouldn't do that at all
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:03, archived)
# Oh I'm sure there'll be a whole episode about learning how to walk in high heels, etc
with hilarious consequences!
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 13:35, archived)
# Hold on, is there anyway of pausing this regeneration for a while?
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:26, archived)
[challenge entry] Don't drink and fly
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 16:56, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 16:58, archived)
# Haha excellent!
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:19, archived)
# Hahaha!
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 21:49, archived)
# Fantastic stuff.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 20:55, archived)
# Quick and seamy
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 16:51, archived)
# I'd forgotten that they were announcing that today.
*Googles to see which one of them it is*
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 17:01, archived)
# Officer Wong extend Wong arm of raw
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 14:00, archived)
# You used to have to be 6 foot tall to be a copper
Now it's your wing span has to be 6 foot. Tory cuts probs.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:12, archived)
# A three-ft cop with six-ft wingspan could probably fly for short distances
I'd call that a plus
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 21:26, archived)
# Just been staring at a tattoo on someone's shoulder,
wondering why on earth they'd have a Dog wearing a cone of shame inked on their arm.
Eventually realised it was meant to be a wolf howling at the moon.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 12:32, archived)
# Heheheh
This amuses me
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 20:38, archived)
# Add some badly-translated kanji and you're sorted...
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 22:41, archived)
[challenge entry] Topical...

(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 7:51, archived)
# :D excellent!
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 9:21, archived)
# did this at the time :-)
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 18:12, archived)
# This is the statement of that decade.
(, Mon 17 Jul 2017, 0:10, archived)

Rest easy, queasy--the arms are Halloween gag props shown on ebay. I gave up the idea of dismembering
someone just for an image. Seemed wasteful or something, if not illegal.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 5:41, archived)
# pfft
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 7:09, archived)
# Anusageddon???
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 7:17, archived)
# I shudder to think of that one
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 7:39, archived)
# It'll tear you apart.
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 12:25, archived)
# I think that's wasteful, if not illegal
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 13:35, archived)
# Is this under Cloud City?
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 14:59, archived)
# genuine lol here!
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 21:33, archived)
# Plus, it rolls off the tongue more easily then asophagusageddon
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 20:40, archived)
# haha, yes--yes it does
and it's easier to spell, apparently ;p
(, Sun 16 Jul 2017, 21:32, archived)

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